...AnnoowauuuuuuuuuuuuDiflflDi)aoani,iAAAAniuiA(.,,...j.: mwvj'X w v A r-t w w . THU lVAKSHIl'S SUNK SAIGON, French Indo-China The French Asiatic squad-ton was said by French sources today to have sunk two Thai warships nd severely damaged a third in the first important naval engagement in lightly. etwecn French Indo-China and NEV X V- ins ATHENS New gains e r-ea and the region north of Klisura are reported Afr -pu ''spatches while the Greek press stated that oneX 'orces In Albania have been knocked out of the . estimated that Italian losses so far were "0,000 kilu ed and taken prisoner. RESIST AT ANY COST CAIHO According to reports reaching here the Italian garrison at Tobruk has been ordered to resist at any cost. Meanwhile the siege by the British continues. An Air Ministry news ervlce statement in London says that the remains of eighty-seven Italian planes are rotting on El Adem airdrome fifteen miles south of Tobruk. The Koyal Air Force delivered a heavy blow at Bengali, another Important Italian base in Libya, yesterday, setting large fires. Fall of Tobruk ij expected within a week. ILLUSTRIOUS ATTACKED AGAIN LONDON Berlin and Rome yesterday claimed another ittack had been made on the British aircraft carrier Illustrious at Valetta, Malta. It was officially stated here that German Siukas had visited Valetta but It was not admitted that the Illustrious was there. It was suggested that the reports might have been in the way of kites to secure Information as to the whereabouts of the Illustrious which is a military secret. RUMANIA VS. RUSSIA BELGRADE There are reports of recurrent nightly clash-ei on the frontier between Russia and Rumania. It is said that five or so soldiers are being killed there every night. PROPAGANDA MACHINE BUSY VICHY The German-controlled French propaganda ma-thine continues to emit anti-British propaganda. The latest itateraents are that Great Britain stole Canada and Egypt from France. It is even said that "God Save the King" was stolen from France, it having been written by Louis XIV. WITHDRAW FROM HAWAII TOKYO A Japanese newspaper advises the United States to withdraw Its fleet from Hawaii where it is but a "challenge and a threat." CONCENTRATE ON BRISTOL LONDON The west coast port of Bristol was again ingled out last night for a concentrated Nazi air attack. Wave after wave of German bombers came over In relays to drop incendiaries and high explosive bombs. It was stated that con-liderable damage was done to commercial and other buildings Ua$uaUle,Vj ermparaUyf ly Jiht,.The re,3VePnie- cr-ioui fires. Elsewhere In England and Wales the Nail bombers Ippeared but their attacks were not heavy. Southeast and southwest England saw the raiders. In London there were two lUrms during the night but "nothing much happened," it was stated. Itescue workers were today still engaged in digging bodies out of h men's hostel which was struck direct by a bomb Wednesday night. Forty-five bodies have been already taken out. . UNITED STATES AT WAR ROME Premier Mussolini's newspaper today declared that, for all Intents and purposes, President Roosevelt of the United States was "openly and actively at war" although without the consent and. possibly, the knowledge of the people of the United States. HI, statements were "offensive and provo-eatlve- and he was exercising an "uncontrolled and unchecked dictatorship." SHOULD BRITISH NAVY FALL WASHINGTON Should the British Navy fall, the United States would be outnumbered two to one on ttie high seas, Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson told the congressional foreign relations committee today in advocating immediate passage bill. Now wa, the time, of the "lease-lcnd" all aid to Britain Stimson said, by aiding Britain to prevent Cny from cet-ting should be given America. Roosevelt a foothold in South full power without restriction to help Britain. PATTULLO POSITION Tells Why He Opposed Recommen dations of RowcU-btrois Commission ITALIANS be MOVE OUT, Vol." XXX., NoTT i Athens endeavouring to bring SUBMARINES . BUSY AGAIN Delandic Are Reported Victims of U-boat Campaign NEW YORK, January 17 Radio reports submarine attacks and torpedo attacks on and ton British motorshlp D?landic In the Atlantic. , Berlin claims to have sunk six ships of tonnage