PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS WEDNESDAY wrnrr,. Work Boots DEPENDABLE MAKES SUCH AS CHRISTIE'S. VALENTINE, GREB A NDTI L S 0 N B E R C. Boots Built With Years of Guaranteed Sturdiness . . . and Priced Up, From New shipment of "Jack and Jills" Family shoe store ltD, "The Home of Good Shoes" THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING-EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates in City Per Year, $5.00;. Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; One Week, 12c. Out-of-Town Subscribers by Mall, $3.00 a Year. MKMrSKU OK THE CANAIHAN I'KKSS Tile Canadian Press la exclusively entitled to use tor publication of all news despatches credited to It or to the -Associated Press In this paper and alto the local news published therein. All rights of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved DAILY EDITION WEDNESDAY, NOV. 19, 1941. War Savings in Prince Rupert . . . aiuii jnity luuow m tne wane oi tne war. i ne pessimistic idea that a depression must invariably follow war is en ureiy erroneous and historically incorrect. No great war of our times has been followed by a depression. The United States Civil War was followed by many years of almost constantly good business, interrupted by only minor financial disturbances whenever the westward pioneer movement over-reached itself in land speculation. The Great War was followed by 10 years of the best business that the United States and Canada ever enjoyed. Needs after the war may reach the highest point they have ever reached, with a backlog of unsatisfied demands that may at once take over the industrial facilities expanded to meet war needs. History does not teach us to expect a depression at the end of any war. NOTICE Those desirous of PREMIUMS for CHRISTMAS OIFTS will kindly leave their orders with us on or before Noy. 20th. After that date we cannot guarantee Premiums for Christmas deliverv. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 p.o. Box 196 LOYALTY OF JAPS PLEDGED Port Essington Japanese Society Has Inaugural Meeting; R. Vaqatter, A. H. Perkins and C. D. Pogson. These were trans lated by H. S. Kameda and N. Klshimoto. Prince Rupert is noc doing well enough in this wari Before the meeting was brought savings drive. It is lagging in the campaign taking ex- J ;tra time to reach its objective., i'rince Kupevt is not only lta the guests for their making a bad Showing as a community 111 supporting the (attendance at the meeting. Mrs. war effort in the easy way. Its people are not even ap-IDonaldsn and Mr. Jones replied preciative of a superior investment for investors of mod- on fn,aliof tttf Pests- Pr mpnnc 1 at the Purposes to do mi . , , may be summed up as follows: . 1 here is so much to recommend war savings certif i-! to pledge loyalty to King George cates that we should not have to recite their advantages. Vi and the Dominion of Canada, Suffice it to say that if people refuse or hesitate to' in- To suPPrt and promote as far vest-not give-their money in this pleasant and volunJiCf (SIS .iijr uti ucuuiiic jictcsat y tu cAtjciti, it nuiii nea cross, etc. them by less pleasant, compulsory rrfeans. To offer their services to the The appeal is not being made to people who are really country in any capacity that may unable, over and above their legitimate requirements and thorS16 10 toe Canadlan means, to put more money into war savings. Rather, the to endeavour to preserve and idea is to interest those who have the spare money avail-. intensify the cordial relations that able to invest in this way without either inconvenience Ip11 among the various racial or hardship. There are known to be such people in'CTpsewltWn the community. . . . t i- rr., .'To supervise the activit p nf i r nee iiuperx. iney are snowing a very bad spirit and those of their own racial group so a deplorable lack of appreciation of the situation. ithat a high standard of living We wolild advocate the purchase of war savings cer- may be maintained, that those in tificates as the easiest way to contribute to