PAGE TWO Step Into Style With , &BTT SHOES Do yu share with many he habit of cata"- footwear? We can think of no be tier way tp spruce up for,eaiy fall jhan to buy a pair of Hartt's Shoes. . Exc)usive at Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE KUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor ADVERTISING KATES Local Readers, per line, per jnsertfon . Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates in City 50c; one week, eek. 12c. Out of Town "Subscribers by Mall, $3j00 a Year .there. Advertising and Circulation Telephone SW j Member pi Aaati Bureau oi Liicuiauons member or tub i;anabu chesb TtM O&nadta Press la ewluslvel pn.UTfled to use lor repiibllcfcttaa at .U oewi OeBp&tcliea crdti to It or to th AejsqcMMX ptea In tblf jwer Wl &lao lh? DAILY EDITION Strong Opposition Last night a number of people heard the yjews of the leader of the official opposition in the legislature at Vc- toria. They were clearly stated and a fair summary will be found in this paper today. It is essential that the op-! position to any. government shall be a searching one. It: should want to know the reason why each step is taken and make sure that the people of the province know what it is all about. , It is one of our methods of protecting the people, a safeguard. The intention of this system is that the opposition shall not necessarily oppose everything that the Govern" ment does but shall make sure that the people understand it so that they may judge as to the advisability or other- wise yi uip jegisiauon, purjng uie period wnen ne is acting as chief government critic the opposition leader is pre paring himself to take over the administration of affairs it he should be entrusted with the dutv. Cunouslv enmiP-h i the government of the day pays the leader of the opposition a salary f pr acting as its chief critic, a recognition The Daily News is a member of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Association, pf the Canadian Press and of the-Audit Bureau of Circulations. It is the only papermorth of Vancouver and West of Edmonton holding membership" in these organizations . 1 IS WINNER ' FOR YEARl Grotto CHy Softball Honors For Season With Grotto having iron both the first and second half competitions and thereby taking the city championship for the season, the curtain has now rung (fowl pn the fegyj&r .senkjr soJibaJJ ctjvSttes al- slon over Army. Hits were nine jto; eight in favor of the Army. Mc-Leod was heavy hitter for fbe Army and SJmundsen for All Stars. Batteries were Beynon and Murray for the City and Letgatejj and Gracie for Army. Woman Teacher Cramped Style Or Perhaps Brought Blushes Swimmers In Town Pool Costumes were scantier YORKS f?. piPIRE BRADFORD. Eiie.. Aiie". 9 To HECKMONDIKE. En?., Aug 9:: CB He-men of Heckmondike (pop ulation 8,991) must not be embar-25jrassed by the presence of a wo-.02(ipan when they have the town j swimming pool to themselves so the council fired Mrs. O. Wilkin- Per year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, son who gave schoolboys lessons 38-year old Mrs. "I am far too engrossed ; to take any notice of what sort of costume the men wear." But Town Clerk G. Holt said "indoor bathing after all Is rather different from an outdoor poo.l" So Mrs. Wilkinson is being replaced by a male teacher. MJSING MONEY SUNPERLAND, Eng., Aug. ?; 0 Sunderjand. famous English soccer club, lost $7,787 last year and the club has an pyerdrajt of $20,470. "BI4TZ" TENNIS MELBOURNE, Aug. ?: JJ) Aus trallan tennis committees have hit ' upon, "Blitz" Journaments as aj means of raising Red Cross funds, j Four players meet Jn singles match-j es and also in a round robin series' of Roubles contests. brighter light than the male. ; STALIN'S ORIGIN Josef Stalin actually is not a Russian but. !l flphnrlon News Earlier Due to changed conditions arising from the handling of late war news, the Dally News finds it necessary to set a 10 a.m. deadline fpr local news contributions, To Insure pub .llcatlon )t will be necessary for t f .contributors to have their cody in by that time or earlier if t SPORT CHAT National League P) Brooklyn 66 A Yorkshire cricket eleven will meet &l- Muis Pittsburg 56 that in order to insure good government there must be' Empire in a match in aid of the .cindnrjati ..tB strong, virile criticism. Attitude Must Change If there is. to b,e peace in the Pacific the whole attitude of Japan must change. For the past year or more Japan has been carrying out a vexation policy such as no friendly country could well adopt to toward another. First hand