Hess CLOSE ON i,,r,..- ITALIANS I.'..-..:. iu J',usiu,u ' -Two Tliirt Doomed in fciniopia im Shippinc Suffers Heavy Loss at Bengasi (AlR), May 13: (CP)- British . r a nnn Italian. flinditw Amoa niaji .u ! I ) hnms. nave OCCUpieu f H . . . 1 T i.t mtroiiS"5"-1 u' ' ll 7 r.a '.liiic will shoriiy oe scp- me-'tinea of Chancellor Adolf 11. ; of Orrmaiiy wttn l'rem.cr !i O'.alui of Uussia and riem- f,TBe :'io Mussolini of itai m f organization of Europe nplo!i.-T.,.I ally and bC6nomlcBliy in of recent and lmpcndinp DARLAN IS IN BERLIN limcli Vicc-I'rcmlrr is Itrceivnl by Chancellor Adolf Hitler BERLIN. May 13. -Admiral Jean Danai) vicc-Prcmlcr of France. Is m Berlin where- he was received by Chancellor Adolf Hitler yesterday. Concessions which France 1H make u Germany under a new col-'obration arrangement are under-itooo to have been discussed. Germany Claims ! To Have Caused Further Losses I i BERLIN. May 13. A Nazi submarine pack has sunk thirteen British freighters In the Atlantic, It was claimed here last night. All Diphtheria Serum Used Up i'utlber Supplies of Immunlzlnc Material Are Ordered and Due by Week-End Victory Loan Details Given OTTAWA. May 13: (CP) Finance Minister J. L. Ilsley to- rlnv nnnnnnr-pri that. Han .Lin's IIIUTONS ON OFFENSlVli CAIKO British nicthani.cd troops have beaten back five Miiall advaiicins columns of Axis Iroops in the Salum area of the Egyptian frontier, British headquarters announced today. A war bulletin said Axis forces were 'cari'yinc out reconnaissance in force and were advancinR cast-ward when met by British mechanized advance elements and turned back. The communique added "our air forces have been afforded particularly Rood targets by the withdrawing enemy." Bulh at Salum and Tobruk. the. British have now assumed the offensive. I'AltlilAMENT MOVES LONDON - l'rimc Minister W inston Churchill lhl the House of Commons today that he believed the historic debatihg chamber of the House of Commons had been bombed beyond repair, av least for a very long time to come. He added: "We have already begun preparation of a third building should happen in case anything to the one in which we are today." I Ml diphtheria immunizing ma-i-'-i:al immediately available In J'nncn rtupcrt had been used up by 'loon yesterday by persons taking WFdy action to protect their child-rp against the malady which caus-pf the death nf n rhllrt here on Sun- aay y Flirthor r urther stocks Rt.rw.1ra have have bCCll oeen SCllt sein , , SHANGHAI TKOCBLE SHANGHAI United Stales marines were called out today to restore order in Shanghai after disorders had occurred near the barracks. One coolie died of injuries sustained. FLOOD AT l'ENTICTON PI NTICTON Under weight of flood waters, the big Ellis Creek dam was broken just before midnight last night. Twenty-live fruit farming families in the district, ,.r here, sixteen miles bc- forced to f ec lo the dam, were main br.dge Ihelr homes. The over Ellis Creek was washed out. Kivcr bridge was The Okanagan in danger. HITS AT BENGASI ----- . t recorded voic and arc expected to arrive by V "'. of Commons last nigni the 1 ousc have' end of the week. There was cancel f 0 ",r no further cases of tne niuiauy sported up to today. MOVED TO UEVELTOKF. Constable Jack Lockle, who has pen on the force of the city police here for th ct four vpars. has Kn Pin uit'" division ...... n.n.Tirv .iii.r n.C.F. or iew """: . to which both . .. . r,...iirv:lllve Petain To Meet Admiral Leahy MAY NOT USE members S3 Z, '""'" -le Ing opposed. feather Ff-rasl Tomorrow's Tides High -- 3:03 a.m. 22.1 It. 16:10 p.nv-.1W It- r, -wo mile;? fV . Low 8Q ej'fra It. 22?P5 pjnr - 6.6 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER I'remicr of France Back From Riviera and Will Sec Envoy to France forthcoming Victory Loan will has has returned returned from from CONVOYS NOW Olhcr Means Of Delivering United Slates Goods Safely To Britain May Be Found WASHINGTON, D. C, May 13: P: :-.reta.ry of the Navy Frank? Knox staled last nin'ht rthat some way of rn'tivin-: ttv safe delivery of Ameri nn goods to Great Britain other than by convoy may be employed. .DISCUSS SERVICE ; 'I oi onto Conservative Members Demands Conscription Blow At National i'nity, Declares Italslon OTTAWA Mav 13: Dr. II W " J iirnrn Conservative iwmber ember T.)rnnUi-rarkdale.