DATI.T UW Tue: THE PADS EES hi Expert Optical Service Government Is Meeting Wishes Of People The executive of the Prince Rupert branch of U13 Canadian L:glon of the British Empire Service League was in regular session las. evening under the cha imanship of the president H. A. Brcen In preparation for the monthly meeting cf Wcdne; day of this week. Consid'jiabii 'business was disposed of rvd prepared for th2 general meeting. The failure of the government to carry out what the Legion feeis Chas. Dodimead Optometrist in Charge Walch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving VISIT OUR HASEiMENT STOICE For Fine China, Dinnerware, Classes, Haggage and Novelties Max Heilbroner .JEWELER- DIAMOND MERCHANT MOBILIZE RESOURCES Canadian Legion Docs Not Thi, has been a rol!ey .onsistcntly advueaLa" by th? LcgiDn and an-1 nually renewed at Dccnlnlon conventions s'n?? 1932. CKher members of th? executive present were Jack P.-ece. S. A. i Chccscman. J. M. Walker, R. C. ' Fce! Bamford, George Abbott. H. Th'up" Neil Ccoicron and 'Hugh " i M. Smith. . , CURING BY PSYCHOLOGY Ciii.ilicn Whose Health Broken By Enemy Raids iivcn Special Care L'jNDDN May 13: ( CP -Thirty Is the wish of Canadians through- London ;h:iu;cn, their health brok ou' the Dominion and certainly of en by enemy ral , a:c beinj cursj the Legion members with regard by i.sychologiral treatment admin- to Canada's war . effort was the istered by. Dr. Anna Freud, daugh- tubject of dlscu sion. This is the ti cf ;he famous psychoanalyst, immediate mobilization of man- These war-shocked children, tak- powcr, wealth, national resources, en frcm hom-s In nil parts of Lon- buslnes. industrial institution." don. n-e liv'nu a life of nursery so that the war may b- nrcscu'P'i luxury in a large house in the with the full vigor of the nation borough of Hampstead. All but two Protect Your Home Against Fire With GYPROC Gyproc Wallboard is made from gypsum rock it will not burn. Equally important, Gyproc shields the wooden framework of your house and prevents the spread of fire. Note: Many ycj of wallhoard ure not firel'roof. Build For Lasting Beauty With GYPROC You'll never have the expense cr bother of costly repairs when you build walls and ceilings with Gyproc Wallboard, for Gyproc is hot affected by atmospheric changes. It will not warp, shrink or crack. Kolei Ordinary ioIourJi cannot guarantee thii lermunem e. Decorate The Way You Wish With GYPROC , Gyproc allows you the choice of panelled Walls or smooth, seamless walls, with all joints rendered invisible. So invest in Gyproc, and decorate your rooms to suit your individual taste. ' Nole: Flush, teamless walli and ceiling cannot he obtained uilh ordinary tratlhoarci.i, in thai your choice of decorative treatment ij limited. FREE SAMPLE anJ IIIintrted Booklet will be mailed on requeit to Gyproc, 50 Maltland St., V Toronto. ' CANADIAN ARTILLERYMEN LAUGH AT RAW ENGLISH l.REEZES Troops of a central Canada artillery re... - -auch at the raw breezy as th ir convoy waits 1st .11 vision exercise. They are Gm E. M Miller. 