1 ONLY 1407 octoe: 1311. THE DAILY NEWS t - r"5 GETTING TEMPORARY RELIEF? Correct Constipation Without' Dosing i odo. 'bulf m your ; It'" 'c 41 1 ,nRAN he ns vou fXur, naturally. Hut rememter, BRANtakesUme. Trveatmg delicious - ir nkoemvui " "-i , Convenient at your grocer , V,f , IIKUVUIU. m.. A,,-V j " Utaurant! uu" Lmduo, Canada. - I Timely Recipes CHOCOLATE FUDGE CAKE itaite uuu. sifted .urn Spoons double-acting bak-m. powder ( ,up our-ter or other shorten- squares unsweetened choco-iaie melted H e-s well beaten , 0aspm I mp u;.u vanilla i rp-non j. .:Up milk Bill .'.yji ":"'e measure, add iking c:wde and salt, and sift ether Ciree times, uream duuci roughiy ada sugar gradually, i .1 111 llnUi Ia rmm togeiner uiiwi .b.w . id ttuir Add chocolate ana Ua net, add egg ana vanwa. ia (lorn alternately with mliK, ! small amount at a time, beat liter each addition until smootn. fete : v?-- -a pan. 8x8x2 m:nes, imoderat? oven 325 degrees F.) hour c:ve caK wun iuage LtlM. MED FOR RENT tJGIODIOUS OFFICE ROOM Isnwt in uany buiidi (; .ilr.3 ai.;c if flee dc::k, cu,; It ted and chairs Possessioi lOc. 15. tf; FOR SALE Fluwer Stand for ln- (tf PR SALE Twilcd-top dctk, table c:ker linoleum. Phone Green OR (tf, SALE K xhen ratiKe. cx- 11cm c iid'iion Phone Blue (2441 OR SALE Plnn 7S- 2 small 1 dressers new condition. Annlv 1203 Sevpntrt Ave East between U--5 D m (9451 Dr. WANTED WANTED Phone Black WORK WANTED ELIAELE Colored Oirl With OK. r iuan view Pnwpii Rivpr nr. LOST 6T -LadVA pnlrl nrnon ttrtel. atch a) All Fnrno Hnnr. TP1m - va -V UUUVVi V ta4w Please phone Green 215 Rp. ard Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: WTALA EVEKY TUESDAY, 130 p.m. U Ue Vancouver Tliurs. n.m. CAtDLNA EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Mueer, Cha.lotte Islands Uavi"5 September 30, Octo-bcr 1 at 10 p.m. Tickets ad ltescrvations from FRANK j. SKINNER, f nce Rupert Agent "'" Ave. . Bm. irp thp can't imaeine anvone cuse for not supporting uic ,wm- RED SAILORS STORM ENEMY ISLAND IN THE BALTIC This actual war scene shows according to inlorraa on the sailors. They are Jumping from their boat -m en eaem, The communiques concerning the Nazi attack on Russla.i-held oesei . latest reports. EVERYTHING FOR CENTRE K. G. Large Discusses Swim' mlng Peol anil Civic Centre. thpre uieie are Uli: ."""J many whu to operate the machinery In con nection with the pooi. present cost "of living, we wouiu probably have to pay the Instruc tor and his wife more man as one ui a year, particularly liem would have to be on duty -onstantly for fear or acciaenw Incidentals are rather hard to estimate as they inciuae towe ,bathlng suits, antiseptics, ;tc. but the figure given is prob- ably fairly close. , "To offset this heavy expense estimate what revenue we tried to we could expect by compu.u.B for which we had with other pools returns. It seemed to the commit tee that $3000 was a very estimate and that would leave us - ri.lv nf at least a tnous- ...j j.ii.-- n vpor on operation. ana uuum - fVl. "Th first problem to i was how could we meet an annual deficit. It was obviously imposslb the service dbs to xPect wUh town to saddle themes task of such a nat a permanent to help expect them ure We might underwrite a losing preposition but not m rim. w solution was to find other sources need for a the and of revenue hall became Immediately evident. Thus the plan for a Community Centre embracing a basket-ball floor, gymnasium and swimming pool was developed. At first we planned to build the whole thing at once but it would mean delaying our project indefinitely whll3 we amassed the funds. The alter-, native proposal was to build the paying part first and thsn wo'k -w for a - swimming pool ' when we had something for the good of the u,n.,1f, hp Bt n,, hnvp t community ns a whole. Let me . fi)n,, bulld'ng pnrt t -mohaslze-there is not a psrson einH-srVr. -1 ",h,f l&.TSA'M hJ .100-rn. o. .h. .'i;r;';r. eervlce' or for aoy expenses ne wren u iun.