GOVERNMENT CONTROL of PRICES and CREDITS ... A Helpful Page of Information Regarding What is The Meaning of The New Law OUR PATRIOTIC DESIRE . . . Has always been to do those things necessary to the proper administration of Federal Government Regulations, and this is particularly so during the stress and strain of the present war. IT HAS BECOME NECESSAKY TO ESTABLISH NEW METHODS IX THE HANDLING OF RETAIL CHARGE ACCOUNTS. And to these systems, outlined in the War-Time Prices ami Trade Board's order, we are compelled to adhere without any deviation. This means that from now on . we are not permitted to give further credit to accounts In arrears more than 10 days from due dates. Watts & Nickerson We Are Proud To Present . . . the Largest and Finest Assortment of Merchandise we have ever had on hand. Drop in and look around. A Small Deposit Will Hold Anything Until Christmas. Gordon & Anderson We are now settled in our NEW QUARTERS on THIRD AVE., next to the Royal Hank. Drop In And Have A Look kround R. W. CAMERON Pioneer Jeweler Merchants Not Allowed to Give INSTALMENT Any More Long Credits On Many j BUYING IS Lines of Merchandise Under Law RESTRICTED Long List of Articles Included in Those Rcquirinff Cash,Xewn'uIa"ons1 . 01 , m Out to the Letter In J ur uomparuiivciy onori ttrms Transactions. After This. cu , ..c iu.1 ucuu. m- SUverware umub may tatvc uauiw uic aiutic Jjjg purchased or it may be paid for g u and me equlpment in three equal instalments. Your stoves elecW gas m M purchase then becomes an instal- household use ment purchase. If one -third of TelSCOpes and binoculars the of the bill is amount paldj Tires and tubes, automobile men me rema.naer may oy agree-! rs electric, for household there must YViOTif Ka y-o M n cm alio- citm c Wft liiCA c iiiUOU j.ess than $5 a month. Toiletware of all kinds The following goods come under the new ruling: hold use Accessories, automobile , wan coverings Air conditioners, room unit Washlne machines,- electric Air conditioning systems, home .gasoline, for household use Appliances, electric, gas or oil. Watches' for household use j waxers and polishers Bedding I Bicycles Boats, pleasure Boats, power driven, except when sold for commercial use or use In the fisheries Boots and shoes 1 China ware, porcelain and semi-porcelain Cleaners, vacuum Clocks Clothing I Cutlery I Draperies Dryers, hair, electric i Fans, electric 1 Floor x)verings Furniture Furs and fur wearing apparel Glassware of all kinds Handbags, purses and cases Heaters, portable electric use use Lamps, for household use Linens . Luggage Mattresses and bed springs Mirrors Mixers, food, electric, for household use Motor bicycles Motor cycles Motors, designed for use In power driven boats, except when sold for commercial use or use in the fisheries Motors, outboard, except when sold for. commercial use or use In the fisheries sisted by Miss Dorothy Stiles, Miss Munei vance, Mrs. A. Berner and Mrs. Alex Mitchell. Responsible for the refreshments Mere Mrs. T. J. Boulter, Mrs. J. r. Alien, Mrs. Vera .Hueston, Mrs. Elmer Thompson and Mrs. S. D. Johnston. Presiding at the door were Mrs. F. S. Walton and T. J. Boulter. No Coupons to Be Allowed On ,lEd goods on the instalment plan Is ja violation of the consumer credit order and that no further sales 'of such coupons can be permitted. 1 These coupons, sometimes known Credit Notes Carried Such The restrictions on Instalment Most people have a line of credit at some stores. j buyin& are designed to prevent They buy a suit of clothes this month and pay for it the next or the month following that. Some people never think of paying spot cash and let their accounts run for a long O I moo r O rvf of n Man lien nnra note, i Vi. cept that if they are not paid on the due date, which in many cases is the tenth of the month following the purchase, they then must become instalment purchases liable to rulings concerning instalment buvine with Davments made payments but even that is restricted. If the purchaser of the