PAGE POUR F Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Pi Ine- Ruprrt CIIAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing:, Hand Engraving Visit Our Hasement Store For Fine China, I) inner ware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT -V ward vovase to Skanwav. The Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. I,M. I'.ritlsh Columbia GREAT MAN OF LETTERS Radinbranath Tagore, World Famous, Exerted Widespread Influence Rabindranath Tagore, India's greatest man of letters in modern times, who Is dead in Calcutta, exerted a world spanning influence. To millions he was a writer of " " 1 1 f 1 I Prince Rupert, Capt. Neil McLcan.loedUU,ul 4ncs- ma poewy was arrived at 1 o'clock this afternoon only a token of hls immense range T T llll llWly from Vancouver and Ocean Falls and variety. Skillful in drama and Frnm Thr. Wnrprfrnnr after discharging a heavy "f0: v . freight cargo, will sail late, this af- ' - ternoon for Stewart whence she Is Some of them having been de- due back here tomorrow south-layed by fog, no less than five bound. From Vancouver via the coastal liners have arrived or are! Queen Charlotte Islands, the due In Prince Rupert today from Camosun, Capt. James Watt, is the south. First came the Prln-jdue at 6:30 this evening and is cess Adelaide, Capt. R. C. Mc- making a dance cruise outside the Oeachy, arriving this morning and harbor tonight, being scheduled to sailing at 2 o'clock this afternoon 11 tomorrow night on her return on her return to Vancouver. Short- . -fv, (V, T,.i j t,, , .. ... south via the , , ; Islands. Fifth vessel ly after came the Princess Alice, Capt. John Williams, heavily laden due t today J from the 5011111 15 the with Alaska tourists, sailing at Cardena, Capt. John Boden, which noon In continuation of her north- should be in tonight. tist, lecturer, social reformer and educator, He wrote and set to music the almost incredible number of about 3,000 songs and wrote 30 volumes of poetry. Few outside his native province of Bengal knew of him until he won the Nobel Prize of 1913. It was the first time this famous prize had left the Occident. His prize recognition inspired translations from many of his writ ings into multiple tongues. He was a best-seller both in West and East. Tagore himself crisscrossed Europe and the Americas reciting and lecturing. Founded Unique School Above all honors he treasured the unique school he founded in 1901 about 100 miles from Calcutta on an undulating moor-land. This fine arts seminary coupled with an ag- a co-educatlonal, many-sided centre of culture. It was his abiding ambition to harmonize the spiritual resources of the East with the scientific learning of the West. He felt that the mentality of the world must be changed: that the man of the future must be educated to believe in the wide brotherhood of mankind. . The seer-poet had both political and practical difficulties. Knighted in 1915, he later asked to be relieved of the title in protest against the "enormity" of the mass killings nf Indians by British troops in the 1 1919 Amrltsar tragedy. His request was not granted but he stopped using the "Sir" to which he was entitled, Gandhi's Pilgrimage . rrM t men in -eoruary, 1940 came a spectacular pilerimage by Mohan das K. Oandhi to Taeore's school There were historic embraces be tween the aping Mahatma or "Oren iouui ana ine agea uuruaev or ."Spiritual Master" as Tagore was called by intimates. I Tairore wove his career against the background of ah illustrious family. He was born in Calcutta ;on May 6. 