PAQE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE CHAS. DODLMEAD Optometrist in Charge I Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Accessories Make the Woman . . . AND PEOPLES STORE HAVE THE ACCESSORIES l&V Just Arrived! FINE IMPORTED KID GLOVES We wprp fnrf mm tp in sprurinir n i substantial stock of imported 2 Gloves. Don't miss this opportunity . . . Styles and sizes for all and at last year's prices too. You'll Find What You Want Here: PURSES - HANDKERCHIEFS - FLOWERS HOSIERY JEWELERY SCARVES RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Fhone BLUE 907 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS Place your new and renewal orders w i t h us LOWEST PUBLISHERS' PRICES ON ALL MAGAZINES to or from any part of the world. Now is the Time to Order Or Renew GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS for Christmas Appropriate Gift Cards Sent at No Extra Charge. ... A McRae Bros. Dependable Service eMaMvs.Jjd Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Lid. British ColumbU Having been decayed by fog out of Vancouver which caused her to mice fVla itiHo fn OAvnn.... XT eit, Capt. Neil McLean, did not arrive in port until 3:30 yesterday afternoon, sailing last evening in1 continuation of her voyage, to Ketchikan and Stewart whence she will return here tomorrow eve-! ' nlng southbound. THE DAILY NEWS SATURDAY. Nnvr, Waterfront ' Whiffs Big Canned Salmon Pack This Year Double Service to Continue Until End of Year. eminent. It is also believed likeiy that the total pack this year will be the highest for a number of years past, and It Is suggested the total figure will be around 2.000,-000 cases. Already it is reaching towards the estimate and the season does not close entirely until the end of November though some areas close sooner. Big packs of past recent years are 2.221,000 ca-es for 1930, 1,8'JO.COO in :93C. land 1,707,000 cases In 1938. Wnile 'chum seining was at its peak at l the beginning of October the fish ;had net yet commenced to show jup at the Fraser river. On Johnstone straits the seiners were catching 750 to 1200 fish each daily. itepieie with mad new armyi gags, "Caught in the Draft," an' uproarious comedy with Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour in the lead ing roles, comes to the screen of ihe Capwol Theatre here on Monday and Tuesday of next week. Against a background of running wild tanks, comedy warfare, 'parachute drops and catchy new Double-weekly service of Cana-j tune-5. the picture describes a rool:-idian National Steamships beaveen le's life in the army. j Prince Rupert and Vancouver will Drothy Lamour. the colonel's continue until the end of the year J,ter' ? in LVe Wlth PnvaU when die steamer Prince Rupert ?.ob "ope but fh cannot marry. l,. -mi k . i.kj u hlm 0n account of her fathers KliL , annUf objections. The rookie is caug.n overhaul. This will take six up between the cross-fire of Doro-1 weeks and, on completion, the thy's sarcasm and the colonel's , Prince Rupert wUl go back on the fury as he slides out of one hot ,run so the Prince Geoige may be corner into another. .taken off for her overhaul. About Lynne Overman early April it is expected ui double service will be resumed!. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH P. II. Linzey, Sunday School Superintendent SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10 11:00 a.m.-Rcmembrance Day Service. The Canadian Legion mem-bers will parade to this service. Hon. Captain E, E. Brandt. Chaplain to the 2nd. Bn. Canadian Scottish R. will be the speaker. Collection to aid bombed churches of Britain. 7:30 p.m. Sermon by Mr. P. H. Linzey. The members of the church! are to meet at me close of the evening 'service for the purpose of considering the calling of a pastor. 12:15 pjm. Sunday School. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 8:00 p.m.Mid-week Meeting of Bible Study, discussion and prayer Mr. G. R. s. Blackaby In charge. STANLEY WXOLTON D.C, Ph.C. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block Phone 610 IN THE MTKI.Mi: roiKT OK IMITISII roi.r.MuiA In I'riklmt In the Mailer of Hip "Administration I Act" and I In thr Matter of Hip titfate of John Williams Wells, Kpreased Intestate Take Notlv t.Hn.f. v, n., tri. Honor, W. E. Fisher, made on the 25th Hot, a, n ..... u wwucr, n. u. mn, i was appointed Administrator of the estate or John William Wells, deceased and ell parties having claims against the said esta,to are hereby required to furnish property verified, to' me on or before the 27th day of November. A. D. 1941, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount 1 tC1 Indebtedness to me forthwith.1 Dated at Prince Rupert B.C.. this 27th day of October, A. D. 1941. NORMAN A. WATT, ' Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B.C. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CA It DEN A EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving October 21, November 4 and 18 Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. - Phone 5G8 MM British Columbia's salmon pack is now expected to exceed the 1,700,000 cases estimated at the beginning of the season, according to Major J. A. Motherwell, head of the Dominion Department of Fisheries at the coast. The estimate was named as the approximate volume to meet the needs of Canada, general export, and the 1,200,000 cases ordered by the British -zov-i " COMEDY OF ARMY LIFE "Caught in the Draft" Here With Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour. and Eddie Bracken keep Bob company In his escapades which almost cause total disaster. Hope emerges as a hero during some war games at the climax of the film. He turns disaster into laughter by a mas- HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert A. C. Pittsfleld, R. Kuypers, Ralph Dobbins, M. Green. Cpl. and Mrs. T. Oldham, E. Burr, N. b. Hay, Mrs. M. Boudreau. J. J. S JSSTJSft SSTvSSS: and Mrs! St n wi ,r-'" Johiuon. "': n Bum and sailed a couple of hours later i"or Vancouver. The vessel had on board a good-sized list of passengers, consisting largely of northerners bound south for the Miss V. Rosang sailed on the Princess Adelaide last night Dr Vancouver. R. Nlsyl. E. Nygaard, W. Nixon and J. Stack. Dawson; Mrs. Ruth MacDaimel. C h i 1 k o o t Barracks, Alaska. , TOO I.AT- IO CLASSIFY FOUND An iron gate Is being held a .he -o!ice office. Own-: er ?an have same by calling at Daily News and paying for this 1 advertisement. CHURCH NOTICES: There will be general regret in the city over the sudden death of Mrs. G. W. Nickerson which took place on Thursday evening. She was a lady of cheerful disposition, given to good neighborliness and one whose place in the community it will be difficult to fill. The whele community will sympathize with -Mr. Nickerson in the loss. As one of Prince Rupert's leading citizens, Mr. Nickerson is known to everyone. Mrs. Nickerson had a wide circle of friends and acquaintances and, having lived in the city so many years, she was well known anil popular. We feel that we vcice the feeling of the community in saying that 'all regret the loss of an csteemd citizen. T. Sakamoto of Osland returned to the &.:y on ths Prince Rupert j yesterday on his way home from a vurnr tr:o to Vai"3uver. look before you buy! I Be sure this Bayer crotsV is on every tablet . XJ Jt I en mm vatm m e b ra in kb Attention Ladies will soon be here, WINTER so why not meet it with a FUR COAT. Our manager. Miss Bell, will be back from a buying trip Friday with a large new stock. You are all Invited to look our stock over. Prices to suit everyone, and remember your credit Is good. GOLDRLOOM "The Old Reliable" cm m tii,i csbvi a hi a; a a aa a i ; PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL AND MINING MACHINERY All Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled TENDERS TENDERS FOR EXCAVATING 2 LOTS, NO. 11 AND 15, BLOCK 3fi, SEC. 1., OFI'O-SITE POST OITICE. For Information Seo Killas and Christopher Commodore Cafe B. C. Furniture Co. THIRD AVE. 10 STUDIO SETS 3 pieces, in latest models ana $6Jft00 $AC?50 colors ... Off to &d 3 CHESTERFIELD SUITES priced 5F7Q00 $ ftf" from .. tO to 3. AO 2 USED CHESTERFIELD SUITES pncea 5 a 50 $S A00 from .... tAto 50 MATTRESSES pncea ?foo $OC50 from O to 21 HOOKED RUGS $25 an lit 2 ENGLISH CHINA DINNER SETS $fi)A50 $ftJ50 at AilFand U JL PHONE HLACK 321 CAPITOL A FAMOUS PtATIII THtATIP r Tkti.. ENDS TODAY an c 11 ry u ani' ISl legieia bin PHONE 21-Hour Service at Regular Rates PRH-XMAg SALES With EVERY SUIT purchased at De Luxe Tailor you get one SILK CREPE SHIRT to your own measurements FREC. HART, FREEDMAN&QABOS CLOTHES TO MEASURE DE LUXE TAILOR 1" c. 7 4 iiMiLNS MOXDiv FOR 2 Days Continuous Daij, (rat3 , SPECIAL PRC-HOLIDAY MIDNIGHT SHovcT "CAUGHT IN THC DRAFT" MONDAY NIGHT ij.j. BOB DOROTHY HOPE LAMOUe Bob's the dizziest, busiest rookie in 'the army, and Dottie, the Colonel's daughter, won't say "yes" until Hob proves himself a hero! ITS THE BIG LAUGH BLITZ OF 1941 a 1 39. 3 39 s 3 , ADDED SHOUT TREATS Alluring Alaska" "Hands of Desin7' "Problem Pappy" "Sky Sailing" FOR MEN ONLY HOLDRITE LASTEX BELT With Two Detachable Pouches FOR $2.25 Supports the Back Supports Stomach Muscles No More Tired Feeling Easily Washed , Sizes 32 to 40. ' rmes It "Jittt Pioneer Druqgiats THE RCXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7 - 9 p.m. When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI Service 13 The EAST SIDE COAL CO. will appreciate any pat""' age given . . . with prPl service and clean coal. C. IJ. CASEY, Mg. Phone 755 or i.rn