Line in ,i riM : bic nctK M lib. by Harvey Woods . lliat c've maximum i III! nil , . . . id1"' " ... iik rlvc von a trim, ain- fOP1' . 1 , 3rides Work Canadians twills are being spec- by '.he crofters of the (or the Canadian ; rrply to an Increas-!c;.iand for ths fam-.b they have been for generations, itated additions to 50c underwear, one 1 lir,,i..fll iiw-biiltoit I njr .1111 "l .D.Q.'S . . . with $1.25 13,., (hat stretch up and down. fan' (0 Rai"-- from n suil Iiimrh shoulder No $1.25 11411 JIIIW i uiiun.iumujun lunimer Underwear atts & Nickerson Open Saturdays Till 10 p.m. HOTEL ARRIVALS Royal John Lundmalk, city. Union steamer Catala. Capt. Ern- oth Fume CRYSTALS rp 1 m - - - rmes Pioneer Druqgists llir KPall Store Hine l Oprn lj trom K ni. till IU P-m-Stin.lHy and lloli.l.iy from 12 lu t P-m- i 7 to 50c oth Proof BAGS Price 50c - - - Ion nacona Insulating Boards WALLBOARDS coai t0 suit cvervrcdulremenU , r 5loclw l)( Atao . a complcw al li. carefully screened and prepared.. from shingles are '"umber for ever? type of building. Our and have ' ' Charlotte Islands, they arc not ki n dried c natural oils so necessary to long life and durability AM) rPMKNT GRAVEL LIMb Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. TO OBSERVE ' riiosE 032 YOUTH DAY I Mrs. C. Piers, whose husband is a naval officer here, sailed on the Catala this afternoon for Victoria. Ladies' and Children's DRESSMAKING AND REMODELLING U.'iiMHiable price, good work Hume I'.luc DIG 203 3rd Ave. KI.MIKO UYF.DI. savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. I'hoiic .37 P.O. Box 511 FUASKU STUKKT Prince Rupert Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 15(1 Healed Rooms Hot Water Steam Baths Dining Room in Connection Mrs. C. K. Black, Proprietress NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c upp 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. T.QX 196 LOCAL NEWS NOTES u.i,i tticture of the Toiunhl's train, due lrom the East Aiiym.c "-. - Wis , . n . . Inrk was reported National Council Of education Queen can. secure ; - Urges Co-operation For May 25 News. There is ho v..-.b- TORONTO, May 13: (CP) Youth I meeting. Wcdncs- Sunday, which had its origin in Vftiitti nrwin lrl tw IVir. W-iMnnal Council of Education will this year grossing favorably lar-i. vpar ihp nulnit of West- later date. mirMer Abbey on Youth Sunday ' was occupied by the High Com- Mrs. Harry opeutc w. mlssloncr foi Canada, the Hon land lighthouse returned w ner i LINZEY AND INGRAM LTD. Hotter Foods with Service , Deliveries Daily Low Prices Attractive Specials Libby's Mllk--1G- 07f. tins. Per doz. Per Case P.uttcr Sweet Clover. 3 lbs. 1.10 $1.15 95c Pork Sausage 99 Regular tins. Fich Shredded Wheat lip pacKct 1... A" ?nrtr. Crackers Red Arrow Per IQP Xaboli Coffee Regular dflp- Sir. 1-10. una Fels Naptha Soap Larue oars O-Cedar Oil 91 f 1 Polishing Cloth FRKS vlmcr Sonus Tomato or Vegetable. 6-oz. (Jq uns. cacu iliced Pineapple Barclay s Large tins. 2&C Shoe Polish 2 in 1. ftp Black only, Pe Oxydol Regular 4t)C nackcts. 2 for Prunes Small size. 2 lbs. Clover Honey- 58 C 4-lb. tins. Fach New Potatoes- -Nice size white. 25c 6 lbs. Fresh Tomatoes 20C Lb. Chateau Cheese "t J'f Op iA-lb. packet LarPe Lettuce gp Each 3 belivcrles Dally To AH Parts of the City Free Delivery on All Orders Prince 'Rupert Ratepayers asso- Tr ii rrnrker. officer com- VyUUV. ii . i Rpnrohllcht Bat-dom. m services on that day, proceed- a Gardiner and F. E. Scott, alter sermons at . . , , . 