"DAY DECEMBER- 3, 1941 II r0 - . 1m. NOT NUMBERED ALL MFDCATnw-un cvmm MORE FOR YOUR MONEY ACTS FASTER ON COUGHS-COLDS RONCHITIS 'ASTHMA HVE NEVElt RETURN GllffltNBURO, Dec 3: (K- i::t i.. . -j -dish port from over- ' ,;, :i: ay compared with one '"" - r.n I 1, r. i)4(i ! nis year amps icit five have been lost. TIRE EASILY? T: -the "relief or r"oncy cc k .itv remedy -to help remove eucr .Mhat tivtst 'It sc:jof to t -.rzy feeing, Money back I O CI -:Z Kfjul.nlM.40 Fill! Ur. tiit, 80 f tikfor'-CinoPillO 104 ft A r m B if" , j ri - Twenty -Five Years Ago December 3, 1916 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE (Barber Yearns 1 To Follow Sons l.nr.Ai. NF.WS NOTTS Prairies Man Left Business To En. list With His Boy i , I RAYMOIIE, Sask., Dec. 3: 0) Andrew Schindelka, a barber for t50 ymprne4over- his affairs I to. his ianwhf 'aM'bwr ago In the hypdVofTeWiStwr-irr xhe Canadian Army, but he was refused because jf his -age. lie says he wants to go into action In this war and is willing to become a barber at any encampment as "I have many a irnnnth of good work left In my system." other sons, Jack and Joseph, are The Granby Co. plans further farming on .the Schindelka home-extensive developments in its stead at Rayrnore. ' plant at Anyox. As a result, the ; about 100 "private" Produ:tlon of PPer wm be creased bv many million pounds w Vork City, of which Piuza. near most famous "Radio annually. Another converter and NAZIS WEAKENING LONDON, Dec. 3: vP) Secret re- Nice assortment -of crepe and See the nice assortment of pat-chlffon hose at old prices at riotlc Xmas Cards at the Dollar Fashion Footwear. Store. Carpenters, Shipwrights, Joiners If you cannot be home with tno i j ana cauiKers open mccung, uar- ioiks mis v;nriswnas, wjiy uui, acim penters Hall, Fraser St., tomor- them your Photo. Phone Beiwbn' row, Thursday, 8 pjn. (282) studio for an appointment. Meeting of Boys' Band Assoc i- oie and Kathleen Larsen weic ation and Parents, scheduled for among those sending flowers to tonight, unavoidably postponed. the funeral of the late Carl John Larsen. S. O. N. meeting tomorrow night. The veteran barber has four Election of officers, sons on active service, Andrew, Jr., please attend! in the R.OA.F. at St. Thomas, i After a series of "cat's eye tests" Lakie referred to the new relay Britlsh Columbia reresentatlve of it In declared by exoerts here that broadcast stations which were be- the Wartlme Housing Limited, will people with pale blue or almost lng established at Prince George be the sPeaker at he reSular albino eve mieht be exnected to and elsewhere in the central in- weeklr luncheon of the Prince drive beat in blackouts terior. Rupert Rotary Club on Thursday. MAKE YOUR I fUij? CHRISTMAS GIFT I fij PRACTICAL! an ELECTRIC RANGE Will Thrill the Wlioie Family J I Yes, Rcddy Kilowatt is right, nothing could be more practical than an electric range for Christmas. It is something that will last for years and years. But that's not the half of it, because it will actually save money, too. Electric cooking costs less than y2t per person per meal, and it will cut your food bills by enabling you to use cheaper cuts of meat and because meat shrinkage is very much less with electric cooking. By all means make this a practical Christmas. Choose your range now and let us install it the day before Christmas. Pay cash or one-third down and the balance over twelve months, plus a reasonable carrying charge. i1 1 " H K,tomtt yAS? M li Savings 5SS Members The condition of Mrs. Henry Frlescn, who gave birth to triplets i Louis Astoria, who was recently 'transferred from here to Brandon in the Canadian National Express 'service, has returned to -.he city from the Manitoba 'city, having i decided to