' THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITis#H (\0LUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THF. PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Dal.y, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. HEAD OFFICE Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New YorkK— National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City Daily News Building, Third Ave., SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. LONDON, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafa)gar Square. SUBSCRIBERS will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. Contract rates All DAILY EDITION. THURSDAY, May 9 A BAD MAN OUT WEST In one of his stovies O. Henry tells of a bad man out west who used to brow-beal everybody and talk about what fights he had been in and what fights he would like to get in. ‘‘And,” said Hen- ry, “he could fight just as well as he said he could. I know this is all wrong and contrary to all that is written in the pages of fiction, It is always the quiet man over the corner who is brave and quieiiy rises and does things. At the same time if I have to choose whether I shall pull the nose of the bad man who in the middle of the floor bragging or of the quiet man in the corner who isn’t saying a word, I'll step over and pul! that quiet man’s nose,’ There may be something in the climate that it. The Indians who were here before us were undoubted- brave, but it kept an Indian mighty busy being as brave he said he was. A iittle vanity in a man a good thing. It would not’ be there unless he believed in him- self, and if he believes in him- self it will be there, whether it crops out in his talk or not. But if a man who believes in himself publicly committed by his words to any line of action, he will make a pretty smart attempt to deliver the goods.—Toronto Star. AN OPEN LETTER TO THE COUNCIL C. B. Schreiber Protests Against City’s Rejection of Vancouver Cement e < To the Mayor and Council of the City of Prince Rupert, Gentiemen,—We wish to pro- test at your action in throwing out our tender (the lowest) for the supply of portland cement to the city. Not only was this grossly unfair to us, one of the oldest business firms in Prince Rupert, but as property owners and fax payers we consider it an unjustifiable waste of approxi- mately $350 of the public mon- ey. In calling for tenders you did not specify that you required a particular brand of cement; you asked for Portland Cement to pass certain specifications laid down by the city engineer, which were in fact standard specifica- tions. It true, however, that we intended to supply. the cem- ent known as ‘Vancouver Brand,’ manufactured by the Vancouver Portland Cement Co,, at Tod In- let, Vancouver Island, for whom we are the agents in Prince Ru- pert, and for your information we wish to point oul to you the following facts: (4). The Vancouver Portland Cement Co. is the only company manufacturing cement in British Columbia, A very large amount of capital has been invested in the plant which is as modern and up to date as any on the Ameri- ‘an continent, and for these rea- sons should receive some recog: nition and support from this city. The Grand Trunk Pacifie Ry, in is does ly as is is is are now using this cement on the work on their line out of Prince Rupert, (3). The cities of Victoria, Vancouver and all ijuunicipali- fies within reach of the works have always been using if, and have absolutely no complaint to make, (4). The Canadian Pacific Railway use it continuously, (5). It is speeified to be used in most Provincial contracts where cement is required, (6), The trouble with servoir at Victoria was the re- infer- ior worknianahip: The ity is repairing this under the super- vision of Mr. Thompson, the eminent engineer of Seattle, who is also consulting engineer on our proposed waterworks and he using “Vancouver Brand” cement for the repair work. (7). We agreed with the city engineer to sign a most drastic eontraect which would have im- demnified the city against any loss which might have occurred through the use of this cement. he particular clause we refer to is not only unusual but would not be signed by any firm