r 4 I PAGE TWO TH1 tJAILT rTEWi Tuesd a. LADIES CREPE SOLE SPORT ;jHtion5 For Dog? SHOES In white, beige and multi-color with wedge and spring heels Runners for the whole family lowest possible .prices Penman's Hosiery In all their latest spring shades, just arrived Family shoe store ltD. The Hpme of Good Shoes Buy War Savings Certificates THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Member of Audit Bureau ol Circulations MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Pttta is eicluilTly entitled to uae Tor republication ol all newt tojtee mated to It or to the Associated Frees In thla paper and also tne local ' xewi published therein." .AU.iljthta.trt. republication of special deetxUches therein are also reserved DAILY .EDITION Tuesday, May 13, 1041. EDITORIAL Many Guesses - - - Many good ,gueg$es are .being made as to what was the object of the .flight to Scotland of Jtydolf Hess, right :nana iinan ot Adolf hitler. Judging by what one hears and reads, , everyone has ;had aguess. By the time this is published possibly Hess may Have delivered his message hut, even if he, does, we shall continue to guess as to what is behind it all. One important .question is, as to whether' A special ration of twentv nounds of do? hisnnita monthly for Alsatian dogs provided .(he rnale parent was German .has been ordered ;by the German outhorities. We :are Wfipdering if any special bonus will be placed on German cut worms. To Sing - - - Empire At War UNITED IS EFFORT TO MAKE ARMS Antipodes' Effort Australia's arms industry N.0 'WAR ?BU.T WAR TA?ES BUENOS AIRES, May 13: (CP) There's no war in Argentine -but to meet economic emergency caus- Qomplajnt is .being tmade in Belgium that children in edby the European war the Argen- CArYlfl r tlts ntVinnln n I L I.i. 1 j i 1 i tint, rrnvapn M AM 1 puiiic ui me ociiuuia uiB lueuii; lautnil 10 Sintr to tne tune "mumn announces of Frere Jacques": a song which translated :is: "The English, the English will win, will-win the war" " " Jt seemslevideint,thatthe.effort to. crush .free Belgium is not being entirely successful. jjRecial excess profits "war" tax. 15-FOOT JIAY Ilay Is made ln northern sections of the Ru.' ian Ukraine from grasses which grow ten to 15 feet high. nagiu xycain ji UClIdlUI - - - Us the sltheme colkt or immsii Tl . . , . , , , . I. COI.f.MIII. IN rnOHATE it was a tragic end to a man who had igvyen much of In n,e Matter of "."ministration his life to the service of his country, .that occurred at the yeek end MEhe passing of Senajpr Taylor, publisher (0 SnZ& V.,M ... v,,ov .yyiuiuwau, wuuiu.Jiavcpeen an am-. take notice Kt "y"ord- of'iiu ,pqrtant .went at .any ;time but, when ;it happens under 5fe &t?Su?u 8pqh tragic, QKcumgtancesas those published yesterday, it1 Administrator of lhe estate orCniries become .tweedy. fl!he $Qnatpr was well ftpown in the, W.&Stff'jS1 soutn-anq at.uttawa. iHe was iinclose touch with all the 8X9 hCTeby rculred furnish some, farming interests of the southern rrminlnrul nf .RvificiSM?; JEHftK,; W,c!i.?r5Sf Columbia, more oarticu arlv.of those mitsldp ih mUr ni!?81? .eMed. to u w re- Vancouver. He was ajconseryalilye .Qf the old school and his passing is another, milestone ih-.the -.passing of a historic party with a historic ideology that is rapidly qulrrd to pay .the arnount ol tjjelr ln a-oveanens no me foruvwtui. Dated the 30th ilay of April, A. D. 1941. HERBERT P. OLASSEY Ortlolal Administrator. Atlln, BO. SERVICES ; KEPT UP Survey Finds .Drainage And Water Systems Of .Bombed Cities Carrying On Well ! NEW YORK. May 13: (CP) The manner in