totalling 40,500. I NO LET UP IN ATTACK Wilhclmshafen Strafed Again During Night by Royal Air Force LONDON; January 17 (Canadian Press) British bombers roared across the English Channel from Dover this afternoon and heavy explosions along the German-held French coast Indicated Intense bombing attacks on Channel ports from Calais area to Boulogne. The explosions in the imajor attack rru!d he heard through the mist ! rnf mnPA thflti on Vimir nffpr the V .v. - planes took off. .. ,.n..u. niinRnlnr The davllsht foray followed a jVlUMSIuii v- On as Greeks Continue Pressure uon of its rccommenaauons ... ; ,nue to retreat n a statement yesterday, T D, Pattullo ot British Colum-said main objection taken to le Implementation of the report as that its rpsnlt would be cen tralization and control In federal authority which would not only prevent expansion but would make It a most Impossible to retain existing standards. Premier Pattullo said trat proposals submitted would be . retrievable because, oncc a prV-e surrendered Its rights, it would never be able to get them DaCK, British rVOnmhla wns nrp- Pared to discuss questions of mutual concern between the province and all second successive night or heavy raids on Wllhelmshafen, Germany's i , . irrpat. Norm navai uu-si;. athf.ns. Jan. 17. Willi , 1c n. Greeks continuing to t and 0stend. OTTAWA Jan 17: (CP)- The' as fresh Italian u"ini.'7" have : 'T t- I l The Wllhelmshafen attack was aicommlsslon'a report on Dom-' back, non-combatants thao m tne tol.S?MS0iIPnn! Italian s rongholds was in-l ed leaving the g hlghl M, shelved veay la fac-M Valona, Beratl .ua successful results, the Air Ministry ot . , n-itich nnhim- Aioania. ---"-.::" said, adding tna. live WMtoE b anrAiberU to could- ported to be only twelve mucs , had rcturned First Raid British along tho-line despite efforts to All Royal Air Force planes re-bolster turned safely from the big raid of noisier up up uii. their courage. "Wednesday night on Wllhelmsha- f O BUILD CARGO SHIPS Ifen. Fires were so extensive that . 'nhrht that they could be seen 130 vsniiNr.TON President miies away. The flames from Wed-"fl ..... rnnrress vestcr- nesdav nleht still lit up the tar- uoosevc.i : - riUsh alnnen last day lor auui""""-- -- - - " . 1- Laiili'l ira Hlffltf nnnnnft Ih whicn i" go 'ships. Building of 400 light naval craft is also piau-"- Dominion, especially war measures, but "we were no P"" Admitting the Wednesday night raid, Berlin officially stated that twenty persons had been killed and thlrty-flvc wounded. Robert Smurthwalte arrived In AMSTERDAM. Jan. 17 Nazi au-Jn. A. F. Still Hitting Hard at Sicilian thorltles announced that measures of reprisal are to be taken against all Dutch people guilty of hostile' acts against the Reich control. It has been found necessary by the Nazis to take drastic measures, so numerous have such acts become. The decree is retroactive to the time of the occupation of the Netherlands by Germany. Germany Seeks Italo-Greek Settlement ! SOFIA, Jan. 17. According to well authenticated reoorts , here, aides of Chancellor Ado!f Hitler of Germany are in ' Cairo, Jan. 17: (CI The Royal Air Force today announced a new raid on the airdrome at Catania, Sicily, reported to be the base for ' German divebomberi In the Axis offensive against theBritlsh Mediterranean fleet. Buildings and several aircraft were set afire. One largn blaze started by the first aircraft to pass over theobjectlve was visible fifty miles away. It was from the base at Catania, It ij believed, that the attack of last Friday was made which resulted, about a peace between Greece acc0rding to Admiralty announce t ana naiy. ment, in the sinking -W the cruiser H.M.S. Southampton. The Admiralty announced yesterday that dive bombers and Italian planes had attacked a Mediterranean convoy of British naval forces, the Southamp-1 ton being so badly damaged that she had to be sunk. Fire broke out J aboard the warship a" she was be- .towedto -port,ld.'comnj- - - - of whom were que. The crew, most British Vessels Almeda Star and sav, abandoned the ship and she was sunk. Lieut. Commander Sydney H. Balfour, formerly of Vancouver, was killed In action on the Southampton. An earlier statement had disclos ed that the Southampton was one the aircraft carrier