ay April 22, 1941. 25 il k i a frihill. Itaseball and If"-' TMI "FT"!, i COIUMI eimu . I. it LIomt Coftrl Smt U MANGA SSft- cairn. SPORT DAY featured Easter Monday Program VANG A, April 22 Easter bday w-s given over to a sports iv at Kitwanga and, with splen.- weatJi r prevailing and nu- TEE DAILY HEy73 PAGE 1TV2 I (SPORTS AT lMMMMMfim i KITZEGUKUiTirwr A?r wwr klNW I 1 KrrZFGUKLA, April 22- Soft-tall, football and flefa sports with i fin dance In the evening featured; the Easter Monday eelebra- Qh-ls Lilac Morgan,, ca.tch.er; ,Mary Sampare, pitcher; Dorothy Sampare, first basej jiora Wesley, jn, keen Interest was ta- end of the game. Softball, Football, rWW Sports and I In a complete program, the: Wallace Johnson was scorekeeper; prccc dings culminating with Jacob Brown, umpire; Jonathon hi tew.e in the evening. The Brown, base umpire; W. D. Milton, wire fr-m Cedarvale, Ha-.observer; Douglas Wesley, coach, ixa ana eisewiiere. veuari"c i ana rreaaie sampare, a.nnouncer. d the principal opposition In A football game between the - - 1 Interior Villar ? .J.J.J.i.xxi....AAAA.4, KITKATLA rT rrrrlr H LIN rtic Skeena old timers and younger boys Easter dinner by the ladles of the' game of the day was . was won by the latter 4 to 3. It was White Cross Society with the Kit-. hi.i i:h Cedarvale won from! a. hard fought clean contest . . katla Concert Band In attendance, t fl.nnsa Lucky Strikes by a score ! A football game between the .girl Nor were spiritual factors of the 1 .softballers and younger boys. pro 'gathering neglected on ths Sun : baseball game was a tightly ,vlded plenty of fun and resulted In r.'ijW affair with Kitwanga txist tea to one over Cedarvale. rtSdirvale team Included sev- tHlflif old timers, among them L$ Jattan, pitcher. William fda, a' her. Jack Thompson. Mop. Walter Maberley, first '- cd Bcti Bright, centre fleldt Cji.iev Wilson was pitcher fori a 6 to 4 win for the games The races resulted as fallows: V Girls, ten and under 1. Loulife day for special church services were held. , In softbalj Kltkatla defeated Port Simpson 21 to 3 and In football Weget; 2. Luld Wpbos 3, Jpsephlne;Kftkatla also won over Port Simp-r Johnson. tAnncAtl . '- en lauan in vntVtrtrv PVi ftll Anna son Boys, seven and . under Bob trophies Sampare, Cyrus Ruseeli, Roger case. seven u. nothing. Challenge. were at stake In each J iSampare. j Ine results of Uie entire cele- Olrls, fifteen and uhder-Beatrice bration were a follows: i-;.a and Morris WUHams, I Brown, Jane Howard, Lilac Morgan. Boys, six and under Ronald ' :tr Harold Sinclair and Steve Boys, seventeen and under John" Bolton, Patrick HllL i Jitwer umpires. 'Banaek, Oliver Wesley, Horace Girls, six aJid under Sally Shaw', . i th r I'bill came Married ! Brown. 1 Thelma Tolmle. . ; a defeated Single Men by a; Girls' Relay Race Jaiw floward; Boy, eighi, and under Elmer ' of 4 .. l. 'team. Nora Wesley's teami Ridley, Pelry Vickeis. the ev M P", thcr- was ft fine Boys' Relay Race John Banaek' Gills, elghi, and under Ihelma? pper in Kitwanga Community team. Gordon Howard's team, '.Tolmle. Sally Shaw. i by ''le Church Army sisters. The new hail was the .scene ot-- Boys, ten and under PKlllp, i and Mi ; II. II. Sinclair Sinclair rendered rendered eames games and and dancing dancing lit Ut the tfie evenlngjitluw, evenmgjttnaw, Morris MJrm Tounie, Tounie, . their radlojramoiJhone. Uif affair lasting uhUI midnleK? Girls, ttii. and uudel Nora HU1, . u:e brought a fin day's when delicious refreshments were Alberta BUion. " " : Gallon to a fitting cjosc. . served. Visitors and. vlllagers'alike . Boys, twelve and under Kufus- rang rhoy- in town far thecel- enjoyed themselyes- to the full. Jiwls, Herbert Temple. - on wer- the pole and wood - ttiris. twelve and under F. 'W.i.ir and their crews in- , - ' 7" :" - Green (Port Smiusou). Marloilei Cin-r David Williams, Eddie son. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris fu,,,. ? ... ;. i I't M: :-uk. Dou?las Mar- and 'family of llizeltait and Mr;-. Boys, fourtwai and under Albert' . Mr Mrs. Harold Sinclair, and, Mrs. Matthew Harris were am Hill, Arnold Brown. . . k '-ey Williams and Fred John- nere. H ow many- HAVE YOU READ? The Voyage t..:.4.:....:..v: ....... -MprR?n ' Valley of the Sun .'