1 l n, T kJl " ine as un rs to those -cnurones sDehalne several aay nc " . making laiaiVlilQ special VW provisions for them, " nectioh HVVMV" with " " " Bank of Montreal in t auuc rvtnhiv winnlnptr. on.trtni rtntips. left by last ev- town and country, many feature their next stop at vancound Victoria n ng t am for "!ThelZ" Srv'J'ralUes have already been re George. They had been at ;.) uc- radian women wear noon today from Stewart and other ,u &y?iwA wh th, ,nltlal ltom ln northern points and sailed at 1-0 nr(zram 0f he Empire Youth into tweed coats for p.m. for Vancouver and waypolnts. MovcmPrt and a! )t, very founda- tlon. Its inauguration was due to Canadian Initiative. If is Cana da' privilege to take the lead .at 'Mis critical tnic and to this mrl Ih" co-o'icra'ion is souiht of a.U 4ho who believe that thp British PcvIps form t;he one solid bulwark xnminst the forps of evil bes-Min'? ChrH'pnripm. W'h such cn-fvcra- tlnn Yp-ii,v) En"'l-v can nlay Its rnrt In th Rmlri's bat,il fnr frppflni -nr) bppnrp nn jT'i"nas- tbp fp"" "f vo'ith nwn t.'in Trail r Hip Prpit Orusadc." mediately. Apply in own handwriting1 to Carlisle Cannery, P.O. Box 9. Prince Rupert. '1171 Church by Rev. Dr. Alexander Eslcr fidelity, prayer rr. "T, I organized and all denominations stewart before coming here. mt. j "8V mDattly- these ut vv wiU uke part. Scott a few years ago was laenti- -fc attributes of mother-some even nave cuns. , , , nr. .H ..u the local branch of the ";--. Presbyterian j .., .i h ftU"UM "ai "-v""v- v..... ..v - were HMt awci; on on in in ni First -.j- - waw aim ou.w ganization has been completed Islands Prepare ..back interest. Suits have r m Old more hrou hout tn commonwealth. .....a) Weave for Canadian a -shooting Jackef split at the Zealand is to observe Youth Wearer back, Jackets are tucked into waist- Sunday on June lf a, the earlier bands, and topcoats are drawn into Jf lnconvenier,t for the schools ra. l , 1. ,,-ttH tQhc , ... . i N MlV 13: lUrl iwivu.j duck juuiicoo. itiu nn U Si which are not then In session. Scuth Africa, too, (can be counted upon to ray its part. From the Colonial Office. London, a letter commendlns the observance of Empire Youfh Sunday has- It is understood, cone to each of the colonial dprndencies and man-da'ed terrif-rles. est Sheppard. . arrived In port at u oattcms patterns in of Harris J .'on snvs: "Youth xouin ounuay Sunday is s dc TOO LATE. TO CLASSIFY Church Sunday morning, me subject being "Mother's Writing Copy." These attributes the pastor likened to the writing In the school . uv. Thou wprp sometnini; n-wpi snndav School ent, presided and conducted the formal Mother's Day service. There was special music by the Junior Choir under direction of Mrs. E. J. Smith sundav nicht the Mother's Day theme was continued when ' ur. is THEY KEEP HERITAGE British Children Armed With "Tok-! en Of Freedom" Reminding Them Of Nation's Struggle rr- ! rvr-TAWA Mnv 13: (CP) When A. T. V. wh was admitted ciaUon hTI; annual in-pxa-. Cy llaii. AllBrTash children left England fori the Kreat gatherings of Empire we prince rater-avers Please attend. uui fosU:r homes In the united cue IlUal nitai ai uic cuu ui '"----- Lhcv brougnt wnn mean book called, "The Token of Free- uhM-o where in In England" inrianri" a n wrvirp service will will The The raffle raffle for for War War Saving having Ccr ... Atmnlntv's train for 1 A Vnind rrd or more fragments be broadcast to the Emnirc and the tificate by the Women's Hmp tal . ,. Qeorcc to spend! tTom the writings of the worlds United United States. States. Auxiliary Auxiliary will will be be posipu.. postponed in a , ill) I. w w nvv- - n.fonHoK of libcrtv are in uie . hr.rlr .riven to each CMld SO vudv William Manual, who had been he c'r she may never forget . toe coSSon a charge of common heritage their d.moth"S : . . . -ua o vnnnsr'tn Encland are flshtlng tor. uinf M,cew nn iw.iv 2S the inH home today af ter spending a f" ", hi v.