- LIBRARY Un&pr. (.1111 Forecast - Tomorrow's TIcfes V . T..nrf anil Oueen Char. prince 7 - - ht mads- Light to moderate Dudy with scattered light show- L XXX No. 67 ulletins PLANT BLAST E'OWDER .NVIL, New Jersey An ex-on on "burning grounds" of Hercules Powder Co. today 11 the country for miles nd and created a near panic, ffter, there were no injuries damage was said to be neg-ht. It was at first feared it might be a tragedy like which claimed fifty-two 1 Utt autumn. RT VANCOUVER HOSPITAL CIVILIANS. INTERNED T4WA Fifty Canadien cir-1 ire interned in. mazi- lp!(4 France nrar Parish t he rtment of Eiterhal Affairs'. lonntti. HOUSt PASSES BILL ' ' ' 'i' fASHINGTON The IIohw of jresentitlres, by an crver-fhslni vote of. 336 to 25. late rdy approved the $7,000,- POO appropriation bill In ron- pion with the "Lease-Lend" I to Britain program. 1SH LONG RANGE lONDON The Dally Mall says it Great Britain will soon have operation long range bombers m the United States far cx- "ling In ipeed and range the man Metterschmidts. TRAIN COLLISION fPARTANBURG, South Caro- M Six members of engine l were killed In the head-on lllision of two trains near here Sttrday, I MAKE I1REAK RELATIONS BERLIN Germany is consid- png steps to be taken In the nt of diplomatic relations Pth United States being broken ft- It is said officially, however, pt bermany will not take the Jitlative In any such rupture. 5THENS HONORS ROOSEVELT 8 ATHENS President Franklin lJS been HrlarH an linnnmrv i'iitn of Athens. One of the F'nclpal boulevards is being ynmtd for him. rROPAQANIlA nilRNI-D lsAN FRANCISCO Seventeen of Cerman. nmsl.in . Italian lB4 Jpanesc propaganda was lamed yesterdav San rncisco post office. TWO Stiirs citvif f.(Td last nlirht rchant ship, saying they had , - -v.Fruuiu 01( lnc norm. r"t eoa nf ! PeieTHl tn k... u n.m.i. RESIDENCE DAMAGED 4 Cologne. 'O, V mm In the Countries were also at tacked. No British planes were lost. Tuesday Night Last night's Royal Air Force attacks upon enemy territory were a continuation of those of Tuesday night when violent explosions and non tried for a basket but missed. BRITISH "-ADVANCE t ' .1 Pressing Hard On Cheren. Fall .Whlchi.WJU Mean Italian IVCollipse CAIRO, Marclh 20: Wilh co-roeratuion of th,? Royal Air Force the British are prws!n harder on (h? strategic Eritraan town of Cheren which has already been under siege for six weeks. Its fall PLANES win involve collapse of the Italian def'nrc of Eritrea. Asmara and Tripoli have also, been bombed. i ''"able damage was done to ""nuure of nin r , - u"iu v Street. bv fu.ewhlch $9,25U,UIW W destroyers. Jmm England To See President Roosevelt LOXDON, March 118: (CP) Authoritative sources said today that WW Prime JMiiMBHW Minister Tt. w O. J. Menzles l.ivuuto. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL DRITlSn COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER "PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1941 LONDON IS HEAVILY HIT 0NCEJVI0RE Most Intensive Aerial Assault So . Far This Year Delivered On j British Capital LONDON, Marcn 20: Hundreds higTl CXtlCi.iV J and inct Incendiary nau ""--bombd were, dropped by Mazi air t? 1,0. ii I!. u tain for Uie united plates snortiy JaidCrs Qn thickly populated areas The Royal Air Force also made a V T ,T . -TT , 7 . .. jto see President Franklin p. Roose- of London dor Jig Wednesday night heavy attack on the German sub- " "'velt. and and early early Lorient last night. t Low , a"rumr( lack' Lindsay of Prince Rupert. Rupert's line-up at the whistle consisted of Campbell, Currie. Bey- non. MacPhee and Houston. Davis, M. BuKsardeh, Eliot, Har- ris and Mortenson Started for the 1 visitors. T"I4. A. A II 1 n xupcic guu axic iip-oix ana iey ASSISTING IjljlY'lJlJ i tack commenced early in the eve fires were started at the German 'Ketchikan then took the ball and dians In Ncrth America to take naval bases of Kiel and Wllnclms- M. Bussanlch