the war ef- trt??le orjd5st,ress mht findsym-fort In fact it is no sacrifice at all Those who are able CVtil S and hesitate have little to boast about in the way of with another. patriotism or public spirit, no matter how they may en-1 officers of Society deavor to evade or apologize for their failure. Prosperity, Not Depression . . . Although predictions in these uncertain times are PORT ESSINOTON. Nov. 19: On Sunday afternoon at the Inaugural meeting of the Port Es-slngton Japanese Residents' Society In the Buddhist Hall with almost all he men of the village present, a pledge of loyalty to King and Empire and the promise to serve in any capacity acceptable to the government military service Included was made by N. Klshimoto and approved by all standing. Reference was made to the fact that Hlroml Tanaka, who was as recently left Prince Rupert to join the Royal Canadian Engineers lived In this community until a few years ago. ' Invited guests at the meeting J included three ladies Mrs. Sedler, the new field matron, Mrs. J. M. Smith, a former field matron, and Mrs. J. H. Donaldson of the Es-jslngton Elementary School. I The meeting was brought to or-ider and opened with the singing Jof "O Canada." I. Miyashlta, the 'president, made a speech In Jap anese, in which he welcomed the Invited guests and explained the aims and objects of the society. An English translation of the speech was given by the vice- president, M. Mayeda. H. S. Kam-;eda followed with a short speech jin English, after which he introduced the members of the exe cutive committee. Following this, tea was served, H. Fukuhara being the caterer. The Misses Emiko and Sumiko Fukuhara, Yoshie Chashl, Miyoqo Nakagawa and Chle Wakabayashl took charge of the tables. The latter" part of the program The officers of the society are as follows: President, I. Miyashlta. Vice-President, M. Mayeda. Treasurer, S. Honkawa. Recording Secretaries and (lantrerous. an or.-, nf nrnnpriHr arl rW nf ,i I ano-N. Klshimoto and H - "jjv.i j i, ,it nuw uue vii. iicjji ca- a, iameaa Executive members K. Naeaml S. Nakaeawa. H. FiiiniVioM t Abe, and E. Klshimoto. Mr. Nakagawa Is a Canadian ' war veteran of the First World War. The society Is forwarding a contribution of ten dollars to the funds of the Canadian Red Cross. REAR-ADMIRAL DECORATED LONDON, Nov. 19: (TO Rear Admiral P. L. Vlan rvian of the Cossack), who received a second bar to the D.S.O., was among 108 members of the Royal Navy decorated for their part In the chase and destruction of the Bismarck, PKE-XMAS SALES With EVERY SUIT purchased at De Luxe Tailor you get one SILK CREPE SHIRT to your own measurements FREE. HART, FREED MAN St GABBE CLOTHES TO MEASURE DE LUXE TAILOR LADIES' 'TORONTO BOWLING IN LEAD Sepmd Part of Season Under Way ; Victory Over Rangers Oust Maple Optimist and Hangers Take Clean Sweeps. Starting the second part of the Ladies' Bowling League schedule. Optimists and Rangers took clean ii . nil ,,.tnrl..e Eastment 93 Postak 137 Damjanac 93 Kingston 193 Timmermelster .145 Totals 661 Knox Hotel 1 Aasen Christiansen Zelisko - - Balaskl Brasell Totals RangeYs 1 Peterson 1-167 Asemissen 165 Kellett 179 James 184 Balllnger 202 Totals 897 Pioneers 1 F. McKeown 103 Montgomery 197 Yoaer 90 McKeown 141 Scharff 115 Totals 646 Big Sisters 1 Gomez 129 was made up of a number of short I J- Dickens 121 speeches by W. Jones, K. Nagami.'Rothwell 159 Bond 140 Dickens 113 Totals 663 Stylettes 1 Stone .'....161 Webster 146 Nelson 156 Turgeon 132 MacPhee 170 . Totals 765 Lucky Strikes 1 Menzies 124 Hague 138 Warren 115 Peacock 246 Cameron ...120 Totals ... 