'Pi jrr 5 fAOIFOCB I, .4 Churchill Says 'Give us tools and we'll finish the job." War Savings Stamps buy the tools. Do your bit. Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jewelery Repairing, Hand Engraving it '- CIIAS DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Phone 264 for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties Spring Coats Grown Up' Styled For Girls Age 2-14 Who Are We To Argue With New York? 1 ! . il The United States, has. set the styles and in -.out, constant effort to give you the latest, .pipt;UR-to-date fashions, we have gone direct to the style centre to give 'you these Fashion Spits for girls from 2 to 14. nl X.ASI A LAKUIi CHOICE OF SE- , LEiCED GIBLS' JCOAX .STYLES FOK THE MOTHERS OF PRINTE RITPFRT. -Dozepj to choose from. Snug bodice types butbnlng up to the neck. Double breasted .tailored' model. Figure flattering swagger ,'siyles- Those., attractive wrap around sporty -jpolbVtoo. Name the style. We have It. , Choose; the color. You'll find It here. MOSTLY ..PRICED Mail Orders. Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE J'lh the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE Nexi to lleilbroner's Phone Rl.f 7E tint lit JTKWWWWW $5.95 and 6.95 - Y-V:' T!ie Wise Person jrtts .lpf satisfaction out -Ot .eViry1 purchase they make. If you ha.ve an idea as to what good coal should be try a ton "of the kind we sell and you cau.prove to your own satls-factlon that the money you sptnt was wisely invested. Keerj.oufi httne and phone nurjjber In mind. lbul&Vff Comfort Won- Wfienyo, try com -U2V 'Wv"V?S2?KSg of Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 6S1 652 "RUPERT BR A N D" i- Smoked black PrinciRnpert I : , ' "7" .Service Co. Ltd W- v. v. . 41 it..,, cf ' . . COD f; - Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage . uVIU ouiiiE ai uefniar Kales British ColumDia When Yon Want a Reliable, Comfortable, DependabI PHONE 13 II GYROS HEAR FUNNY TALK G. U. S. Blackaby Versatile and En-tertalning Community Centre Up Again iMdtft h fport . .. . ccxctiti, tfilctn mhJ trtintn (OvIm boyi tnltrinf ttii rula M iport t tat Com Bnn1 daily lot Uwi MP tad tfi which Iwlp la ia. Saul for Cnn Brnd "Book of Kiddln"; -Book of Uj tad Triofcs"; Bnoki on Hotter , FootbklL BwoUII. AthletH; (Uo eokxired Crowa BrtnJ Motto. ALL FREE. Send Crown Brand UM for eub itrm. Addran: Tka Cauda Starch Compmj Limited, Dept. B, Box 120, Montreal. "OOVEKX.ME.SI LICtlOR (Section 26) ACT" JOT DAILY KZVB. a racy and entertaining humorous talk on the subject of "Bull's and Boners or Literary Lapses," proving himself both versatile and able In ia novel way. Mr. Blackaby's talk I was much enjoyed by club mem-i bers. President VV. F, Stone was In the chair.' It was something new I in the way of luncheon discourses ! here. ' ' The club received a report from Digging Into an extensive fund of the community centre committee material which lie has collected recommending the establishment from various, sources, G. R. S. 0f a permanent civic centre ascl-. Blackaby. at luncheon yesterday ation tr Droceed with the project.' .afternoon, gave the Prince Rupert existing funds which have been raised to be placed in a central trust fund. In view of the importance of thestep it was proposed to take, the Gyro Club decided to have a special business luncheon next week to give full discussion to the whole matter. Meanwhile, the club will again collaborate In ar rangements for another civic centre carnival, plans for which will be set in motion next week. Rev. E. Wk Slater of the Anglican Mission boat Northern Cross was a guest at the luncheon. GREAT FUN ! FILM HERE; ! George Formby, Popular British Entertainer, Featured at Capitol In "Keep Your Seats, riease" George Formby. popular stir of I British cinema, music hall and I radio, is reatured In "Keep Your eals. Please," th farce comedy which is being screened at the 'British farce, comedy. Formby has the role of a