unless they were certain that no loss would be incurred. (8). The cily has invested in expensive cement testing plant, which properly used should prevent any inferior ce- ment going into any work what- soever. All the is an if statements are absolute facts and can be veri- fied by overwhelming evidence; and we wish to be put on record as stating that it is such actions as this which you have thought fit to take which not only pre- vent traders who desire to do business in an honest and legi- timate way from competing for the city’s business, but deter capital from being invested in industrial enterprises which would be a credit to the province and furnish employment for large numbers of people. We are, Gentlemen, Yours truly, SCHREIBER & CO., LTD. per A. G. Foster, Mgr. above Cc. B. FAN TAN FRAUDS BARED _THE DAILY NEWS. ————— GREAT PLACE FOR TOWNSITE With Prince Rupert's Prospects, Scenery .and = .Surroundings| -— _from Steamship Standpoint Among the passengers on the steamer Camosun, which arrived at 44 o'clock this morning from Northern British Columbian ports, was Mr, J. H. Wellsford, head of,the Union and Boscowitz Steamship companies, who made the round trip on the vessel, ac companied by Gaplt. Walker and Mr. John Barnsley, Victoria ag- ent for the company. Mr. Wellsford, who also con- trols the J. H. Wellsford, Ltd., of Liverpool, a well-known steam- ship concern, said this morning: ‘T was particularly struck with the great beauty of the coast be- tween Vancouver and Stewart. It was a great panorama of beau- tiful scenery and if one part could be mentioned particularly it was the trip from Prince Ru- pert to Stewart along the Port- land Canal. There are few pla- ces in the world which afford a better week's holiday than a trip to Prince Rupert for any pos- sible monotony is broken by many varied calls,” SNOW SLIDE ON BEAR RIVER Supplies of Surveyors are Lost When Slide Occurs at Foot of Big Glacier Near Stewart. under forty feet of lie nearly a thous- and dollars worth of groceries and provisions, the property of the road department of the gov- ernment and J. H. Gray’s survey party. With a roar that could be heard for miles down the val- ley an immense amount of loose snow toppled over from the steep side of the mountain onto the glacier and then slid swiftly down the south tongue, comple- tely obliterating everything in its path and piling high over the two and a half tons of supplies stored at the foot ready to be taken over the moraine by dog teams. Fortunately the dog team outfit had left shortly be- fore the slide with a load to take Buried river glacier over the glacier to the other side, and at the time it happen- ed Wednesday noon, the cache was deserted. The loss of sup- plies will temporarily cripple the Serious Embezziements from Vancouver Banks Attributed to Chinatown Gambling (Special to Daily News.) Vancouver, May 8—Two bank clerks employed in the Mer- chants’ Bank and one employed in the Imperial Bank have con- bezzlements to an amount in- fessed to a share in police em- volving $11,000. Two schemes were -worked on each bank. The officials involved say that China- town gambling is responsible. BAD PROSPECT 18 PREDICTED Ulster Member Declares Passing of the Home Rule Bill Means Disruption of the British Em- pire. (Special to Daily News.) London, May 8—-That Ulster will fight and that Ulster will be right, and that the firing of first shots in the conflict if the Home Rule Bill becomes law will rend asunder the British Empire and the British army is the predic- tion made in the Commons yes- terday by Mr, Horner, an Ulster member, WANT GOVT. TO INVESTIGATE Much Larger Defalcations Dis- covered in South Vancouver (Special to Daily News.) Vancouver, May 8—Defalca- lions in the South Vancouver slhool embezzlement charges, for which a warrant has been issued for Trustee Speneer Robinson, are now much larger than was at first suspected, by several thousands. The defaleation is said to have been going on for some time, A government in- vestigation is wanted. Union Jack Goes South Victoria, May 8—H. M. 8, Al- gerine has left Esquimalt sta- tion for Mexico to succor any Britishers among the iahiiabaal there, and from points