THE DAILY NEWS. — Scoop Follows Up a Suspicious Looking “Suffragette,’’ But She Sits Down on Him Hard —Drawn for the Daily News by ‘“‘Hop”’ SHES CLUMBING— 4 TREE. — LOOKS Like, A GOoD STor\! » SOOO — ills ie dl y z { cal ha Mi \ \ AG WY O42 yy y Yh / eg yA Z AGE Va ¢ ti 7} 4 g At: NS h ED LL, Sw NOON} = iin ao Whe MAG \ O Sete < : i et et eres — a et et oo “The News” Classified Ads. I =(ne Cent A Word For Each Insertion== eee oo THERE ARE NO. “DEAD ONES" HERE— l ena 4 (a eermermerm | rmtrmermarmarmarmarn ~ ime { Insurance Wanted Wanted Houses |e i a pedi e noted for prompt and just} WANT girl attending school to help mind | yy ae Oat e aeons with good show OUR Companies ar : TP windows in business locality. Will settlements » write every known class of baby from 4 to 8, State what expected. uaraben The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. Address X 15, News. aa (OORT ae exorbitant bess tatreasitartrentrtahitnsaa ae eres rmmer sr srmermarmnsrmmsrmnsiel a, ' ‘ | r For Rent Miscellaneous | Business Chances | ~" . tr - | " SMALL Furnished House to Rent 834 NTED — Restaurant outfit, especially FOR RENT—4-room house, 640 8th ave. Summit Avenue, on Borden Street. Go-| Trangepalso bedding and cheap furniture Apply Phone $18. ing away Saturday 2t for about ten rooms. P. box 105. rOR LEASE—MclIntyre Hall; well heated! ny more men needed at Ooose Bay until} — aod lighted. J. H. ROGERS, Phone 116.) further notice The Granby Consoli-] NOTICE > jated M., 8S. & P Co 101-tf | NISH i E TO RENT—Apply!. ‘ ; wners— W. iyton’s office, Efitprose FOR SALE Two 9x10 logging engines, Lot O Attention! iia Block a with a large quantity of logging gear,} Acting under instructions from the city | wire rope, et Apply R Cunningham } counelt, 1 call attention to the necessity Ot er eres mee | & Son, Ltd, Port Essington, B C.) of lot holders, under agreement from the | | 99-tf Grand Trunk Pacific pe vereenees Susu: | , f > to co ste their titles, and have Lost and Found | MARRY—-Why remain alone? The Ideal] Pany, to complete heir titles, and have |} Introduction Club leads to happiness nc a he fore July ist ast. Owners eermsrnsemesrmase mera mernasomernane | an nore tee rece Nsolutely | whose lots are not registered by that time i “st axe a lable r ea 1 10 | run the risk of being unable to vote in tI Estate contracts in the name| cet aah eianiacs © Renee | Municipal matters, or being eligible for Ra k Five Dollars reward] oe sor _ amg 776, Piatt i ege-) the office of Mayor or Alderman. The to News office 108-110} aim son, 0 ae ancouver,) council considered it proper that this : | question should be brought to the notice FOUND—A Y ck key Owner can! MIDDLE aged lady wishes a position in|of the whole public, have it by af “Ivins to The News office} private family, cooking or housework. | E RNEST A. WOODS, and paying st of this advt. Box 12, News Office. Bt mi4 City Clerk. ee see nn os lhe Great Success Of our Fire Sale is due to the many bargains we are taken advantage of this opportunity? If not do so now AND HURRY Have you giving. Men's heavy tweed Suits, Regu- lar price $15 and $20. Now aa doiwial Suits; grade tailored $30: Men's formerly high now Men's tweed and $20 and $25; now | | | 1 | — aS FIRE SALE MARTIN O’REILLY’S SECOND - AVENUE - STORE JOHN BULL'S QUESTIONS Twenty-six important Facts that Great Britain Wants to Know in Regard to the Titanic Dis- aster at Enquiry Now On London, May 9.—The twenty- six questions to be asked the witnesses in the investigation in- to the Titanic wreck, are in sub- stance briefiy stated as _ fol- iows: i—Whal the sex and forth? 2—Did the Titanic with the requirements of the steamers? the numbers of and crew, their were passengers 80 comply act applying to passenger 3—Was there a special provi- sion in the design of the vessel for safety? 4—-Was the steamer fully of- fieered and manned? o—What was the number of lifeboats; was the number suffi- cient, and had there been a boat drill? 