Illustrious and the destroyer Gallant both of which reached port. la nlaht German authorities claimed that the Illustrious had been attacked again pfter she reached port and had suffered such damage that she would be out of service for the duration of the war. Ten Planes Downed British authorities admitted an attack by Italian and German bombers on Malta but did not disclose whether'or not the Illustrious was there and denied that any military damage had been done. The British did, however, announce that ten enemy planes had been brought down in this attack, five by Royal Air Force fighting planes and five by antiaircraft fire. An Associated Tress corrspon-dent on the Illustrious has given a graphic description of how the aircraft carrier withstood an almost continuous dive-bombing attack for seven hours, bringing down twelve German planes. BRISTOL IS HIT AGAIN West Coast Port Once Again laln Objective ot Nazi Bombers Last Night LONDON, January 17 (Canadian Press) The important shipping centre of Bristol bore the brunt ot German air attacks on England during the night and serious fires were started by incendiary bombs. The raiders also struck at London and towns In the south. Sixty fires were started in Bristol but they were quickly quelled. There was considerable damage number number of of ca casualties In the fietrimental to the the city on the Prince Rupert last and a ::J " J British Columbia.' h "Wgw irm "emu. . r War News mat Tomorrow s I ides High 4:40 a.m- 20.6 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWBPAPJBK HARD RULE FOR DUTCH Measures of Reprisal Are Being Imposed by Nazis for Hostile Acts MINCE RUPERT, . B.C., ,, FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1941. J - i CATANIA IS jANTI-JEW Further Information UNDER FIRE ONCE MORE Base for German and Italian Bombing Planes Illustrious Is Attacked Again?i Vancouver Officer jWas Those Lost in Sinking M.S. Southampton Among i of II. ' I DRIVE ON i Businesses Are Being Taken Over From Non-Aryans in Paris ' PARIS, January 17. Measures , against non-Aryans are being taken' Election In B.C. Mooted VICTORIA. Jan, 17. The possibility of an early provlu- cial election on the Issue of Dominion-provincial relations Is being discussed. The C.C.F. has challenged Premier T. D Pattullo to go to the country in defence of his actions at Ot- tawa In connection with the collaose of the conference on the Rowell-Slrols report. BE CAREFUL i OF BRITAIN, Propaganda Ministry, . ..otirrancc, Suggests That South America ' Be Careful I VICHY, Jan. 17. Replying to a message of Capt Alfred Duff Cooper to Latin America, the propagan da ministry of France has turned' sinking of the 15,000 ton British of lhree shlps damaged in action" I guns against Great Britain, imp Aimeaa biar ana me iu.uuu- oIl sicliy January 10. Others were It warned South America to beware of Britain which had been hostile' T oHti America fnr spvpral een-( III .w. ' O eratlons. France was on the side of Italy, Spain and Portugal, the ministry declared. Bulletins ANOTHER R.C.A.F. CRASH PINCHER CREEK, Alberta-Three occupants were Injured when a Royal Canadian Air Force plane struck a tree near here late yesterday. NO APPEAL POSSIBLE CALGARY Judge W. A. McDonald ruled here yesterday that there can be no appeal against judgments of local rental boards after they have been approved by Ottawa. PREMIERS CONFERRED OTTAWA Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King conferred yesterday with provincial Premiers who had not opposed the Rowell-Sirois Commission i SACRAMENTO PLANE CRASH SACRAMENTO A United States Army bomber, twenty hours overdue after leaving here with seven men on board, Is tke object ot widespread search today. COLD WAVE IN EAST HALIFAX Two persons are dead here as a result of a cold wave which Is sweeping the Atlantic seaboard. Several deaths are also reported from such points as New York and Philadelphia. HANDWRITING ON WALL LONDON The handwriting is on the wall for the Axis, declares Sir Archibald Sinclair. Fascism in Italy is doomed although Nazi-ism still holds in Germany. Vancouver Big Missouri. .04 Bralorne, 10.10. Canbso Quartz, 2.50. Dentonlo, .01A. Falrvlew, .01 Vi. Gold Belt, .30A. Hediey Mascot, .57. Noble Five, .00. Pend Oreille, 1.85. Pioneer, 2.10; Piemler, .93. Priiattcr. Z.58. Reeves Macdonald, Reno, .10V. Relief Arlington, :03 Salmon Gold, .024. Sheep Creek, .85. Oils A, P.. Con., .082. Calmont, .24. Itane. 