remain in Prince Rupert rather than take the transfer. .1 Detectives B. G. Coutla and Alex Pa ton of the Vancouver city police arrived on the Prince j George this morning from Vancouver, having come north to escort back to Vancouver George Sidney Young and Earlin Paulsen who are alleged to have been im-! ' plicated in a recent robbery with violence at Vancouver where a druggist was shot and killed. Fred McKay of Greenville, conductor of the famous concert band,, is in the city for the Native Brotherhood convention. He says the band is not only holding up its well known high standards but even improving on them. The band has 48 silver pieces that cost $8000. Each Instrument. Is in use and practices are held regularly twice a week. Reference was made at . the ineetrng of the Prince Ruyjrt Chamber, of Commerce Monday ni5ht to 'he honvenlng of the Native Brotherhood of British Columbia in Prince Rupert this week. Members expressed pleasure at the 'convention being held here snt? ithehroe thnt it would be succss-Iful. It wrs mentioned that a :ol-jlectlon had been taken up jamon.5 the retail merchants to as-'s'st in connection with JjCpii-ventlon cos's. Assistance ia alsi b?cn given by the Chamber in finding a meeting place and living mnrfrs for the delegates wh'le In the city.- Advertise in the Daily News. COAL! mi Jfs ccmfot(fif TAeprvper paceco fo - in the Prince Rupert General Hos Ont.; Frank, in the 10th Army Jack Lipson, son of Ben Llpsln pital last Thursday, night, con-Medfcal Corps, England; Max, in of the Acme Clothing Store, has tlnues to improve. The two sur-ihe Medical Corps In England, and been heard from at San Francisco, vivlng babies also are still appear-Andrew, in the Supply Corps. A He is hoping to get leave to visit lng to be doing well. fifth son, John, is working In an his mother In Canada. i ammunition factory while twor The current issue of the British Miss Marion McLachlan, who Columbia Gazette announces ap- has been on. a vacation trip south, pointment of George H. Hallett returned to the city on the Prince of Atlln as coroner and stipend- George this morning from Van- lary magistrate. Such appoint couver. ments of H. F. Glassey, recently transferred to Prince Rupert, have Mrs. C. C. Mills, who has been been rescinded. two more furnaces are to ba out in Prts rrom Germany indicate tne vlsltlne for several weeks in Van- as well as a briquettlng plant, economic blockade Is weakening pouver, returned to the city from Circular correspondence referred i the standard of life, slowing down the. south on the Prince George to at the monthly meeting of the ; The Sons, of England Lodge has elected officers as follows; president, C. F. Kemp; vice-president, Henry Smith; chaplain, J. J. Judge; secretary, H. W. Birch; treasurer, S. M. iNewton. from wounds. PALE BLUE EYES TOPS Industry and production and di- this morning. Prince Rupert Chamber of Com- mlnlshing the striking power of merce Monday evening included the armed forces arrived on last ly touched upon at the regular paving Corp II. Smith and Private W.jRupert chamber of Commerce , . A. Coulter, .both of whom enlisted J" E' Amundsen, vice-president Monday night there being no de-l fro Prince Rupert, are home ;inlte r8port 0'n the subject in the' of the E. J. Ryan Contracting Co, from ovrsas and are In military absen:e of D. C, MoRae, chairman arrived. In the city on the Prince hospital at Victoria thLs from Van- recovering iflf ,hp rhlmWc P,Htr, ,i(t. George morning lalthouah thf nresident. W. R. Me- couver- beinS here on company Afee, reported that the committee business. had been in contact with Olof T. A. McMartin, manager of the a copy of the Canada Gazette set Watson general store at Smlthers, ting forth an order-in-council re- is paying a brief business visit to sarding wages and bonuses, ! svnvRV nrw rw l n.,m it n i t.... N. B. Robinson of Vancouver pamphlet by Prol. McDougall ol Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for d full month at 25c a word. Scotch Dance, Dec. 13, Oddfellows' Hall. Admission 35:. United Bazaar, December 4. Oddfellows' Dance, December 6 . Valhalla Dance, Metropole Hal) Dec. 5." 