THE DAILY NEws THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA ‘Published Daily wnd Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—® cents per inch. on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, Unite? Siates and Mexico—Damy, Se per month, or $5.00 per year, inadvance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. : All Other Cucctries— Daily, $3.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. Contract rates HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New YorkK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City SeaTTLe—Puget Sound News Co. Lonpos, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Telephone 38. Susscripers will greatiy oblige by prompily calling up Phone 98 in case of non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. Fripay, May 10 moment to shrink safety of the bank's A MATTER OF PERSONALITY li ause it in a Mayor Newton yesterday morn/impregnable vaults there to ing received t fron thelawait securely the time when Bank of Montreal that no more)with a strong man to direct its money would be forth purposefully, for the an indefinite time for ty of Prince Rupert, it whose affairs are in his charge.!can come forth confidently to its Mayor Newton by noon yester-|work which is awaiting. day had decided at last to an-j Fao ea eos iad canna ts “'600D PROGRESS. i the citizens had expectéd from| his air of liugubricus myst TY, , and for which most of them ot r taller structures which will not GRAND TRUNK a rN a THE DAILY NEWS. W.L. aera sy_W-L- BARKER Second Ave. WY. AFFAIRS opera - - HOUSE al econ cond Ave | buys an improved lot in Block es. ia wok 19, H. Gordon Munro W. Nicholson Lailey Promising — Wage 2 te AMA TEUR MUNRO & LAILEY is Noted Architects, Notwithstanding the big a VA UDEVI! LE come of $50 per month Stork Building, Second Avenue. ase in expenses beyond con- ll | - . Alberts Block Prospects of the Company iSection 5: has a house and cab- ins that will rent and Dring 1 crease trol, said Chairman Sir Alfred; ech sities ae _. FRIDAY , MAY 10TH = STUART & STEWART Smithers at the Grand Trunk] EVENING $1,400 cash, balance smal! mon ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS railway meeting at London, re-| tinipememane thly payments. Law-Sutler Building Phone No. 23 cently, the management tot. able} Two shows 7.30-and 9 o'clock. | Prince Rupert P.O. Box 351 to show an improvement per cent on third p - Special Attractions Heavy Dramatic Monologue by 6 R. Naden Co., Ltd. Star Tragedian with lime Cc. V. BENNETT, B.A. of B.C., Ontario, Sas- katchewan and A - berta making one and ee ALFRED CARSS, #914. Of eight hundre« es British Columbea and Manitobe Bars ang mecreased eross SECOND AV — CARSS & BENNETT near jlaven.twelfths | neariy eé seve n-twelitf! : light effects — _ Rannepeene. Mopanine. Bre: spent m Canada One remain i ANTED — Albert Block. a8 Avene. twelfth. came here for shareh. pid-| TENDERS W | OfSce Seco! ers. Althougt passenger an 1G Boxing C ne a i freight rates et ie ss, the earr reat xing ontest | F¢ r grading t 25 x 100 feet, t, ad-/ WM HAL DO DOS ia ne tedin mile~ inereaeel ‘i ; joining ‘store. | DENTIST. ings per tra i€ increased between English and Scotch! - oe i : Sei $2.75. i = ee H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. es : : lightweight champions Keene amano ne Concerning the Grand Trunk —_ = ~ | Ione) anasthetics administered for the painless ex don"t fail to see this Pacifie grading, br ne lines | Don a were completed, and rails would traction of teeth. Consultation free. Offices aid if Cansdi an steel|NEW SONGS PICTURES AND) Block. Prince Rupert. -12 COAL mtr FZ. Fil A, LL.D panies could have elivered } SURPRISING STUNTS | ee 2 rama rails. Arrangements were e made| oe Wellington Ceal. Best on the) ya : ie edit mY ith as w days whereby | : : Coast arristers, Solici , ete. with ee st fe de e . i Prices—First twelve rows of| 116 & Black Box 285 American mills will de mae raus hI wehestra chairs and first four} | Phone Rogers j Prince Rupert, B.