- 9 m m - I a Ml Liceacee for 'iwiate FtH-m Frame, tbe Newest la Ef e-Wear Wanted-Raw Furs 3Iakes a Difference to Your Comfort Consult with us as to the best kind to use for your Stove, Range or Furnace t4 -'i EYES EYES Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jewelery Repairing, Hand Engraving CHAS DODIMEAD Ojtamttrbt ia Cbxrje Phone SSI for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIA3I0XD MERCHANT Msit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID Ship UJ.E OEMHEOI, Priae Eapert, BX. Representing HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY Pbfl;fL IC7 Eatt 3rd Are. This is the Time of Year When QUALITY COAL Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. PHOXE HC c A L L SPECIAL 1 Tin PHONE 117 Ml 31 Tooth Powder with Sodaium Perborate 1 10 oz. Tumbler both for 37c Ormes ltd. TZhA Pioneer Druqgiats The Rexall Store Phones 81 tc K2 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to J pun. 'STAR DUST' ENTERTAINS Linda Darnell Featxred ia THrffiiaj Film Based a Pepalar Ballad Of Same Name j "Star I3.- a thriEmr fiirs stery f same ra r. cones as the featere lOfferxag to the xttea of the Capi - i neighbor had teen bombed ' a. a ra cawsii appataas jast . as goDd as a new idea. a' ec uaca iwbw tgo n cut as a pistky sttuB town girl in HoOjttooc! serappfrg 2or her place ia the ei. She meets Jobs Payne, another ithez. the roan? eoepie enact the jbelp of Roland Toan. a taJeeted ; scoct. aid Chaiiccte Green TO&d. & drasatic maeh, and, Then thnus J la dartest. they stare a riert jThieix bris then aseeess. Cay and chimin?, the picture ls said to haTe mocseats of strooe draaa and ssspeoss and is rtry en- tertaintD;. , Othert Jea tared in the east are WBKain Garjan. It&rj Beth Hu?hes Itarr Healy and Dooald Meek. Ifarr HeaJj stass the theme sce "Star Dttit" as veil as txo cer hit f especially for the da. 4 I . , TES DAILY KZ'frt Waterfront Whiffs CoL Nicholls on Fisheries Situation-Herring Run Unsatisfactory Vancouver's Halibut Fleet Case The fresh and frozen fish taaoess on the the-prospects for profitabie trzdine that aaj one becase etooded. HaHr. thr As- eemst. It trfcstmz eooterns oo the Padfie P" i &i' Coast adapted therssetoes to the ibarajatnz. Uavrrtr. the fishfcz in-Vxneoaw has dartry on the Pacific Coisi fhock! ihattbat fleet not eoEnpuin sererery. They are at.en ressels . . totafltne; j I as not quite sore a-bjch of the ' tain vants airplanes aad gits be- ( iocil mzlezs H tzs bat It Taj one i iOTr Pasrre ito. The prospects ' :of those iho Tit the local streaau for mi jPe- ot cowse. uncertain - in sEsucer. He vas a Tery dtToct' there is no peseteisa in the S persoQ aftbSBzh oa voald not -ii-' trade on the Pacific Coast. It is ex- vr t ui. seeted tirst- incmtM artfrltw- rm 1 k uviii w namtuffll. ' He xas planntng a filing trip aji this continent will offset the los of i as he went to bed that ni?ht hlelJx5rt markets and oar company pers so that I wont haTe to tell any l whoppers alter I come hose." operations as Tigoroosry as before. The flahing indestry generally can be of great help in the present war crisis by eontribstinz to hoSdinz : li s i to be able to id ba not (knrn tr cost of Hvinr Toe in-i in weather Hke this. ! datrT boeld engage in the pro- idaeaon aad distrfbseon of an the ( 1 .. . Vartnir 'A rht -ys the only binU eheap aTaQabte and sell K to .that talk are parrots aad ther doi1 00 tne sniaHest aargln cot fly yery high. ! "I haTe had a close Jhare. What J ' aboat year was a gn pat op by a Looooa oaroer w&ose next door Siceraxieate make plans to bay as- faLing to Kbol "P m other. j01 and substantial quantities I Hare yoa read the Srois report? 