goods has not settled with the merchant as provided under the new regulations he cannot get any more credit until that account Is set- tlpH Tho mprnhnnt is not allow- J !., Ik.) ...jit rrV.a Pads, heating, electric Pencils, mechanical Pens, fountain Percolators, electric, for hold use Phonographs, including at regular Intervals. All you get Paying devices is tpn daws tn make definite ar- rutins., mt eqiuniicui,, people buying goods which they cannot afford to pay for. Usually articles are purchased by making a down payment and time with additions from time to time. This is no longer j the remainder in regular monthly nllmvprl. Chnrrre nrrnnnrs pnnti'niiP mnrh :is hpfm-P ey instalments, often secured by means a a chattel mortgage or a contract for sale. When you buy on the Instalment I plan there must be a contract of house-, sale in writing, setting down in j detail just what you have to pay record 1 and all other necessary Information. If you buy a car valued at Includ- $5C0 you pay half the cost in rangements. You may borrow ins :ameras and projection equip- cash our old car being part pay-money money at the bank to make the ment 'merit possibly. The remainder Radios, phonographs and cam- may be paid in twelve equal binatlons, including record play- monthly instalments. All other ing devices .articles in the schedule must have Razors . one-third paid down and the re- Refrigerators, for household use mialnder In monthly instalments I Roasters; 'electric, for household of not less than $5, the total to use I be paid within twelve months. Sewing machines, for household! Slightly different terms are al lowed for farmers or others in solid or plated, of .seasonal employment, possibly for ' fishermen. for The new regulations mean that in future be no long term credits on ordinary merchandise If vnu huv a suit nf Waffle irons, electric, for house- ciothes you must pay within about a month unless you have a written 'agreement for definite time ments. J You cannot borrow money -to pay for goods purchased and then 'give the goods as security. I The new plan does not Interfere with the payment a purchaser Is making on an old agreement. NpW PlirrlinCAc' The Purchaser must not break 1 Ul Lliaaca the regulations in connection with buying and the seller must not OTTAWA, Nov. 8: The War-'eak regulations in regard to time Prices and. Trade Board an- selling. Either Is liable to prosecu mounced that the practice of sell- tion- (lng coupons exchangeable for list- Canada's North Country Shown as "budget coupons." fall to com- - ply with the Board's Instalment I)r' J- T- Mandy Tells Some Of vanity cmUt order m twQ essenUal re. History Of Atlin And Yukon !?peots. By mean? of su:ti couoons In Connection With Pictures v! V Hilr. Heaters, , water, 7 V for u household u ,JJt has been possible to make a j6eries 0( purcnasw5 on the On Thursday evening, Nov. 6. at . , instalment plan wMhout making ne ivauon Army Citadel a v. u Ironers, electric, for household ;the mlnlmurn $i0 cash down pay- crowd gathered, to see ajid Irons, electric, for household shown by Dr; J. T. qulred by ithe order When Mandy. These Loir,, w a such coupons are used, moreover. I were taken by himself during his tSh LA v, u , , .nelther rtore nor the customer I numerous, trips In connection with vvvm,, iW UUUXllUlU'hQe o r rxf S 4AmH 4U.lU5 UULieS SS YPR fiPfl mining purchase. This obviously conflicts )g?fleer and Proved a revelation to with the Board's desire to have all'thse who had not already seen persons receive an exact statement 5' of the pooHs nurcVisMt ?nH Vio . Tn? speaker took his hearers nn J additional, money he or She is pay- lthe ln6c Passage to Skagway and ing for the credit accommodation ":f,r ine siotic "Trail of to This ruling of the Board does Atlln and through some of the not prevent retailers from honor- cmiry through which the Alaska ing outstanding coupons, and docs '"Snway may go, It showed a vast not restrict coupons fully paid for country, wonderfully well photo-in cash at