( JVhe chair t in J] ne hairman lluded wit rows of balcony 25c: rest of hall| Sairsiaction tne comp: letion} . arrangements for running} {3 cents. sea BOX 2 PRINCE RUPER! | |..Grand* Hotel. Workingman’s Home TEACHER OF SINGING rights over the Ontario Goverii-j ments North as t chran = = wottenzacaeses| FORT GEORGE! tion and save the company RT GEORGE: | MeBride Free Labor Bareau in Commection = on. oy wae poxom, meg. ARAM, 10M. EG = =) r ‘ , , . wi oh in ™ on again, and it simply} Phonei78 Ist Ave. and 7th St.) means that the future of FORT GEORGE GEO. BRODERIUS, P : JOHN E. DAVEY i stsing additional capital. | R : labor difficu =o 1s ncing his words, h as night; . 2 New songs pictures and sur- Sole Agent | a nsizned. the bank/? a PE ps) F f farther out along the Iine—Om- the city? That the Bank of Mon-| jjoca Herald. real fas absolute ynfidence -in a heaviest tragedian in soul “Eugene Aram” with effeets “Amateur Westholme Opera house the city of Prince Rupert every} Our does} stirring act ; limelight | Night,” j tonight. ing city, if not confidence? That| cilizen is certain. What such a solid bank building mean} so early in the history of a ris- there is money and to spare in} the Bank of Montreal for invest-| J I Might State ment in Prince Rupert enterpri-} Se a a ses and sceurities the citizens} I have a few snaps for Sale Rut the } Let 35, bieck 5, section 1, Beach Place, . Ye #2000, half cash, bal. terms 2 k < <9 ic Ir »p | Ot 8, Diock 8, section. 6, Hays Cove Cir- jank of Montreal is in Prince | cle. $1.. 308: third cath. bal terme z mee. ¢ Lots 17 and 18, block 28, section 5, business, and | iinmit ave, $1200; half cash, bal. terms. “is 19-22, block 14, section $, Rorden/} } St, $4000; half cash. bal... terms are perfectly well aware. Rupert for sound those who manage the bank's af- fairs will not advance funds la- to those | 4. DOUGLAS themselves vishly or even at. all, who do not prove businesslike. “For this reason fee while there is money waiting "Best Bary Bargains Today: the Bank of Montreal for invest: | Lot 36, block 22, sec. 6....$950 ment in Prince Rupert concerns | Lot 38, block 22, see. 6....$950 in the confidence of Prince Rup- | Lot 36,° block 7. 8000. 7s... $750) Lots 35-36, block 38, sec. 8.8700} ert’s po s to repay, there is} Se eee Mavey|L0t8 3-4, block 6, see. 7..$1350 CE ee eee ee, Tee) Lot Obie he ake . $1575! Newton, 7 Room House 8th Ave. Very The situation resolves itself easy terms. { JOHN DYBHAYN The personality! Phone 384 319 3rd Ave| of the Mayor, the personel of his|=—= simply enough, into a problem of personality. whole council perhaps—of his finance committee probably— WwW } does not appeal to the bank in a } manner to inspire the confidence } that induces an outflow of cap- : ox ital into any legitimate channel, however well placed for security. Capital is so very timid. The of sound of a stumbling footstep in the carrying out of the con-|BESNER & BESNER, PROPRIETORS | cerns in which it is interested pe ad New Knox Hotel is runon the European | First-class service. All the Latest Modern will seare it off. The bogey of =. te BEDS Se Ur | an unbusiness-like mayor may! PIRST AVENUE. PRINCE RUPER1? | Appearing in All members of the order in the| Pp. mi, ab 34% 3rd ave. city are requested to visit All. Nor-| LAW-BUTLER Co. | : Three different sizes of wood hoists. Phone 89 PEOPLE DO YOU KNow Who have lost mo Rupert real & Prince How many peor who have lo St mon you know bonds, et © Stocks savings re srow' 8 but grow a an aa j AY in YW Ry 4 m | } j t ie ae as SORANS Gv: -rge Leek List Your Property with Me §18 3rd Ave Prince Rupert ull rrepares The ank has eS assured The Vancouver-Fort George} AVN fully prepared. The b en s eucled: wudl | Ratiway Is going to be built in three years, | JOHN DYBH CE RUM if Ow! o the mayor. o REA not ear . others i fo : _ —————————- is saul down on th = Ol bscie Span of Skeena Bridge tv f Prince Rup-!,.