1 Then dont let the raneoarer j papers foe yoa. They may bare axes to grind. I English cewssa cerx rrrr tt r tularly ererr dar ht othef publications are deuyed Herel U a typical notice: -Office of pub-1 jncauon gutted but not staff. Jour ' nal wiU be few days late." N'EM YORK COPPER """" ?fEW YORK Jnrr. -e r- I , ' "V Jer price was tmchanged on the Xew York metal market today with May at lli3c. per pnd. '(imrramrui Urfnar Art" i taction 2i Sotke Sp(rfktWa Itr a IWf LICENCE 50TICZ 18 KERKBT OITES ItiU. oil tt UTA Cxj of Fbruu7 liHl next tfce w4nlTM intends to tppij to tbe LUjucr CotvM Boara Xor a ncesee to I rCrhOect fsf trf rntirfai swo i . i a use Totx He( on Buryat. tw..n ki . . o ... 8Kmf upen tbe Una ttmVai f"-tD fcaj Treov i20i of BtocJt TwentrAn (23) la 8Mon On 1. Up 23. Prince Rupert Lod SMrtftlon DiMict la the Pivrtnce of BrltKh Columbls for tbe mUt of bm 3T Uie ctSMi or far tl hntti. o s-. umpttoo on tbe prrmle or else- DATED UU Jj ay of Jnarr mi. EOEEBT CXJSTLAND WDTCH Applicant. rhones 18 & 19 P.O. Box 35 ABSOLUTELY FREE! Valuable OUt and Household Premiums are absolutely free to you when you save our Cash Coupons given for purchases or 25 cent of more. It la too good to pass up. Come in and let tis explain the plan to you. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY. STORE "Where Dollars Hare More Cents" uanng ;ne paxi weet: tne uanadon FUhiiig Co took 400 tcrj from Union Pas, ia the Wark Caa. area. IjanSS r sa to the i! Coast during 1&40 Hew hot aad cold with the progress of ta tne war. sav LoL J. W. Xichofts Getters! Manager. Can-i1 adian Fish & Cold Storage Co- in a review of the present ! fisheries situation. Commendntr with the invasion of yosng SaSS hopes oL aad together they Xorwa'' the Continental European marked for Pacific also fnxJine. go, abexjt lore-. ' " j ndth w , .4;bre. and u the projrwirf .u. Urti betas U ner eocdttiocis and tecsd nev oct- hi a letter recetnd at the Dafiy lets tor their prodoets. The doss- Jes office this -nek: vtaeb was tsOe caarkets of both United Sues ioac that it eoaU aot be poaasht Byj and Canada look bp most of the the Fisfamg Vteel OfOtxt Assoa agabm the Vaacoarer fleet era if some of its boats do engage in oth er than the haBeat fishery. As fori the idea that the opening of the! season be deferred from April 1 te ' i prayed: "Lord, when I go oat to-,al itw piannmg to condaet ;u.y uiai we -part msr vaii- morroT. let ice catch a few whop- eoorer fleet may be eMrwtnatfd. Mi Breraer says: "We can sec no )ns-Uce for elimination of the Vaseoe-rer fleet composed of regnlar hahbat fishermen whose greatest in possible coenmeasoxate with aoand .sees as greatest present danger to' IBjfgaeat. Ithe proper maintenante of halibat The herring ran in waters can-Ugaoas to Prince Ropert, anasaally late this year, is still Tery "spotty" as ther'efv3 f Janaary approaches. Redntiori plants, canneries aad : rpld storage chambers are awaiting their sopphes and seiners and pack- Whn t iu .-v.. '" are organized bat the fish are stocks in the Tarkxa degreer of mg operations now carried oa in an eTer-tocreastnqscale." Coattouu?. Mr. Bremen 4ajg;.We efiSze the difficatt PovaaPAfA Rb-pert fleet bsi wjWtre Serarn :he Prince Ropert men will agree wiih us when we say that in the past they haTe ran the halibut indastry with Tery little interference from Vancouver a pr-vege which Ae Vanroirrer Heet may not be pre- M0M0GRBM 10HD0M DRY CI N 'A TKil sJyertijemeftt is rot pubL'fxd or dijpUycd by tie liqi control Dosrd or by the oovemment of Brib"h Ulumbis uor JOHN GURVICH, Contractor Wishes to Announce the Founding of the Seal Cove Trucking and Transportation Co. And for Your Sen ice Offers 4 DUMP TRUCKS TO 4-YARD CAPACITY AND 2 LARGE COVERED VANS Small jobs are our business but the bigger the job the better we like it For Any Type of Truck Hauling by Hour or Contract Phone THREE-TWO Please I eared te extend to tbe latere. The itneaatfes of the IXarketins Act V jovre of fc-ritattea to those who. i at tfce northern port." YaaeoaTer u ante prepared, bowerer. the let- J ! tercaoelades-to share m the elloru of those vte promote sseajarr uj the advance of the hafibat indas-. uy bat e mast protest when it is' ri argaed that these may be atcocn-1 niithMf and aB