PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT, BRITIStl COLUMBIA Published, Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN, MANAGING -EDITOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates in City Per Year, $5.00;, Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; One Week, 12c. Out-of-Town Subscribers by Mail, $3.00 a Year. MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN I'KESS The Canadian Press la exclusively entitled to iie lor publication of all news despatches credited to It or to the Associated Press In this paper and also the tocal news published therein. All rights of republication of apeoial despatches therein are also reserved DAILY EDITION Look At It Again , . . Letter Box DISTRUSTS JAPANESE Editor. Daily News: I cannot refrain from most vehemently condemning t h e underlined content of the attached clipping: "The feeling of the authorities here, like elsewhere In the country, Is that the great majority of the Japanese people are fixedly loyal to Canadian citizenship and Its privileges." which appeared in the Thursday, December 11, issue of the Prince Rupert Daily New3. The implication of this sentence Is not only utter nonsense but It is Japanese propaganda of the most insidious kind. I did not think that the Daily News would ever lend Its SATURDAY. DEC. 13, 1041. May we ask you readers to take a second look at the Blackout Rules and Regulations. They are important and should be obeyed implicitly. It is useless to make regulations if some people to whom they apply do not carry them out. Anyone wilfully breaking a blackout regulation and endangering the whole community is a traitor to the country. Radio Improvement . . . There is some interest taken in the fact that, while for several weeks the short wave radio reception in Prince Rupert was very poor, as soon as the blackout commenced the radio reception improved to a very marked extent. Stations that had scarcely been heard for weeks suddenly cleared right up and came through loud and clear. Not a few fans take this as an indication that all bad reception here in normal times is chargeable to atmospheric or other natural conditions. Knocked Business Flat . . . The entry of Japan into the war and the ranidly following blackouts knocked business flat early in the week. People temporarily stopped buying Christmas presents. They neglected the theatre and buying dropped in practically all lines. Now it means that the stores will have to make up for lost time and there will be a great rush of purchasers to get their usual Christmas shopping 1 1 & done. The newspapers have felt the hold-back as much as the merchants. Those who require extra help from the newspapers to move the Christmas goods would be wise to give us as much time as possible to handle the business. Shoppers will have to get busy if they are to secure the goods they require. We strongly urge them to lose no time. Should the blackout be enforced again between now and Christmas it Will shorten the days and make buying difficult columns as a tool to the machinations of the most treacherous enemy Canada has ever seen. This printing of such enemy propaganda is a flagrant breach of Defence of Canada Regulations which 1 know you would most definitely want to avoid. If the underlined sentence is the "feeling of the authorities here." then these authorities should be removed from any position of authority and put where they can no longer menace the safety of this city, this country. Why don't you offer for publi-caton In a Japanese paper: "The great majority of Canadian people in Japan are llxedly loyal to Japanese citizenship and its privileges?" This is equally nonsensical. Don't be a tool of Japanese propaganda I JOSEPH T. MANDY. HIGHEST Wanted --Raw Furs 3 PRICES MARKET PAID Representing HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Ship to J. E. ORMIIEIM, Prince Rupert. B.C. Canadian National Railways Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Thursday at 11:15 p.m., calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. Saturday at 11:15 p.m., calling at Ocean Falls. Winter Excursion Fare, Vancouver and Return $3fn ft ft Tlckets on sale Nov- 15th- 1941' to Feb. 15th, Y"vvv 1842. Final return limit March lsth Plus Tax Trains' leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. Alr-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full Information, reservations, etc., call or write It. S. GREIG, CITY PASSENGER AGENT, 528 Third Avenue rhonc 2C0 Prnce nupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News tnat tne people ot the whole district are doinir the samf PLAYER TRADING L Deals in Big League Baseball Players Reported Yanks Want Caniilii. CHICAGO. Dec. 13: The tra- ! ditlonal tempo of the Major j League meetings quickened today with half a doaen deals closed and several others, including the pos sible sale of Dolph Camilil to the j Yanks. In the negotiating stage. I Overnight the Phillies announced the sale of outfielder John Riz- zo to Brooklyn and infielder Era-mett Mueller to Montreal, a Dodgers' farm; and the New York Giants bought third-baseman Bill Werber from Cincinnati and sold outfielders Joe Moore and Morrie Arnovich to Indianapolis. The Werber deal Is the first move of Bill Terry, front office man of the Giants now, to give Manager Mel Ott a good start. Bidding for Camllli The big talk, however, was the bidding of the world champion New York Yankees tor Camilli, veteran first baseman of the pennant-winning Dodgers, and the National League's most valuable player last season when he led in both home runs and run 5 batted In. The best guess was that Larry MacPhail, Dodger 'president, was askins about $75,000 for his prize, even though all other National League clubs waived on him at $7500. President Ed Barrow of the Yanks was thought to have offered about $50,000. The Dodgers hoped to buy Johnny Mize from the St. Louis Cardinals. One of the Important trades of the winter sessions saw Chicago White Sox give Kreevich and relief pitcher Jack Hallett to Philadelphia Athletics for Moses, a hitter who has never averaged leas than .300 in seven years in the big time. Both the outfielders are 31 years old and came into the American League In 1935 and have been on the verge of stardom from time to time. Browns to Stay The American