s Churchill Say :,."Give us tools and we'll finish the job." War sayings istamps buy the tools. Do your bit. Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jcwi'lery Repairing, Hand Engraving i - . Ttk ' 1 . 3Ph 5 I CHAS DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Pbone 261 for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties A Bold Assertion 5 BUT You'll Agree . PEOPLES STORE SPRING COATS Offer You The Most "Perfect" Selection You've Ever Seen In Rupert Tremendous excitement in the Peoples Store coat department. A selection of two hundred Spring Coats just arrived. Stunning coats made to our specifications. Expertly copied from New York successes. BRITISH WOOLENS TRICOTINEg DOMESTIC WOOLENS BOUCLES SIZES 12-20 AND 38-50 Each with an air of distinction, the mark of good taste. Spring coats-fitted and feminine or tweedy and casual. Loads of styles In both box and fitted coats. ALL MARKED AT A PRICE THAT MEANS OUT-OF-THE-ORD1NARY VALUE Navy, black, camel, beige, pastels, weeds complete selection Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE 'In the: Heart of Prince Rupert" fre"i r : v " "cuuruiicr 9j i-none, BLUE 907 J The Wise Person gets a lot -of satisfaction out of every purchase they make. , If you have an idea as to what oM coal should be, try a ton of the kind we sell and you can prove to your own satisfaction' .that the money you spent was wisely invented. Keep our name and phone number In mind. liVHiliHHHHIflHIIiHHiVIIHHiiHilllH Comfort T..JV- mm IS? Philpott Evitt & Go. Ltd. PHONE 651 652 "R U PERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ill British Columbia When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI Service PHONE 13 '2 nour Service at Regular Kates OFFICERS OF ARMY Church Body At Hazelton Elects Officers For Coming Year HAZEkTON, March 18: The Church Army of Hazelton has pJ. lected officers for the ensuing year as follows: Honorary First Cantain. Davirt Mo watt. Honorary Second Caotain. Sam Jones: First Captain, William H. Green. Second Captain. Samuel r. Hoare. First lieutenant, Peter Brown. Second Lieutenant, Alfred Brown. intra Lieutenant, Moses Wilson. I Fourth Lieutenant, A. S. Brown.' Committee Ch W. t - vm..V? ti UT 1 Assistant Commlttpp nviWe Frank 'Wilson and Phillip Johnson. G.N.R. Trains Forib"e East- Mondays, Wednesdays and Prl- daV 6 pm. From the East-Tuesdays. Thursday's and Saturday n pja cushei WANTED WANTED OlrJ or woman for housework by mantle Sleep out. Coltbh, Wallace Block. WANTED Room in private home. Box 86, Daily News. t69) WANTEnWnrHn n,.,n . i j TEM DAXLT NEWS ftSSSSlWhifflets' a Tablet for ASPIRIN Canadian Druggists everywhere now feature economy bottle of Safest Fast Relief for Pains and Colds at prhe any body tan afford,,. Here is good news for need to take chances on taking strong, dangerous drugs. jjomimon druggists are now featuring Aspi-tin, recognized as the fastest relief vrrn ran use for pain and colds safely, for , less than 1 cent a tablet! Remember Aspirin does not harm the heart. For great speed plus safety, on i tare anyuung eise. miss. FOR SALE 6 room house. 871 Sum- IHh w 777 ! mit Ave. Bargain for cash. (66) ii?, the business section. IN HIE Nl THUMB C'OI'KT OF IIRITISH In the Matter of the "Administration Act" And I '""rr ' t"e KKUle of John ' ii UlUllll ii lllM.J.UMU.1 ...1... .... . . Bella, U. C. On the At Ii ilay of January, Jmt TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hla Honor, W. E. Fisher, made the 28th day Of Feoruanr. A n ioii t pointed Administrator, with Wlir annexed. Of Mtulo nf M.n . 