. :....:..,a-:...;-!.C -; Kelland ' . Fanny by Gaslight ,.r..:-L'.J : China Trader ......l.iljy-Sincer; - No Stone Unturned .....A....,X.;:3..1;..wre!we ' 1 Sick Heart River .....:...::J44 ''.f ; Buchah Out of the Night :L.....L 'm Je Sad Cypress .......-.v?v"hfl?95 Faked Passports ,..,1., WheMe'y Casariovas Women Erskl'ne The Tragedy of Y ::L..,0$.::..... Queen To Sing With the Angels , Hindus Walking the Whlrlwirii- J- nlht That hone Should Die Slaughter Mr. Luctons Freedom, .,.- Yun? Caravan for china fituart Dangerous Water . Chambers He Looked for a Cltjr...r , .V Hutchinson Random Harvest ....M........ ... H'lton A" f these and many wthers .re part tf ur tfntl library Sedlon JOIN IT and enjoy Jhe latest in read"'? Per Month -Only 75c Chance vour book ouicklv as you can read Girls, fourteen and under Rita Balton, Laura Collison. : Uoys, eighteen' and under-f-Wli-llarh Hill illartley Bafy),. John Gordon, i . Glrii' skipping race Mrs., Wlli-' frid J.ackson, Clara. Innls'r. .". .Girls, 75, yard dashClara Ip-'nU, lilrs. WUfrld Jackson. , Boys' sack race Charles Cooler Port Simpson), Roy Innls- (Port ' ' Esslngton). - Meai's open 100 yard dash Er-nlp Hill, Wilfrid Jackson. ' . 'vyomen's lianimeiing contest- FJpra - Hill, Maude Helm " '(p'ort Slmn'on). ' , ., "v :' Man's 440-yard dash Wilfrid. Jackson, Ernest Jackson. Women'! slootlng contest Martha Gordort, Mabel Lewis. .Men's shooting contest Joshua Price, (Port Simpson, Paul Price (Port Slmpsonl. Thread the Needle race Reuben Mason and Mrs, Joseph, Innls, Mr. and Mn . Wilfrid Jackson, 220r'vard relay Ernest Jackson's! team, Wilfrid Jackson's team. Three-legged raceCharles Henry and Dick Ryan (Port; Sfmpson), DavW Campbell and Weller Innls. One mile race-i-Mederick, Nelson, James Nelson. . . Croai country ; race Charles Henry Port SUnpson), James Nelson, f Obstacle race Charles Henry (Port Simpson), Itegle SamiAon (Port Simpson). High Jump James Nelson, Vln-' cent Wells (Port Simpson). t Mrs. James Clark Palmistry glLVERSipES, PIQPK Second St. Phone Green 416 I Broad Jump-r-Mederlck Kelson, i i Jttmes Nelson, i Hop, step and Jump--Mederlck Ne)sor, James Nelson. Tuf-o(war Port Gtopson win- ner qvef ruticaiia. I 2AW.C Aquatic fcvenls t,vens Horace Brown, pitcher'. Allen John- year there were competitors arid Gd sportsmanship trophy mjii, inai. uiiie, turner, sec-ijiiofs irfim sucn points as rort "'" mii". , Football ond base: A. Morgan, shortstop 'Simpson, Port tls.ngton and Hart- Pn?es were distributed on SPORT CHAT FOOTBALL LAUNCHED weather prevailing, the entire pon- M iwo oi uie wiuai Annual Meeting Last Nteht Of P. vlatlon of Irn village turned out Plf Two.Dar "Kas(er Cejeb.raifdn Rpw txt.rvcer-61snoa Lewis and greatest mllers, ayoney woouerson K F AXed Smith is Elected and keen Interest as taken In a Held WUh Many Visitors And Rrt H'UV Ytttd Jackson and and Jack Lovelock, bJlieve that a president full day's program. I All Kinds Of Sworts Ernes Jackspn. four-minute mile will seme day be The onenlns event of the davl . . Qasboat; race, 6 h.p. and under 'run. Wooderson, whose 4:oo.4 mm-! was the Softball game between '"" lSea NorUi. Capt. James Henry ,utes uuuuor outdoor record .u has u. been beat 5lrls and bovs whlc rp-nltprf ih i kitkati.a Ahrii 22: Kltkatla 'Port Simpson); Vera, apt. An .Win for the bovs hvn srnfp Af 12 tn'wft Rinwdrrt nILn viutnrn tar fceV- .drew TaH '(Port Simpson). 9. The teams wefei .era! days In connection with ihe! Trailer' class Daily. Capt. Alfred Easter celebration which centred J&cKson. c., u, wo. n, t-apt. to on two fuU days of fieid and water RldWy. snorts last Mondav nd Tue. dav. oasDoat race, n.p. ana unaer second base; Jane Howard short Extended to Include competition Alberta q., Capt, Ernest Bolton, ston:, Rosle Banaek. third base: from oulsldi. villaees. i wks the Cammerclal boat race Irene j With considerable SYDNEY IN orevaHin- and t,. ouUook for a als. the . la. .... . .. .. ir 1 n L T 1 11.1 . Tl 1 . . Win AGAIN REG IN A, April 22: Sydniy Millionahies made it two straight win3 irer Rcjlna Ranjers last enthusiasm night in the Allan up hockey fin- core being 8 to 3. The en omy Dy uien uunnmsnami- . . - , .... t.,rA . fVl ,lti h 4:04 Indoor mark, thinks It will take from 30 to 50 yeai; to knock off the four seconds. "I think the record "will down slowly, just as It has during these last few veais." hp said no. na.! i