whl.h Britain keeps Dominions and .India .Making ,Yital her public services in order dur-Contrlbuion to War Equipment jng the air war and some of .ittii ' lessons learned frcm sujh affivisj By HAROLD FAIR are deiailid in a publication nojvi Canadian Press Staff Writer made available by the national! LONDON, May 13: (CP) Drums lechnolcjical Civil Protection of war calling the Empire to arms Committee. (produced a. response even more far- The ccmmH fee's report S'baed reaching than pp c?i ervy, :ons ynadc in London the steady How of men. The call generated in the Domln ions and Indu a tremendou? drive to arm those men. It accelerated the industrial i ? a-tion of far-flung lands. The drive has become more HAROLD PAIR by its agents, ajl pr whom an-1anpn.yifpQus. ,Tfie report was .nacb public toy Waiter D. Binger of New York, oo-njnlttee chairman. lit shows dejpits the extreme vulnerability of London's drair-age system and extensive dtmaee it has suffered there has been no fltodipg of tfie streets and ithsr'-fore no appreciable menace ta health from that direction. So far, the report says, the city's great water upply system Jus been successfully Droteed asa'nst con- empire-wide than in the First Great . tamlnaUon, although fear exists wnr when. Pxcent for Canada's su- In some quarters that sabateurs lpreme effort, the other Dominions may seek to dump typhoid bac- had to depend on Britain ior tne major share of their equipment. Water In Emergencies Now, however. Industrlally-expand- The report eaid that abwt half ed Canada, Australia, South Africa London's water supply Is gravity and India help Britain givethe Em- fed. the rest pumped. When air pire forces the tools for victory. -we unnnn rkPr7n times the carrying 500 gallon. m a sectton on sanitation the number in the last war-and they turn out a flood of supplies rang- PtrapnleJ one, "here a bomb shattered a viaduct ing from airplanes to heavy tanks, five sewers handling 180.. To Tiger moth training planes, one Wirraway and one single-wasp '0(ga"onsfl a df a"thor tleS " 1x10 th river engine roll off assembly lines daily. J1", whVh the towns water si. p-Beaufort The first Australian-made Bristol 'obtained, birt downstream bomber has just complet- , . . . . from the water Intakes. The re- pSS W. oleasanr New Zealand, always a food source, responded to war's de- J "SSJSJS' TSeE "re repeated If neces- mands by making Bren gun carriers, trench mortars, bombs, steel hel-mets and minesweepers. Authorl-' ties expect the Dominion's small arms rmtnnt to hp donhled SOOn.1 New Zealand makes the airframes' for Tiger Moths but Imports engines, tires and instruments. Industry at Cape South Africa's Industrial spurt came when France collapsed and all Britain's supplies were needed at home. The Union still must import ,the move was a purely personal .move on the part of Hess equipment necessary m modem' ur was ii an a concocted scneme to try to lntluenee the war. British in some direction favprable to :Hitler. One guess' production record is regard-is about as good as an other. " ied M Particulariy impressive m.that country with a white population of i . only 2.000,000 of whom ,120,000 are l lannuiff rp Jo " Give '' - - - lln the armed forces, south Amca O produces more than enough amu- The wonderful month of June is to be celebrated this nltion for her own- forces, trench vear hv n ramnnlm tn raica mnnmr htUV. ,v.;nV. f rnfni- mortars and howitzers. t"-- J yv. iuiuv, 111UHW VH11V.I1 m UCiCcli-l w .tiii .