102nd Auxiliary December 6. Tea, Legion GIVE THEM FOR XMAS! Xmas Gift Booklets Containing Theatre Tickets for Children, Students and Adults. Priced from S1.09 t- ?2.15 Tax is included) NO .LINING UP AT THE BOX OFFICE. You can also send them to Friends and Armed Serv.c:s Fiiends elsewhere in Canada where Famous Playc.j Theatres ope: ate. ORDER THEM NOW! Famous Players Theitr: PHONE GC9 i I a a the Department of Economics at Queen's University regarding the St. Lawrence Waterway project, new foreign exchange regulations, txport permit regulations and a copy of the annual report of the British Columbia Department oi Trade and Industry. wren nnmmiiirriimiim'imTrnTTTriiTtinT COAL! We make very sure that every ton of coal that is sent to us from the mines hus ine proper heat-produclni qualities. We're particular about the kind of coal we buy. In this way we make ,certaiji, that our customers will be pleased. Place your order now. We'll be pleased to serve you. HEAT WAVES ROLL FROM FOOTHILLS COAL Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651. PHONE G32 PEAS KOYAL CITY PRODUCTS Sieve TOMATOES Larce Z''s 2 for 29C DEW-KIST l'KODUCTS PEAS and CARROTS . 12c PEARS ., 2 tins 25c Cookies Sunlight Soap Assorted Creams; 2.C arge bars; 20C ft CRUSHED lorn Pineapple Del Maiz, A , . 16 ..z. tins: each . . iuC ,uu bby's; - Oa 15 oz ; each JCO Sardines parsnjps RegnSkns: each . 6C Large and mealy; Ketchup Avocadoes Libby's; 1 7p For salad; QO 12 oz. bottles; each Large size: 2 for ....Out II. J. HEINZ PRODUCTS SOUP 3 for 23c Cream of Mushroom; 10 oz BAKED BEANS - 19c W. CLARK PRODUCTS VEGETABLE SOUP 3 for 25c OR 97c PER DOZEN TOMATO JUICE S OR 70c 0c P 10 oz.; each PER DOZEN 6c Mussa'lem's Economy Store d WHERE DOLLARS HAVE MORE CENTS" F. O. BOX 575 PHONES 18 AND 10 Special Offer On Quality FLOOR COVERING 2 DAYS ONLY DOMINION INLAID LINOLEUM 6 feet wide. Q-fi Of Re?. $1.56 sq. yd. Special tfi.OJ. DOMINION PRINTED LINOLEUM 6 feet wide. Reg. $1.00. Special, sq. yd 79c Save! Save! Buy more War Certificates at Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Canadian National Railways Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Thi.rMlay al 11:15 ji.hu railing at Ocean Falls and Powell Kiver. Saturday at 11:15 p.m., calling at Ocean Falls. Winter Excursion Fare, Vancouver and Return ?Q Tickets 6n sale Nov. 15th, 1941, to Feb. t5th, tpcJOaVlr 1942. Final return limit March 15th. 1942. Plus Tax Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East .Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. Air-ConriiMoned Sleeping and Dlnlni? Cars For full Information, reservations, etc.. call or write R. S. OREIG, CITY PASSENGER AGENT, 52S Third Avenue Phone 260 Prince Rupert Agcn's for Trans-Canada Air Lines E RAILWAY LINES ss Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Points "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday, 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT SS "Princess Norah" Dec. 8, 18, Jan. 2, 15, 29 38.00 ; Pius Tax intci Excursion Fare Vancouver and Return ickcts on Sale Nov, 15, 1941, to Feb. 15, 1912. Final Return Limit March 15, 191!. Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Service Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, GENERAL AGENT, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Mil I V f 4 17" Wti HI m 1 Ml 1 r.i:4 i,