1 wuui.il VVIIIIUU, "CTOT,CU' i parties having claims asalnst the said eeate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me nn nr foAfn., v. . . . . j - . v wii7 oay ?Lrtl j0' 19i1, anl 411 Par" to- ""tv" w; ei.ie ate required to pay the amount of h.ii. i-i-v., me forthwith w DATED the 4th day of March, A. D NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. BX3, Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 U&I Cafe On Waterfront NOW OPEN For Business Get the economy size bottle at your druggist's today 100 Aspirin tablets for only Iy98f. 98. It It's s a a bargain bargain you you can can't But be sure you get Aspirin. W. F. Stone seven ;FOR SALE Table, 2 chairs, bed,,:had agreed to act as ' riiwsiT Ttlno 1P1 . in. ! rarrmnion nnrwmr www., rxu. AUw. I I,! I , " . "3 ...... LUtv . FOR. SALE Fully equipped ice Armv i-.mnmmri ki.i J Local Boats Fishing For Dogfish Islands rw Army Moats. Some thirty or so small Prince Rupert fishing vessels, Including some of the hallbutters, have been engaged for several weeks now in .fishing for dogfirh for their livers, the New England Fiaftv Co. being In the market for these livers. ,They have also been bringing In rca con. HTtnsr hivini started to spawn on the mainland around Prince Rupert. 6ein'ng has been halted by the Department of Fisheries and the seiners have had to prooecd to the Qu?en Charlotte Islands. The Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. cfiunery at Prince Rurert put up 'its quota of canned herring. How-lever, the Tuck?' Inlet and Port I Edward reduction plants are still taking "the fsh and bait require ments st Prince Rupert have still to be filled. John Currie & Son at present . -are carrying out the work of bulld- ' ACDIDIMI 1 wg new floats on the local w'ater- D Be SUTB It 5 Air mill! v front adjoining the present federal If evtry tablet does i government floats to the east, the not show the word floaits to be used for the rapidly "Baver" on it in itisTot : AsS !boats 'Ued at .this port. The Don't let anybody tell you it is. 100 tablets 98 OPENING OF DRIVE HERE (Continued from Page One) new fleets wiH relieve a state of rr.nTstim which has been existing for some time. The provincial police cruiser P. ?'M. L. 8 returned to port yesterday afternoon from a week's patrol ittft) to Portland Canal. A trip was also made around to Ketchikan so (that Game Warden Ed Martin, who .jwas on board, mleh. consult wfrh it,h, Un'ted States game commis- J and room. Private residence. Ap- f"-8' ,Uie pro(Xs sr there ineTe 5 to national .SKrrer 1 ply 516, Eighth Avenue East war services lund. (65) "ie"1a-won iot iwie anve naa i i (started and encouraging support Abaard steamer Princess - rf'was being received. G. R. S. Black- Norah- whlch was Prt yester- KOR SALh iaby had consented to act as chair- day flon southbound from CKagway m Vancouver, were a mere 29 raisengers of whom disembarked here. Twenty publicity rTr5"n wnx aooarn at this port in.,,' uuin. xii" wrHiTicr rnn cess Louls will 4ake the (next Al. sska ve-yp'je in qlace of th Prin- cream parlor and orvnfectionprv rtv.Q nnAninj u -j: ress Noroh. bJin? rii hprp AunHav - - vvimi V1 LI1C UllUlcr. L. 1', ' iv4ij -vc. iVAtcucni Business aunng (Balagno presided at the piano to "'"s nonnoouna lUmmsr. months Rp-isnnahln k,,,..,.. .. ... . i j;7 v 7 f avi-uiumiy j uanaaa" and "God , , ' , Sdufirig winter months., Lo-,Save the King." . ,7 . Un.'on steamer CsHU. Ca.rrt &P$h Avenue and Mc-' Those seated jft-ihtoKui1" iToarr1. returned U dot Phone iK,; (67.) j Included Bislwos-StMtoS nA 9 'c,ork wnnntrtir from a. mx .ana a. a. Breen, acting , . 