IJJSZTZfZZ 'TLT J3XB HUNGERS 'GOLF CLUB ! Bank Official EYES EYES MOVE UP ' GOES AHEAD 'jBBBBBaBBBP . . liceacee Jor Xaamcats I - la4 j FsSTe Frames, few 4 e a inn race amu c ut Rans FinxSy AyjrTed aad tw V' .aHaaBBBBaBBBBKlHS r Cacfc Hawhs as Eesalt i ujr Ti lacR7rated to DOUGLAS rAIRBAXKSnl est is Efe-Weix Law SikC Play Take Onr Osn MADELIENE CARK0i 1 HWTTHZ3S. Expert Optica Service, Watch, Clock, Jewekry Repairing; Hznd Ehfrzvinj df aS aSoas tis ram-af toss cat Prase Bspezt i iatertor a4 his dib sad eooggghl aatwe JL CHAS DODIMEAD Oplvactiitt ta Charge Pha&e 2(4 li AppocfiUnral Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOM D MERCHANT Visit Oar Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties Smithers Mourns Weston Parker Of I Cy Arnett Death ; Terrace Is Dead Yaxewrrrr Omtrxrlr Wi WrB WeJB Kjtrot Umr Mua Panes Esra There a Wt as Dk- Any xt Aft of Sxtj-Fin where Tkrwuchvcl Xorth Tears Smart Tl V&aay T2BSAC2. Hammer sxek -rhes they htsri issxzL ahe -aeal kaw mat CT pasted arway b Satacaar-TF imiwr -ran sorae at year of 2 Car )d Taaeewcr. Hi, Jksmett "srs tcet i Iwa t 2d at Terraae aaq ts aS tb ?j&fn of ike cadgr Faster. a.x sea meats itoew be ia tSsarpt Tbe &3. 7. C. AneCL ifateh pv-2 a oootraaC tnttdtef a mad loc Prprtoctei Cvreaeoot to the sr Uexewr slave, at PaMU Liir. aear Fast St. Jaae. aotf k at peeseat cxd w a esainct ca the fcna& HiafrKar nar Dafc. ' la ri.THVtef li3se eeatreeu 17 WesiesM Lake tfetrin; 6050 5910 Deceased years. H past&er as tbe of Priy 2nd service by he k- SECOND HALF Prince Eapert Bodje Learae Under Way Aia Mr. Arr had vtatted SaKfens a , zsssber of tss neeotir. atnjv' Oyeaaa; accaod balf Prtaee E?- zsrrtsjL fete old asqaatDtaaee tn pert Bridce Leaxae namlU Utt s!?hli the distziet. Ke vaa doe aa Scaith- vere a foDova: era if So thfc veek vtuere be te Grots Stt. CJ.'ilA. -9. "tended to p3ck op Us ear -attefc Baeabiezs 7S9. Usd;e4ers 9, had wen kft here tor repars aad Cnr Boys, Sorn of !tmy port-j cme It to VaaeoBTer. . pcoed. Ur. Araeti -rat a Kiperinteadest Prtnee Bapert Dairy C'jO, Qat-rcr To'jej. VTtich It Btmz. ilenz ot 6&M. the Ekeesz darScs the coottre- Secead half staadiDs: tlon of the railway and got to RamKea .. . . 7620 6060 7529 xscnr as ee peopJe akaos the lise CJTB. 70 5910 , 7 at that tfcr- Many of thene are itm ir nhiiti i'i i turn' tin 7628 7090 When Toa Want a Beliable, Comfertable, Dependable TAXI Service PHONE 1 3 2f Hear SerTke at Resalar Bates EVERYBODY'S WARM FRIEND" COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Sole Distributors McLeod River Hard Coal EDSO.V, NANAIJIO-WELLINGTO.V, BULKLEY VALLET Offke and Coal Bonkers TrotieVs Dock Phne 51 CCjO SSIOi j A ' a Mike Colussi Accordionist and Teacber AAA. Certlneate ' rno.vE RED til 3Irs. James Clark Palmistry SILVERSIDES BLOCK Second SL Phone Green 115 smr TOHE. rascal Jssaarr XT Catna ,to the Csfad&eas " Icat T & kSBE screak. Les-e Drtros. ;3aem CHea? ,'Baagers .. JAcsericasa IT 12 It M $ . f Tort EiDST! Biatk Hirts m. tfae Ka- Heekey le?- zs a resan -flf Zul a&hc scar. Ti Baxters iafz?ed a tca-aX wir-ti-g dra !Tdh B3O0B 3nrat at ISr ,Tort -ataa .She Rlart Bails drop-t S to 1 dttBEB st liantrea- date: 1 7 7 S 35 t " M SI 8 T 7 23 43 27 4 IT SS 4 2 7 12 "3 73 25 4 15 M 77 29 14 47 W IB SAW STAR HOOPSTERS jHrrtir Morgan TeHs of Gmbc to Adaaesrs. Porn'mm rnjojim Life ia MStary Cam Trtai bscse Iron: Victoria he is ia atteary tsznss. Herb Myfaa of the Daily Ken r!f tefis cC fcans5 sees ooe of th Brltisb Cnfcmbia aeste ehas- hart-fthaS garnet between . Ker Westester Adzsaa and Tic- Kirkpatrir teal andertattr. ,ZZ?T.. v fof eosrse. LeenSr