-.. . x “a 4 ix todar . ope) FAR L : elling very fast now eee ee ee “UP-| bridge are makit ce ee, ae Mr Smither nd r APRIL 10TH, 1912, PRICES in . SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS’ DELIVERY service | aoe gress and this week they com-/ quoted rates paid to workers as ction WILL BE AD-| $8.50 Per Ton, Delivered z a a i r n : — t he 6 . Storage and Forwarding Ager or} night the mayor called; pleted the work on the first span.|compared with 1897 average ge by this FALL! Get : Rigs or Motor Car jay or night i fem the pleted the work on the first span. compared with 1897, an average| wa Sr er el al te thet his finance commiuttee, Phe ar ede aon aaecrenn increase of forty-nin : ixty i e some rod | : ness | Ss Seventh Ave. and Fulton Phone 301 | FOR SALE ivited as it is laid and this will; nine per cent. 4 f | rhe a 3B 7 s ;: a co id gether , 3 bs . . | Three } Block Beach ie . . = take somewhat longer than had Mr. Smithers said that Presi- All Kinds of Building Supplies | pace, 98 ea 4 cash, 1-2-3 they sat down in the city Mall tO) +), eontractors used false work. dent Hays had with him talented, | THE IROQ OJS | Lots $% and 29, Block 22, Section 5, su* consider things. The upshot of| Rut when it is done it will be} able lieutenants, who. if he were First Avenue Phone 186 Ave., $3 , $1.2 ash, 1-9 year “, j One lot 3 k 4 S $ 700 heir d era s was that Ma-)} permane and nothing more will) unhappily taken away, would — POOL $325 casb. 6-12 1 have to be touched. Four crews; qualify to succeed him in the | | : | Ome lot, Block 28, § bh Ave y New cece alter XS : i NCE ERT j and American Billiards | $1.050 acsh . ee mS f riveters are employed and that| work so ably performed. PRI RuUP ? CARTAGE and English Americ = | Lot 2¢ 2 ck 15. Sect 7, 2 fronts, 6th es “lis all that can be used. The report was adopted with-| Twe lots, Diock 8, section 1, 81 — STORAGE Twelve Tables SADIE PLA ave one Hays are ae Sete ee men, ranging from $200,000 The last of the piers is all but! out discussion : 1-3 one F ; : = ee Sole 0 sets. (4a downwards, that there is in the} -¢, mpleted a very few ais G. T. P. Transfer Agents cash, bal. arranged . sa r mn ¢< all ¢ > Or 1-2) ir lots, Bi 3, § city treasury for him to signidays the men will be all gone LOCAL JOTTINGS 12 ‘month 1-2) Quiées pastanite Cid. “Prices teen Hotel Centr Cor. foe tae! F ur atic k . cheques against,only about $16,-|4nd the steel men will have the poeicsy ai ‘ and cabin, | OFPFICE—H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone & 7th Street months Be a ait round a ot iselv r > , ‘a fe ae : i | uropean and A lan, stea: Lot 20, Block 10, Sect 7, 6th Ave 000. Mayor Newton had con-| £Tound all to themselves. Try the Royal Cafe Merchants’| ; 00, 1-2 cash,} as i pes ne ere ees in $800; % cash, 6-12 no ; i : While this work is being car-| jyunch. if |, See 1 ocak Lee $1.00 to $2.50 per day Lots { and 2, Block 42, s 7, comer dently counted on there being! ied on Foley, Welch & Stewart a a Peter Black Proprietor mote.” co ian re ir sha of fi ; » cork i 2150; halr} gy pe Ms ; . 3% r I 7 7 ey ~ ’ s i 7 e., 275 ash, 2 ther advances after the bank had} the agg s and getting everything latest styles see Scott, Froud &|! AE; #340 cash, wen AS been reimbursed by the sale of|Teady for the steel men on the! 3:4 ave. }2 Lots, block 15, section 8, $500; bait | Magatines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers | Lots 9 and 10, Block 27, Sectioa 8, s ; several smaller bridges between ‘ oe bal. 6 eee 18 months , - Sherbrooke Ave. $8 for palr, cast an a a eel . i” Pe : -e " r . —— ee jouble corner, ot 16 t 8 a “a Ereasury Script. The Mayor). ona Crossing and New Harel. 4 #750: half cash, bal. 6 and i2 months, "| CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS | FOR RENT was very evidently thoroughly|. ee See eee For row boats and launches! 2‘[ois ‘block 27, sec, 8 $900 te cash | d-Rve. Below Kaien Island Club. HAYNER BROS. ; ie eee bine ( ond aie s evidentiy ‘ pT WJ lisny s ‘ as fast as ay fo = — oe uF . « een Stores in | 2nd :