4 V .V- anaiid '? 1941. THE DAIL7 KV73 ml OOMPAH i 1- occinn 7.1 0 1 V A ll A i ;v ,j-s in' ci B) ' a. these Can-cun&-..i.-'-ti make an w.f.i sound) in . piactise their if:. Cnnlish camp. 'CAN MOTOR i mill .under ilomliing Respite lasts. And Ily l'AT IJSS1IEH Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON, May 13: (CP) Hazards and handicaps of motoring In war-t me Britain have chased less than a quarter of the country's drivers off the-roads. Despite dlf-i culties you run still ride thr broad iKbways and w nding lanes .f Britain, provided you can afford steeply mounting running costs and as long as your PAT USSHER STANDARD MARINE PRODUCTS Red Crown Gnolint RPM Motor Oil DELO . D.e.el En,- St,nd.d Ga,olin. Un.urp.M.d "RPM". Lubricating O" Standard Dicul Fuel CALOL Dieiel Engine Oil Pc.nl Oil (King ol Kroen0 Jn(j ofner tine Standard Store Oil Standard Oil Producti Available at many Marine Stations are the well-known General Datteriei j a new car In Britain today. He must i get authorization from the ministry - uppjy to go so. Iftc lew earn IN ENGLAND ,ru,e M"lr1' are; Driving In the blackout la a to Is . Money in Wartime But Gives stntn J' nd ns . wwpt ! - m 1 1 I .1 nnjl i wurii u mil .nww pniviiHoi uw visibility. Canadians who have' groped at night along country roads through sleet or ran storms will have some idea what Its like. AlerMtrivjng Headlights are dimmed so they cast only a glimmer qf light. "Btflr-light" street lighting on main thoroughfares scarcely Jwlps at all-chief guides in .London and klf cities are the traffle lights. Though reduced to cross-shaped slits, thsy act llk'r Vacons to "chart" .the motorist's course through darkened treats. Warning lights on ptfan-trian islands and whlte-palnted corner curb- also hejp. In the country drivers cn main roads are guided by white lines dividing traffic lanes. Drlvlne through a night air raid , is the most unnleasant experience, gasoline ration A friend of mine who has .driven , throueh London during heavy at-' Costs are the most serious deter- tacks said: "You've got to listen rent. Before the war annual car with one ear for bombs, with the licences c:st 15 ihllling3 per other for guns, keep one eye alert horsepower. In 1939 the rate went for pedestrians walking in the road, ; up to 25 shillings. (British horse- the other for bomb craters or power rating Is computed on a dlf- debris." I ferent basis from that In Canada.' He called one evening when a' Small cars rate only eight h.p. and heavy air raid developed after dark. the biggest between 30 and 49 h.p.). It had slackened in intensity The driver of an eight h.p. auto- though the "raiders passed" had mobile pays $45 yearly now com- not sounded when he left. On the pared with $27 before the war. The way home he drove through glass-30 h.p. car owner pays $163.73 littered streets In a bombed area against $101.25. In addition there but managed to avow a puncture, is compulsory insurance costing up' Even with such handicaps the to $45 yearly ! British motorist can still occaslon- i Gas Trices ally "joy-ride" in Intervals between I rti. fACAllKin Vine 1 noron CpH worklne hours, fire-watching or . i f,m ov.n,,t other civil defence duties and can since win ucsau ! - , .... . .. rents to about 45 cents a gallon, still enjoy the beauty of England j Rationing is worked out on the bas- country roads. a-v InternaUonal vesterday with i of horsepower to allow appro!-, V TTiinitpr of mately 200 miles motoring monthly. , tYJStotSl But there's no extra allowance for; HORSEBACK. LIFEBOATS (U,:nct governor r . vmvi?