information received in the city indicates that the lot of a British citizen in Japanese occupied Chinese ports has been unbearable. Japan has adopted a generally hostile attitude and the British government has asked that the British people in the Orient be long-suffering and try not to create any incident which might precipitate 'hostilities. It has been part of that policy of appeasement which has been such a. failure from the first. Tpday Britain is adopting a different attitude. While hostilities will be carefully avoided it is evident that Britain is determined to stand on her rights and see that Japan adopts a proper attitude toward her neighbors. If there is to be peace thjs situation must be recognized and the ir ritating poijcy musi siop. Red Cross here August. 13. aahoodjagamerJtsSk(in 'uC New York ....,..,,..v.r,r..:47 Chicago'.. ...;,..uv2i&& jBoston 42 TEN-CENT BIBLE Philadelphia .:.:..:....26 The Bible now can be purchased American Leagiie for as small a sum as ten cents. ew X?? ...-..-.'....71 ' Cleveland BRIGHTER THAN MALE jBQstori' ...-.'.-...V...:i'::.-....:.JI5- The female firefly has a muchivfllca ;..M rjtuauejpma, w Detroit ...2 -....-..'..'...-49 Washington -.:...41 t. Louis -41 36 37 5 46 50 57 59 75 36 45 49 53 55 &8 60 2 ?y In the Intermediate Leatrue base- (ball came last nleht Co-ooeratlves thanJwon a foggy decision when they a score of 8 to X. vuckoylch, main hurler for Watts and Nickerson, showed good sportsmanship when he quit the team after throwing himself in the hole. He U now signed up with Co op, Roy PaulU, recently from Terrace and Cedar- vale, will be on the mound Sunday night, The game 'was .called in the flftty as a result of low log. Batteries: Co-op Macdonald and Zbura. ' Watts and Nickerson Vuckoyicb, Paulls and Postuk. Baseball Scores National League Boston 2, Brooklyn 6. Philadelphia 2, New York 3. Pittsburg 0, Chicago 1. American League Washington 8, Boston 15. Chicago )6, 6t. Louis 2. New York 3, Philadelphia e. Baseball Standings Marriage Of Ben Bollivar group of Royal Canadian A1 JfiTmtr Local JIan Takes Bride In Force sergeants following a refresh- j Nova Scotia er course at a training centre hi. England pent ,thelr xpare time Hews hat been received by Mrs.) touring pefghbortng British Annyloien Hebb, of the marriage in' camps showing the Tommies-how to Nov Scotia of her brother, Ben Use baseball equipment with which Bolivar- an old time resident of they had been equipped. Borne fit Prince Rupert, and Miss Hazel! the esults looked more like the ftaulbach, a former school teacher. score of football matches one .The wedding took place in the though there ffiii probably he some jgamf fndSng j- ln ,ayor H the Anglican Church July 2$. They will specially arranged ames in con- lCanadla n. and another 37-9 but reside at Conquerall Mills, where, necuon wiui we luruicummg civic Qot r p 5nVcnn nf Saskatoon as children, thev tooth attended ;cenir wroiyaJ. OnlteMm J?f6Wea nt was Just that we knew school. single game on piay uutuig uiei. - . Vlk ,,-.-- nf ih year although it propped one by ' Last niebt m the final regular-. . ,Ba r(,pnP(1 workers maae len njis ana csione s Clothiers, four. Batteries were Kel-let and Mclntyre for Steel Workers and Stiles and Art Murray for Stones. 1 .647 .641 .554 .549 ,484 .411 .261 66 .563 u529 .465 .471 .466 .406 .398 ;ine Misses jiaieen ana. Etnei Bury LIGHT magnesium WP sailing this evening fm the Magnesium 'is the lightest struc- rlnce tot a trip to yancou tural metal commsroinllv nvalloWo Ver- " ' ' r , -r-irrr- iff wMMIV Send In Your Thut afternoon', train, due to arrive from the East at 4:3Q day light saving time, Is reported to be on time., Eric Slgurdson, fpr drunkenness, was unea jzs, with option of seyen days' imprisonment, hi city police court yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. WuHam j. Kyle reV turned to the city on the Prince Ru- I pert yesterday from a yacatfen . 