TJLQf.TOJJR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE William F. Joy, who has been visiting here for the past month, will sail by the Prince Rupert this evening on his return to Los Angeles. .Mrs. B. Shearman of Kitkatla sails tonight on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Dorothy Shearman, who will resume her nursing duties at Victoria after a, visit to her home on vacation. .. ..Miss Irene- Mitchell and David Mitchell are being married this afternoon at the home of the bride's CIIAS: DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, .Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China,. Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER y-f DIAMOND, MERCHANT i - - - - - LOCALS j 1 Mail Schedule (Daylight Saving Time) For the East Mondayt Wednesdays and Fridays .!... 6 p.m. From the East Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays the'.boaTd of directors of the Prince From Ocean Falls-Rupert- General Hospital,-, sched- m.;. ' Rupert. 12 a.m. For Vancouver Monday 3 p.m. Tuesday 12:30 p.m. Wednesday 5 :p.m. Friday ..'. 9:30, p.rh. jsaiuraay ....r.......:.., 5 p.m. From Vancouver .. Sunday ..'..., "p.m. Monday ajn, Wednesday..;.u..ii.j.c.i:r.... 'II a.m. Friday : .........y. I- a.m.: parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mitchell, For Stewart and Premier Atlin Avenue. This evening they Sunday 7 p.m .will sail on the Prince Rupert for Friday 12 p.rh. Vancouver, later taking up residence From .Stewart and Premier- at Powell River. Dr. Harold O. McGlll of Ottawa, director of Indian Affairs for Canada, after haying spent the past weekin the city and district on official business, sails tonight on the Prince Rupert for Ocean Falls en- 1 Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Smoked Daily . Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Print" Ruprr! Oft. P.rltih rlnrnbja p.m p.rn.l Tuesday .: A..y. a.mM'ear 't . Saturday ..: .. 12 noon For Alice Arm, Naas River and Tort Simpson-Sunday ;.........!.. 7 pin. From Alice Arm, .. - Naas River and. Port Simpson: Tuesday 11:30. am. route to Bella Bella. From there he por ocean Falls- will proceed to Vancouver. Monday ' Friday me itrguiauy mummy meeting ui atnrriftv rf The American total catch . n j J.- ir.j ami inn I Or IV-il UJ Ull oiaiiixa at, i , pounds ,as against 7,125,600 pounds last year while the Canadian catch from. American vessels and 75,000 paunds'from Canadian. Prices continued at a steady and satisfactory i l level. For American fish the high n m V-1"- : . . ... Hi. price oi me weeit was n.w anu v, n-L 11.8c Dald the Bstep for 22.000 uled forilast night, was postponed prMav "r" Vv B'i':-pouhds and the low 12c and 10.5c owing to absence, from the city of For Queen CharioSn$iaiid-- ', I which ,a number of boats received. r r B t , From Queen Charlotte Islands w ou" uumcM a August 8, 19 and 29 required Immediate attention. For Aiasjiai Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Llneham and daughter, Mrs. Jack Cherry, and other members of the family sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Adelaide for Victoria where they will take up residence, having purchased the place of Mrs. Frank McRae, the former Miss Florence Rose, who is returning to Prince the' week was 13.5c and 12.5c re- pounds and the low 12.2c and 10.4c Monday. ! , aJn which tne Lois N. was paia ior ao,- Wednesday ..lIZu?t,P00 Punds. Friday .-. '.....,.., a.m. : From Alaska ' Having her calls at Skeena River Monday . , a j ahnery points still to make, Union Wednesday steamer Cardena, Capt. John Bo- Saturday ; ' . " p " ni; ' .'n: arrived In port a 8:30 last '- - rvightfrom the south and sailed at WOULD TEST JALOPIES 1D:30 'p.m. on her return to Vancouver .and waypolnts. It had been BRANDON, Man:, Aug. 9: ihAn originally planned to make the inquest jury here attached a rider to Skeena River before coming in here Faithful work of members during lts verdict urging Manitoba' Hcens- Put log made it necessary to change the summer rnonlhs has resulted lnS authorities to have autompblles, this. rh.a fine production of sewri gar- or more .years old, thoroughly ments for consignment checked bv authorized i- C-P.R. steamers Princess Adelaide. overseas a..' u.J . . . ' .. Pint o n tr.nar,u,, tviv. , o a oaACbjr Illduit: UClUf C permit- v ""-vi-ov", and these will be shown at the tea j ting them on public highways cess-Alice, uapi. jonn wuuams, sis- to be held next Friday by the Wo-. : ; ;. .. irters-as they may be, did not behave men's Auxiliary of the Canadian ! as luch as they endeavoured to tie i Legion. Arrangements for this tea ff!!IABLE "fUW'-ES" ut at,the government wharf yester- comprlsed