- ippi . i. a. Renairs Ron') re rflKP lane lonser nner Llliill man Ul ui nuvyinnw. nuiiiwuiu,i..",..j A dependable eii;iie tin u lee shore Is worth' more lo-ilatc fuels mid liil.ricjinls. Standard Alarine Products are st-h-iitifu-nllv levt'lopcd rcliahlo and econoiiiii-al oprration of all types of gus and l'u-sd marine motors. It's good insurance re-fuel and lubricate with STAMIAKDI STANDARD MARINE STATIONS IN B.C. Alert Bay Bamfield Baronet Past Bull Harbour Cascade Harbour Ceepeecee Churchouse Gabriola Island Garden Bay Goose Bay Gowland Harbour Heriot Bay Nanaimo New Westminster Port Neville Prince Rupert Quatsino Refuge Cove Rivers Inlet Safety Cove Spring Cove IpSTANDARD OIL COMPANY OF, : BRITISH COL U jxusi a Limi i .v Tofino Toquart Vancouver Coal Harbour Dunlevy Avenue Deep Cove Horseshoe Bay Victoria Walters Cove Zeballoi CONSTANT WATCH KEPT ON CANADA'S COAST LINES I MELBOURNE, May 13: (CP) ITntn nt t Vl P A 11 t Ttl 1 111 ' WnmfH'S will relieve men as teleprinter op-; erators, wireless operators, cooks, ' stewarde -ses and for duties with j the Royal Australian Air Force at I various stations throughout the i 'commonwealth. Their uniforms will be similar' ,to the .Royal Australian Air Force.' ,the only difference being that they 'will wear skirts and soft crowned: peak caps. ( Included in training are lectures on air force discipline and, set periods In physical training. Evidence of this is ihown in the brisk 1 putsch of Munich. They were And tnoplher In nail and in the blood -t - - - X i uinuo ui .". - r-f i gave gave me me oraiion oranuii iur ior me mc yum nimua 'Auxiliary Air .Force are mobilized pof thc Mun!ch beer hall expl 'is comBleUd it Is planned they purge of 1934 Hess played an important part with Hitler. Like Hitler, Hess neither drinks nor smokes. In November I'jZO iiess . . . : r.. . t. . . : n 1 ! sion in which Hitler narrowly escaped death. Hess made a Hitler birthday oration on April 20 last and, as late as two weeks ago when Hitler gave his last address to the Iteichstag, Hess was with the Fuehrer. He sat in a chair beside Hitler with arms folded and "poker face." Even then he must have been considering his flight. Hess speaks English perfectly. The whole affair has been described here as the "strangest desertion in history." MANY RUMORS London seethed last night with when on rumors anrt Irls conduct themselves . . ...... . i t ic.oir.iinp Imnlicatlons (iiiiv. ufjmnieLe uir iuiuc uio.iumn. .---- -prevails at the depot, Malvern wb?re 30 airwomen, four officers, and 2Galrcraftwomen are stationed. Coast Resorts Motorists' Ban Britain to Miss Many of itsVater ing Places This Year theorizing on the of the strange flight. Some saw in it indications of .serious disaffection in Germany and a possible breaking up of. high Nazidom. One rumor was tha the "deputy fuehrer" naa brought peace proposals that were not approved. by Hitler, an-, .other- that he represented a sec-.tion.pf the Nazi party that .wanted to end' the war and still ..another that he had certain information regarding the German air force that he wished to t nrmnu nirv 13- fpp iRlee'st'l communicate to the British. The LUll JS W il I J ' - , Of I problem of all to the cross country. possibility of a trick is not over traveller is wie iatR. ui uwu) must know his. way round or he -will, ,soon get lost pn Britain's twistins ! mpanderine roads. But the' Auto mobile Association to which many . motorists belong still maintains a ! ' ' restricted service of road "scouts" who patrol the highways, tell mo torists how to get to .places .ana ' (help them In the event of ,break- downs. coastal resorts are "out" , now.' A ion . un tlr. -t larn nrntinH th- j southeast and south coaststhe so-i 'called "invasion" zone Is banned I to casual visitors. But there are , still plenty of peaceful spot3 with-' in range of the car owner who , "wants to get away from It all' for , a spell. WATCH FOR THEM . CHICAGO, May 13: (CP) if you imv n nicture of former President James Madison It's wortM5,000 to, you that is If adorning one of the Chlcaeo Federal Reserve bills of that denomination. Hundreds of peomt- try a "spot" in the Daily News classified column and get good results, (tf) -iFAQ2tJTV3 M ' . j. i ... nnnct oc moil Vipnw chnrp hatteries. The lone slim barrel Kneny See SSdenhe Atlantic; ln?he hands of an experienced creW( these 