- t, . i Mm - I niuer. it is to De ,an ettort to transfer money from the savings-banks to the Dominion government direct. If anythinp: hamoened to the trovernment. such as i1p-! Amerlwn timsm small arms and airnlanes but makes FOR SALE 29 Essex Coach. Phonal fclent valves for wartime, it add- water furnace. Apply R. timer, 2nd Ave. E. Mor an FOR SALE Wash basin, two English dinner sets. Remington typeT writers, radios $9.95; $150 dia HOUSE centrally Jocated or near l)ry Dock. $800.00 cash. Box 100, Dally News. (113) FOR SALE-r60 ,h.p. with two drums jp CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYMENT. 1 EXAMINATIONS announced for Clerks. Grades 1, 1A, and 2, ,and Census Clerlj'. Open to men and I women 18 ahd over. Shorthand and typing not required. Appll-I .cations to reach Ottawa by May 22. Several hundred appointments to be made. Our advice has helped hundreds get Jobs as Clerks. Postmen, Stenos., etc. .Informal tion and Booklet free. M. C. C. Schools- Ltd., Wlnnlpegldest in canadac ftf)i WANTED WANTED Porter, Central Hotel. (114) WANTED-rClerk for Premier ,Fpod Store. Apply J. .KMas, .Qomrno-.dore Cafe. (tf) WANTED Furnished or partly lurnisned apartment or house. Apply Box 102, Dally Nevji. (113) LOYAL FRENCH-CANADIAN FAMILY lhe picture is that of Mr and Mrs. J U Gauthier of St. Lambert, Quebec uuo a French-Canadian family. Four of the sons arc already in the service of their cou:. Gauthler is most anxious to enlist himself tn nny capacity. lound garbage collection luncuon-mg wtu and yielding a tremenaoas souice of weaitn ui savage ot iuabe articles and mawiiais, ln-ciudjxg pig feed. In the Uri. yeai or the war, they roLsrLid. sarDage raid damage occurs to mains the salvage yielded niuguily $10,OJO,OJO, affected dlstrl-j are valved of'iencuan, Uiey e.n.i.i to buv em. and served by tank wagons each li.coa, 25-ton tanks, 2JW0.Q0O shells and 10 ships of 5,000 gros tons each. One thing the Americans found worrying health authorities was the effect of morale of dwelling In Funny Money In Early Canada Playing Cards Did Service as Currency Between 1C85 and I'M OTTAWA, May 13: (CP)r-rCan-ada's first venture in producing her nuin i i rron rr -ie a1c- tVtA first tiCA deep shelters. Some sensitive per- I I Tv, 77 i them dread even c;am. ?v nor- ,0ustave QrJ j , mal exposure on the surface. e of u afe to spcn , Jass ThP rZrtu Jf vnS r ses of the-Natlonal Archives here tuLZTT , said Kir. Larictotexhlbitlng the or-bulldings that the most vulnerable .. JLJ were those wtth Isaa.b-aring i M'6 ""'" ,"uu investigators s9rved 115 money ln Canada om walu lhey coUaMed more easllv 1685 and The cards W o than wooden tram k buildings. imi . ' . ,u .u tv.-4i i. . the same size as .those used for they concluded was the best de- $ridge b,U ?ey ?'rcBul"d Jran and Pa "ted- and d fence against explasives , e,, ti Paris was written on the front companies had pooled their re- of each face card. The face cards sources and habitually loaned each i J 7 u t V if .J T other suppiies and ralr crews in t MS? ' "US1 or assembles most of the other I Black 965. U14) ;ed. However, taking the speilflo ....',! T India Innin nrnv provides ... ripc ahnnt about , . 90 per cent of her war requirements and has exported supplies to Kenya. Uganda and the Middle East. Rifles, ma feat by the Nazis. 