teterested in tfiit eame. ! AM the Prfece Bspett bcy are! tOTether as carap at Cordon Bead, IS STARTED 'Sjxl sttzzjz ,An7 band, Ii Ail are en)0T:sj tiie Ke MRS. STARK 105 YEARS u TeaeraUe Salt SpriBi Island W-1 man Celebrates Birthday CA!CES HARBOR, Jan. 17-! Iln. Syiria Stark, TtnerabU colored vcrcaa. celebrated her lfith birth. ' day yesterday. Bam ta MlrsoorL' siSS ta the atry and eretr- Pr Ra. Dairy M90 50 C43Q surK UTe 5 the Ted to ber of his passm? vhfle Uaeketeers stffl a camparatrrety yoiruj run. Crotu wum. c:ir mi uirc en oaji opru!g i Island for 81 years. J MCE XEW TEAR'S GIFT ' h. t - - I rat mnim f mot . . . tofe kSjr r- ! Slkt ! Sppiiratb Tot a Enr urna XCmCZ IS BZSZBT OrVEl ibM oa IOTA 4j of FebrsArr 1M1 next tfce oixienlziMri ntfcnv? to spif .to tbe IXq-Jcr Cootrot Baud for & Ucut tc rrpr-t of prtagm pfcrt of tttt kaonm u ue Tort Hotel cm ArDO ia the CKy of Pnaoc Rqpert toct eixib cd Srreati) 9oeU cpon t bad dfnfar m BUKk TiTOty-ttxro rZ)i tn SecCtoo Ose fit. Uio tTI. Prtaec Baprt lud BrriUb Cbtrjt&fcJ fcr tc m brer br the cb or by tfce bott tor eoo-irzcMj oa te preza&w cr DATZD Kb Sr d fcnur M1. BOBZST COBTLAXD ITCTCS -COItRXMIXT UqiOK ACT 6eoUoa X stmct Of APPLICATION FOR A CtXTB LICXXCE KoUce benf7 gpna Mat. oa tbe dr cX TrbroMj 141 nest. U ssOnCenetl BX BOTUXO C1XTB Lntrrao intend to ppt to tt uq- ucr Cocicroi Baud Xar a Chf& XJmacela tces oC praalMs ittuat oa tke rtcui'rrty potaou of tt TUrd tfcer of Mm Bacr Eck aX tbe cor- &er Tntri Arcnce and Tbtrd Sitreet. upon Hod oncrtbed a tou Z2 to) Si. Btoefc 20. &ectfoa 1. Kit 23 to tte CRT of moot Kuprt. Pttcce Bapert Land aezMnUaa XXcuict In the Prcrtocr of -Bnfkb OcttsobU. to eoUt ocb jOKmaer x cne sua czao lo Keep on itr prtanxs Tucobie quuzlKy of iMqaor for pezKOAt ccounpucxi ca tbe IpremiMa. la oaordaoce vllh tbr jt--rtticEM of Uu "Cuwjment Liquor Act sed Ue EryiTaTJnra' prrcmil8wl Uicre-JauScr. ! DATZD tfais fcn JT of Jkncurr IMi I KZX TOTTLXSa OCB UUTTTS By C- Prttsci!. Prr-'irz: Tb'- acer sr , . 3t p'-avbed or dupk.-e: 'ie L CjOtr-jl Board '!" Ccrsfneiif c4 Br :sfe Cc-urrJu. Hockey Scores XATIO.VAL Chiea9 I: ramiffcim 5 Bocttn -2: Raaaen 2. rAanc coast Seattle 4 Spokane 3 Vaacr.-u-se- 2 Por.-and 4. FOR SALE FOR SALE Sedan. Hake y&zr cash' offer. Phone 674. CANBERRA. Jan. 17 'CPI-Aw-'ma rale pun. iz& rr- I trthas gift of fiour to Greece, a to- i ji5: chair $5. W25 Gra- cu Ui japaLay m ice ngni a Ae, Phone Red 691. tf a;ainn iuiy. amounts to 18,060 tons. Talaed at S21SJXjO. RHEUMATIC PAINS, STIFFNESS FOR SALECheap. 35 Dodge Se-; dan. good condition. Apply 512. Zth VTes tl8j FOR SALE 3-roora float house.' Cheap. Can be seen at Dig by Is-land.- (14) FOR SALE 531 6th Are. 7- room house. Frte years old. In first class condition. Full con-' crete basement, bet -sater fcr-; nace. FoOy modem. O-zmer lear- ' ins tom. tZJXO cash or J3250 mh S1500 down and balance monthly. H. O. HELGERSO.V. LTD. 15 FOR KEN1 ROOM for rent 343 7th Are. W. - cro , FOR RE?T Large fnrslihed office including heat and KghL Daily Neva. tf. FOR RENT Bedroom suitable forj one or two. Phone Bine &S7. 472 Fifth Are. East. (14 . FOUND FOUM Claaes. Oimer can hare same by calling at Daily News and paytns for this ad. tf FOUND Pair of glasses, black frame. May be obtained by pay-: ta? for adTertiiement. Dairy Ifrrs tf)' FOUM Wire-haired Terrier with black aad broim spots. Oner can haTe same by rafting at Shenton Sheet &fetal Works and paying for this ad. tf WANTED WANTED Capable housekeeper. Good cook. Sfeep in. Good trages. Green 413. tf i fea i -tafaer : "-' ir"-' sf seer.: - txae if the cr'J-i r- rr- tjsk W T M:adi fsn-ri. . .eritet "- wt ' - .xed ixi bickers J Jae cli! ; -jjer -tr.: ft jlT aa -xxate -j aesipar;. r.r -Af at- part jk saoes aj lif eK pcatjoa -rii foci.