13d to get away from an English town on a r. W. MacKcnzie. Gm. Arcnie Bernicky and A. F. Maxim, all from the provinces of Ontario and Q uebec ,'of the' children are under four years of age. Many of the mothers ,cf th: children stay at the clinic with them and help the staff with t'he j normal work of keeping the house clean. Two cf them have become so 'attached to the jfllnic and have .earned the , maLhcds 10 quickly that they aic established there as nurses.. j The youngsters' bunks are so ar-; ranged that they can hear little of the guns or bumbs If an air raid' Is in progress. That was one of the first things arranged by Dr. Freud. To cure them of shell- hock she knew they would have to be deaf to the sounds which caused their illness. So .she made arrange BUY WITH Y OUR EYES OPEN luuk for VITAL Differ rites in TO IDENTIFY GENUINE GYPROC ! Lonb fprfaie namt. tiYI'KlX; on the hack 'of tvery hf.arJ. t, I .not for the Grrrn i, Stripe on hoth ii Je r Ovproe l iolJ 'every whar Canada by lumber & Bullderl' Supply Dealer! jf T rKUL Fireproof W ALLtiUAKU (Made from Gypsum Rock) Combines All These Advantages: 1 cn-Ai Bu4f WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES f ments for them to sleep in almost sound and bomb-proof bunks. Many of the children were badly shaken when Mwy were fir.1 tak?n in he sllnic but, according to an official of the British War Relief Societv of America, which his given hH, the treatment Is "working wonder." The clinic Is under the direction of Mrs. Doro- VaVncoiivcr Big Missouri, .01. Bralornc, 9.00. Caribo''.Qinr'z. 2.D0 IX-nUmla, .00'2-Falrvlew, .01 .(ask). Gold Beit, .23. Ilc.il-y Masc-.it, .43. Minto. .6l,4. N !. .00" (a&k). Pacific Nickel, .01. Pcnd Orc'llc, 1.35. Pinnrr-r. 1.95. Pi-ivn'r;cr, Ai. J Premier, .90.' Rrsvi ; M-Donold, .10, Reno, .10. )-f Arl'nri'n. .02 (ask). Fh-cii Creek, .72. "Oils ' A. P. Con.. .00. . ; Calmont. .15. ,? C. & E., 1.10. Home. IfiX Pralt.q, .03. Rnva' Candian, .07. Oka'ta. .50 (ask). Me"-ury, .03. Prp'rie Royalties, .05. Toronto AMcrmac, -.081. B-a'iP. 1.10. Central Pat., 1.00. C ms. S-neltsrs. 31.75. Fast Ma'art'c. 25.' ; .Fernland, .01. . Ff?r)-reur. .39. Gods Lake. .25. HTrdrrck. .71. Irt Nickel- 31.00. ' K-- r ArJd on, 3.80. L" '1'! Long La 1.70. M'-Tnod Co-Kshu't. 1.58. Ma.ds?n Red Lflkc. .58. Mckenzk, Red Lake, LOG Mlinr-'n. .40. Nonntla. 51.00. pun. Prow. 2.?3. Prpi'Ai Fr.'t. Dotjic, 2.02. . R.-n Anifflp.'o. 2.15. F.h'rHr Gordon, .08. TV.hi. .111,. P-))!d'lllnc. .02. Mf'sher. .04. OI-tnri. .0. , S,i-torx nnifl. .01. Dim'nlrai Br'dTe. 21.50. Canada At War 25 Years Ago May 13, 1916- Thrce German at- . tacks repulsed between the River thy Burlingham. an American who Somme and Marlcourt on the wesi-is married to an Englishman. Help- ern Front. Scottish troops dispersing her Is M'ss Lilian Bowcs-Lyon. cd raiding German force near a cousin of Queen Elizabeth. Ploegstract Wood. Prime Minister I II. II. Asquith visited Dublin. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtly 8. D JohiwUin Oo.) (ask). IN Till: SlTKKMi; COl'KT or iiihtimi I ttiiiMiiix in 1'itoimi: j In llir Matlrr l Hie -AtlinliiMrHllon Art" Anil In the Matlrr t llr l'.t.tnt Of I'rlrr , Ifrkrr. tirreasetl I TAKE NOTUIB tla'. by Orl'r tt lllij IUNnr jHrtgc Filter, lnl .lildije ol Mi. Shiiprfmp tv.un "( nrtltnli C"Utmbln 1 w oil ttw 25Mi dy if A.rll A I) 11)41 wpxlit-d Aihi,Uil'trlor with th Will tnex'rt fit ic lrt A Pelei R?clt-r. frj-nvrly (W'Vmftii "t Pori Clr-men. nrttWi nrtnniW. t"-cil. who dlwl oil or nboiit tli ISUi dsy rr March 1031. All ffvmn lnrlbUfl i tli wkl Knbtto mv rwinir1,! to my Ue siiKicnt f thr IrrtlWtrOnws lo me foflhK'iUi inrt ll i ni-mi liuvtiw; rlhln agajlnat trw swirl Kn'wt r'Ulml to fl! t)-tn wtMi rrw fir'fiwly vrrlflod on pr v-tir the ISMi thy t Jttn A P 1941 MIIim; whMi dlAr4MlUon will be iiihIp ImvUm rooud only to oli ctulins of whVrh I shill iv lni nollfll n.Ul hi rrl"oc Riiix-rt. B. C. thl 20th day of April 1941. . NOnMAN A WATT I OrilctHj AamktilKt.rtrf Prlncfl RuPrt. B. O ( oi l miiia in ritniiAii: In I he .Mailer or the ".linliiKlnilluii Ait" Anil In llir Miillir of tin' Oliilr "f Olr OIm-ii. h.'i i'urd. Iiilpslate TAKE NOTICE that by wdT of IILh ltonrr. W. E Pinner, nvudc on tl! 9th day of April. A D. 1941. T wiw ipoliitct Administrator of the antate of Ole OIfto. d'Pcd. and 11 parties having clakniH airaliiat the mid mtnte are hereby refiirtrcd to furnlaii mime, prop-nrty verified, to me on or before the 3()Mi day rX May. A. D. 1941 and .ill !artlea Indebted to the estate are rcquiiTrl to rwy th aHnou rnt of their In-tlehWInewi to me for 13) with. D:ited Uic 30tri day Of April. A D. 1911. HEIIBERT F OI.AS8EV I Orrioial AdnvlnMrittor. Atlln. B.C. IN Tin; si Titr.Mi; t ot itr or iiitli'isii (IH.l'MlilA in ritoiiATi; In I lie- Mailer nt Hie "AilmliiMriilio.i Ait" Anil In the .Miller til (Ih- Dsliilc of Vtlllliini Kriinrily, llciriisril, Iiilcsliili-TAKE NOTICE 'bhKt by oixlw of Kin ltonrr. W. E. Ffher. matte on the Uth day of April, A. D. 1911. I was a.prpoliand Admtn4Btrlor r.r the catRtc of Wltltam Knouorly. deooasrxl. a,iul all fwrtlen hav-Hnil claltrwt H(aliiHt Hie said coUitn are , hereby rulret to furnlaii anic, pnij-'erly verified, to nic on or before the 30'h day of May, A. D. 1041. and all llxirllnn Indebted to the twt are-reonlifxl to pny the wmmint of their lu-iclohl.rliieHH Un nv torthwIUi. .. DATED April aotih. A. D. 1941. iiuijicill r. UliAOBKI Oftlnlnl AdjivltilBtrator, Prliw riunert. n O. .in Tin; m vitr.m: un iir or. iiiiitihii ;in Tin; si nir-.Mi; romr r niiinsii; m,i . miiia in I'iioiimi; KM.r.MIIIA I.N I'KOII.VTE : In ll.e Mailer of the "Administration In I lie .Mailer of the "Atlml nisi ral Inn 1 A" i Ami I" lb" Maltrr of I hp l;tiit. of i;rnet In Hi- Mftllir of the KMnle of Kmite (1. l.limcoll. Hi eiiM'il, Intpslale Oisrn, lieieii-eil. Intestate 1 TAKE NOTICE tliat by order of Ilia TAKE NOTICE ithat by ordeT of Ilia Ito.ior. W. E. PWicr, mad oa 44ie Bth Jlonrr. W. E. Flher, made on th 9th day.of April. A. D, 1941, I was appointed r"fv of April. A. p.10.41. T, was appoints - Adinliletrn.tcjr fit the ewtat of Ernent O Administrator of 7 the iiwtato; -'M Knute tilnnry'tt. mwr, and all parties hv-Olwn, dorweid, end all prtlen hav- lug claims aliat the wild etta are lng claim aginst 4he sold eataite are hci-ohy rispilred to furnish mime, pmp-hereby rcqnirtvl to furnish name, prop- rrly verified, to mc on or Iwfore the rrly vei-.i.fied. t nic on or before the 30th day nf May, A. D. 1941. and all 30hh day V Iht, A. D 1041. and all parties Indebted' to the estate arc pn.rle"i IntieWcd to the estate arc required to pV the amount of their In-rcrmlred to pay ,t.h aomourvt of their ln debtrdness to m forthwith. do'.