1861. He was married at 24 and his wife died 17 years later. They had five children, of whom three died relatively young wn a son and a daughter surviv Inc. The Tagore the West knew best was a picturesque figure. His 1m j press! ve- benign countenance was framed by his snow-white beard and long hair crowned with a black skull cap. His flowine robes gave . the Hindu philosopher an Imposing .carriage as he recited his musical I cadences. At 68 he took to painting and his works were widely exhibited. At 79 when Oxford University conferred n him an honorary D.Litt. In ab- ?ntla he. still was surprisingly ac tive, althoueh he worked with n- I stance and often used a wheel J He personally supervised his fav nrite musical nantomlns and found Jtlme to" express strong sv'mpathv with; China in her resistance - to (Japanese; conquest. A persistent - omlmist he predicted the "world's J nightmare of wars" was sure to vanisn ana man was certain to rec ognize his suicidal errors. I American Visits He made his first visit to the Un ited states in 1916. He traveled far and rapidly. One engagement was cancelled in San Francisco when police said they suspected a queer plot to harm him. In 1918 the United States government made public a mass of intercepted German diplomatic corres pondence purported to involve the poet and thirty other Indians in a revolutionary conspiracy against .Oreat Britain. Lord Chelmsford. then Viceroy of India, wrote Tagore a letter exonerating him from any suspicion. In 1929 he went to Canada to address the triennial of - theNational Council of Educa tion. A "ipof" e rju onlv hair , "(li;ir Tn it in ihr Dally N. UiMtivd column. in THE DAILY NEWS r "1 UtCUT SUUNO ICONOMY SlADtlNTHttRmSHtMNtl Mail Schedule (Daylight Saving Time) For the East- Monday ( Wednesdays and Fridays 6 p.m. From the East-Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 12 a.m. For Vancouver Monday 3 p.m. Tuesday 12:30 p.m. Wednesday 5 pjn. Friday 9:30 p.m. Saturday 5 p.m. From Vancouver .... Sunday pjri. Monday a.m Wednesday : 11 ajn. Friday a.m. rlcultural experiment. It grew Into For Stewart and Premier Sunday 7 p.m Friday ..... 12 p.m. From Stewart and Premier Tuesday a.m. Saturday 12 noon For Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday 7 p.m. From Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson-Tuesday ......... 11:30 a.m. For Ocean Falls Monday , 3 p.m. Friday i p.m. Saturday.. 4 p.m. From Ocean' Falls Wednesday ll a.m. Friday n aJn. For Queen Charlotte Islands-August 9, 19 and 30 9 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands-August 8, 19 and 29 a.m. For Alaska- Monday ..4...... a.m. Wednesday .... 2 p.m. Ftfday a.m. From Alaska : Monday a.m. Wednesday " pm Saturday pm Canada Steamship Sailings (Daylight Saving Times) For Vancouver Monday-S5. Prince Rupert 4 pm. Tuesday S.S. Catala .... 1:30 pjn. Wednesday S.S. Princess Louise pm. Friday S.S. Prince Adelaide . 2 pjn. as. Cardena 10:30 p.m. Saturday S.S. Prince George 5 p.m. S.S. Princess Alice p m. From Vancouver- Sunday 8S. Catala p.m. Monday S.S. Princess Charlotte a.m. Wednesday S.S. Prince George 11 a.m. Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide a.m S.S. Princess Louise ajn. S.S. Prince George 11 am S.S. Cardena p.m. for Stewart and Premier Sunday S.S. Catala 8 pm. Friday SJS. Prince George 1 p.m. rom Stewart and Premier , Tuesday S.S. Catala a.m. Saturdaw S.S. Prince George 12 noon For Alice Arm, Vaas River and Port Simpson-Sunday S.S. Catala 8 pm. r'rom Alice Arm, Vaas River and Tort Simpson iwsaay a.s. catala am. For Ocean Falls 'Monday S.S. Prince Rupert : 4 p.m. Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide 2 p.m. Saturday S.S. Prince . ueprge 5 pm. "torn Ocean Falls Wednesday S.S. Prince George . ll am. Friday S.S. Princess Adelaide a.m S.S. Prince George 11 a.m S.S Cardena pm. For Queen Charlotte Islands-August 9, 19 and 30 S.S. Camosun 10 pjn. from Queen Charlotte Islands-August 8, 19 and 29 S.S. Camosun .. a.m. ?or Alaska Monday-Si3. Princess .Charlotte a.m. Wednesday SJ3 Prince George 3 p.m. Friday S.S. Princess Louise a.m. From Alaska-Monday S.S. Prince ' Rupert 10 a.m. Wednesday 83. Princess . Louise p.m. Saturday Princess Alice .... p.m. Advertise in the Daily News. V hits her Stride , With grim determination this young and virile nation dons her armour, buckles on her sword. From coast to coast the tempo of Canada's war effort accelerates. Tanks, planes, shells, foodstuffs, and equipment of every kind are being massed for victory. Canada means business. Ptnonal tacrine mutt match this national ffort. Yours is the duty of providing the dollars so vital to Canada's war needs. Yours is the duty tp save. Invest in war savings certificates regularly. Build up your savings account. Save for victory. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA WAR SAVINGS PLEDGE FORMS AVAILABLE AT ALL BRANCHES The Daily News is a member of the Canadian Daily iNewsDaner Association, nf thP f!nnnflia Pw,HO ji 7 wMCAMUAUii a. ioa aim ui tile I Audit Bureau of Circulations. It is the only paper north ot Vancouver and West of Edmonton holding ll WW4 Dill I J t. . . 1 O 111 lht'5i) nriviniQtiAtie ESKIMOS ON TRIAL (Continued trom Page One) frail to permit a water crossing. The Eskimo population of the scattered island has been estimated at 150 and their ancestors probably saw Henry Hudson's ship In 1610. Since white men left the Islands severely alone for centuries, kept off by the dreary, rocky shores, the Eskimos' knowIedgTof white men was gathered durlngThelr hasty visits over the ice to Great Whale to bar ter skins and walrus ivory, and when the occasional trader or mis sionary visited them. Twenty-one years ago the Bel cher Islanders learned something of Canada's mounted police. At that time their quarrels over religious matters led to the slaying of two persons because other mem bers of the tribe considered their' conduct Immoral. i A police party visited the Islands. made a thorough investigation and brought the accused to trial. The Jury of police boat crew members recommended leniency and after the gravity of their offence had been made clear to them by the pre siding, police officer they were allowed to remain on the islands. Had they been taken away their families probably would have died of hunger. The only variation from the meat diet obtained by hunting Is fruit1 berries gathers in moss for a few I weeks during the summer months.. Survival of the Belcher Island Eskimos has always depended on being able to find and kill seal, fish or j birds for food and clothing. I Major disaster in the known his- j tory of the Belcher Islands camet aooui w years ago wnen ine uan-bou herds which used to provide ample food disappeared. The Eskimos have a story that after warm weather there came a severe frost which placed a glaze of ice over all the moss on the Islands and the caribou starved. But men in Ottawa familiar wlthj northern conditions say the reason probably was the change In the route of caribou migration which was noted about the same time on the mainland as well. ' CROWN PROPERTY Except in the Maritime Provinces, 90 per cent of forest land is still the property of the Crown. Stanley Engberg arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide this morning from Vancouver to Join the staff of the typographical department of the Daily News. Ills wife will be coming later. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Bo 511 FRASER STREET Prime Rupert CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton. D.C.Ph.U Wallace Block, Phone 640 J. Bouzek TAILOR LADIES and GENTS Best Materials, Workmanship 2nd Ave. two doors from Broadcasting Station Central Hotel Central Ilotel Annex 150 Heated Rooms Dot Water steam Baths Dlnlnt Room in Connection Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress ntI( TOMORROW ONLY Ann Sothern A I I - . IM " DULCY With IAN HUNTER ROLAND YOUNG ADDED TREATS 11 - ouinj -technicolor Special -uinn of Steel Cartoon "Joe filow Fireflj Sport "Acrobatic Act" Continuous Show Saturday rom 1 p.m Complete Shows Start 1:00, 3:03, 5:06, 7:09 & 8 12 Feature at 1:50. 3 53. 5 55 7:59 and 10:02 Matinee Prices Prevail up to 5 p.m. LAST TIMKS TONIGHT 2 Shows at 7:00 9 John Garfield, Pat OKrimii "FLOWING GOLD' (At 7:43 and 9 48 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM nOME" Rates 75c upp 50 Rooms Hot it Cola Prince Rupert B.C Phone !M YES.' p.o. r.01 1 ..l'ir iTtficr ripr, Itnnn Woodwork, Sloven Connectti Etc. OH Burners Cleaned H-9 Chimneys Swept KM HAMriV mav nnur SERVICE Phone BLACK 7JS Gifts and Novelties At The Variety Store 330 3rd Ave. W. Phone Itrd 1! Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk Valentin dairy PHONE 657 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldf. THE SEAL 01 QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye pinkITeal Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmoo canning comuany with an H th year round payroll l Prince Rupert