El If PADS TWO TBI nCHTKXWI 'CAMPACS' The finest crepe sole summer shoes on the market in little gents, boys and mens. Price? from S1.50 T0 S3.95 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes Buy War Savings Certificates daily znrnoK THE DAILY NEWS. FET5CE KUPEET - BRITISH COLUMBIA pnbHibtd Every At teraoca. Except Stailaj, by Price Bspert DaDy Ifrwi, limited. Third Averrce H. P. FCLLEJ - - - Uanaf!r.z-EdltcT ft AiTertWnr and CixealatWn Tlephn , , H Member cf Audit bnreaf n Circulations MZMBE Or TBI CAJUSUN fttTSi Tit OtTMAHn fnu S eurattalr csU3d to ue Icj npcUeca o( s2 bra ewwiirt-j tottcrttU AanclMed Pra tn t& Jper sxjX also tbt AH uu cT intxicaSiaa U textual tesntict. timSi v Cto raerre Tuesday. April 22, mi. EDITORIAL A Planned Retreat Many people wonder whv the British and Greek troops are "steadily'fetreatinc. Evidently it is a planned time they are taking heavy toll of the enemy. paign, if it was a failure, was not duti to the lack of cour- age or skiii oi our men. 1 ney were tremendously outnum bered and outmechanized. . ' Decorating The King "There is nothing novel Jn the ninninir of a decoration on a King's uniform j most ,monarchs of the past must have found it difficult at times to find room for all their iiioiuia, ortjrn wib viui w i nnes in ,u recent, euiionai article. "But King George 'VI. recently received a little gold emblem which differs considerably from anvthintr in his large collection; no king has ever owned one like it before. It was the medal of th.e Trades Union Congress, lintain's intjuential body that has fought long and hard! for its privileges and rightfiwhjeh, has foregone a large! percentage of them for the duration of the war because. its membership of nearly 6,000,000 realizes that until totalitarianism is removed from the earth no contract can be sure of its permanence. "In the simple ceremony which marked the bestowal oi mis t.u.u meuai on King George at Buckingham Pal-! ace, however people everywhere will detect the close bond! of fellowship which exists between the monarch and an or-! ganizea Douy or workers whose main object is to get on with the job on which 30 much depends. Not that these loyal subjects have any idea of permanent surrender of gains made in the betterment of. their lot before and during the first Great War; but when they formally Inducted the monarch into their great brotherhood, presented him with full authority to attend any meeting of their Congress, they wittingly or unwittingly, drew a new sign of the times and put the initial strokes on a blueprint of some of the things to come, Many a Labor leader, of course, has received a knighthood or a peerage from a British monarch: but this is the first time in all historv Bupkino-. ham Palace has witnessed the ceremony of a king's 'admission' to the citadel of British Trades Unionism's closed' corporation.'1 RED SOX 1 DEFEATED Bo ton Americans Lmt Their tint Gtu 1 &ea at Haa4i ti ' Washington gectaUrc NEW YORK, April 22: tCPi Boston Red Sox lost their first game of the- reason in the American librae ytiterday Then the- drop ,ped a close six to fire duion,ta te Wsirtlgtoq Sialcrt. The Bed iSox are still in first pUce. baxTrer. The Philadelphia AUt vere d. feated again by the Sew York Yankees and are now tied KUfc the Senates for sixth posSUoo. In the National League yesterday 1,'ev Ycrk GUnts retained ttfl-dispqted poKswaoa of fiat place by wincing over Brooklyn Dodgers while to yesterdays second .Etpe Bostcq hid an easy victory qver the Phiffies. Yesterday Bis Leagwe stores Philadelphia 1 American Leajue Boston I 5 CleTeland Kew York 5 St Louis . ..1 Chicago 1,2 Philadelphia :.....2 Wasctaton X Detroit 1 I. I we ax nmrrs: : National Lragae j Brooklyn 5. Sev York Philadelphia 1, Bostxo a. Cincinnati-Chicago postponed. Atoeriean Lea fie New York It, Philadtip&U i. Boston 5. Washington - ' Chicago-Detroit, St. Lexii-CUf-Jand postponed. The league stasdtnu: National Lexeme New York I .ttT Chicago . 