-u or she may incur. I repeat, no hot moist oir of the smmin commissions or salaries of any pooi The oresent olan of b"'H'rir kind are being paid canvasser thRt 1hfl swlmmlnn; ' ' C"1CfrLlminaTool Pol ean be in a serrate unit is ... ch i dpserv- far more nractlcal and allows iw 'it OALC anDDV mtbsciiKci I -ine wtuuu Muvov... Ine. Apply V. O. Box 516. Ing of more discussion and Is tne to bulld by decrees. : Millar lsinat::n old proDiem 01 u owum"'& Many peoDie are 01 "'c that we should oe DuuaiaK rni mthpr than a hall. Some, of course, make this an ex "I hope I have made the prob lem clear. Be a 100 percent behind the Idea of a swimming pool for Prince Rupert. I J. can ua.. think of no better step in .1. . h1a1 ArtyvimlTTAP Irppn OUT IWL 'till LIltT 1UU" pianation. ine ccuuui - - went Into this question in great advance by practical steps. I want . . . n iUa rnct . . detail ana we wuniiiu . of operation as follows: "Heat $600. "Llght-$350. "Janltor-$600. "Instructor and wife $1800. "Insurance $60. "Maintenance $100. "Incidentals $600. -This makes a total oi Thp fcrobability Is experience as good cook'wouid be much higher, ine cosh I general, if L considerably. . desired, nlease state .,i h irnnA 1111 Plication nLPn'"cul".s . .. r m m you.r nr5t aP:Tt Is very doubtful If we could get I Miss Melton. 710 r tny nftw Hniiars a month i as I imagine he would have to have i n innrin ciass cik""-- - whv keen that old piece of fur- jnlture In the basement or the at- tic. Turn It Into cash by adver- tislne it in the "For Sale" column IhatThetjof The Daily New, Uf : i(. i.if.1 tv : It ; landing party compjsed of Baltic ., a..:. . cor. : c-v ( action in the Baltic Is attested to by iiand in the Baitic wh ch is still In Russian hands, according to ORGANIZING .WILL PLAY Hone Is to Have City League Com- Seven-Team Inter-Services League petition This Winter in Has Been Organized. Spile of Obstacles. Inter - Services A seven -team T7ri. nyn hsmir TttJinp i.( ) re- nuiiiL&iudu jt6ut . "Our canvassers reDort." said some wav of keerlne it in opera- . r ne-.crrr,WpH thrnueh the medium of ""6v' - nuw. in Hut j ketball Association tor acwvuj Civic Centre campaign last night, phants" in Prince Rusrt. This, during the coming winter to cope "that they have met with two communlty centre must be a fin- ith tne lack of winter sports in questions which undoubtedly anc,ally sound proposition or I. the clty and, wlth that end In . . . . . 1 pVifiniH ha a fart m TnO f 1 r5f. t v t i j 011v.u.u uc ...v. personaliyi wm nave none 01 11. vtew, a meeting is Deing caueu question requires only a word in individual tried to con- for this Friday night. The pro- reply mil let me mane mat woru. . nn.,,hle S1U1C, to IU uitKitc nnerate a CaoI Pnvo . as as emohatic empnauc as as I 1 ca can. . ou Some can- ..