affected by the revolutionary disturban- ces, . Try the Royal Cafe Merchants’ lunch, tf Very large stock of general hardware, Sole agents for Sher- win & Williams paints, at Howe & MecNulty’s. tf work of the surveying party as they are on the other side of the glacier and a new outfit will have to be taken in. The gov- ernment supplies: were going in ahead of the establishment of camps. Meanwhile the snow has become too soft to permit the use of a dog team and everything will have’ to be packed on men‘s backs, causing untold delay and added expenditure,—Miner. Bryce to Remain London, May 8—Sir Edward Grey, put the quietus today on the rumored retirement of Sir James Bryce, as Ambassador to the United States. The Foreign Seeretary said in the House that upon Bryce’s retifen from Aus- tralia in September, he would re- sume his duties at Washington, “JOE” BAYLEY FIGHTS IN BASSANO Bouquets Flying for Prince Ru- pert’s Favorite Boxer ‘‘Joe,”’ Who Will Meet Ailen in June. D. Salt, Seattle, manager of Pat Scott, who fought twenty Joe Bayley Prince Rupert recently, was pre- at the tournament last night ang was much struck with the evident interest taken in the boxing game in Victoria. He complimented the J.B.A.A. pro- moters on the able manner in which the bouts were conduet- ed, Sall was over with Archie Wyard, 115 Ibs., of the Ballard A.C., a youngster whom he also is under his charge and who was slated to meet Tommy Knockton last night, Knockton did not make his appearance ow- ing to an injury received while swapping punches at the elub, it was claimed, and Wyard and Salt were much disappointed in consequence, The Seattle promoter would like to get another match for Scott with Joe Bayley, and stat- ed that he had tried to arrange the fight for May 24, but that Bayley had refused to enter th ig with anyone until after the fight with Allen in Bassano this June, Salt has a good word for Bayley and said that in his op- inion Joe was one of the gam- est. cleverest and cleanest fight- ers he had ever seen in the ving, —Vietoria Times. To desiroy those moths get Red Cedar Flakes at 25 cents the package from Orme, the Pioneer druggist. tf of round draw with a in sent WESTHOLME OPERA - HOUSE AMA‘ TE UR VAUDEVILLE FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 10TH Two shows 7 and 9 o'clock. Special Attractions Heavy Dramatic Monologue by Star Tragedian with lime light effects 30 Great Boxing Contest between English and Scotch “lightweight. champions,” Don't to see this fail NEW SONGS PICTURES AND SURPRISING STUNTS Prices—First twelve rows of orchestra chairs and first four rows of baleony 25c; rest of hall {5 cents. $2800 buys an improved lot in Block 17, Section 5; has a house and cab- ins that will rent and bring in an income of $50 per month, $1,400 cash, balance small mon- thly payments. G. R. Naden Co., Ltd. It uses the most expensive engrav- ings, procuring the }.hotographs from all over the world. Its articles are carefully selected and its editorial policy is thoroughly independent, A’ subscription to The Standard costs $2.00 per year to any address in Canada or Great Britain, TRY IT FOR 1912! Montreal Standard Publishing Co., Limited, Publishers PURCHASED TERRACE LOTS Mr, H. O. Richer Has Returned from a Trip to Terrace and Vicinity Mr. H. O. Richer expressed himself well pleased with the outlook at Terrace, and antici- pated very rapid progress for the hew town. lie says that over fifty acres of the townsite has been cleared and an excellent baseball field has been prepared. Mr. Richer pur@hased ten ac- res near the depot in Terrace, LOCAL JOTTINGS Baseball Meeting A meeting of the baseball club will be held at police court rooms on Thursday, May 9th, at 8.30 p.m,—H. B, Campbell, pre- sident, 2t Everything for the launch or boat at Howe & MeNulty's, 2nd Avenue, tf Mr. T. M. Baird, assistant en- gineer for the Grand Trunk, for- meriy a resident of Prince Rup- ert, laterly of Hazelton, is in the ,city, en route to the other end of construction on the railway, For men’s fine shoes in the latest styles see Scott, Froud & Co., 3rd ave, splendid the West- and at Band concert moving pictures holme Opera House tonight, No advance in prices, 2t Now is kodak time. Eastman's at the Rexall Store. tf COAL | New Wellington Coal. Best on the | Coast —_.