6—Regarding the installation of the wireless system, was it in efficient order? 7-—What was the number of wircless operators? Were there any, and if so, what instructions given to the master regarding the navigation of the steamer? -What the Tiianic ly foliowed; track was taken by ; was it the one usual- was the track safe at that time of the year; and did (the master have any discre- tion regarding the track taken? 9 -What information reached the Titanic of the existence of ice, and was the course altered in consequence of this informa- tion? 40—Was there a proper look- out for ice after the warning was received; were directions given to vary the speed, and were the directions carried out? 1i—Was there an equipment of searchlights and binoculars and was such equipment neces- sary? 12—-What precautions were taken by the Titanie when ice was met? 13-—Did anyone’ see the re- ported ice before the casualty oc- curred; what measures were tak- en to avoid the ice; and were these measures proper? {4—What was the speed of the vessel preceding the casual- ty, and was it excessive tunder the circumstances? 15—What was the nature of the casualty? i6——When the easualty occur: red, what steps were taken im- mediately; how long a time elap.- sel after the casualty before its seriousness was realized; what steps were then taken, and what endeavors were made to save the lives of those on board and to prevent the vessel sinking? {7—With proper discipline maintained after the casualty? 18—What messages’ asking assistance were sent out, and what answers were received? 19—-What aparatus was there for lowering lifeboats; what was its efficiency; did the boats get away under proper superintend- ence; were the boats properly manned? 20—Did the lifeboats prove efficient in saving life; what was the number of passengers and crew in each boat on leaving the vessel; how was number made up with regard to sex and class; did the boats carry full loads, otherwise, why not? 2{—-What were the numbers of passengers of first, second and third class who were saved; what was the number of the crew saved, having regard for their ratings and sex, and what was the proportion of the dif- ferent classes of passengers and the different grade of the crew saved to their total numbers on board; what reason was there [to + for a a digprdportion if such there wes? 22—The question further de- ve lops points eovered in ques- tion No. 214. } 25-—What were the happenings | ow board the liner after the cas- | ually occurred, up to the time foundered and what was the cuuse of the loss of the Titanic and the loss of life that ensu- ed? 24—This velops the No. 23. 25—What was the what was the equipment of ho sive further de- of question question subjeet known and adequacy of the the Titanic? 26—This, designated as the question, constitutes a re- to the court to report upon rules and regulations of the shipping act, and to recommendations with a to promoting the safety of vessels and persons at sea. final qucs! the merchant make View to “Amateur Westholme Opera 7.30 and 9 fail at the this evening. Don't Night” House see o'clock Prince Rupert sweet milk cream milk. Phone 287. delivers butter- mi4 Dairy and Best: room in town at Savoy. Public ‘Auction MINING “MACHINERY that the Grand Trunk Pa- Company will sell by public auction on Monday, the 17th day of June, A.D. 1912, at the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company's wharf at the city of Prince Rupert, in the province of British columbia, certain goods consigned to Alfred C, Garde at Prince Rupert, B.C., and described hereunder. And take notice that such sale is made under and by virtue of Section 346 of the Railway Act, being Chapter 37 of the Re vised Statutes of Canada, 1906, to collect tolls, charges for storing, tising and selling such godds. Dated at Prince BODEr B.C., day of April, A.D, 1912. L. W Grand Take notice cific Railway in order adver- this 13th PATMORE, Solicitor for the Trunk Railway Company. SCHEDULE OF GOODS ABOVE RE FERRED TO Crate Vertical Engine. Box Fittings for Engine Sheaves Crates (2) Sheaves (each). » Fitings for Sheaves Hoisting Engine Crate Cooking Stove Boxes do, Utensils, Box Paint Crate Cross Cut Saw Crate Swing Saw Duplex Pump do, Engine Forge Grindstone Chain Jackscrews Pump Sack Pipe Fitings 15 Pieces Pipe { Reel Wire Rope 2 Scrapers.. 