the principal item of SASKATOON, Aug. 9: Invad- day morning but engaged in con-business at the regular monthly tne "Ju"gles " of suburban'Sas- siderable Jockeying for position, -meeting of the Women's-AuxlHaryT -a,lfton get.. census ..ijitorrnation The Princess Adelaide came In on Thursday night of this week. ,h the hobo populatlotis.'a. census- through the fog at 9:30 a.m and i; for fep6rtr to hLs took up a good share of the room at Advertise In the Dally News. lgl 3 m mfor- the dock A few minutes later tlr I nstHfUMMn JIfl...U.. 1M Ht " r rw vviiioiuciauic August Furniture Sate Feltol Mats Size 27x54. Sale price, each Elios Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE Store Hours from 8:30 a.m, to 5:30 p.m. 65c difficulty In getting ''itied' up in close quarters, finally making a mooring about an hour later. The Adelaide sailed at 2 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts; The Alice, which sailed at poon for Skagway, had on board 151 passengers of whom ten disembarked here. The northbound Jlst was somewhat smaller than usual as space had to be saved for a large number of people who are waiting In the north to come out. Skipper-Neil MacLean having had a rather trying time with fog all the way un from Ocean Falls, C.N. R. steamer Prince Rupert finally arrived in port at 1:45 yesterday afternoon' from Vancouver. A big cargo of 230 tons of freight for discharge ( here kept the vessel in port , un,tll .9 o'clock last night when she sailed for Stewart, considerably behind schedule. She is returning here" this afternoon southbound. : 'Dr. D. B. Finn, former director .of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experl- mental .Station and now deputy' minister of fisheries, is on this coast ' from Ottawa at the present time on his annual inspection tour of the, fisheries. Later he Is expected to be 4n Prince Rupert. George Rodge'r, well kriown local ' Tiaterfront machine shop operator, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon from a ' brief ; business trip to Vancouver. Wftrd hcn revived In the cty of the death a few days ago in THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, August Waterfront Whiffs Halibut Catch for Area No. 3 Running About Same as Last Year Prince Rupert Total Down Million Pounds The halibut take from Area No. 3 by the entire coast fleet including both American and Canadian fleets for the present season up to the end of July, amounting to 14,771,387 pounds, was 'but slightly higher phan up to the corresponding time last year, according, to a statement just issued by the International Fisheries Commission w. ...... ... " . . . L1L.IJ T". 1 1 1 1 erlcan fleet had taken 14,143,028 1 v-ncouver 01 """ ""c' 'and 1 father W. E. Batllle for many pounds the Canadian 628,359 cet engineer the steamer No.,year s of pounds. The catch from Area hv,Prince Rupert and now an Inspector o lm-.,n thP .nH nf .i.,iv i niarPri L1ds underwriters Mr. Ball- or the Commission at 25501.061 pounds I llle' wh was over eighty years of c'onsisting of 14.215,116 pounds Am- erlcan and 10.985.945 pounds Can-la3e; '. Pioneer of, th :low -m,- ,., tr a -oo I mainland and at one time had real auiau luui. Aiic umvu ,wh mv No'. '3 for July this year was 5,168,-725 ' pounds 4,719,768 pounds Wy American boats and 448,958 pounds estate holdings In Prince Rupert, He had been engaged for years in farming on Lulu Island, only re . 1 -. 1 1 1 1 1. t.tnl .i .v,ii. ,u i,M ltcuuy uuvmu muveu uatfc mwi ' . t.,i , Ann Bns .Vancouver city on account of 111 pounds 1,270,693 pounds American a'iicl'l,i30,112 pounds Canadian fish. .Prince Rupert halibut landings for the present season up to and including yesterday totalled 11,225,500 bountls as compared with 12,273,619 pounds at a corresponding date last health. Magistrate W. D. Vance in city police court yesterday dismissed a charge laid by Collector of Customs J. H. McLeod against L. M. Asemls-sen of removing goods without, authority from a place appointed .for customs examination. The charge arose out of the salvage of the United States Army transport Kvlchak. is 4;378,100 pounds a year ago. Dur-I' s'uu" ' "l .lack of jurisdiction. Sergeant O. L. ended fares at ng the week Just Pecu ed and T W. Brown Prince Rupert aggregated 387,500, j. -,1.1, 111 nmmrts was .at:u. ucicuc wuhki COMEDY IS FEATURED Ann Sothcrn in "Dulcie" Showing Tonight at Capitol Theatre Here With Ann Sothern as its star, "Dulcy," heralded as setting a new high In hilarity, Is the feature picture on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here tonight. The favorite blonde comedienne Is supported by a strong cast and the combination of plot, situations