-.nH was I itnHP!- nn illustration of Britan- spcakcr will be cither General SH few days visiting in the city as the ,mprlson. 'nla confldlns hcr children into the Charles Dill, the chief or sian w BUCsi pi Mr. au ... . w E Fisher in outytixtcnea arms ti """-"r"" the Imperial Forces, or a young mntv court yesterday. Uberty Uberty Is Is this this Inscription, Inscription, xna xna. unknown airman. p. h. Linzey, census commissioner vMtv, s,mH1ti .nncHt.iit a fit- RVorna. left on last evenings tin2 tiorollary tj the Empire-Wide, train for a trip to Smithers on bus- JYlottieir S UaY observance or St. ueorge s uay. auu mess m connttw"" " 1 iU observance a fresh step in the He will return here Thursday nignt rihQprVPfl organization of the Great Crusade. and sail the next evening on the 15 Yuu Canadian schools and youth or- princess Adelaide for Ocean Falls. franWoMnrrt It L! hODed. Will loin ' iToken cf Freedom was given to me. 'John Bull Jr.' wnen i 12 years old by sqmeone wno these words and knew what they ,nt Qnrt knew why I must chcr- - - ULVUltv ish them and hold Uiem sa:rea as long a.s I live." Pericles, Dante. Mlltan. Iinlioln, Presbyterian ! Blake are amon? the writers. DHvntPiv nrlnUd for distribution among those children going to the United States, by the Americans-. in-Brltaln Outpost of The Commit- j tee for Defending America oy Aid ing the Allies, a foreword tens tnc Ichlldren to observe the Statue of Liberty in New York, harbor no.u- Ing high the torch and a book In the other hand wltn me mrcc Iwords, "Liberty, Liberie, fTeeouiu. "TyranU," reads the books pre-fnP. "hate these words and try . in 18 fr to 90 20 couy uwiu. ' . . . on -AMTimi V.l 1 vnnns VUUUS man llia.ll - V" - A mn the stones ---- WAN ftiii o ouuua, snndav , School joined lnlnprl a a " large ,Mf - unnr your British Rrltlsh fathers fathers and ano. mouwi, mother!, , 1 These words poet, William Blake, are recorded in It: .... i Let Liberty, the chartered rigni i of Englishman, Won by our fathers in muuj a glorious field, soldiers: let Liberty, UilVl - '-'j j I ft u- ThA Turn nnaresL. -nio-n r My r.nnn,LcnJcu uiiu 1CT SpUrvC vjii uiuiJ- i fAOl 1HRM Wilms is J STRENGTH IS under proof SyV CONTENTS 25 Oil TMQUIMV 60H00N CO.tTD,LON0ON.lNI,Ln jht'LAftll ya dtiUlliU in Pit woUd This advertisement is not pub- j for all children to emulate ana .oj- iio oesuuy nsneo or uTn -. ir S thp the for office work. This position has o;aconahoeut llfe. chllaren whlch they find them carved. But quor Control Board or by tm Columbia British cood orospects for advancement P I' Government of r pnprPtir bov. also two oi ww thn,h Thev mean . -rr. w i.v,....-. o-y- eeneral congregation in me m.