2 Saw Guards 2 Sheaves 3 Coils Wire Rope 1 Amalgam Safe 2 Sacks Fish Plates 2 Jackscrews 2 Crates Gates 1 Pieces Kail, i te ee ete 1 8 Crates Patent Electro arators. 3 Boxes Anodes for 1 Roll Wire Cloth, 1 Sack Wood Boiler 1 Reel Wire Cable 2 Dollies, 10 Kegs Galvanized Nails, 1 Roll Wire Cloth, Pke. Screens, Reel Wire Box Returt, Case Amalg. Sep- Above. Tube Plugs 1 1 Condensers and Molds 1 Packing and Lamps 1 Crate Generator i Package Wire 1 Case Rheostat {1 Case Electrical - Instruments 1 Iron Snateh Box 1 Bal. Track Iron 1 Iron Plate 2 Sacks Bolts 5 Bdls, Bolts 7 Bdls. Washers 2 Bids. U Bolts 1 Bdl, Links 1 Box Fittings 2 Drums Calicum 1 Boiler 1 Box Boiler Carbide Fittings Iron Grate Smoke Carload Wooden Water 2 Cast 1 1 1 Box Hardware 1 1 1 t Pipe Box Engine Parts Quantity Lumber Bdl, Windows ' Doors, PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Rig stock of all kinds of Garden Seeds, Timothy, Clover and Grain Seeds. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to Agents International Stock Food:- ~~ALL KINDS OF FEED— Bars | Stack WIFTEST UREST AFEST TWIN SCREW STEAMERS “PRINCE RUPERT” AND ‘‘PRINCE GEORGE” For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS 9 a.m. “PRINCE JOHN” Weekly service to Port Simpson, Naas, Stewart, Granby Bay and Queen Charlotte Islands “PRINCE ALBERT” Regular Prince Trains leave Prince days and Saturdays 1 p.m. Frequent for Hazelton. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY sailings for Skeena River Canneries, Rupert and Vancouver Rupert and Vanarsdol and all way points between (100 miles), with Mondays, Wednes- connections river steamers SYSTEM (The Double Track Route) Between Chicago and all points East, Pacific coast, Agency for all Atlantic Steamship Lines. A. E. McMASTER, Seneral connecting with all roads from the Let us prepare itinerary for your trip EAST this summer, For ail information apply to Agent, Centre Street —SECOND— Your choice | round trip ticket to Seattle, Van- of a first class GRAND DRAWING | eevee or the Alaska excursion | trip. } Rogers Steamship Agency 3 PRIZES including a round | trip ticket and cash with each, The winners of the first | grand prize drawing last| CNE CENT TO TWO DOLLARS August were: ist, Stanley Parker; 2nd, C. H. Handa-| Tickets wili be good any time syde; 3rd Dr. J. O. Reddie. | this summer. SAMUEL HARRISON (NOTARY PUBLIC) APPROVED AGREEMENTS Samuel Harrison & Co. Real Estate and Stock'Brokers | FOR SALE PURCHASED Vv. F. G, GAMBLE Prince Rupert - and - Stewart Ir hp hee LJ | LYNCH BROS. General Merchandise: i - Largest Stock | Lowest Prices in Northern B. C. +++ wm 38 =~. —.-~ ae de de EEE — = — —— ——_—_-__________] Canadian General Electric Company, Limited Motors, Mining and Contracting Machinery Electrical Apparatus of every description Phone 245 Graham Kearney, Mgr. BOX 974 606 3rd Ave. Phone 379 TRY US FOR Graniteware, Tinware, Crockery, Glass- ware, Chinaware Headquarters for Camping and Batching Outfits SATURDAY SPECIAL Full Dinner Sets $10 Up CARRIGAN & MILLER Prices Always Right We Deliver NOW OPEN PRINCE RUPERT ( CAFE SECOND AVENUE AND SIXTH ST, FIRST CLASS SERVICE POPULAR PRICES REET 35 "VE IR ME I IR." RF WSC Williams & Vidak - Props SMITH & MALLETT THIRD AVE. Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work Office: 8rd Ave. Wegkehow Phone 174 2nd Ave. bet, 7th and Sts 0 eee Ss