| Phone 116 .Grand Hotel. ; Rogers & Black | Free Labor Bureau in Connection Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th St. GEO, BRODERIUS, Proprietor: —THE-— | Workingman’s Home | | | | |Three different sizes of wood hoists. Westholme Lumber Co. —LIMITED— COAL $8.50 Per Ton, Delivered Lumber and Mouldings All Kinds of Building Supplies First Avenue Phone 186 LINDSAY'S “storace G, T. P. Transfer Agents Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable. OFFICE—H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone 68, Little's NEWS Agency Magazines :: Periodicals :; Newspapers CIGARS TOBACCOS :: FRUITS 2nd Ave. Below Kaien Island Club oS Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. No. 63 Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening All members of the order in the city ar» requested to visit P , the lodge. SECOND AVENUE A. DOUGLAS, N. G. ° Fe : W. G. BARRIE, Sec. TENDERS WANTED For grading lot 25 x 100 feet, ad- joining store. H. 8. WALLACE CO., LTD. Nl all er aad! at Lm e e —for— Che Standard. HAZELTON, TELKWA, ALDER- : MERE MONTREAL. and all interior points. For rates and information apply THE STANDARD is the National bar ou ra Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion Rochester & Monroe - Agents of Canada. It is national in all its Second Avenue aims. We Offer For Sale.. Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 6, Section 1. Price $3,000 each, One-half cash, balance 6 12 and 18 months. Lots 16 and 17, Block 17, Section 5, $2,100. One-half cash, balance 6, and 18 months. Lot 4, Block 25, Section 5, with 5-room house worth $900, renting for $20 per month. Price $1,775 Terms, $1,275 cash, balance $25 per month, Lots 15 and 16, Block 5, Section 6. Price 12 Price $4,200. One-half cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months. Lots 9 and 10, Block 5, Section 6. Price $3,500. $1,200 cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months, Lot 18, Block 2, Section 7. Price $900, $450 cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months, Lots 33 and 34, Block ‘16, Section 7. Price $1,600. One-half cash, balance 6 and 12 months, > Lot 4, Block 23, Section 7, Price $750, 400 cash, balance 4 and 8 months. Lot 19, Block 23, Section 7. Price $450 Equity out, Lots 1 and 2, Block 31, 1,275. months, Continental Trust Co., Ltd. Second Avenue Real Estate Insurance Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent Section 7. Price Silversides Bros. The up-tosdate House Decora- tors of Prince Rupert Sign Writing.. Paper-Hanging Our Specialties WE ORIGINATE, OTHERS IMi- TATE 2nd Street Phone 156 Green | Might State ne =—=s I have opened a real estate office at 313 Fulton Street, If you want to buy or sell see me H. DOUGLAS P.O. Box 606 Section Six ay Lot , Block 5, $2100. Half eash an balance in 16. months LAW-BUTLER co, Phone 60 619 3rd Ave. | | jocal anasthetics administered for the painless ex . | Twelve Tables $575 cash, balance 6 and 12 —— W. L. BARKER ARCHITECT Phone 89 Alberts Block Second Ave, | H. Gordon Munro W. Nicholson Lailes MUNRO & LAILEY Architects, Stork Building, Second Avenue. STUART & STEWART ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS | L.aw-Butler Building Phone No. Prince Rupert P.O, Box 351 | } | | | 28 | | | | | ALFRED CARSS, of British Columbia and Manitoba Bars. ©. V. BENNETT, B.A. | of B.C., Ontario, Sa-- katchewan and A berta Bars. CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, ETC. )fice—Albert Block, Second Avenue. HALL, L.D.8., 0.0.8. DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. All dental operations skilfully treated. Gas an WM. S. Offices traction of teeth. Consultation free. ii-12 Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert. Alex.M.Manson B.A., W.2. Williams,B.A., L.L.0 WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.