-;ln v..irHav ripmanded conscription selective and compulsory enlistment- a Hie only solution of Canada's Tmplcx defence problems. Hon.J. L. HP-Won. minister of naMwral defence, dvclarrd that surh a proposal wffi a blow at Canadian unity. BUILDING PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1941. were dropped. Nor were any oiner parts of the country attacked. During yesterday the German air REICH HIT ONCE MORE : lloyal Air Force Strafes Hambur; And Bremen Again With Heavy Bombs MANNHEIM AGAIN LONDON, May 13: (CP) Fires ( that involved whole blocks of buildings were set in the German industrial centre of Mannheim and the sister city of Ludv.i- , hafen last night by the lloyal Air ; Force. At Coldgne fires were started among railway sheds and elsewhere in the centre of the city. LONDON, May 13. Continuing lis no rest for Germany campaign. A. nip n.val Air Force again raided for Hamburg; Bremen and other lm-Farliament po'rtant German centres' witrn;ood CHANGES effect last night, once more dropping high explosive bombs and incendiaries U cause further damage on already heavily hit industrial objectives. Air Service Is Increased More Flights Are Being Provided Between Vancouver And Victoria And Seattle futures of amendments U) inc re- Summary bvlaw which was gone i f.,Hhn R3.100 oounds. 9 5c into, thoroughly again at a meeting d 7c tQ 10c and 7c of the zoning commission last nigni. American---None. and recommended for enactment. Canadian In attendance at the meeting last Gony, 13,000, Edmunds & WalK-night were John Dybhavn. the g 9c and 7Jc chairman, S. E. Parker, City En-i CUpper Mf u.SOO, Booth, 10? and glncer F. N. Good ana uity neia- 7c iurer D. J. Matheson. . HI . U rmw rkWT WITH THE BIUTISII i,,T7, ,11 lYCgllUClIl . . i , ..mi ml ron swept 1 ini j - ilengasi Harbor, Libya, by nUhl nd e h one and hurled perhaps she! s Into explosive tIls of high The cru.s AJa the Axis base. in she "g led four destroyers Bengasi alongside ships anchored hits and se mole, scoring direct bc-Xs ablaze two merchantmen me peppering the entire lur-bor area. war nunow is adoited budget of UTTAWA-The war Now At Nanaimo Ontario Battalion Arrives m Island City To Continue Its Military Training NANAIMO, May 13:-A regiment ' 7c Minpnra Falls. Ontario, ar- rived here yesterday to continue training at the local military camp. Broadcast By Roosevelt Is Being Delayed WASHINGTON, D.C., May 13: The broat'f.-ast of President Frank-n r nnoKPvelt's sneech. which ... nil . --r- . ' yuov w " J ' , hn.n . . . .. n A . .. . . , ,v..M4,.lw4 ... tnr TimntTOW . ' iransrerred to me uig uuuu mtnton of the RocKy naa Deen h'8hway patrol with headquarters Capt J. A. MlHon ev-' evening, has been cancel ed. ln- at Kevelstoke. He and Mrs. Lockle Mountain Ranffnieit'lD Leth-.stead, there will be a fireside chat ' be leaving for the south with-' ening's train for a duties. p wM two weeks hence. 'he next few days. bridge on military Halibut Sales Balsac I., H.500, AUln, luc ana 7.2c, 1 Borgund, 7,000, Booth, 10c and, 7.2c. Arlington. 3,800, Storage, 9.5c and 7e Jupl.er, 4,000, Atlm, 9.9c ana 7c. M I... 2.000. Storage 9.9c and 7.1c. R. K., 2,300, Storage, 9.9c and 7.1c Essential, 13,000. storage, uoc and 7c. Domino II., 9,000, Pacific, More Canadian Naval Officers MYSTERY 9.'c . m 12. Start (Training m Ijltna H. M. -r C S. Victoria Hoyal Roads Near " vTrrroniA. Mav 13: A new riass nf 125 nrosDcctlve naval of fleers yesterday commenced inree thi.' teourses of training at II. M. C. S. Royal Roads (Wie iormer Hatley Park). OF HESS force aimed at some Britlsn airdromes and did some damage, caus- Srcrulaliru Itifc As To Sensational Ing casualties. Flight Of Nazi Leader From Germany lo liriiam LONDON. May 13: ,Much still remains to be explained regard- ng the strange case of Iludolf Hess, No. 3 ranking Nazi leader, for twenty years Adolf Hitler's right hand man, who is now a prisoner of war in Great Britain following his sensational landing on Saturday near Glasgow from a Nazi