Hotel Arrivals Piince Rupert Norman Boyd. R. R. Belanger, Mr: E T Luidcn, C. Graham and p VV'Kit:! Vancouver; Mrs. E. I W .lurdi i' Victoria; J. L. Errol, Buted;!)!- Mr arid Mrs. H. Mc-Couvp. Ciuxion; Sub. Lieut. J. t.'M Eicjuimait. Royal K KiMift. Prince Rupert; B. Brwuswa w. Vancouver. Appropruiu- to the Fire Preven-uu:. WttK utcasion, Fire Chief H t ii, k ftas thi' speaker at the rejuiar ceckly luncheon of 'h Prince ttupcr: Rotary Club today Dt R G Large also appeared to mam- .n anpeal to the Rotary Club tar aftlve support of all' i: members in connection with 1 ::rr.t!jr.i'y c -litre drive next) wees irr-.iapnr r n. j-.mzey wa: '! ..d am there was a good attcr.dr.:'p of members w::,h a few giic::. at FREE $3500 FREE 1IAZ1XTON SERVICES HAZ ELTON, Oct. 9: On Sunday special harvest festival services were held in St. Peter's Church here. There were special sermons by the rector, Rev. Frank Burling. Flowers, autumn leaves, fruits and vegetables were used in ornamenting the building. Classified ads. get results. Phone 98. Tins adver -dement is not published or displayed by the Liquor tvii. rsnvpmmpnt. nf British Columbia. $5.00 ALLOWANCE For Your Old Mattress On Any One of the following Simmons Spring-Filled Mattresses: Beauty Rest M30 Deep Sleep Jubilee Anniversary SgQ50 at Majestic- $24 at Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE Store Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. For every 3 labels from any tin or package of Dr. Ballard's Dog Food (and 5c stamp to cover postage) we will mall you ONE SOLID BRASS IDENTIFICATION TAG Absolutely free. BE SURE to print cleanly your "name and ad-dr,,ss on a separate sheet of paper and mail to the address below. pw n oHrminnnl 15 labels from Dr. Bal- lard's Dog Food (and 5c stamp to cover postage) we wlU mail you aosoiuucijr ONE COPY of DR. BALLARD'S DOG & CAT BOOK Containing a wealth of helpful information on the feeding, irnlrtiMn. . . .... ... ' ana care of "man's best friend." Address all replies to DR. BALLARD'S ANIMAL FOOD PRODUCTS, LTD., 4659 Victoria Drive, Vancouver, B.C. on First Avenue. no damage was done. R. S. Greig, city passenger agent for Canadian National Railways, is sailing tonight on the Prince George for Los Angeles, being called south on account of the serious illness of his mother. I E. Sigurdson, for drunkenness, was fined $25, with option of seven 'days' imprisonment, in city police ; court Tuesday. J. H. Henderson, jcharged .with vagrancy by creat ing a disturbance, was nnea $iu, with three days' option. David McMeekln. who has been visiting here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas "McMeekin, is sailine by the Prince George to- uight on his return to his naval duties at Esquimau, travelling by way of Vancouver. R S. Forrest, for the past two. years ldentmea witn tne sian oil the Canadian National Railways! divisional freight ana passenger office here, sails by the Prince i George tonight for Vancouver. He lis leaving the service of the rall-tway company. a fwplvp.nlpr-p Roval Canadian Air Force band will arrfve In Prince Rupert tomorrow morning from Patricia Bay to play at the Air Fnrn hall to be held here to morrow evening. The orchestra comprises some musicians picked from leading American orchestras with some from Canada. It's wonderful what a little lassified advertising may do for you. Most people read the classified ads. (tf) IBl Announcements AH advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Prpshvterian Tea. Mrs. McLeod's, Sxth Avenue "West, October 9. Orange Bridge, October 9. S O. N. Dance, Overseas Parcels, October 9. Anglican Tea. Mrs. J. R. Morl- ison, Oct. 16. Oddfellows' Dance October 17. Navy Tea. Oct. 18, Legion Hall. Scotch Dance, Oct. 18, Oddfellows Hall. Admission 35c. P. T. A. Telephone Bridge, Oct, 24. Lutheran Bazaar, Oct. 25, Met- ropole Hall. Gyro Hoedown, Oct. 31, Exhibi tion Hall. rnnndian Scottish Pipes and Drums Dance, Hallowe'en night, 9 to 1. Armouries. Bob Townsenas Orchestra. Refreshments. Admis sion 50c. ? Hill 60 Tea, November 1. Orange Sale, November 5. Presbyterian Bazaar Nov. 6. Eastern Star Ball, Nov. 7. W. A, Canadian Legion Bazaar, Nov. 19. Cathedral Fall Sale. Nov. 20. THE DAILY NEWS RAINCOATS LOCAL NEWS NOTES LOOK! WHAT VALUE! THAT ARE , . . Smartly Styled . . . Light in Weight Made in England of Fine Thread-Proofed Egyptian Cotton. Sizes 38 to 12. Specially priced at $10 Others at ..! $12 to $19.50 Watts & Nickerson MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHIERS 532 Third Ave. Phone 313 A "The Bride Came C. O. D.H iSM. Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Next Sunday night at 12:01 mid- tonight. Aid of overseas parcels, night. (tf) ! Refreshments. Admission 50c. TO EASE MISERY OF CHILD'S COLD RUB ON MICKS WapoRub Tonight's train, due to arrive from the east at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be on time. 1 (1H 1 I IP IM'llH I I.IIIfllL IlfLIl 1. I. ill I . tat 7 o'clock last evening to a I chimney fire at the Suga Rooms AR.OA.F. Inaugural Ball. Tickets may still be available until Friday ; night at Bulger's. Constable G. Lindsay arrived from, Vancouver on the George vesterdav. He Is here in connec tion with the testing of drivers' licences and will be on duty at jthe court house each day. Mr. and Mrs. James McNulty ,are sailine on the Prince George lor Vancouver. They expect to 'spend the winter in the south. various corps. MfAj 1 Jl 1.1 1 j ling. J. I. uuunBiiam, ui visional commander of the SalvaHon Army for northern British Columbia and Alaska, sailed by the Prince George last night for Ketchikan enroute back to his headquarters atWran- gell after a two weeks' visit to this city and district to inspect the 7 is I 7V0 WK J rnone bbi m JBK, uome RS.Ji Delivery 1 HVH f3 a mm S ' 1 H GUARANTEED BY $10,000 BOND. Enjoy this uey, full flvord 191. Order tut today. COAST BREWERIES LIMITED VANCOUVER VICTORIA NEW WESTMINSTER This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CAROENA EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving September 30, October 11 at 10 p.m. Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. - Phone 5G8 COCOA 80 nourishing cups to the lb. You'll find deitnt al ntw, InUrtiting woyf e mok xtro-lnviting cecoa and chocolate dtiiortt In "CHOCOLATE AROUND THE O.OCK" tho now, modtrn helpful Uttlp Book. For your copy, nd 10 lo Fry-Codbury Lid, Montrtal. Whifflets From The Waterfront V f According to figures issued by the International Fisheries Commission a total of 27,892,666 pounds of halibut was landed at various ports of the Pacific Coast from Nn 3 fnr thp neriod from J April 1 to September 30 of this year as compared with 25,088,20o Doundsin the corresponding period last year. Of the total this yearj the American fleet landed 25,r p.nnnn 1. !.-..-. CCOft 791 pounds last year and the Canadian fleet 2,234,594 pounds in comparison with 1,551.414 pounds. During the month of September the catch from Area No. 3 aggre gated 6,199,631 pounds consisting of 5,345,856 pounds American and 844,775 pounds Canadian fish. Landings from the closed Area No. 2 for September were restricted to that halibut caught incidental to other species under ner- mlt and amounted to 184,009 pounds. Mm FOR RENT COMMODIOUS OFFICE BOOM for rent in Dally News building, ineludinir laree office desk, cup board and ctyalrs. Possession Oct. 15. (tf) ROOM for rent To men sharing. Phqne Blue 805. FOR SALE ; FOR SALE 1919 Atlin Ave., lovely' modern home, 12 years old, con crete basement, 7 rooms, batn and finished attic; 2 lots, reasonable taxes, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace. Owner leaving town. Immediate possession given. $4500. H. G. Helgerson Ltd. FOR SALE 1554 Ninth Ave. East, 7-room house In excellent condition; 3 lots, very small taxes, lovely garden, fully modern, 4 bedrooms, furnace. $3000. Terms if desired. H. G. Helgerson Ltd. (241) t-i-vt- c at r Tiff.r,lrw rancro nnrl an oil burner. Phone Green 909. 1 (238) FOR SALE $65 kitchen cabinet $15. Apply 251 Fifth Ave. West. WANTED URGENT The Y. W. C. A. Rooms Registry requires names of those willing to accomodate service men and their wives ana lami lies. Phone 231 and ask for Mrs. Garbutt. WANTED Small troller around 30 ft. or boat suitable lor trolling. Must be cheap for cash. Apply Box 157 Daily News. (238) WANTED Second hand piano. Phone 51. PERSONAL player rtet. vour silverware, watches, rings, etc., from Peoples Credit Jewellers on easy terms as low as 50c down, 50c week, or $2.00 per month. Call District Manager A. B Boruck for appointment, Red 69. 34) LOST lost Green raincoat between Seal Cove Circle and Newcombe's restaurant. Phone Red 738. (237) British Industrialists To Inspect Plants SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 9: Four high-ranking British industrialists arrived In San Francisco yester H day In the course of a tour of the coast to inspect defence manufacturing plants. MPKIJ Treat the family to an old- fashioned pie made with gOYM PUMPKIN Jor THANKSGIVING DAY! THIS WINTER TAKE 65 VITAMIN PRODUCTS FOR VOUR HEALTH, FOR THE PREVENTION OF COLDS AND FOR GENERAL WELL BEING. These Vitamin Products are carefully chosen for their reliability and merit. NEO CHEMICAL FOOD 24-Day Size j. 72-Day Size 144-Day Size - ..... NEO CHEMICAL FOOD CAPSULES 50 for ..:....u 100 for $1.15 $2.45 $4.15 $1.25 $255 IRRADOL A . 16 ozs - S1-50 Hospital Size ..: .7. - $3-"5 WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT OF COD LIVER OIL $1.00, ORMES VITAMIN CAPSULES A, B, D AND G 50 for $1.25 ORMES VITAMIN CAPSULES A, B, D AND G VITH - 1 VITAMIN C v.'. 50 for $1.50 ORMES HALIBUT OIL CAPSULES 100 for $U5 Zrfie Pioneer Druqfftets THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI punKlF 15 O III I mm m qm? 24-Hour Service at Regular Rates When You Want GOOD TAXI SERVICE Call 235 Taxi Proprietor O. Klldal Attention Ladies! Just received a large shipment of FUR COATS In the latest style. You are all Invited to come and look over our stock. Prices to suit everyone' pocketbook. Remember we have an easy payment plan. GOLDBLOOM "The Old Reliable"