- dnen to me forthwith. Dated the 30t.h day of April A ft DVed the 30th day of. April. A. D. 1941. 11941. , HERBEUT P.. OLASSEV I HErtBEIT OLASSEV Offlotfit Admlnlatrator, ' , ' , Otfleilial Admln'8trat"r. 1 Pr'nre Rimrt BO . i Prince Rupert. B.C. IN THE si I'ltKMK c:oi:kt OK ItltlTlsil I KAMLOOPS NEWS K.M.K'S "HOME TOWN" T. O. McBrldc of Vaifcdiiver lm 'sold his well known ranch in the Stump Lake district to Harry HCllCi 01 UlC vuiisuuvui uiewiu; family. Hie price Is reported to have been 1100,000. Kam'oors Hlh F:hoil hns re- ; talned Its place on the list of a"-l-jKdlicd jchools In Hrtt.sh Columbia, PrlnHparw. II. Gumey has 1 advised the board of school trus tees. J. Watt of Toronto has rau?In i a rtcora-oreakmg ivamioups trout at Peter Hope Lake. It welched sixteen pounds and was so large Kamloops golfers Journeyed to Vernon and lost a tournament by four point. Nineteen local players I made the trip and were accorded 'fine hospitality at Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. R. Howe and children of Vanderhoof arrived here last week. Mrs. Howe and the children will spend a month In 1 lONKiilr " CI. 1 J eaiiire "That aim MVIFV Nil LEIGH OLIVIER In uton Also oiuai ml NOVC- Cornlnj Thuri., ..! Tyrnnt . - . p0Ht, ' I HI'. , MAUKOFI Jit could not be handled with a " . i landing net. Fishing has been cx- , Kamlr.r ;. ,4 'crllcnt of late In Kamloops lakes, j Agent at Vane! H' r i A three town baseball loop' Mrs- Alfri H 'Kelowna, Vernon and Kamlcop ,urncd o hr; ( , .has been arrnnscd for thj 1941 Ocorit? after a bt: v , reason. The league opening will bsi ftiay"- I iwmo in .uiii.uk I CAIRO. May u cr and Abyssinian cr.;.( atcd by muss: as? c from this clt- o Ar rcan. was pan ,: c which marked & Eritrea. llcucn ten "want no in Che Ds. 5 1 SPECIALS I'OK WBKK KNDINC MAY 15 Sheddon GrocerJ cnlng. 2 cartons for 500 5tli Avenue hast I'lionr SKI l!ov;il City Krtl riums Juality. lO-o.. tins Asp.iinsiiN Salad Tips-I'ach Mbliys Unsweetened fruit Juice- -15-oz. tin. 2 for Choi'?" 9c 18c (rape 19c I'luffo Pure vegetable ..liort- 25c favorite Totuls Sainlwich Spread OXn 3 for Campbell's Tomato Soup 10-oz. tins. Qp Each w' 1 1 ci nr. White or Malt Vinrsar 33-oz. bottle. OR! it Each L'lirrc Full New I a; r Mcliitoxli Applri Fane o Cherries Mr.lt 10-oz tin: Farh First tirade llutlrr s Clover 5 lb. Honey v.i F Try's Hot Chocolate-! l-io. tin cm- Nabob Spinach JJ(J 16-oz, urr t. Aylmcr While Corn Jj ' ' Trcam . Karo Syrup Each The Rt. Hon. Winston Church FREEDOM'S GREAT 11 An attractive photograph siz (i.vs mounted on 0x12 with autobiographical notes on the reverse. A picture that should lie in ( V('rv' home. Special low price 15 Cents Also Just off the press the Simp Culbertson Vest Pocket Bridge ID 11 EditionEach in Glassine Only 10 Cents (Limited Quantity Only! 1,01 1! Mi lifted Book Envelope