warplanc. Hess had flown across eight hundred miles from M) ut Invest Germany in a plane piloted by himself. The official British announcement said lhal a Mest.erslchmidt 10 plane had been seen to crash to (he erimnil out of control near a northwest Scottish town on the night of May 10. The pilot, in . German officer's uniform, baled out, sustaining a broken ankle. At first the officer gave a different name but later said he was Hess, producing photographs taken; at different-ages to establish his identity. Early today ihc Ministry of information announced Ihe man had been identifed "beyond all doubt" as Hess. I.aler he i cached Glasgow hos pital in custody and there ne spent last night, being removed today to some undisclosed place to be questioned by British officials.. It was said he might be taken to Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden. A Berlin statement said that Hess had either met with an accident or fallen out of his machine. Nazi officials at Berlin cmrirf-slerl that he was mentally . . ...mji ...VilVi mav be nCW S3rvice Deuwetu vunwu.v statement 4im.n e;i said til. Suilt building dls- and Seattle. in the first class '. .-, -r v,o r.'.tw frnm $3500 to '$2500 and the making of It possible again to build residences on iwen-flve foot lots are the principal inations. the Nazi Hess is forty-five years of age. He was often referred to as the "brains" of the Nazi party. MOONLIGHT FLIGHT Hess started out Saturday on his flight from Augsburg, Germany, where he escaped from the grasp of Hitler. He made the long flight in five hours in bright moonlight. The plane was un-armed and there was not enough gas for a return flight. He had seized the plane. I His plane was completely ; wrecked after the crash. There were machine gun bullet punc-' tures in the tail. The German nffirpr was greeted by a farmer, I David McLean, with a pitchfork 1 who found him in a ditch. Hess surrendered without a struggle and was then taken to the farmhouse where he was invited to take a cup of tea. He declined, however, and asked for water in stead. It was on the estate ol tne Duke of Hamilton where Hess landed. Hess was prominently Identified with Hitler in the writing of "Mein Kampf." Hitler dictated the text which was written by If In Hess had played a leading role nil Nazi d nlomatic moves particularly that with Russia In the fall of 1939 Just netorc ine war started. A member of the Inner war council, he Is In possession of the deepest Nazi military "secrets. Born In Alexandria. Egypt, and twice wounded during the First Great War in which he served ai an aviator, Hess was close to (Continued on Page Five) "PRICE: 5 CENTS. Flight Is Absorbing Topic L ... .1 - teraay. At luoruri 1:11- -r iuuu auu may uu purcuuseu t nioun- ,ui.i . j. ...u.L, . ,r..n r.amurca uiin.y-i.vu t uuuikiii, ur uv iwvnifiiu. t penal . - .... . . in I r fn fTVII. i faltio ii a surprise uu- 1 Harming raids on axis positions ontmueo in the Salum area. Trrnrii carnage was done to Ital-... and German shipping In Ben- nuroor eaiuruay iusk t 6-i riiu.i aw. It was officially an :ed at night, tne uriusn It.?, -utttinng no losses ucspm; i- . i i t attrmi)i. of the enemy awe oumu- cr to drvs the warships on. DICTATORS TO CONFER Imptiidini: Mrclincs of Hitler with Stalin and Mussolini VXH IY May 13. -It Is believed Bulletins VICHY. May 13. Marshal Henri Philllppe p'etaln, Premier of France, a trip to the j German Air Force Lays Off Lon . don Has Tvo Hour Alarm But No Bombers Appear LONDON, May 13. London had a two-hour air raid alarm starting at mlrinleht last night. There w3 be for 5WO,ooo.ooo. subscrip- RiVieraand l. to meet Admiral Wll- . d of -anti-aircraft fire but A irr Krw-tb-C ttr(1l nnon Tuna O nnA A . i a lhn . . .vUUvW.Uu,n.u,uiKtUu . Uam D Leany, minister nm n0 no nianes planes appeared aDDeaTed and and no no bombs Domos i.i it wie uwuua iu arauauic in United States W) f TanCB. , it was an- denominations from $50 to t QUIET IN !British Authorities Suggest ENGLAND. n -:L:l:i.. OC YLU Tnrc Of War Changing By Incident Is Regarded as Potential Bearer of Nazi SecretsDescribed as "Defiantly Sane" Is at Least Great Propaganda