3 I Si. Loots 3 2 "Boston Brooklyn i-4 Pittsburg 2 Cincinnati 2 .400 333 JO J Man in the Moon 33 sn 00 JMQ 3Z6. 2Z& .250' Hitler Ihlnks we're beaten but h wUX hare to d6 a lot more wish- retreat It was forecast mora than a week ago. They.tm thinking yet. Matter of fact might hold firm but, being hopelessly outnumbered, thereof LeU n mV,U kr AnZ tt.t... u A, .A olyet occurred to the British people,.. attacked by flank movements. By df opping back steadily they avoid any danger of being cut off while at the same Just a temporary setback is al) they hare received so far. There is more water surface than It is very evident that things are not going well with'ld to the om earth and our forces in Greece and that they are retiring from the S on uuuiitiy ur aijut iu reure. ii js inp worn o ine lierrnanithe Atlantic. army and air force to try to make it a'rout but so far they j have been able to do little except damage one hospital ship and sink another, While retreating the British and Greek' Xorces have been able to take tremendous toll of the enemy. The German propaganda ma'chineiias taken advantage of the situation to exaggerate beyond recognition the German successes and to .-try, to impreA upon the world that the British are beaten. - ": Within a day or two we shall know the worst and, in the meantime, it is well to await reliable news of the fight. At any rate we know already that the failure of the cam Hitler wishing- That he could blast Britain to Hades . . , And do lt right faxt. Hitler is the dnlgon that Saint George would hare siairr If he had IWed today. A little man dashed Into a public house and said lo -the landlord: t "I just got home .to find a strange man Wsslng my wife" -, "And what did you do?'. , "J picked up his umbrella, smashed it across my Tepee, and said: There, I hope it rains- " LIGHTING THE WEATHER 9 I diuc ' Jsssss jjssssls HAROLD FAIR. CP ParliMmentarg Correspondent, txaued the Atlantic m week alter war broke otrf to join London Bureau alter experience in three Provincial Lesiatures and the o Com- mcfu at Ottawa. As CP represent' alive at Westminster. Fair ii the oalg Dominions newspaperman' reg-olarlg reporting the British House of .Commons from a Press Cattttg seat. s 4 11 Timely Recipe? MEAT LOAF 1 Vi pounds; ground beef 2 pound ground leap pork 2 tablespoons minced onion 1 tablespoon finely .chopped parsley teaspoon $auce , 1 teaspoon salt ' Va teaspoon pepper ' L I ' Vt teaspoonja'ge: j ' ' ' Vz cup finejjrcad cfumba 1 1 egg V2 cup milk: . 1 1 cup' condensed tomato scup f i Mix together thoroughly the; meat, onion; chopped parsley , sauce, salt, peppe'. eage, bread crumbs, KETCH KAN, April 22; (CP) egg. milk and ft cup oi tne tomato One of the chain of observatories' touP- meat "Ure into a helping forecast weather for Ciha- greased .loaf Un or ring mould or da and the U. S. the weather biir- : ' " m ., , ' , eao here has InstoHed a huge searchlight for closer Inspection of night clouds over Alaska. TRY GUNN'S Variety Repairs For First Class Service on Bicycles, RubQerrare,- Tiff. Tubes, Etc., Vulcanized 6th St opp. OK Barber Shop FRESH Dairy Products We have thlrty-slx cows In town and can supply ypu with fresh milk dally. Our harn ts located at Eleventh Avenue East, visitors Welcome. Dominion Dairy PHONE 10 Variety .store Sneciali HOYS AND GIRLS Here we Wye something tq complete your .fun, Kepeater Guns, Single Shot Guns, Horns, Whistles, Balloons, and Flags at prices to suit your pocketa. Call for what you need at the VARIETY STORE "Where Your Dimes Are Little Dollars" 330 3rd Ave. West Phone Red 120 P.O.Box 757 THE SEAL ' QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye pinFseal Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all tb fear round payroll In Prince Rnpert UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY, 1:30 p.ra, 10:30 p.m. Duo Vancouver Thnrs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. queen Charlotte Jslanfls. Serrlce (fortnightly) Leave prinee Rupert April. 