scored. After slow an actual and important part hi I haven with hnth hieh pnlmtlve.t rif,,rfvf i,.. tanks at Rotterdam were sharply attacked. The Air also Min STOUTER F.ach pledging lstry also announced that the Royal loot to the project, the pro- iiil government and the city Vincouver have authorized mneouver General IIopital tbead with the construc- l 1 $100,000 two-hundred lijitlon, Air Force had bombed docks at total score of 8 (points. M. Busman- in? out their vilVae but reportliv? ich came in with a couple of nice any uniuthri?ed"l.!gJ5'" )rt-,it-'';vt i baskets and th half ended wJi the city Uself. A permanent A. R lomsday morninz, ihe assault increasing in intensity as the night woie on. The attack lasted six hours and tfteie were 'uncounted deaths and heavy damage. It was the heaviest raid on ning ana was accuiujjaiucu u and fire bombs being dropped by a made two baskeU foltowsti bv an- to the men of MeSJakaitla who have .p,, '; V; considerable number of planes. Oil .other from MacFhee. Slowly but whole-heartedly agreed to cb The Wednesday night raid on Britain followed that of Tuesday 2 iy 7"" T , A: , , VTnT , night when london had its longest the ended c Prince rt. The f tnba'. k quarter 9 to 6 in its City of Rurf since December. Homes were fTv, tlK ".2 demolished and some persons were In the srsond quarter w r,, Lindsay, perform Air Raid Protection du'les , , , Emden, a "target" at Tcxel and twolDominato ud Margan came on and, as thtfr v'.l'ae : pdvnnta-? r e ' plane failed to return. Lindsay played very nice ball and in the ctly. they ejeprrssed the ppvn hosnRis 'n Tonrton were damaged during last night and; was also h-aviy damaged. Nurees and first aid workers were among the victims. on personals and Dominate toik comolementcd by a tfmllar fhtins jher first ecclesiastical voyage of ManPhee's. centre position. At thre restriction in (the surrounding area 1 the year after having been tied up m 'mites (to play the Sivoys substi- and to h?s end. in crrw-ianv with here for the winter. She left yes-ftutd- with MacPhee. Holkrstdd j. o. Gtlfett. the local Indian I terday afternoon for Stewart, Any-pnd Campbell comirtg on again for Agen. the Commissioner of Police ox and Alice Arm as well as other the locals. At this time the scor? anrJ civil Pmt-tion Officer In-'northern points. At Stewart Mrs; ptood 32 to 29 for the home team, terviewed the Chief and Council I Slater will Join the Northern Cross. A personal by Harris and a field yesterday. The officials were pleas- She and .Mr. Slater had been there 1 Continued on PAGE FOUR ed with the response. I for tne winter. Italian Forces Disintegrating Fascist Troops Desert In Albania And Cross Border To YugoSlavia BELGRADE. March 20:(0?)'- Albanian, soldiers i, i. fhrhtinc on the Italian side of the war ; th Greece crissld th? frontier late today and surren BIG VOTE FOR NAVY ri nr Hfi (117.000 Sought In Parliament For Construction u. War VcsscIs Jscxt rWAnrA' TiTarrfi 18: (CP) -Hon. VX Hill t - , , r, h,.t,ih minister of na- iUlJJUS nuttiUi -I ffnlp tlonal defence lor presented to Parliament y to n.000 estimates amounting and wnrtrue for the acnuisitfon Uon of vessels ?7li, de7a March SI. ffi lntcEratlng Tepellni entered? autnonues, leinuuug i , u. ,...v dered to Yugoslav Eration of the Italian army. The deserters also included ...L -H-Wated that the Italian forces were dis- A second report of the day that the Greeks had entered Tepellnl was received from the border but was still unconfirmed as had been earlier reports to the same effect A British bomber attack on Tepe llni was announced today on the heels of a Greek report that the sector there was littered with dead from the frustrated Italian attacks it was also reported without con firmntinn from YueoSlavia that creat numbers of British troops, In eluding Canadians and Australians, had landed yesterday at saioniKa i The renorts that numbers of Bri tish troops