Windfall isr A 7.1 l.RAnRRSHIP MEETS HE RUN, May 13: (CP) Close upon Rudolf Hess' flight to Scotland the sub-leadership of the Reich met today with Chancellor Adolf Hitler for what was claimed to be "a demonstration of determined will for victory." LONDON, May 13: (CP) Rudolf Hess, No. 3 Nazi leader and possibly Adolf Hitler's closest confidante, parachuting from a Messerschmitt fighter onto a Scottish moor last Saturday, a potential bearer of Nazi secrets, fled the Hitler regime in a development that may alter the course of the war, British authorities declared today. COMMENT cance. New Army Base At Portland Is Now Completed PORTLAND, Ore.. May 13: Port land's new army base has oeen completed and a thousand men are being transferred here from Vancouver, Washington. TOKYO IS SHOCKED Japanese Officialdom and Tress Be-wildcred Owing to Flight of Hess from Germany nviir-vo Mn 13 Jnnanese 1UU1U, . I 'ficlaldom and press are openly .stunned and bewildered over the 'wiripnt of Rudolf Hess fleeing from Germany to Great Britain. Government skokesmen ana newspapers admitted their shock. Iraqui Claim ; To Have Taken Back Positions BERLIN, May 13,-The IraquU hnvp pained back part ol the posi tions nrnnnd Habbanlyah from which they had been driven out, It was claimed here last nignt. rine British authorities In London ed to confirm this claim.) connection with the strange epi-lsode, these authorities insisted only ItUnf ITocc Mmo fr TJrltnln rlpfinxit.1v (XM UlCC sane. They said he had no special Jr ilEluO mission but that Britain Is the beneficiary of a great propaganda Lord Halifax Speaks in Kansas windfall If not actual military help. City on Strange Flight of , The German version In Berlin was Nazi Leader still that Hess was the victim of hallucinations, one of which was KANSAS CITY, May 13. Lord hope for the restoration of Qennan-Hallfax. British ambassador to the British friendship. United States, speaking here last Rt. Hon. Alfred Duff-Cooper, Brl-night in the course of his western tlsh minister of information, told a tour, -mentioned-the incident of luncheon -meeting today; "I can Rudolf Hess' flight from Germany only say his arrival here shows the to Great Britain. ' first breach in the Nazi party which "Iferr Hess Is quite an important has occurred since Hitler murdered man," said Halifax. "II was Hitler's a huge bloc of his own followers in deputy and, after Goering, had June 1934." been designated by Hitler as second At the same time Prime Minister in line of succession. None of us Winston Churchill announced in now know the reason for this as- the House or Commoas that a fur-tonlshing parachute descent. Per- ther statement would be made haps he was 'mad' before he left shortly ab()ue the Hess flight. Germany If not, he may not be Hess has been removed, from a the only one of the sort in Ger- Glasgow hospital to an undisclosed many Or perhaps, Hess has acted point. Prime Minister Churchill as he did because he saw the writ- and Foreign Secretary Anthony lng on the wall. If so, It may be Eden may question Hess personally, an event of deep and great signlfl- It Is suggested. The Prime Minis- ter aisappoiniea wie nuuoc '.when pressed for Information which he declined to give. RIFT IN I GERMANY iin;inrv Mav lie Seeking to Over throw Nazi Party, it is Suggested MONTREAL, May 13: (CP) -The Montreal Herald quoted Otto Stras-scr". leader of the anti-Nazi Black Front, in a copyright Interview to-' day as saying the escape of Rudolf Si from Germany to Britain '.seems to Indicate that German army chiefs and Herman Goering seek to overthrow the Nazi party. of-1 GASBOAT TRAGEDY . NELON The British Columbia Police fear that the occupant or occupants of a large launch which burned and sank in Koolenay Lake twenty-five miles east of Nelson yesterday may have been lost. Losses In Sea War Are Lower LONDON, May 13: (CP) British merchant shipping losses in the Battle of the At- lantlc In April were 301,070 tons, the lowest in eieven t months, It was announced to- day. The effectiveness oi counter-measures against U- boat and bomber attacks is in- dlcated, It is suggested. . t m us .t ' i 4 'ti Uti S it '' : .'