his record this summer. Given per the , feet conditions he believes he Ernest Hyams. third base: Ivanlley Bav. Weather of solendid varit.l'W ntsht Speakers were. Ed- cftuld run the mile In :lose to 4:04 Woods, right fielder;. John Banack,ety prevailed and villagers andj V?rd Jn'pls dnd Henry Brpivn, minutes but thinks that is his centre fielder; Willie Mark, left visitors alike thoroughly epjoyedi chairman arsd vice-chairman re- "limit. fielder. The girls, older and heavier than the boys, were ahead by heavier hitting In' the first three inning's themselves. spWtYW oT the ceieoration com-i In addition to the big sports ttee, announplng that in future Lovelock, former record holder programs on each day there were; eelebratloiv H was planned 't'o have and Olympic champion at 1,500 sood season's play, the meeting of the Plnce Rupert played Wednesday night at sasica Football Association was held last toon. ; night. Ser, on's entries for th: " " 'J - Senior League are to be In by g0 April 30 and it Is planned, to start Pa"ulla .1av rfnrinw 4hA first wppIc In Miv. nwiuiarjr Tuesdays and Thursdays will be 1IailsonJM;P; ueriruae jonnson, mm fielder; largest celebration ever sponsored 3f. wjm 'wi cisua, cuhkc ,ee no reason wny n snouia regular playing nights. The Louise Weget, centre-fielder; Maa-'in Kitkatla. celebrations or crevlous 0.,'Oapt. James Xewis. (come down even further, though imPtn2 riwirtPri tn nmepw with gie Russell, left fielder. yeats had been confined to the AU around trppliy Mederick 1there must come a time when thethe USUal arrangements to" get the,ren uoys opraon Howard, catcher; people of the village only. This, eisun. aunn win De reacnea. a soiaier ' ....... a -m ' I A I A 1 ' I . A, ;now, wooaerscn ncpes io go airer Vice-President, Oldf President, Ted Smith. Flii t V::e-Pres:dent, Ernest War- field in readiness for play. ' eBaunu vu-r.uc,... w . The election of officers resulted u - ' . . ' Sscretary-Treasurer, Herb Mor- as follows: ' Honorary President, Hon. T. D- ,?aI5: .' J . ' , , ' ; K i Ths board of control will be el- , . . iected at the next meeting.. well under three minutes for the; 'Prospective teams are Rocky three-quarters," he said, "and 1 Mountain Rangers, Dry Dock, a know that in competition, if press- ocmbination team of Area Headed severely enough, another quar- quarters and Signal Corps and a dances on each evening under the WW ,nQre extensive programs and metres, also believes the perfect. ter could be done In 60 seconds or feurth team formed from the for- but tha boys caught 'up in the 'auspices of the celebration commit-' lnQTe substantial prizes. Jrcua Y-j.t-.rs In the village for fourth and held the lead until the tee and, on the final evening, the ladles of the Excelsior Club held a farewell party in honor of all1 visitors. 1 ' On Saturday, the arrival date of the visitors, there was a reception ( uunquei oy me JviKaiia icceji lor Club. On Sunday there was an mile Is a possibility. "I have been less." mer Velvets. "ty&Ur n&vi t& "Buy a. ICYCLEy FAITH Very few can tell the quality of materials, the accuracy of machining, the skill of workmanship WHEN you buy a bicycle you ing and many other hidden qualities buy it on faith without any the "eye cannot appraise. Every means of judging its hidden value CCRL is equipped with Dunlop or the sort of service it will give you in "the years to come. Therefore, your , very best guide to satisfaction in buying a. bicycle is to, buy a CCM. which enjoys a fine reputation for performance built up free "cycling. Jill &icuc&4 over 40 years df faitHul 'service "to cyclists around, the worldi The good name of .CCM. is your guarantee that .when you. buy ,a.. CCM, Bicycle you w'jll get. correct . design, fine "steels, precjsipnmachiri- ing, careful' fitting; .complete braz- ing, durable enamelirrg, heavy plat- CCM. Bicycles Arc Soltl By McRae Bros. Ltd. Soltf on the usual Monthly Payment Plan Tires. Sq wheri you buy a bicycle on faith, as youimust, buy one bearing the CC,At, ;name-plate, and be sure of long yearsbf easy-running, trouble- v-- See the nw models at your nearest CCM. dealer s arid choose your favorite, tuts , . -Ti i ceil' rUi "fc-50 I r-a"'M or A, (' '" ,""' ' 76R C.C.M. Bicycles Accessories anil Repair Parts arc on Sale at Gordons Hardware A' ' ' ! 4' v 4l