strand- 10 Want SWEET CAPS! $1.00 sends 300 SWEET CAPORAL or WINCHESTER cigarettes or $1.00 will tend either 1 lb. of OLD VIRGINIA pipe tobacco or 1 lb. of SWEET CAPORAL cigarette tobacco (with Vogue papers) to Canadians swing in CA.S.F. overseas only. Also to Canadians, serving in the British Forces In the United Kingdom, Our responsibility ceases when parcels are delivered to Postal Authorities or other carriers. If parcels addressed to Canadians in the CA.S.F. overseas cannot be delivered or forwarded to addressee, delivery will be mode to O.C. of addressee's unit. If parcels addressed , to Canadians in the British Forces in the United Kingdom cannot be 'delivered o( forwarded to addressee, delivery will be made to Headquarters of Canadian Auxiliary Services, London, for distribution to Canadian Troops. $2.50 sends 1,000 cigarettes to an Individual Or unit. Send your remittance, with number, rank and name, and unit of the soldier overseas to SWEET CAPS, P.O. Box 6000, Montreal, P.O. Capitol Theatre tonight and Frl- --- day. The picture Is said to create ture after adventure for a new standard of excellence for and all with whom he Is associated. Ji?Ji.??.?!f:Mnce8ln in the Dailv News riasifiPd of Bicck 23 ot swAion l. Ma.p 923, in : a Iast Pace throughout with adven- umn and get good results. en usnd RessstratliQin Dlntrtet. In .h . Province ot Brltl&h Colimibla, to entitle fc uv'wa v. rmm viuiu yu cq the premises a rraacni&ble quantity ;of liquor Xor jjerepnml consumptloa on the premises In accordance with the provisions of the Government Liquor; jUiereunder. I DATEU tlile 2tn day erf February ,1841- . v. .v . XMPRESS SOCIAL CLUB LIMITED By J. a. Mopdy. President. IN Tilt Sl'I'ltEMK ('ni.'KT of mciiisif tOLliiniA 1 I'KOItATK , III tli? Matter ol the "AdmlnMratlon Act" And In the Matter, of the Kstate of John Wilson, dnrased, who died at llella Bella, II. c. on the 5tli day or January, 1911 TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, W. E. Fisher, made the 28th day ot February. A. D. 1811. I was a.o- jjuuiiea Aamuiiaifuurr. wtui will annexed, of the estate of John Wilson. deceased, and all parties liavlnc claims against the said eate are hereby required .to furnish same, properly vert-fled, to me on or before the 4th day of April :A. D. 1941, and all parties In-debtcd to the estate are required to pay the amrJuivt of their Indebtedness to me ifoWihwlth,, DATED the' 4Ui day of March, A. D 1941. ' ' NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE C57 U&I Cafe On Waterfront NOW OPEN For Business' I 'IN THE ISIPKKME COfRT Or' IIKITI5II I , t'OMMBIA .IX PKOIIATE ,!n the .Matter of the "AdnUnistratlonl ' Act" And In the Matter f the Estate of rharlen l!iker Taylor, Derea.scd i TAKE NOTICE ithat by Order erf Hlal Honor Judge Fisher, Local Judge ot the Supreme Court of British Columbia, T was ttve 14th day erf March AX). 1841 pf:,iicd. AomlnC irait-.r ct tihe, E;at of Cbriss Bsjker Iaytor. lor-j tr.orly erf .the Seittlcmemit of Bella Cola, Brlt:ili Ccliarbji, Eenciascid, who dl;d oa cr abcut th 7tti day of June 184D All persona Indebted to the eald Eatate are1 required to pay the emaunt of their indebtedness to me fortlrwlth and all preens bavipg claims agalnat ths r:d E i'oit are r-:;u'rtd to fUe' them with i me pirjierly verified on or before the 31t day cf May AX. 1941 taltog wh,'.ca d:trbutlon will ibe made having regard only to such claims of -which I Shall have been notified. DATED ftt'Pt'tnt Rupert, B. C. the 18Uh day of March 1941. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator I Prince Rupert. BX?J iVjEW LOWER PRICES! PERFECTION COCOA r --LtH!!