- are v r storekeepers for the summer. All M tner.s Day service. J. E. it, and you are their messengers, nivwp above nositlons nositions reoulre require boys boys 1m 1m- ia . . .. , superintend in-iH-! . i of r the nrpnt. Great EnslLsh English IS KILLED i IN LONDON Harold 1'arks, Formerly Of l'rinco Rupert, Losis Life In Action Sweetest Names on Eartn-jc.. the Dawie.' I .. , Mother." There was special music A prologue by Gemirey una. wmc - ia by the Senior Choir. is a Pt.w--on a cable .Ihls A "spot" tjv only nan a dollar. Try it In the Dally News lasslfletl column. ''i' Announcements All advertisement In this column will be charged for a full miMilli at 25c a word. Hospital Auxiliary Tea. Nurses Home, May 15. rnmhrai Chapter 1. O. D. E. Spinster;' Spree Friday, May 10. nnr.K n C.A.M.0 . R.C.A.S.C.. R. C. E.! Auxiliary Empire Tea. Leg ion, May 17. coin's speem "m,, . ""'. ,w. his hm- iri the freedom oi tnc wc6wjui monuns uiiuvun.o - --- Uier, Harold Parks na world are quoted. Thcw word In the dook "i ncca m action wnnc not remind the House that wc London fire department for wliich are (come to a new era ln the his- he was the driver oi a ms .-... torv of the nations: tnat we arc iiaroia trains .uu, called to struggle for the destiny, years In Prince Rupert 7mc time not of this country alone, but of ago, being identified with the the civilized world. . . "were, not Bridges and Building Department TOokcn by Winston Churchill, out 0f the Canadian nation! imuwij-o by WllUam Pitt in April iou. Shocking Story i Fishy But True Fish in Lake Near Seattle Electrocuted W. A. uanaaian utgivii - ;- - electrically 1, n. Sale, May 21. Presbyterian Tea, MacKay. May 22. Lutheran Metropole. Mrs. Jumes Circle Tea, May 23, 'The Private Secretary" Capitol Theatre, May 28. Catholic tea, Mrs. Blain's, May 29. Battle of Jutland Tea May 31, Canadian Legion. Bundles to Prcsbvtcrian Missionary tea, Mrs. Duncan McRae's, June 4. Strawberry Tea. St. Peter's Eve ning Branch. Mrs. Thomas, June 5. Anglican Tea, Mrs. Evltt's, .Tune 5. Parent Teachers' Tea. June 6. Queen Mary tea, Legion Hall, June H for soldiers' graves. MAIL US YOUR FILMS TODAY Any size roll developed and printed25c Special "Decko-Art" prints Reprints twelve for 35c STEFFENS-COLMER PHOTO CO. P.O. Box 220 Vancouver B.C. .Un made many friends while here. Prior to the outbreak of war he 'served, with the Royal Air Force In Egypt. While ln Prince Rupert he was a member of the 102nd Regiment. He was also a prominent football player. Deceased was married, but had Were no children. Th lcral brother is a veteran of the last war as a result of which sf.attle. Mav 13: (CP)- The h- .suffers d'abalitles. state game department solved the Harold Parks was too young for May Seventeenth Program, Moose' mystery of Steel Lake's dead fish. wnlce ,n th. iast war. J . I Tn,,, Thpv wpre Kolnir beine electrocuted. PlPptrOCllted. Hall. General speaker. Stcffcns guest After residents notified tne oe- nartment of numerous dead fish oped a short circuit. " . . , 'Ti it,. i.t,chn thp ripnurtment The shock, travelling into A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A (iOOD PLACE TO BUY HAMMOCKS Ready to hang ln place. Different colors. Each LAWN RUC.S-From, each PHONE 775 $6.00 45c Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East the discovered that an oper- water, via the pipeline electrocuted ated pump drawing water from the all usn wnnin a c'".c u-lake to a nearby farmhouse devel- tancc. Monday, Wednesday, mciay, o p.m.. Alr-Conditloned Sleeping and Dining Cars Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver on Thursday and Saturdays 11:30 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River For Full Information and Reservation, etc Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Avenue Phone 260 Prince Rupert. Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines v iP I h l.i i ;'.