-.:- "f O Pal- -.3. a - rorpcrataoa ' - - Berr are aon time i ahwtse rr thir Ticmttr ta eaantrtie ' -'-firjea: lor aetntoe. Oa Wednesday re 0"" FSah & Gold Sf?' Co packer? Chief Taseet. Ca;-Horaee Tatterssi. aad Chief Se-ra-Capt Ralpti Ones. vre in v. v ads froat Unam Pau Yestrrii the Chief Tapeet -ra In fnaa h vtth another load. The rac is nc-eepUonalry late to dereloBtng year ahhoah it baa bees kec-m ta the paat not to aaatA in any t. . ase antil Febraary. ; Aboard the CPJL steamer Pr r -:eesc Korah. Capt WOaas Pahner Ivbich was in port from 3:45 tc S o'clock yesterday afternoon soaih-bovnd I from Shany to Taneocrer. ! , vere aizty paasenaers. Foar dfewa-: i barked at this port and six took paasare from here for Vancouver.' HANDFACTURERS, Life Insurance Co. P. H. Linzey Local BepresenUtire Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 151 Heated Booms Hot Water Steam Baths Dining Room in Connection Mrs. C. E. BUck, Proprietress LOOK Bicycles and Wt!jood$ of all kinds Repaired. Bobber Footwear, Tires, Ett, Tolcanhed at GUNNS Variety Repairs Cth SL opp. OK Barber Sbop THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sckeye pinkTeal Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon cannlnr company with an all the jear round payroll In Prince Rupert -XT, ii KM y. DOSSTLL to aaaat UM Ifce O irr 1 The Bai : thi taat taere rc;x: t rid ae ik faiths aeT ah7 tv-- i r, Tud be at SSB rris aaM ae cites - B--i h.oei each asfasber r li CSaaa- .w c bsr -voibd ahe tvo tr &ree after htatftra. Whifflets From The Waterfront at aaarJy OS. wa 14 :r.-'ai aanoancFS rr.; o' Williaia Ur--r- -anient of bran -& C:laoBbsa in W . Cbeatertoo aiK. te post atoce 1999. leave, prior to Fw the pan Mr. Mdtoonefi has -rtdeot of braaehesta 'AJbesta T.:r TuartaanrtriT at Cal-!ajy a which Mr. Cbeatertan nekl be 'or? r.aa. Ur. McDocaelL 4 ,wbo c m and cdacated at Peserborooah. Ont. enured serric li?9 of the bank a: Uocf ton the rSAFARl" Marth rime Pre, j "BRITAIN'S RAi: Tn News PrmnU- 1910... Year of Hiswl COMING SAT OXII Bay Millaad, Akin Tims, in -UNTAMED" SPACE TO WORSHIP PORTSMOUTH J FVet orders note thj .-. p. Mepe are to be tat' -. K. fpaee oa-Brittth fljr.- : , avine serrfce and pr4...-. OSX). Jan. 17: CP 13 feet, loar inches f. t. L and wtighxr-S 4C to J as onasaal pedn;- -t -a':$h: -ja a- -.re : i i v -rnH Malt: ni Oir 0i Hieit WkiiijJ 1 m urru csussu wnuii tsAn. irw mrrirm. iTtVXNOn ec ry tbf GeTrtrusret of Btrtah ColeaVii HOT WATER tetLES $1.00 $1.50 $1.25 $2.00 Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druqgiats The Reaall Store Phones 1 Open Daflj from 8 ajn. tifl II p.m. Bandars and Holidayi from 12 to X a.m- and 7 to pja. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD SPECUL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FARES Including all meals and berth accommodation TO VANCOUVER AND RETURN From PRINCE RUPERT . Qo Art Fromrort Simpson $39.75 JwOUU (Reduced Rates-Fare and one half also apply to Vancoavf from Intermediate points.) (Fire years of age and under twelre) Half r are Tickets on Sale from NoTember 1st, 1910 to February it, 1? Good to return up to March 31, 1941 Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Ar. Vane S.S. CATALA Erery Tuesdsy 1:30 pjn. Thursday a a-S. CARDENA Kvery Friday 10:30 pjn. Mondsr i T1cket and RcserraUons from Prince Rupert Arent (FRANK J. SKINNER) Third Aye. Tbont i If rAHi-aMUnl m . . a v.a,....,, ticiMr rnrfiusc Tickets at Office