- - ..y,.r...Hiaf. intermediate nr Bowling Standings IntcrScrvices League W L 9 3 utni w v . Navy 7 Engineers 7 Dry Dock 6 c -Scottuh 5 No x ssured, we are all .5 ul(,ilOiJ - Medical Corps 5 Scottish No. 2 4 Pts palgn, DUl conscientiously feel that we are promotinB v the health of our young Cfnowchin SpillinCTQ and It Is to OteamSnip OdlIIUia mistake making a But let us also, them that I WISn wisn 10 to Hiaw mar.e u . , m- . . . .u A nnrl Uisr . T Mirr l a swimming pooi iuu uui, " 'one with a sign open at all hours, not closed lndefinteiy." jsssBsssssssssssssssssss 5 KfZ fvt the Youne Men's Christian Association locally and will go Into onHnri within the next week or )n wuuiii mc 11c a 1, irw." cn the Armory and the Exhibition troll TTip crvmnetitlon will lead 'towards ultimate -- play for the mil- ej ,adies. andi ary umrw. vasers nave Deen asuea now uiuw - ,.., , .snip. this? I with' a swimmme rooi ir m n- juu.u 1 - 'are eettinE out of are vou jou geiiniB out. ui . .. . L. ..j u-.. t-... nu R-ivnvs are ten- The teams entered . it.t. 1 l-im. m r.iriri mA rriflnt onn nm n inn nun Hiiirvr ii. ljiv ml i aiiiu sw- j 1 "" ; r;r; V" hPPn thor- Uve senior entries with the pos- (Qian dian Scott,sh, ocukiiMi, Miford niiiuiu " .. - . . iiin.. v, miHtinr units nro- h. viptorv Loan camnalen. There onehlv d seussed. If we were m a Di".y ' ...v . j , ..irllnrr vldlng n a thlrrt third team. team. enma rinnnip nr pnurse. who wno a nn tr to nut Dut im un n a cement ppmpni cri- '-u- vu" small-minaea enougn 5i For Vancouver Tuesday S.S. Catala .... 1:30 p.m. Thursday S.S. Prince I George 11:15 P.m. I Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide 2 p.m. S S Cardena 10:30 p.m. RiturrinvS.S. Prince Rupert H:15 pm. Oct. 7, 20. and 29 S.S. Princess Louise p.m. CHURCHILL'S DAUGHTER TO VISIT U.S. Sarah Churchill, daughter of Prime Minister Winston Churchill of England, is shown chatting with Lieutenant Commander K. N. Hoare, assistant chief of the London fire service, at a farewell luncheon given for her and her husband, Actor Vic Oliver, at the Cafe Royal. The Olivers will leave shortly for America. No. 11 champion- are uj Bay AIR FORCE KISS YOUR IS BOWLING ffSJ5 Four Teams In Play Last Niht at Mar's Alleys Individual Results. Pnvo! Can 1un Ai' Force tBamS Mr?. aUo trken a nlfcht at Max's Bswllng Alleys and four teams were in play last night with re sults as frtlrws: Rnb?rts McL?od ..... Greeno - Hovt Bi'tterfield Totals Arnold - "Mac" Meyer Barnes Mnrnhv .............. 112 112 113 107 178 r,27 141 108 120 124 192 Totals - C85 Watt 208 Goodrich 137 Drake : 169 Lowell ' 136 Crapper' - 232 Totals MU Hardy -- 128 Nellie 130 Wemp I96 Copp 4 196 Cote 192 Totals 842 HOOP PLAYi BASKETBALLStan Morin Is J 100 153 119 128 230 730 135 73 168 159 76 Cll 145 83 116 161 202 707 115 173 171 201 145 805 107 120 96 IIP 135 5R? 153 61 167 130 1051 621 , 1 93 117' 117 154 151 637! 102 226 165 190 216 900 Leaving Here Prominent Local Baseball Player And Authority Off To Vancouver to Take Up Residence. 1 jiaa mnvfl t n Vnn- Having ukiuw .w Games will be played m Dotn C0UVer, Stan Morin is saiung to- night on the Prince oeorge ior the south. Mrs. Morin and daugn- Uer will follow later. An "authority on baseball and . . -1.. rtr rnp most nctivc . Cana- , 1'.J ,,t,0rs Rtnn Willi Inlnn- J . , . I In ml "h1" be missed particularly 111 iu-' 1 jlng here every second week), 102nd I athletic circles. Prior to his de-J , Inatterv. Batter Searchliehts. searchlights, Composites Composites nurture, parture, his his many many friends friends are are( 1 : . position that . ..n in h npi3hhnrhtvd In any case the resolve Is to n,Hi,n imtrinpprR and ishin? him the best