PAGE TWO i Quality Guaranteed H41 M w m n Mil nliAllA TEA MEN Hartt Shoes ... are admittedly the peak of high-grade shoemaking in Canada. The variety of lasts ensure a correct fit for every type of foot, be it narrow or wide. Hartt's Naval, Air Force and Military Officers Shoes Are Here. Family shoe store lt! The Home of Good Shoes A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FLOOR LAMPS with beautiful base, twisted and ornamental stands, G-wa- lifhts, two switches, artistic shades with tint colors and oinate, but not over-done. &'f 4 TA U'ith lights, stand and shade, complete from ... V XXVif (A Good Selection to Choose From) Phone 775 PHONE CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W, Colton, D.C., Ph.C. Wallace Block - Phone C40 at 327 Third Ave. BRITAIN CARRIES ON and DELIVERS the GOODS - Direct From London to Prince Rupert GLOY THE DAINTY PASTE Dries instantly, lasts forever, never dries up in the bottle, ideal for home and office. o-oz. jars with brush . 40e 10-oz. jars with brush . . 75c J. Bouzek, TAILOR LADIES' and GENTS' Best Materials, Workmanship Second Ave., two doors from Broadcasting Station TIGHT RACE ! IN BOWLING As a result of last night's play Rinkey Dinks remained in the leadership of the Mixed Bowling League with Standard Oil a close second and Tollers an equally close third. Last nighfs results were as fol lows: Alley Cats 2. Pushovers 1. Standard Oil 3, Alley Kittens 0. Bankers 2, Woanjas 1. Rinkey Dinks 2, Sav-Mor 1. : ToUers 3, Stone' Clothiers 0. j Paplf's Store 2, Pete and Repeat 1. i High Single scorer far ladles was Mickey Skattebol with -257 and M. Drage for men with 267. Game totals were as follows: Alley Cats 1028 9C9 959 Pushovers 955 1015 931 Standard Oil 1097 1207 1007 Ally Kittens ...1017 948 1011 Woanjas ,")43 1039 1C94 Banker? .1034 1045 933 Sav-Mar 972 10G2 933 Rinkey Dinka 903 1102 1121 l Toilers 1104 1051 955 Stone's Clothiers 959 895 910 Peoples Store 1195 1113 116'' Pele and Repeat 1282 10S3 1022 The Mixed League standing: " Won Lost Rinkey Dioks 12 3 Standard Oil n 4 Toilers 10 5 Woanjas 9 0 Sav-Mor 8 7 St one's Ctolhterg 8 7 Petp and Repeat 7 0 .Bankers 6 9 'Alley Cats 6 q Pushovers g 91 Peoples Store 5 10 Alley Kittens 2 13 Shower For Nora j I Rudderhamls 1 ; Pleasant Affair! A delightful cup and saucer! shower was held in honor of Miss1 Nora Rudderham . last Monday night at the home .of "Mrs. W. j ! Richards. j The evening was spent In play-1 ing court whist, winners being,! first. Mrs. H. C. Halliday; second! Miss Meg Sil versifies: Arthur Bayne. Refreshments were served later in the evening and ihe presents were brought in in a large "telephone." The evening was brought to a close with Mrs. J. S. Sutherland singing "Maria Elena." accompanied by Miss Eleanor MoXley. Those present were Mesdames Barbe, Gardiner, C. Currie, L. wjae. T. Hill. Ja:kson, Howe : Richards, Attrill. Sutherland W Rothwell, F. Ellison Stegavi" oyne. earrings. Sinclair, Halli-dav, Rudderham. Pierce, and J K Murray and the versifies, Eleanor Moxley. Lillian (ira rudderham Beatrice Rudderham. THE SEAL QUALITY m GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye pinFseal Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all-the-year-round payroll In Prince Rupert. and i QUAKER Cam FLAKES DtlAUSt r'j) 3 THE DAILY NEWS THURSDAY. OCTOBER . THIS CROSS is on every fast-acting Aspirin Tablet. Look for it. Does Xot Sell Jam Fifth columnists hare been- busy again spreading false statement about the Red cross This time I they say that Red Cross sells Jam. This Is abr ute'y false urtr ! should be denlcD everywhere Now on display at Ladies' Music Q. C. ISLANDS Club Ope ninSfi Jack Hanson, general manager jof the T. A. Kelley Logging Co.. ..' .. -.t 'Cumshewa. has put In a large New Season OHs l'nder ay With gt Bay The Ladies' Music Club had its opening- meeting of the season yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. J. Smith, Graham Avenue, the program on Franz Use: music being featured by a paper on the subject by Mrs. J. B. Gibson. As an added treat. Miss Rose Hartwlg R.N. of Cumberland. Vancouver Island, favored the club wth two dcUehiiu) solos which tea was served by the hostess. There was a 3ad t.teais,;e with th president. Mrs.. F. N. Blanc?, In the chair. t ; The program ws as follows: i Paper. "Fran Lisat." Mrs. J. B. Gibson. Piano solo, "Consolation." Mrs. T. A. MeWaters. , Vocal solo, "Love Dream," Mrs. T. Dixon. ' Piano duet, "Galop Chroma-Uque." Mrs. J. C. Oilker and Mrs, George Madill. Vocal solo. Lorelei:' Mrs. R. G. Larne I 1 1 EVEREADY FLASHLIGHTS OVERSEAS AND IN CANADIAN CAMPS E3 HAVE YOU A MODERN FLASHLIGHT ? You'll find a score of uses for a flashlight in your own home. So why not buy an extra one for yourself! You'll like the new colored "Eveready" Flashlights recently introduced in red, blue, ivory as. w ell as the ever-popular black. $1.30 everywhere in Canada (including two fresh, dated "Eveready" Batteries). "KANY an accident has been averted many a life has been saved by a flashlight I That's why your relative or friend in the Service needs a sturdy, dependable "Eveready" Flashlight NOW. Plan to send a gift package this week and be sure to include an "Eveready" Flashlight. Extra batteries would be much appreciated so leave room in your gift box for four or six fresh, dated "Eveready" Batteries. f Canadian National Carbon Company, Limited HU. Manful TORONTO Winnipci Vancouver ran a iy? wii ill w:r7fsJM or i i rTUTuEi 51 New 1942 Models RUPERT MOTORS Distributors of Chrysler Products PHONE 566 6m Carnation Milk i, ,moott creamy-double-rich. There', nothing lilt it to bring ow full tempting coffee flavour, Keep! indefinitely in the can. economicil-and htaduitdfat txUd "sunshine" viumin D. fiom Contented CoWS J. H. BULGER Optometrist Opposite Post 0ffi RONALD BRIDGETT Knglish Singtr and Broad-raster for BBC and (BC Is open 10 c . is Jew r-, . u SIXGINTi AM) REPEniOIRE Phone Red 921 SAVoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 Y 0. M I'RASEIt STREET Prince Kuprrt Make Our Store lour Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 547 Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF FIXE FOOD? NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zareli) Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates "5c up 50 Rooms Hoi iKouW Prince Rupc B.C Phonf.281 P.O. BW 1" ' test It you have a -cam to w ' lean soon get you j jthe classified coiurr. cfThewj; News. DODGE and PLYMOUTH EMERGENCY NIGHT SERVICE CALL COLIN MILLEtt. BLUR m