the time of purchase, graphed. It was a revelation of i many beauties. Charge accounts must be paid! - ten days after due date, which Charles Woods returned' to the may be the last day of the month city on the Prince Rupert yester-following the month In which ; day afternoon from a holiday uip uie Huirnase was maue. iu vancuuver. O.E.S. HAS FINE DANCE Keally Outstanding Affair Last Night at Masonic Temple, Held The annual ball of Belist r.han ter. Order of the Eastern Star, held last night in the banquet hall of the Masonic Temple, was undoubtedly one of the- outstanding affairs in many a dayj Some 200 persons wer In attendance and dancing was In progress from 9:30 PJn. Until 2 a.ITL Then the dang ers were loath to leave so pleasantly and so seemingly rapidly had the hours of enjoyment passed, Decorations were a feature which evoked much favorable comment. The Dillars wer twin. jed with mauve crepe paper and puvw nooon, twigs, being used Ingeniously to. make a moss-like effect. The orchestra platform was 'adorned In a mndpmutt. m.nn. in Keeping with the rest of the setting which was most effective. Excellent music was furnished by Jean de Carlo's Orchestra and, in addition to the usual dances, several novelty dances were introduced. Alex Mitchell was a ge nlal master of ceremonies. The dancing commenced with the Grand March led by Mrs. Alex Mitchell, the worthy matron, and O. J. Dawes, worthy patron. Refreshments were a real piece de resistance to. which all did full Justice; The decoration eommlttpe con Oddfellows' Dance Enjoyable Affair About 110 persons were In attendance at an enjoyable dance held last night by the Oddfellows Lodge, the affair continuing from 1 10 p.m. until 2 a.m. Music was ;by Louis Hilder's Orchestra. Nor man Moorehouse was master of ceremonies, and David Owens presided at the door. Delicious refreshments were served at I " I fr Ala i i. Isaac Pierre and Walter Mikd ! Indians, were each fined 515 with i option of seven days' lmprlson-! ment by Maglstrato McClymont In ; city police court this morning for I drunkenness. Union steamer HnrHa.-n van, bdUt, John Boden, arrived in port at 9:45 last night-from Vancouver and waypolnts and sailed, at mid-night on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. - 4 V Reddy Says - 11 Z. . . ..,...... , i r.i V rr ujr ujji i y uier icrms; it s Quality that counts . . . and CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC Washers, Refrigerators, Toasters, Ironers and Hot Point Appliances are Quality Products. Come in and see them at N.B.C. Power Co. Ltd. Prince Rupert and Stewart, B.C. T W m m m 1. . Villi I 1.1 tail ran cm nuir nn rrtin h m m k . . . . i a a a a a a a w a a a . . . . 1 1 1 -. . . W. m II I t .... - .. m r. v firii n if w n tr n t rww c n r nwtinnrr itmw r n n v I t'. buy things on credit at MacKenzie's Furniture Ltd . . . and at the same time comply with the ; regulations. Come in and ask us. M.w.w.. . ....UKM" YOUR CREDIT STILL GOOD AT W. F. STONE PROVIDING YOl ADHERE TO THE NEW GOVERN MENT REGULATIONS. W: F. STONE Clothes of Distinction Robert Young, resident manaeer or tne Pacific Mills at Ocean Falls, returned to the paper town on the Prince Rupert -Thursday nle-ht af ter a trip to. Portland on comnanv uusuiess. i J. C. Gllker at last night's regular monthly meeting of, the Junior section of. the Prince Rupert .Chamber of, Commerce, mentioned having received, a letter from Frank Comadlna one of the members on active service, who is at present at Petawawa camnlnOn. - " I " D" -' 4,. a.l L . . I -.tllf A -arm. weui. ueorge Dybnavn, an-'diate basketoau t-"- . pjr other member at Petawawa, was follows: Grlmble. MontendBia!s andBla aiso mentioned. I ij, n Alien a 0 0 H4"" jhnlf , ' . . .... npv W" nnhn nr the iaic3 , ,(.. Ders 01 uie juu"' . o; Prince Ruwrt cnamu" e. merce. Their eiecwn - &. bershlD was announced oy ecutlve at the regular -dinner meeting lar. n l .1 II I !irt1in basketball ur Lineup for Drv v School in ' High ill . likls, Sheddon, Eastman be "