had landed at Salonika evoked from German diplomatic quarters tonight the declaration that Adolf Hitler's armies "in Bulgaria may move aj any moment ' agalitSft Greece, war FIRST AID TURKEY IS TO BRITAIN IN ACCORD Light Surface Craft to be Sent Im mediately by United States Ship Docking Considered WASHINGTON, D.C., iMarch 20: (CD Col. Frank Knox, Secretary of the United States Navy, said yesterday that the navy's first aid to Great Britain under the "lease-lend'' program would be to supply light surface vessels, such as submarine chasers, motor torpedo boats and other "mosquito" vessels. Col. Knox said that Great Britain had asked to use American navy yards for repair of war-damaged ships but no action had yet been taken on this request. JUDGMENT RESERVED Ottawa Cithen Pleads Not Guilty to Charges Under Defence of Canada Regulations OTTAWA, March 20: (CP) Magistrate Glen Strike yesterday reserved Judgment until March 26 ifter the Citizen Publishing Co. of Ottawa had pleaded not guilty to two charges laid under Defence of 0'ii Ada regulations. "Complete Identity" Of Views With I Britain Reached ANKARA, March 20: The . minister of Turkey is turning to Ankara (today after $ conference at Cyprus with British (Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden. The conference, at which a "complete identity" of views was reached, Is Interpreted in some Idlptanatic quarters as Turkey's re- jply to German overtures to Turkey jto. withdraw from her military al-Ulance with Great BriSaln. Turkey is believed to have reiterated her intention of actively casting her lot with Britain should Germany Invade Greece. The Turkish foreign minister is reported to have said that Turkey and Greece, in roUatxxraMon wiui Great Britain, would have a com mon victory. CAN'T STRIKE BACK LONDON, March 20: (CP) Pcp-nered with machine gun tire from Nazi planes back and forth' Over the. English Channel Coast, the Observer Corps cannot reply as defence High Low . Pacific Nickel, .04. Pend Oreille, 1.45. Pioneer, 2.10. Premier. .87. Privateer. .48. Reeves M:Donald, .10. Reno, .10. Relief Arlington, .02V4. Salmon Gold, .02 (ask). Sheep Creek, .85. Oils A. P. Con., .08. Calmont, .18. C. & E., 1.20. Home, 1.90. Pacalta, .022. Royal Canadian, ,09. Okalta, .53. Mercury, .04. Prairie Royalties, .051'2 (ask). Toronto Aldermac, .IOV2. Beaitde, 1.06. Ceniral Pat., 1.70. Cons. Smelters, 35.00. Easi' Malartic, 2.64. Fernland, .02. Francoeur, .39. Gods Lake. .26V2. Hardrock, .78. ' Int. Nickel, 33.. Kerr Addison, 3.75. Little Long Lac, 1.77. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.90 (ask). Madsen Red Lake, .57. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.07.. ' Moneta, .50. , Noranda, 53 . Pickle Crow, 2.70. Preston East Dome, 3.20. San Antonio, 2.36. , Sherritit .Gordon, .69i Uchl, .23 (ask).' BouscadSllac, .02. Mosher. .04V2. Oklend. .04. Smelters Gold. .01. Dominion Bridge, 26b. Former Premier Has Been Exiled Reports That Milan Stoyadlnovlc Has Been Expelled For Trying To Line Up With Axis BELGRADE, March 20: (CP) Former Premier Milan Stoyadlnovlc.' a qualified source said yes- terdav. has been exiled from Yugo- ...inmm) tmulrt attract attention, alalia, because he attempted to re-1 promptly and explicitly. ff with the Axis. 8:04 am. 18.2 ft. 21:30 pm. 17.0 ft. 1:35 pm. 95 ft. 14:44 pm. 3 2 fU PRICE: 5-CENTS. alian Ships Are Sunk By British ral Air Force Keeps Up Blasting Of Enemy Bases-Cologne And Lorient Hit ILONDON. March 20: (CP) Several factories inf I 1 i 1 Tl 1 T 1 11 1 Lr.. I?ne were nil ay uriusn uomus ana oiner aamacc was n I" . . 