of luck fori d0 "! of $150,000. then that arrangement. k ? basketball alive f.pR" Army Service corps). Signals and the future. He has been in Prince, gardless of obstacles, bridging over I Navy. v iUi - ' th period until the civic centre - .1 with Its gymnasium and playing venue Is available. , Ihis advertisement is not publisnea or displayed by the Llqubt the Government of British Columbia Control Board or by FOR YOUR BABY'S WELFARE J & J BABY OIL 60,cn ad and f 3 St J BABY TALCUM Q J & J BABY SOAP - If J & J BABY CREAM , - 5c BABY'S OWN SOAP c BABY'S OWN TABLETS ...... - 5c STEEDMAN'S TEETHING POWDERS ....... 30c MENNEN'S BABY OIL 1- v 0c and $1.20 oahv DTmniTB pants . 25c and 40c, Dnu i. fcwf-fc - RIGO NURSERS ..;...,,,,,,,v..,..t RIGO NIPPLES V...)r.:..t.'..;f..:..,,.-.....M.... PYREX NURSERS ...........it..-.i.i..-i .. BOTTLE BRUSHES PABLUM DEXTRI MALTOSE 5 lbs. PURETEST COD LIVER OIL 16 ozs ' MEADS COD LIVER OIL - 12 ozs. lOo 10 c 25c 25c 1 lb. 45c 1 lb. 65c S3.00 8 ozs. 75c 75c 8 ozs. 75c $1.00 SQUIBBS COD LIVER OIL usai&; 4 ozs. 55c 12 ozs t ?i.uu SQUIBBS 10 D COD LIVER OIL 4 ozs. 750 MEADS OLEUM PERCOMORPHUM 10 cc. 75c DRISDOL 5 cc. 65V. PARKE DAVIS VIOSTEROL 5 cc. 65c Keep Your Baby's Record in One of Our Free Baby Books Ormes ZrfiA Pioneer Druqgiats THE U EX ALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 83 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. UUUUDIt! Pepleis Many Suffer Low Blood CountAnd Uon't Mow u. The baffling thing about tow blood count It tlimt you can weigh about as much as you. ever did-even look healthy and Strom, yet you can feel as If you had lead in your fetta; dopey, tired and peplett. Low blood count means you haven t got enough red blood corpuscles. It is their v ital Job to carry life-giving oxygen from your lungs throughout your body. And iuat as it takes oxygen to explode gasoline in your, car and make the power to torn the wheels, ' so you must have plenty of oxygen to ex plode the energy In your body and give you going power. Out Dr. Williams Pink Pills today. They are world-noted for the help they give In . increasing the number and strength of red corpuscles. Then with your blood count up. you'll feel like uunding up the stairs as if you were floating on air. Ask year druggist (or Dr. Williams Fink Pilla today. i i Maims, fl? detail ;hihopractor Stanley W. Colton, D.C., Ph.C. Wallace Block - Phone 640 When You Want GOOD TAXI SERVICE Call 235 Taxi Proprietor O. KJldal B. C. Furniture Co. STUDIO COUCHES at CHESTERFIELDS s395' priced. $W ft HtytZ from i to 1 ENAMEL KITCHEN priced Qfc $C-Q50 rom VJTt to M V SPRING-FILLED , A;i;;r.s.s:.s $ at Used Firmture Kitchen tables DRESSER L SINGLE BED, COMPLETE ! HEATERS tm PHONE BLACK 324 Third Ave. Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Rooms Hot Water Steam Baths Dining Room in Connection Mrs. C. E. Biack, Proprietress Attention Ladies!, Just received a large shipment of FUR COATS in the latest style. You are all invited to come and look over our stock. Prices to suit everyone's pocketbook. Remember we have an easy payment plan. GOLDBLOOM "The Old Reliable" .Bill mmmmma IBllllXltllf Notice Regular Slonthly Meeting o( Boilermakers aitd Iron Shipbuilders Union of Canada, Local No. 4, will be held on Friday, October 17 EAGLES' HALL, 7:30 P.M. wmmmmmwmMuam RONALD "BRIDGETT English Singer and Broadcaster for BBC and CBC Is open to Coach a few pupils in SINGING AND REPERTOIRE ' 1 Phone Red 921 Si f 'r'T is! .'hA "t . ! m