'r'" .... .. ' atl,uls!erid an railed at 1 oV nek this nftr. WORK WATEIJ president of the Canadian Legion. onXrlanUS CAPABLE woman Wants position as housekeeper or chambermaid In Rupert but. prefers outside. Box 84, Daily News; (67) Lost LOST Pocketbook between Mc-Cutcheon's and Cow Bay. Box 83. Daily News. (67) ! MHiM' FOUND Purse. Owner may have' same by calling at Daily News and paying for this ad. FOUND -Two shoes In front of' Rand Block. Owner may have, I same by calline at Venezia Or.. ery and paying for this ad. GOLDEN BANTAM CORN Superior in flavor and appearance. RCYALCrry Golden Bantam Corn supplies appetizing nourishment a true British Columbia table delicacy. a and wayp'tjlrs I. in i i THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy' Red Sockeye pinkTeal Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll la Prince Rupert I I m ii PAINTING Decorative Kalsomlning Signs LORNE CORNELL Gordon and Anderson'i Phone 46 Mrs. James Clark Palmistry S1LVERSIDES BLOCK Scco"d St. Phone Green 416 J.H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldg. AFFAIR BY -CATHOLICS Tea And Sale Yesterday Afternoon And Dance Last Night Are Much Enjoyed By Many Patrons The Catholic Hall, 'beautifully decorated -with green and white streamers and shamrock, was the scene of a delightful tea on at. Patrick's Day yesterday. ' The tea room was in charge oi Mrs. M. P. McCaffery and ladles presiding at the tea table were Mrs. William Brass, Mrs. Arthur .Murray, Mrs. J. Fred Ritchie and Mrs. J. A. Smith. Those serving 'were Mrs. J. L. Blaln. Mrs. T. Dohl, Mrs. Harry Ward and Miss P. Astoria. Mrs. E. J. Fitzpatrick was cashier. A sale of aprons was in the hands of Mb Leo Doiron and Mrs. James Form an. Mrs. J. J. QU-Ws was In charge of the home cooking table, assisted by Mrs. A. OIllls and Mrs. F. McOrath. During (the atternoon lovely Irish I airs were nlayed by Mrs. Bird. Bandnnen Holt, and Edwards of the Rocky Mounted Rampris de- lighted everyone with violin and piano numbers, and there was tap 'dancinff hv Mioe t ,seur. I Assisting In the kitchen - were Airs, josepn Garon. Mrs. Sylvester and Mrs. Doherty. The raffles re-isulted as follows: I Table cloth, donated by Mrs. L. wcujren, won by H. Leroumeau, No. 292. Sack of Five Rases Flnnr rw.. aled by a friend, won by Rr j Father Monet, No. 38. Cake, donated bv Mr t t .nn Us, won by Kenneth McLean, No. 39, War Savings Certificate, donated 2 Mirth, JUMUIIT d ? Shows N. hlu Feature ai ,.;V:"Ul COOPER In he WesleJ v If 'lit- Fire" Pele Smith', Yourself Coming Thursday uuuKijK K0RMBT In "Keep Your Stat. bv Mrs M. p ,.-.. .. .. - . . -uic l r ' 1 iyira. ueoc-ge Mltchpi Ni u An enjoyablr sot mi Hie. evening in v,. K, CtMumbu, hut by !ilr aunng wniUh Miss Hi,. . . . . . - i. irenacred vocal solos I The rinnhminr. .... . In Tn es .nnnM. L. j siam Brass, asis i hv ih. IL SlowBurnm tone rim mi SPECIALS For the Week Ending March 22nd Sheddon's Grocer 500 5th Avenue East Phone 581 Strawberry Jam-Nabob. 4-lb. tin. Ea. 53c Diced Baby Beets Fancy, quality. NaWtjb ' a A 16-or tin. &to.. Straw berriesChf(?e ttnallty Nabob, 16-oz. tins, Tomato Juice Nabob, 26-oz. tins. 2 for 23c Spinach Fancy quality Nabob, 28-oz. tin, -Qn each Xfl Dili I'ickles Choice quality Nabob, 28-oz. tin, OC each U3f Nabob Coffee Economy package. Per lb. fltfC Ked Plums Choice quality. Nabob, 16-oz. tin, 23( Tomatoes Choice quail! Royal City. 28-oz au Un, 2 for M Peas Size 5, fanr- quale. Hoyal City. 09r At -2 fnr Cocoa Frys'. 1-lb. Un 29c Rinso Large size OQi Salmon Fancy Pink, tin Potatoes No. 1 Snow While i. 25c Peaches Choice quail'" Royal City. Jjn 16-oz, tin V Pork and Beans ICi Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST Monday, Wednesday, Friday, ( p.m. Air-Condltlone'd Sleeping and Dining Cara Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Thursday, 1130 pan. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River , 1 InIorma"on and Reservation, etc r.n Call or Write u CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Arenue Phone 260 Prince Itunert Agents for Trana-Canada Air tines MANUFACTURERS' Life Insurance Co. P. H. Linzey Local Representative Prince Rupert PHONE GREEN 446 TRY GUNN'S Variety Repairs For First Class Service Bicycles, Rubber are, J" Tubes, Etc, VulcMbw Cth St. opp. OK Barber m