¢ P.O. BOX 28 PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY HOW MANy PEOPLE DO YOU KNOw Who have lost mon t Rupert real estate ? mene Pring How many Deo f who have lost mon bonds, ete? History that Farth Strongest protitable savings repeat “ a few squa » Proving in Prince I anchorage Invest Remember th pert with all its 7 y we Ah how in its ; ’ tinue to hrough show vested some infan It grow and your ‘ i where a how will returns inthe “Aaa ie George Leek List Your Property With me 618 8rd Ave. Prince Rupert TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., LON., ENG JOHN DYBHAVN Real Estate — Loans and Insurance 319 8rd Avenue Phone 384 PHONE 801 P.O, BOX 804 PONY EXPRESS SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS’ DELIVERY SERVICE Baggage, Storage and Forwarding Agents. For Rigs or Motor Car day or night Seventh Ave. and Fulton Phone 301 THE IROQUOIS POOL English and American Billiards SECOND AVE APA + . First ° Hotel Central Soy FirsAvs; Buropean and American plan, steam fheated, modern conveniences. Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. : : Peter Black Proprietor HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS ano EMBALMERS Funeral Directors Srd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 86 E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer CHARGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT HAND LAUNDRY Hand cleaning and pressing, Best care of silk dresses. Orders lef{ at Knott's Bakery will have prompt attention, Capt. Joseph Janders B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE FAMOUS PRINCESS LINE SAFETY SPEED SERVICE CANADIAN PACIFIC Ue 2 ~. S. S. PRINCESS ROYAL —for— VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE Every Sunday, 6 P. M. J. G@. M'NAB, General Agent POPOOF OHS PoP P oes, cE RUN ay NS Sa ASK UNCLE JERRY FOR SALE. Three jots, Block 7 Beach place, $2,500 each ‘ ash 2-3 years. Lots 241 and 22, Block 22, Section 6, &thb Ave., $3,000. $1,2 ash years Ope lot, Block 41 #70 $325 cash, 6-12 mor One lot, Block 28, Sé Ave $1.050 acsh Lot 26, Block 15, Section Ave and Hays Cove Avy $3,200, half cash, ¢ Lot 5, Block 389, Sect $685 $310 cash, bal. arranged Four lots, Block 3, Sect 7 rher 6tb Ave., $3,200 $1 ash, 6-12 months, Lot 20, Block 10, Sé« Ave $800, % cash, 6-12 months Lots 1 ard 2, Block 42 tion 7, corner 8th Ave, $8,000 4» cash 12-16 months, Lots 1 and 2, Block 31, Section 7, corner 7th Ave., $1,275 : ash, 6-13 months, Lots 9 and 10, Block Section 8, Sherbrooke Ave $8 pair, cash FOR RENT. Stores in Hart block, rne f 2nd Ave and 6th 8st. Jeremiah H. Kugler, Ltd PHONE 317 ‘Valhalla’”’ of S.H. & EF. (SCAN DINANIAN it luesday a5 Meets every 2nd and p.m. in the kal! at Ave WATER NOTICE FOR A LICENCE TO TAKE AND USE WATER NOTICE is hereby given that the Queen Charlotte Fishing Company, Limited, of 207 Carter-Cotton Bldg. Vancouver, B.C., will appl) a li- cence to take arid use four cu oe per second of water f Eaiwar Creek, which flows in a south-westerly direction through unsurveyed ‘ rows lands and empties into Two Mountain Bay near Tassoo Harbor The ve will be diverted at Third Falls and ‘ pe used for industrial p ses on i, land described as ty ketch @ Water Recorder's office, Prince Rupert, and situated on the East Coast of Two Mountain Bay. ae This notice was posted 0! the the on the 10th ony of Apri 1912, af application will be file: the office rt the Water Recorder at |’ eR pipet Objections may be filed with the 8% : Water Recorder or with the Comply en ler of Water Rights, Parliar ate, Victoria, B.C. Company, ~ 0-0 6 0 FRED. STORK —Genera! Hardware— —« Builders’ Hardware Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves Graniteware Tinware a SECOND - AVENUE —O-0- 0-0 — ¢ 6 + #6 eo NOW.... That we have more front on 2nd avenue, we are able to Clpplay our large stock of beautiful oak furni- ture and some of our upholstery, curtains, drapery, eto. See our show windows et the Bi Store. Linoleums, Stoves and Lamps on the 6th street side; Crockery and kitchen needs on the 2nd avenue. Entrance front. Furniture Gasoline TERRACE ueen Charlotte Fishng Limited, Applicant 2 ’ By Samuel A Moulton, Agent Pub, April 16. ‘itet Lakelse For Kitsumkalum or ‘Fruit Lands write or call on the Terrace Land Co. TERRACE, B. ©. — Ror Sale Cheap boat, 96 fool {0 hp oul engine, also restaurant 0" fit, WRITE including ranges Lanp company F. w. HART CORNER 6TK 8T. AND 2ND ave. | Terrace, B.C.