743 Annettes 1 Sellg 188 Reaugh 198 Owen 141 ,Nickerson 145 Dickens 140 Totals 812 Savoy Swingers 1 McLeod 175 Basso-Bert ...129 Wesch 121 Croxford 152 LaBelle 145 Totals 721 Bluebirds 1 Pierce 215 Boulter 149 McDonald 161 Hartwig ni Kerpn j.j ..170 Totals 860 108 189 97 204 145 743 2 201 114 133 114 101 663 2 252 115 248 124 165 904 2 159 225 149 135 55 723 t 160 107 94 209 81 651 109 145 193 107 177 731 2 132 131 166 240 203 872 2 144 252 209 214 150 969 2 229 109 173 223 257 991 2 189 117 98 190 183 777 FOOD WITH TOOLS GLASGOW, Nov. 19: ) Workers in a Canadian machine tools factory sent gifts to Britain's bombed out families, evacuees and lefugees by wedging tins of fruit, foodstuffs and chocolate among tools in three shipments. HONORS FOR R.N. OFFICERS LONDON, Nov. 19: W Awards to Royal Navy officers In connection with the chase and destruction of the Bismarck included four C.B.E.'s, six O.B.E.'s and 11 D.S. O's. Leafs Into First Place Hockey Standing;. Toronto, 8; Rangers, 6. Brooklyn, 2; Boston, 7. NEW YORK, Nov. 19: 9) - To- stn uirer sanies ,, T u Knox Hotel and Pioneers las oyer ot the Natlona, Hock night. Annettes won two games to one from Lucky Strikes as cdd SStei?8S?:S - 'orlng victory over the tlvely. Dot Balllnger had the high single score of the evening. 262. and B. Peterson the high average, 223. Individual scoring last follows: Optimists 1 2 New York Rangers at Madison Square Garden last night. Boston Bruins defeated Brook lyn Americans 72 in the second scheduled game last night and ni?ht went into third place ahead of the Amerks. Tomorrow night's games will be as follows: Brooklyn at New York, 117 Toronto at Detroit, Boston atChl- 173 125 121 181 717 3 129 177 125 136 115 682 3 250 173 168 140 893 3 124 173 118 131 236 782 3 170 90 112 200 154 726 cago. The league standing to date: W D L F A Toronto 4 0 Chicago 3 1 Boston 3 0 Brooklyn 2 1 Rangers 2 0 Detroit 1 1 Canadiens 0 1 ' 3 122 84 174 121 191 692 3 177 124 140 170 230 841 3 152 134 206 147 148 787 3 I 173 120 181 207 212 893 3 I 87 157 123 155 179 7dli 1 19 13 0 8 5 1 11 6 3 13 17 3 15 18 3 10 13 4 10 16 SPORT CHAT Bobby Jones, king of amateur 262 golfdom. abdicated his throne 11 years ago this week to make a series of pictures on golf. At 28 he had won 13 national titles Including the four "majors" In 1930. , Bill (Young) Stribllng, leading by a large margin, lost on a foul in the fourth, round to Prlmo Car-nera at London 11 years ago last night. Stribllng died two years later In a motor accident, while Camera became world champion with a sixth-round knockout over Jack Sharkey Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Tliurs. p.m. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving October 21, Novem-bfr 4 and 18 Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. - piione 668 COAL! COAL! Onehin&A a Mslermrift, inn we tire SUMMER COAL. PRICES -ill,. .. JU- It Is only natural that a man should want to hang on U his money as long as he can, but when It comes to the coal buying question you should part with some of your cash at this time while the autumn coal price rules. HEAT WAVES ROLL FROM FOOTHILLS COAL Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651-FOR COMPLETE SATISFACTION-652 mm SCARE FOR HITLER LONDON, (Nov. 19: XF1 A young R, A. F. squadron leader on reconnaissance over Western GerV many couldn't resist a temptation to "bomb" Barchtesgaden, Hitler's mountain retreat. Having no bombs he banked steeply and tossed out an empty bottle mak ing more noise than a flight of "screamers." Mixed Bowlina It Yl.l Repeat, Standard Oii v s'' iiomiers, ninkey Dinfc v p;. faiore, Pushovers v.h Sav Md ? an j as vs. loners. COUGHING up his In one month 48,720 Canadian Klm e nf. hh m - ! 1 ... , ,. . ' , . . ' " or sojuicrs in nniain wok pan m chest which had been tr aujo iiAjrta cvtiiu. urrangcu oy wie nim Since he wi ft- -Aj Canadian Y, M. c. A. Spectators 1915, bringing up a bur"! dl at iiitrse evtfiiLa niunoerea a COUghlng Spell now. Mother. I've found out about wash inn m. "Here's where I lake a bow," says Reddy Kilowatt, "for I'm the fellow who cuts actual washday labour down to a matter of minutes. No more toilsome scrubbing, rubbing and hand-wringing lor this young housewife since she put in be? Dectric Washer. She just puts the clothes end water in, snaps a switch . . and I do the rest, turning out the whitest of white washes end never damaging the sheerest abric We have a wide range of Electric Washers. Come in and choose yours now while stocks are adequate."