and dialogue is acclaimed as sure fire for merri ment. "Dulcy" is the story of a modern young woman who believes that hu manlty should extend a helping hand to others. When she attempts to sell an airplane motor and runs the romantic affairs to two couples In addition to herself, she runs Into uproarious difficulties. Ian Hunter is seen as Miss So them's leading man. a younn !n ventor who has perfected a type of airplane motor running on kero sene. The fact that he falls heir to a five-year-old Chinese boy puts him In fine position for comedy Roland Young portray's an airplane magnate. His wife Is played by Billle Burke and his daughter by Lynne Carver. Reginald Gardiner, Dan Dailey, Donald Huie, Jonathan Hale, Guinn Williams and Hans Conreid complete the cast. THAT'S ABOUT ALL WINNIPEG, Aug. 9: O) Farmers In Manitoba should waste no time m getting in their crops, says A uarrett, local amateur weather prophet, because weather is coins io De generally unpleasant for the next three months and there ainger or snow pretty soon. Earth quakes in various Darts of the mm try are also likely, says Mr. Barrett, I Jtf1 j '23 OZ. 40 OZ. r IS$2.30 $3.50 MttTHE BRITISH COLUMBIA SH. DISTILLERY CO. LTD. by tlf liquet Control BoirJ or r t) Covcrnntnt of Briliid Columki ALL RECORDS SMASHED IN THE WORLD'S LARGEST THEATRE! 2:30 7:30 . And 9:55 . v To Enjoy It Most-See It From The Start AT LA?T TIMES TONIGHT .m 3 CANDIDATE PRESENTED Miss Philomena Murray- Introduced At Dinner of Junior Section of Chamber of Commerce At a special dinner meeting of the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Miss Phllo- nena Murray was Introduced as the organization's candidate in the Civic Centre Carnival Queen con test. The candidate was introduc ed by T. J. Williams who urged that members make an especial effort to ensure her election by getting actively behind the sale of tickets. Miss Murray spoke briefly, giving assurance-that she herself would work hard on the sale of tickets. In fact, she was already actively at work. T. N. Youngs, general chairman of the carnival, urged all public-spirited citizens to come forward and volunteer their services to give active support in the event as there was much work to be done before in preparation for the event and while it was in progress. Gordon German, president of the Junior Chamber, was in the chair and there was a good attendance of members. LEGEND OF PORKY THE PAS, Man., Aug. 9; 0 Ap pearance of Bob Brown, veteran prospector lost In northern wilds for 20 days, with the report he had subsisted oh one. porcupine, revived an old Manitoba legend that it is illegal to kill the prickly beast. Game, authorities said porkv Is not protected by law and suggested the ease witn which" he can be killed was, responsible for the leeend among bushmen, LOTS OF; WATER The fresh-water area nf natnri is unusUallv larire crnitui more than six'percent of the total area of the country. HANDY BINS ' WINNIPEG, Auz 9: ' (CB-Mlni. 1 ture red and white bins dot win.' nlpeg streets and they invite citizens , nmn magazines Into them for' ' ..soldiers. ' ' ' f - U A high tribute to the brilliance of its cast, writers, directors and producers it sets a record that may stand for all tiraei 7 WEEKS AT THE WORLD'S LARGEST THEATRE-RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL-SEATING 5,960! ,' B Hi ITH HI I.QQFV HOWARD YOUNG HALUDAY HASH VIRGINIA WEIDLER JoCua Canada Carries on Presents "STRATEGY OF .METALS" "RODEO GOES TO TOWN" Ms'. Mfin ioiND mutt uih am Steamers Leave Prince Rupert For Vancouver CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving July 8, 19. 23 at 10 p.m. Tickets and Reservations from . FRANK J. SKINNER, Prlnc Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 savoy HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Bo 511 FItASER STREET Prince Rupert CHIROPRACTOR SUnlej w. Colton, D.C.Ph.O. Wallace Block, Phone 640 J. Bouzek TAILOR LADIES and GENTS Best Materials, Workmanship 2nd Ave. tw0 doon from Broadcasting Station m. ft. ANN SOTHERN in "DULCY" (At 5:5G, 7:59, 10:02) k IJEOINS Monday FOR 3 DAYS Matinees Daily 2 Pit Evenlngy 2 S!:d.. At 7:00 and 9:23 Complete ELon Tonighr. s:n 5:06, 7 09 and I: Central Hotel Central Motel Annei ISO neatrd Rooms not Water Steam Bath Dlnlnt- Room In Connects Mri. C. E. Black, rroprlttrai Gifts and Novelties At The Variety Store 330 3rd Ave. W. Phone Rti W Fresh Local Uaw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank BldJ. THE SEAL QUALITY mm GOLD SEAL F.anc'y Red Sockeye PINKSBAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only win""1 canning company with an u the year round payroll Timet uupen .r J I'. .. i. . (.It X