2.50A. Pacalta, .04. Royal Canadian, .13. Okalta, .70. Mercury, .OS'iA. Prairie Royalties, .08. Toronto Aldermac, .14. Beattie. 1.18. Central Pat.,. 1.90. Cons. Smelters, 38.00. . , East Malartlc, 2.82. Feinland, .OS's. Francoeur, .48. Gods Lake, ...6V2. Hardrock, 1.03. Int. Nickel, 35.008. Kerr Addison, 3.65. Little Long Lac, 2.00. M.:Leod Csckshutt. 2.25. Medsen Red Lake, .59. Mon?ta, .52. Noranda. 56.00. Pickle Crow, 2.87. Preston East Dome, 3.30. San Antonio, 2.55. Sherrltt Gordon', .81. Uchi, .36. Bouscadillac, .03 V. Mosher. .07. Oklend. .08V... Smelters Gold. .OHi. Dominion Bridge, 27.00A. Trainees Are Drafted Into Various Units Low like two hundred local men who trained for a month at Gordon Head before Christmas have been ordered to Join the Canadian Scottish Regiment, Non-Permanent Active Militia. Most of them reported for service yesterday. It Is said here that a number of the new men who recently went tx Gordon Head for training as weu as others who have already trained for a month will be drafted Into various units, .some choice being allowed as to what units they wish to Join. Various British Columbia units are being weakened by men going overseas from them and these places have to be filled. James Asselstlne. son of Hon. W. . 1 . . 1 t n ... . 1 9 DiAMitni. J. ASSeiSUIie. lU.JIlc.iy Ul rici ufi . has gone east to join the Air Force, j 16:44 pjn. 19.1 ft. 10:52 a.m. 6.1 ft. 23:10 pjn. 4.6 ft. PRICE: 5 CENTS. Alaska Highway Report Being Awaited Prior To Making Findings (by the Nazis in German-occupied J France. Businesses of 11,000 Jews Announcement Made Today By Hon. Charles Stewart, i in Paris are being taken over by Chairman of Canadian Section of Commission ' commissars. . . . OTTAWA, January 17: (CP) Further information on possible routes of the proposed Alaska Highway is required before a formal report can be presented by the commission investigating the feasibility of the project, ' Hon. Charles Stewart, chairman of the Canadian section of the international commission, stated today. He said TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S, D. JohnMoa. Co.) 15. that a report of engineers on the far northern section is still being I awaited. Following its receipt, a I meeting will be held to prepare for final presentation of a report. RED RADIO SETF0UND Oatfit in Toronto Believed to Have Been Used for Anti-British Propaganda TORONTO, Jan. 17; (CD-Police, in an early morning raid Tuesday, seized a mobile short-wave radio ting unit said to have been used for carrying anti-British "and U6mmuntstle'prt)p"aganIa,0 it was learned today. Arrest was made of Allan B. Parsons, aged 26, alias James Carlyle, shortly after the transmitter was found built into an old automobile in an East End garage. NAVY BASE BADLY HIT War Activities of WHhelmshnfen Will be Handicapped for Months as Result of Attack LONDON, Jan. 17: (CP) The j blasting by the Royal Air Force of the German naval base at Wll- helmshafen lasted "throughout the I night" Wednesday and the raid, the fortieth since the outbreak ot the (war, was described as the heaviest and most successful yet. The at- tack was renewed last 'night "highly concentrated and highly 1 successful." In addltton to Wllhelmshafen, the Royal Air Force bombed docks at Emden, Bremerhaven and Flushing 1 and enemy airdromes were also at-. tacked, the Air Ministry announced. I As a result of the Wllhelmshafen attacks, which have lef( much of (the place In ruins, the base will be , seriously handicapped for month3 j as far as war activities are concerned, the Air Ministry said. Nearly Two Hundred at Victoria 1 c.P.R. steamer princess Aaeiaiae, Taken for Canadian Scottish . Capt. William Hughes, is flue in port !at 4:30 this afternoon from Van- VICTORIA, Jan. 17. Something ! couver and waypoints and will sail at 10 p.m. on her return south. Joseph Sirois I Dies Suddenly QUEBEC, Jan. 17: (CP) Jo- t seph Slrols, aged 59, chairman of the Dominion Unemploy- ment Insurance Commission t and former chairman ot the Rowell-Slrols Commission, re- port ot which led to an abor- tlve conference at Ottawa this . week, died here today,