'trip - r .to Vancouver. R. S. Vaughan of the E. J. Ryan pontraclng Co. Bailed on Jhe pjin- CeKS AdplnlA Vric'rAmr n'fisn. possible, preferably the night for a business trip to Vancouver. before. Otherwise it may not - " r 7-rr t be published. if you w.nt rmwim .ir. tUe for Jt. Hundreds.'of peopli gtt what they want that way. (tf) Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert A R RIlllneK Mr and Mrs. H. Ont., who acted fis battery with Edwardson,F. T. Fox, A. B. Gill, Sgt. B. Dernjoddy of Kennedy, p; j, sdulaung, Q. A. Potter, Miss Sask., dldn'jt iQse ja game. The team Dorothy Shearman, Miss Florence claims to have won the mythical Erickson ' G. T. Kincade, Chas. championship of Chipping Norton p Watt. Rallv Reid. M, Gutteridee In an exhibition game City all nh Someryllle, N. Burgess, Stan stars won a close 11 to 10 deci--""cuu W1UW e' r"".' waring, n. r. jsoeretntn, wiss rai r J A- 1U. A. L lU.i I A . . awarded to the team that beats Its Brown, Vancouver; Mrs. J. G. nine In .scheduled compfUtipns. Mason, Theodore, Sask.; Mrs. Nix-ackonald at one camp the .Oai-, on, W, Bowaman, L. W. Stephen-adian f9un4 two complete; seU of ion and a. P. Nixon, Victoria; W. uniforms "he)d oyr from ..IMO. W F. Tye. city; W. E. Walker. Naas there was a lotf good .equipment Blvef; Mrs. B. Shearman, Kitkatla; In make wp fdf it." Other members a, s. Ki4d, Ipco; Cpl. JI. Farmer, pf the team, IncJwded Sgt. H. Keane city. Fred Nash, Terrace; Mrs. C. and Quy RainyiJle pt Quebec C)ty. Martin, Massett; T. Rosalind, Mor-T. Fox, Lunenberg, NS., Neil WH-jgan Camp; Sgt. G. Aley, A. C. liamson, St. Thomas, Ont., C. Full- Neale, Allford Bay, J. Olsen. er, Richmond, Que., n. Hibpara, Montreal, arid A. Rail, Toronto. Cp-Qperatives Ball Winners Defeated Vatts And Nickerson Score Pf 8 Tp I Central - Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Nelson, Seat-tie; C. King. Royal A. Bak, N. R. Elliot, B. McGil-vlay, M. C. Dillan. A. Melhum. Canada At War 25 Years Ago August fi, 1916 French guns at when mixed bathin? took riaeU V L. w and a T k Salonika . bombarded Doiran, Mac-' .n!...defeate Wattfi Nickr?n byi' n. 7..nnlln. mldPrt norths and "it is felt that presence pi a woman would be embarrassing to the men," said Fred KJlburn, chair-: Ail rigx&t oi raputiicaiton pi bpccU) deauxcihea therein are &io mmd jman of the swimming committee. .lie insisted Hepkmondike 'js npt1 Baturdav. Aueust 9. 1941. Cracked the and east British coasts. Italians entered Ooritz in the Isonzo alley. ANCIENT FERTILIZER Ancient Egyptians enriched fields with ammonia extracted from the stable sweepings. CARS IN MILLIONS Tliere are about 31)00,000 auto mobiles ln the United States. SUMARITAN-BANDIT FORT WILLIAM, Ont., Aug. 2: 0 Sleeping, Jn his automobile here recently, Sylvan Aragand was sud denly awakened and confronted by i a considerate thief with an auto matic pistol. Saying he was hungry, i but didn't want to see Aragand run shor, the masked man relieved him j of only half of his money. A -"spot" costs yjo only half a dollar. Try it ln the Dally Newsl classified eohimn 1 r ' , . lb.. - YES.' We Repair Water Pipes, Roofs, Woodwork, Stoye Connected, Etp, )l Burners Cleaned $1.50 Chimneys Swept Z HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 735 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarellJ Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Ratei 75c upp 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 PRINCE RUPERT PRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding Specialists on Sawmill and Mining Machinery , All Type of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled lilt. Ill .1 I II III. .11 II m..-. - - Scotland with .the help of the British Navy is still delivering the goods! Grand Old Parr Scotch whisky . . . distilled and bottled in Scotland . is still arriving in the famous old-fashioned uniippable flagon. There's no better news for those who like to grace their leisure hours with a rare old and delightful Scotch whisk)'. 40 oz. S6.10 26oz. $4.10 M.tDONALD GRENLEES LIMITED, LEITH, SCOTLAND This advertisement Js not publlsi,ea 01 displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia I RIJIT.n A HOME Like This PHONE C51 ce ti Hour Service at Regular Rates NOTICE To overcome complicated bookkeeping, commencing August 1 all goods bought" at the Dominion Dairy Store are sold for cash and cannot be charged with the milk route. PHONE 10 4. Prices of Materials From Albert & McCaffery, Ltd! Importers of Cement, Lumber and all Kinds of BUILDING "MATERIAL Why not lay In a stock or coal now for the winter PHONE 11C rifONK 117 Donnacona Insulating Boards V WALLBOARDS We have on hand large stocks of coal to suit every requirtment. All our coal Is carefully screened and prepared. Also a complet line of lumber for every type of building. Our shingles are from the Queen Charlotte Islands, they are no kiln dried and have all of the" natural oils so hecessary to long life and durability. SAND CEMENT GRAVEL LIME Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI nf ir Servi Three Weeks Opening Offer FREE! FREE! sklRT FOR LADIES TROUSERS FOR GENTS With Each Frcetlman & Gahbc Suit From July 24th to Aug. 15tl DELUXE TAILOR Opposite Commodore Cafe