'monev .in the savings banks would hpiCfllne-guns, small-arms ammunl confiscated. The present owners would never see anvrlon' "af?ket! atnd uniforms Pur rate of interest is secured and the Hitlerite bandits are. daily for exoort to Britain ,peng Stopped ,n their murderous course. To corordinate the work of these What we .are .suggesting ,is that this is a good time to "arsena1 of Empire- Lord Liniith-make our plansior purchasing as many as possible of the low; thevjcery. prganized the bonds. More particulars ,vill,be given fn afew iaya SLT&X ensure that all the Empire coun tries ln the eastern hemlsDhere should be as self-supporting as possible; This involved a system of! exchange to ensure that whatever! supplies one country lacked could' be furnished by another grpup' member. icase of damage. Th? cltv wu...i1, .v:JH,. found Its gas system lacked suf- ,L f , W ,lm7 day. February 8, It declared only vtt .(suit ui wic Miuvir, ijutxu Cut n four, each piece was given FOR SALE-No. ,415 5th Ave. East,j80 ga.s subscrlbers ln lhe who). a specific vajue hy Jacques de Meul-Eight-room house, two lots. Hot London were without fuel ,es' Intepdant pf Justice, police and; finance in Canada. The large cards served for larger sums and a 1 OPPOSES PKISONEU LAP.OIt aw was passed that these cards MELBOURNE, May 13: (CP)- were 10 Circulate apd be accepted. State Labor Leader Cain of Victoria by a11 ,n Ileu ot French money, vand mond ring,. reasonable offer ac- ! T "'5,"4' pnsiinera u.u uc ,CUCCII1iU iur goia watches at haU price. B. C. Fur- , AuVa,la cIean crown ,ands from the Jntendant when the sup-1 nlture Store. Phone Black 324. 'f" 501?" set"eTm.ent on the 8r0und M ot moy from the King b reach. ' (lf) it would be a "Hitler and Mussolini" j .iuui ciiiip system. - i UNCLE SAM ASKS MELBQURNE, May 13: (CP)- In- Caterplllar qulrles have been received from fjrst class .American medical organizations fhape. (Reasonable. C. W. Swan- regarding the operations of Austral- son, Butedale. (122) la's "bush nursins" whir-h teHu,ro , ' S FOR SALEWell built modern Plane ervlce J" emergencies. home, .First class condition. Three bedrooms, full basement,!! laundry tubs, furnace, ppen (Ire-place, garden back and front,' all fenced in. Open for inspection evenings after 6:30 , or by an-' pphitment. Allan lDaYies, 212 9th 'I Avenue East. (11,7) FOR itrWf FOR RENT Furnished bedroom in I. private home. Light housekeeping optional. Apply Box 101, .Daily News. (tf) PERSONAL HHIBEBBBBBBflBK-B-B-P-9Bf CHIROPRACTOR. .Stanley ,W. Col ton, D.CJh.C. Wallace Block, Phone 010 Mrs. James Clark Palmistry SILVERSIDES BLOCK Second St. Phone Green 416 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal IJank Hldg. Vegetables In Season Kept. Garden-Fresh and.Crlsp Under Vapor Sprays at Heas-onable Prices. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Phones 18 8t 19 P.O. Box 575 ! THE SEAL o QUALITY J'o too-'" Make Repairs, Build GOLD SEAL Fancy iRed Sockeye pinkTeal Finest Pink Salmon Tacked by the only salmon .canning company with an all ilbe year , round payroll In i Prince Rupert ed Canada m ;i iEaeh card o. carry the sli ;r sue by the In: .were special ,;r: anyone trym ThlsadTertUemcnti3t.i .ti or diiplayed by the u: J Board or by the G:.i ot nrtUh C::r..la Steamer- Lcav r r For Vu CATALA EVEKV Tl'ESDAT, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs p.m. CAR HEN A EVEKV HMDAV 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver. MondayJJ; ueen Charlotte UW SrvlrrIave 1'rlnce Kupl my C, 17 and n ' Pm' Tickets and Preservations from FRANK J. SKI.VNEK. Printe Rupert Asent. Third Av(. Phone 5C8 FRESH Dairy Products We have thirty -Ux cows in town and can supply ami fresh milk daily our ban i located at Elev.-ntn Avenue East. Visitors Vt n--me Dominion Dairy t-Mv4xw.f Clean-Up Paint-Up We can supply all the materials, for a new home or PHONE 116 .to the old ope. Call ln and talk H over for atUilions & McCaffery, Ltd.,