1 1 1 j m!i? jght 10 coiniHuiut'ctuuii aim utwpuiiaLioji iacimies he Royal Air Force last night, the Air Ministry an- iced. One large building was seen to disinegrate un- RUPERT IS WINNER OF HOOP GAME osc Clean Tlay Features Inter national Basketball Second Match Tonight impact of heavy hombs and two other factories Ue il hX OCllVD, WIG OCtUllU Ul WlllCn WW OS , the sixty-second raid of the war on T T nigTea ,j" j ,' 7" " ! the vlsitln; '"""'s MENZIES TO VISIT U.S. Premier Of Australia Coming From Two Supply Vessels And Transports Are Attacked By Subs Troop Ship Believed to be Almost Certain Victim as Undersea Craft go Effectively Into Action Against Enemy ITALIAN WARSHIP SUNK ALEXANDRIA, Egypt. March 20: (CP) An Italian warship identified either as a cruiser or a large destroyer was among ships sunk by British torpedo planes in attacks on the night of. March 15, 16 and 17 on the Albanian ports of Val-ona and Durazzo, a British naval communique announced. . LONDON. March 20: (CP) British submarines .ihunderous explosions of bombs i,aVfi sunk t,v0 heavilv laden Italian suddIv shins and al- The idea of bc the first in- JSj7 SfR.2SS most certainly destroyed a troop transport 'and another planes made a "big procession.- supply ship, the Admiralty announced today, tanking At least four planes were brought of the two supply ships of about 2500 tons each was cred ited to the submarine lriumph and a third supply ship TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtety ei D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver Big Mi'souil, .03Vi. Bialorne, 10.00. Cariboo Quarte, 255. Dentonia, .O0V. Fa'rview, .01. Gold Belt, .25. Hedley Mascot, 55. M-DurrnrttW-Wrf'fibtr Noble Flv?, .OOtV (askt earns played very evenly and the Indians. wt he of nlsrht raiecking wa close. Holkestad came th.c Iras 'nireren? feature Whfrh was the worst of ariy dlr- Mirough with three baskets and 0f th? Prince RuoerS bl--k-ru 1'jected against that town Harris and Mortenson played n'.ce- th attitude cf he M?tlakaa In-1 ly f4f the visitors. d dians ' whose large reserve fronts ( t Tte last quarter was ttoe most Mv4jWy bsyond th west side of. The Angncan mission boat Nor- pxcf 'ng of the game. Rupert Ion', fhe harbor. Naturally -anv black- i thern Cross, with Rev. E. w. Slater Pndsay who went to the showers m prince Ruoert hos tr b ! missionary in charge, is away on jitalians who corroborated the statement mat tne Italian lorces were disintegrating. An attack on convoyed .transports was carried out by the submarine Utmost and Its torpedo hits were followed by a very violent explosion. It is considered certain that at least one of the transports was completely destroyed. 1PARTIAL JOINING TO AXIS Yugoslavia Refuses to Co-Operate In Military Way BELGRADE, March 20. Under the agreement between Germany and Yugoslavia, which it Is reliably stated will be signed next week, Yugoslavia will give economic collaboration but will not permit the passage of troops through her territory. Germany undertakes to respect the integrity of Yugoslavian frontiers and territory. It will be a signing up of Yugoslavia with the Axis on a partial basis. Yugoslavia refuses to become involved in war. Born In Metlakatla; Dies In California Mrs. Dewey Homey, Former Mary Leijhton, Passes Away At Wilmington Mrs. Dewey Homey, the former Mary Leighton, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Leighton of Metlakatla, died yesterday afternoon at 1:35 in Wilmington, California, where she had lived for years. She left here twelve years ago. Besides her widower, Mrs. Homey is survived by four children. A sister is Mrs. Bert Wouden of Prince Rupert. Horace and Gus Leighton, also of this city are brothers. Mrs. Homey was bom In Metla katla. WcatKer Forecast General Synopsis The weather has been cloudy and mild on the coast and light to moderate rains have fallen. A disturbance Is. approaching from the cs8 West Coast of Vancouvef Island Moderate to fresh southeast winds, cloudy and mild with Intermittent to continuous rain. ' ; Prince Rupert and Queen" Charlotte Islands Moderate to fresh southeast winds, cloudy and mild Their business Is to flash warnings) gain power and align Yugoslavia with rain. Breaking over the Queen Charlottes tonight. ,5.