League received a surprise proposal for the transfer of St. Louis Browns to Los Angeles, but a short discussion of 'he transportation and other problems involved showed the owners to be unanimously against any change and President Will Harridee of the American League said no for mal vote had to be taken. Frankie Frisch's contract as manager of Pittsburgh Pirates was extended an additional year to Include the 1943 season. No announcement of salary was made. New York Yankees announced the sale of Tommy Holmes, star outfielder of their Newaik farm in the International League, to Boston Braves for cash and a player to be named later. It's wonderful what a little classified advertising: mav dn fnr you. Most people read the clasi- nea aas. (tf) THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINKSEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all-the-year-round payroll In Prince Rupert. When You Want GOOD TAXI SERVICE Call 235 Taxi Proprietor O. Klldal THE DAILY NEWS SATURDAY. DBCBMBB , SPORT CHAT Bob Feller. Cleveland's pitching ace. has applied for enlistment In the naval reserve at a Great Lakes training station. Feller, according to Commander Gene Tunney, applied for the rank of chief boatswain's mate and would probably be placed in the physical department if he passes routine mental and physical tests. "Lefty" Grove, forty-one year old pitching start of the Boston Red Sox, has been given his outright release at his own request. No reason for Grave's retirement was given, by the club in making the announcement. Joe Louis, Detroit's Brown Bomber, flattened Paulino Uzcun-dum In four rounds at New York six years ago tonight. It was the first time the Basque was knocked out in 13 years of fighting. Joe Is now undisputed champion ot the joxing world. Hockey Standings Boston Toronto Rangers . Chicago ... Detroit Brooklyn Canadiens National League WD LFAPts 3 45 25 19 4 49 30 18 5 39 41 16 4 36 34 K. 7 30 38 li 10 33 53 7 1 10 28 4) 5 Mil SCAD EL PAARL TAWNY S Uji) ixattm quauiy 24 oi. AND ftAVOR unit OJiU! (L 1tt advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. STANLEYW. COLTON D.C, Ph.C. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone GI9 rn a i m zutm :un rm km mtM tu LADIES! Just Arrived 50 NEW COATS In Latest Styles. All invited to look our stock over. Big discounts for cash. Remember, your credit is good. GOLDBLOOM "The Old Reliable" mi i a :; i;i Mtmmmtmx mi i NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot it Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 p.o. Box 196 Three Links War Fund Tea Success Enjojable Affair Is Held at Home of Ahs. Alex Barbe. In aid of the Oddfellows' and Rebekahs' united war fund, an enjoyable and successful tea was held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Alex Barbe. .Many guests were received by Mm. Barbe and Mr. D. V. Smith. Asstellns were Mrs. H. V. Tattersal, Mrs. Frank Morrison and Mrs. Dan Healy. the last-mentioned being cashier. Canada at War 25 Years Ago Dec. 13. 1916: British resumed offensive In Mesopotamia; bombarded Sarina-i-yat on the River Tigris. Gen. Robert Nivelle suc-:eeded Gen. Joseph Joffre in command on the Western Front Aus-rlan government resigned. .j. .. . .;. .;. . .j. .;. .;. .j .j. .;. .;. .;. .. .;. . J. H. BULGER Optometrist (OPPOSITE POST OFFICE) .j. .. .j, .;. .j, .j, .5, .j, . .j, .. ,5. 4, ,. .j, j $ .j, . savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert B. C. Furniture Co. 1 Underwood Portable Typewriter, in first-class condition. 10 Reconditioned K i t-chen Ranges for coal and wood of various makes at very 1 o w prices. 1 Chesterfields, Beds and One Occasional Chair, some very fine patterns to choose from. Radio Tables, Coffee Table a n d Lamps at low prices. Phone Black 32-1 THIRD AVENUE I f I 9 1 I 6 5V ! W 2 RUBBER I RAILWAY ! LINES Plus Tax FROM LOW RUBBERS TO HIP r.UM BOOTS, we carry a very extensive stock in Gutta Percha and Northern Iluhber Co. lines. "BAR FLEX" RUBBER WORK ROOTS hi-fi", 10" and lfi", cushion insoles have the appeal of every one that wear, them. "PARIS MAID" SLIPPERS-Shipment just arrived! Home of Good Shoes" M 9 A f A 1 n A A I A A A I Family shoe store ltD.i .. P.. to T"L The II t t ri R Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean FaIN and Way Point SS "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday, 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT SS "Princess Norah" Dec. 8, IS, Jan. 2, 1.1, 20 QO AA Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver ana Knum VVUV Tickets on Sale Nov. 15, 1MII, to Feb ti t91 Final Return limit March 15. 191 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pac :ir v Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, GENERAL AGENT, PRINCE lU'PERr IVC CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Send a 10 lb. box of "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD 2.00 Delivered. To our many customers who usually send a box oi K , r to their friends or relations at this time of the . w express our regrets we have not yet been able to sc u. -Herring suitable for kippering. Rather than disappoint our friends In the Interior u the Prairies, who really appreciate a taste of smok i direct from the Coast, we substitute the offer abov-For S2.00 we will deliver a 10 lb. box of Smoked Black Cod to any express point in II. C. or any Canadian National Express point in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba Mail your order with cheque or cash to: CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO LTD Prince Rupr: fK with name and address of consignee. We will enclast .n with, name of sender. 1 Canadian Fish & Cold Storage m-3 M PRINCE RUPERT CO. Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA announcing PRICE REVISION ON ALL 1942 FORD and MERCURY CARS and TRUCKS AS MUCH AS $250.00 LESS ON PASSENGER MODELS FULL REBATE WILL BE MADE on all 1912 Models already delivered by us regardless of trade-in value allowed. Here ate some samples: Old Price New Price FORI) SPECIAL FORDOR SEDAN 51C1G.00 S1372.00 MERCURY SEDAN COUPE $1799.00 1043.00 Above two models available for Immediate delivery. Other cars and trucks available strictly on quota basis. First come, first served. Quality Improved price the same. S. E. PARKER Limited AUTHORIZED FORI) DEALERS ft i rm A A A n A A 9 . A I S