- Quajfry Unchanged! I THIS COUPON WORTH ""r. " FIVE V t CENTS ttNT5 the I of a 1 Ih. tin nf P.rf.:J:,Al on purchase I jour grocer ! Signature. . , , THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red gockeye pinFseal Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll Lo Prince Rupert Jvertiied cash at Dealer's Signature ., - 1 I PAINTING Decorative Kalsominlnf Signs LORNE CORNELL Gordon and Anderson's Phone 46 I Mrs. James Clark Palmistry SILVEKSIDES BLOCK Second St. Phone Green lie J.H. BULGER Optometrist . RoyaJ Bank Bid. RUPERT IS WINNER (Continued from Page One) basket by Mortenson put the Alaskans one point behind. Campbell and Houston then followed with a basket in the closing seconds of4 the game. Harris made a nice shot to end the play 36 to 33 for the local Savoy team. ! I The line-ups were as follows: I ! Ketchikan Larscn; A. Buseaji-' ich; Harris. 9; M. Bussanlch, 8; Eliot, 6; Atkinson; Davis, 3; Mortenson, 7. ' Savoys Dominate 5: Morgan. 4; MacPhee. 5; Holkestad, 6; Campbell, 2; Houston, 2; Lindsay. 8; Beynon, 4; Currlc. ! A.t the (half-time in th bl? game Referee Johnny Oomadlna presented Ted Arney, captain of the Fraser Street Tigers, with the junior basketball championship cup. I In the first gam of the evening Ben's News Stand defeated tht? M'j Clymont Park bovs by 27 to 14. i Th Hl?h School clrW defeated he Fraser Street girls by a 10 to 8 score in (the second game of the evening. q. c. city i j Miss Lillian Klrby of Sandsplt Is the house guH of Miss Edna Beaven who recently spent, a few ,days at Sandsplt visiting her bro-.ther and his family. ; Mrs. E. Size entertained las Wednesday evening at a bridge party when her Invited gues included Dr. and Mrs. D. McOoll, Mr and Mrs. G. Blomgren. Mr and Mrs. Gordon Jolliffe. Mr. and Mrs. noy Mackenzie. Mr. and Mrs. n. George Mun". Mrs. B. Roberts. Mrs. Animated Christensen and Mrs. Geonre Formby pauses now and again to "asteney. rare winners were nut over with his lively ukelel.? ac- dles first, Mrs. Jolliffe: men's ed concert artist who learns that companlment several of hl3 enllv- flrst' Dr McColL The consolation ihis dead aunt has left him a vast ening and funny songs. Notable prlze 'as bi' M's. McCol! De- fortune which Is concealed In one among these are the window clean- Ilclous refreshments were served a of a set of seven chairs which have ers number and "Keep Your Seats 'he ciosg of the evenlne's play already been sold separately to as Please." . - - 'Appin ciub ucenre many buyers. Ensuinc devclOD-i Florence Desmond Is Formby's a aw dij SSuMftS ments his attempts to locate able .partner In the fun making and undmieiMM empress sociAi, CLUB.t'h I' jack while a ra'scallv solicitor song. uotted intends to Bpiy to uxe Uquor joins in the hunt In the effort to' Control Board for a Club Licence In re- swindle t . t, , . , . ect or .prymiMs equated xm the top George out of the lnheri-, rioor ot ,tbe Emppeas. Biicck at the oor-tance. There are many ludicrous' Hundreds ol people try a "SDot" FOR HANG-ON V COUGHS tuoE COLDS 1 L ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS A k end lhr Kttpirtlorf MANUFACTURERS' Life Insurance, Co. P. H. Linzey Local Representative Rupert PRONE r.MXK 44 Prince Its "BLACKOin "VTrTtm 'I uur TONIGHT ...BUT,, Y "KEEP Yonl SEATS PLEAS J me Lap,tol Theatre. ms mat man is her., J nd the showLVi" on... "Ml GEORGE ("Its n the Air' FORMBY The Masculine Grei, In - Tli l t! -. . , C 1 ni i otwis rieast ADDED A U'U Disney Speti "Pluto's Drea Hou se Crime Doesn't PT Seria 'Buyer Beware! indWorJ British Empire Special Notice! Tonight'? "Blackotf Time Schedule' 2 SHOWN Tonight as lTml! 1st Show 6tarti j:53 i 2nd Show tartt p Feature t 7 Sl X'lil Tonight - Frida Bam TRADE IN YOUR OLD FURNITURE for NEW You Do BETTER At ELIO'S Stre U0Un 8:30 m- 10 5:3 P M. MOOSE BUILDING TITIRD AVEKl'f Trains Icare PRINCE II UTERI for th EAST uay, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Alr-Condltloned Sleeping anjl pining Can Steamer leave, prince RUPERT fo? VANCOUVER on Thursday, 11:30 p m calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River can Call L or Write vJ 1 ilormat,on and ReseryaUon, etc. CITY TICKET OFJFICE, 528 Sri Arenas Phone 2G0 - rrlnce Rupert . i' Agents for TraM.Canada Air Llnea