3.7 guns can fire twelve p winter setting. Lower left, one of the 3,7 round ra minute UpS? right picture shows one of the same sandbagged AA guns in its aTSks plane soars overhead. Lower right picture shows the tour men manned by its crew, while a giant Stranraer coastal patrol Ulescoplc sights to catch marauding planes; dla Word the findings their peering through with of aheigt and ange Hnder eyes to j'tnsteumen?, and those findings are transmitted electrically to the predictor, nerve centre of modern AA batteries. CANBERRA. May 13: (CP) Des- ' i " . " 1hVPt difficult, sometimes Floods in the South Canterbury dis-1 pite mechanization, here are sun , -rnrirs n M the Ihft war. r peuiemue. oeaceUme UCUWMUIC. It l 11. W is uni.u it..v-.1 , .... , . . mnip.t 1 1 in , thp V, , Australian ltl.ql Qn I ( :a in in nit in marnnnfifl j v,,coc norses onH ana muies in me nuu""" ........ .... , ui. u mhaha nfre t.t.f rriir itrrvT-cr in mi vonre vh;i i i iidi uuucu iiuiuva Miiu pukple cnoss SE.tv.cE Women's JIYSTEItY OF HESS Strict DisciDline Hitler in the oririnal beer hall M. ' ' ' ' - n,nrat A,a?nd Tet hoTe 're.ue first v:as Imperial forces In the Middle East "1 'r Motorists whosec c rs in ad one . l W.shinton and Cross' ser- gUD "Purple units the for the atlempted bv men on horseback, and of in a'tend- shape usuaiiy iay uu iW .,.. . v,,. fi,(.win. virps onerato throuehout Australia . a .live of the duration. ... . . Y eilcv,u " ' cnH .h.m "fir.t. aid v Club. rr-V. n.,AvnnA ni Ihon plnnir hllV 1V1 tViniS. . 1UC UVCiagu LIW4.VII J VI ri';.;.r,n carried ntnlm com i i friinri.ro. fliiifl in 166 i.v Mrrr & N V i L.f t l.iiPiii'r Jl r::':,',,u:ru. 'r::",r:rv ,i1..iiii,eMikii.cm..i"r.rrii,ii,.k-i Wl fill ll'lllll 1II" J-- Vi renilerrtl tommfe of 1,122 ton- n tl Jiiiif or ii ri IrmlV, flP ""'' '""r l H r17.1H11li1.il irii-n Wir l.riil " "" H R "Thermopylae" from Shanghai to London M H in Wl, ninkinK the voyage in 93 day. In V N the Hudson n VJ 18X6 he ua purchased hy N Hay Company anil plieii i.'iiif-.. r .... v () N ii.hut Island and N trainees Housed In Schools Will TAke .Oyer Alany Duties From Men looked. Reporters arid photographers are not allowed .to .see Hess. A British Broadcasting, Corporation commentator described the incident as "sensational enough." There was ,no suggestion, this commentator went on, that Hess was suffering front any mental disease but that, rather, he had seen the truth that the whole Nazi plan was rotten at the core and a monstrous sham .and that Hitler, enemy of Germans as of all men, was leading his .country to catastrophe. 'JPerhaps one day." the commentator suggested, "millions of Germans, Jilfe Hess, may have 'hallucinations', and see the truth. Then some .one else will have to fly if he can." Glasgow hospital authorities denied that Hess was Insane. Rather, indications were that he was entirely sane and healthy, that his flight was the. voluntary act of a sane man. Jle lad not lost his memory. He was being treated for heart and gajl bladder trouble for which he had brought medicine from Germany, ancther report said. Hess left behind in .Germany his wife and three year old son. AUSSIES' GOLD PERTH. May 12: (CP) Production of gold in Western Australia-source of three-quarters of gold In the commonwealth reached ,the record value of 12,698,391 (about $45.?30,0QQ) In 1940, an increase of 855,327 ($3,053,000) over 1939. ANCIENT GEMS Emeralds are among the oldest of gems. RETURN LIMIT 45 DAYS d....... ,m PRINCE RUPERT TORONTO OTTAWA MONTREAL QUEBEC - HALIFAX Stopovers allowed. Coach Tourlst SG3.50 S77.50 Standard S91.13 $64.30 $78.45 .J92.G0 3" $67.95 $83.00' $97.95 ..." $81.40 $99.40 $117.35 Children, Good In sleeping care on 5 years and under 12, half fare. payment of regu.ar Dr.n ,rc. Correspondingly low fares from all points In .Western CanaUa to points In Eastern Canada (Port Arthur, Armstrong and east). SIMILAR LOW FARES FROM EAST TO WEST Full lnjormaiw rem v. wrJi 3 ' J W: V 1 ' mi f 4