11 and 26 If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Ticket From FRANK J. sklNNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone S68 sB IsssS PAT USSHER. Member of the London stall ,,ncr the Bureau's establishment in '936. interrupted his coverage of the bomb blitz onlg onceto act married in a "quiet" wedding. wbMe two bombs dropped in the neighborhood-Ussher. 32. has been wfh CP since 1921. was cable editor at New York before his London appointment. form into a loaf shape and place in a greased roasting pan. Spread the remaining tomato soup over the lop 6f -the loa f . Bake in a moderate oven of 350 degrees P. for 1 hours. . i Serve hot or cold. YJeld: 6 to 8 servimpt. Hundreos ot peom- try a "spot" In -the bally News classified col--fumn and get good results. , ttfV While London Sleeps Thrwghout the night, wfille Nazi bombers roar overhead, tin-hatted WYTWrs; n ,. ,. vus-j vJarirnttt rfirtaln in their Canadian rress eonors vn Fleet, "Street office so Canadians may read oi the latest air raid. . , , .. new British navaJ victory in their morning papers, ' ' Maintaining a 24-hour service, sheltering only in the heaviest raids; - tbO-scan reports of The Asiodated Press. Reuters, th? Press .. .f - i Afepciatlcffl sand government announcements to meet Canadian But this is only part of the work of The CP's eMght-man Lorulon-" ' ' affjLiThey cowr Weftminster and Downing Street, report tornhing raids whether they are in Uverpool, Plymouth ox in LondorjRast End. give Canadians a true picture of Britain at war. Here you meet three of thera. ' . Mm FOSTER BARCLAY. Sewcomci to the London stall, vo crossed to England on a troop transport last December and was greeted with tbe or tat bombing that sent re uneeping through the Cit section. A native of Ottawa. Barclag. lie other members of the CP stall, spetds his spare tene atop his apartment house read) to quench N$tt incendiaries. Dally, Canadian Press member newspapers demonstrate the value of CP London coverage by wide use of the bylined stories of these staff men and Ross Munro, War Correspondent with the Canadian Corps; Sam Robertson. London Superintendent; D. E. Burritt, Louis Hunter and Doug; Arnaron. All young Canadians, all unmarried but two, they sought their London - appointments eagerly. They will be followed in time by others as eaer . to take their places, as well-equipped to do their jobs, so that the unequalled -service. Canadian Press is providing its 90 members in Canada . shaU . continue. : THE CANADIAN PRESS CANADA'fe f IONAL NEWS SERVICE When You Waht a Reliable, Comfortable. Dependable S PHONE 13 It Hoar Kerriee at Regnlar Raiei Used Furniture 6 Bedroom nirrssers, rWdt complete IBrownli S Pining Rom Suites, J 3-piece Chesterfield Suite, 4 Wood Coal Burning' Kitchen Ranges, 2-.)Va$hlng Af achlnes. MISCELLANEOUS 2 Bicycles, 8' EngUshL. Conversable CarTlar.es, 4 rldinI Carriages, 1 Triciele, t Itadlos. 5 Plate GUss Mirrors H'xM' 2 Clothes Wringers, .3 Suits-of Clothes, size 10, 1 Suite of Cloiw size 21, J Set Books of Knowledge, 1 Singer Sewing ,Matbl. 1 Crib, 2 Plaiws, 3 Gramophones, 1 Guitar, 1 Violin, 1 Trunk; ELIO'S inncp. RtTii.niicn Tinnn aeh ii i Donnacona Insulating Boards WALLBOARDS We have on hand larse. tocka of coal to suit every requlreroe n All our coal Is carefully screened Jnd prepared. Also a c0,nj"!ffl line of lumber for every type of building, Our shlneles ore m the Quefr Charlotte islands, they are not kiln oried Mi all of the natural 0II5 so necessary to ort Jlfe and durauw' SAKn rEMF.NT r-TTAVEL JA)M Philnntt Evirr ft Co. Ltd. PHONE 651