MToMeas sotted by ! jtif the VaneoaTer fleet" I imeB mi onae mwwh tox nan ; Pacific adhere to the repUatteoi in effect naaery aad ha ap- nncipies to those within its JarttdSctioB. W. a C2Mte of Qvebec axrtTtd to the csty on the Prsaecss Adelaide I Dr. H. afternooo. He is to be lor the next three aaonlhs nTj Pct3j ntoauB research vert a: cae f.mtt nspert tsnenes czpen- Statton ia assocsation vith X. BreexJeshy. Bohert O. SatheriaBd antred to L j the city this veek froai YascoaTe j i to axaasse daties as sanaVcer here i jstacr, dae to tesprorec coocsmcxs. at vaacoaiu. taroaan nssec-'ior Steaamrd Oil Co. ct BrtUth anc ve tsssx the year enoee sans- ceuiy. mapn zmascr. sawen a sn-. CDtaaaaa ia jaecotstoa to Uect. faetorlly for an coaceraed. The ter mea George Aaaenaa. secretary rtcrauy left the! fhheraen. vbo are the bssod . of the Deep Sea rtthernMDS Fed- aty UVr tosstn the aaTj far war' jireaia of the indastry, generafly enl Dnton at Prsace Eapert -stikh jiTkie. speaking bad a better year. Theixasreeenlly Mr Ander- taost serioss factor affeettnz the aa in the original letter set forth. Vokom steasaer Veatare. Capti (ibh -rrM. t h Yr a i c3rs "ws wij w Joan Bodea. arttted ia aort at 11 ... - -rv-o t. t. tw- irceen nauoai ana vucx operanrs m a tay i opeom of M y,: rr,.v I iterinS Great Britain. This ee-i the Tool be asore accepC'Mu)rd l . , 1 1. . . A ik - n Man in the Moon ,Tentoris and as temporarily ea-fBiC. Mr Breaawr enatends that Vt an C.N.R. Trains Nursery Stock FREE 40-page catalogue. 31 colored i&astrationx Full of Taloable tofpmatten. Corn-, plete liiojfsCBfor .J home. Latest jSlbt noreiUei. SEND FOR YOUR COPY NOW Valuable Free Premiums With ETery Purchase EDDIE'S NURSERIES Sardis, B.C Mike Colussi Accordkmbt and Teacher AAA. Certificate PHONE RED 811 Before Stock Taking We Are Selling Off Our Fur Goods at 25 Off We Must Clear Out the Stock Goldbloom The Old Reliable THE SEAL ox QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye pinkTeal 1 Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all U year round payroll In a rrince Kupert . from the soath andl v TaasoaTer ana vaypaena. Tne' Vtnsnre reported and vtth wrar-t haporttnt "seed bo and decks, bore erkteoee. of fifty- of a Tery wintry Toyaje. WMn a . IKNK IB BHC Will mc. least able to get a3 the food and," eotapared with SS2 tons for Isweepsae; dtnra Deaa CaanneL it! Prinee Kapert. The e eaiptey- w 9 aime at Bella CooJa when! ment of sereral of these Tessek ulthe essei vms there. There was' the hahbat flshery. Mr. Bremer snow at Bella Bella. ' says that there shoaJd be no $rade For the East Mondays. Wednesdays and Ftr- oays 8 njn. , From the East Tuesdays. Thursday and Saturday 11 p-za. appears to be that they hare been ( Hondrecs ot people try a "spot" forced to part tfcae work dae to de-jm the Dally News classified col-pressed conditions wttfasa the hali-jcnm and get good results. tf bat Indastry. The Vaacourer 03 TONIGHT OXlT iSh.::Muin, LIXDA DARNELL In 'STARDUST With J0IIX fATXE EOUm, CBEEXWOOD ADDED Crime FHesnt Par twJ -THE WRONG WAt OtT -jionsejs t the Ciri, Carton -Harteit Tim. orrrr ujiwii Larrtn.t 01,1 in rKIDE AND PRUnQ lrs. James Clark Palmistry SILYEKalDES BUK1 FREE EXTRA PANT! This U the one of Hme ( Hsbberlla Sahi and get an exfra , . absaut Ling the Tailoi Sixth Street rhoofE . CHIROPRACTOR, Sunlej W, ClUc OUUl W-JUtt Rterk. riMM III MANUFACTURERS Life Insurance Co P.H. Linzey teal Represents In rTBitl ; Rupert PHONE GREEN HI Central Hotel Central Hotel Annci ISO Heated Rooms Hot Water Steam Batfcl Dining Room in CounectiM Mrs. C. E. Black, ProprifWl LOOK Bicycles and WheeJioodjoN kinds Repaired. Rubber fwl wear, Tires, Etc, vulcanic I GUNN'S Variety Repairs 6th St, opp. OR Barbw SM NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. Zarelll T roprletof "AlHOMfc AWAI 'BO HOME Ra'M tie US M Rooms Hot & Cold W Prlnct Rupert. B.C. h. p ti Hat I". uwua hi - Fresh Local Raff"11 Pasteurized Mife VALENTIN DAfltf