I f August 8, Wl i y V I ui me city. r1 f 77 0 Mf mmw mmr JmWW : Jm7 No matter what you use to wash with your white wash needs blue fo prevent clothes from turning yellow Rinsing does more than any. tiring else to prevent that greyish-yellow tinge. There are nlentv of wan nf wAsmng and they mostly get things clean. Hut there's only one thing to make them really Iute the last rinse in hlue water! M 1 fA. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY AUGUST FURNITURE SALE Ren Bedroom Suites Made by Restmore in burl and matched walnut These suites have round, ob--long and oval mirrors. From $79.50 T0 155.00 J27 Third Avenue New! CUTEX De Luxe Packages Longer Wearing "Porous" Polish Actual Shade on Bottle 25 l'hone 775 New Shades Just Arrived Lollipop, Rumpus, Butterscotch Polish Remover . . p.. .... . 20c - Cuticle Remover ........ 20c and 10c . Cutex Hand Cream 15c Cutex Emery Boards .... 10c and 25c Ormes Ltd. Ztfiti Pioneer Drutigiats The Kcxall Store Phones SI ft Open Daily from I a.m. UU II p.m. 8undays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 1 to 9 fJn. VEGETABLES In Season Ktpt Garden. Fnh and frlsn tinder Vapor Sprays at ICeas- X'usuie rnces. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY cthrr bones 18 & 19 p.q. Box 575 Make Our Store Your Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 547 Tom Lee & Son "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" - - 1 . If VOll VlflVO cnYiafViin fft cnU n nlocai'fiorl Hflvprtise- 5ent m this paper will soon let you know if there is a LOCAL NEWS NOTES Jitterbugs Leave your names ; with Louis Felsenthal, Peoples Store, for entry in Civic Centre Carnival Contest. (184) ' Mrs. Nora Arnold and Miss Evle Rivett left this morning on a motoring trip through to Hazelton and the interior. Mrs. Jens Munthe, who has been paying a visit to her home in the Edmonton district, returned to the city on last night's train. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hammond, 'who have been on a vacation trip south, returned to the city from 1 Vancouver on the Princess Adelaide . this morning. I Regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Ministerial Assoc! atlon has been suspended for the summer. The next meeting will take place some time In October. Mrs. M. P. McCaffery and daugh ter, Miss Nora McCaffery, returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide this morning from Vancouver where the latter has been attending Little Flower Academy. ! Friends In the city have received word of the success of Claire Arsen-eau in recent Toronto Conservatory ; of Music examinations, obtaining , First Class Honors for Grade Three. In the recently held British Colum bia Musical Festival, Claire won first place for pianoforte solo under 10 years Mrs. G. C. Arsenau, formerly of . Prince Rupert and now of Vancouver and is a pupil of Little Flower 'Academy. FUNERAL NOTICE FOR SALfc FOR SALE-Crane gate and globe valves, just like new, nousenoia doors and windows, 1 bathtub, 2 cash registers, beds, springs and mattresses, studio couches, chesterfields, unpalnted chests and drawers at reasonable prices. Phone Blk 324. B.C. Furniture, 3rd Ave. BAKERY for sale or rent in the interior of B.C. suitable for man and wife. Good living and steady DUSiness. n-yyiy uuy . 134. 085) , 1941. for the purchase of Lot 19,, Block 8, Section 1, City of Prince Rupert, inclusive of building and contents, situate at 1008 2nd Avenue. Highest, or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: Strictly Stricuy cash. casn. Norman ... A. . Watt, BOARD and room, close in. Phone Black 965. WANTED tlon among iroops. nwue , Y.M.C.A. for collection. (185) WANTED Companion for sick lady out of town. For further partlcu-lars phone Black 697. (185) WANTED Reliable girl or elderly lady, good with baby. Phone Black 766 between 7 and 9. (187) WANTED Young man for day work. Annlv Chris Mill. Uf) FOR RENT Bright bedroom. Phone Green 830. (tf) WANTED Bell boy. Prince Rupert Hotel. 87) WANTED Porter, Central Hotel.: U&6) V A Special Saturday nly, Boneless Cottage Rolls, half r whole, lb. SOc. James H. Thompson, and W. O. Fulton left this morning on a trip to Terrace. Little June Carter has (turned in to the Red Cross a further sum of $6.33 made from the sale of flowers to tourists. Mr and Mrs. William Crulck- I shank will sail on the Prince Rup ert tomorrow afternoon ior van couver enroute to Regina to take UP future residence. W. W. C. O'Neill, principal of Booth Memorial High School, re turned to the city on the Princess Adelaide this morning from a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. ? 1 CIGARETTE PAPERS Mrs. A. M. Dowther returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this afternoon from a business trip to Vancouver. Norman Lee, Inspector of income tax for British Columbia, Is a pass- She is the daughter of jenger aboard the Prince Rupert to day going through to Stewart on official business. Mr. and Mrs. Darrow Casey and daughter arrived In the city on the Princess Alice this morning from Trail for a visit with Mr. Casey's oTTne ' Parents. Mrs and Mrs George , a The funeral late Thomld Hanson Salthammer (Tom Hanson) iwlll take place from the B.C. Undertakers at 2 p.m. Sunday. All iLeglon members attend. uasey. 11, is iueu ii.m ui. In eight years. - (The pipe and drum band of the Second Battalion, Canadian Scot-i"tlsh, will play retreat on .Third Av- lenue in front of the Post Office at 8:30 this evening, it was announc ed this morning' at foress head j quarters. Miss Maxine McLean R. N., who has been nursing for the past couple of years at Whitehorse, arrived few days ago from the north andis visiting at Port Edward with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. McLean. Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. H. Murphy, with Capt. G. W. Marsden, R.C.E. Officer Commanding present, the wives of the Fourth Fortress Engineer and Main tenance Co. Royal Canadian Engineers, met and formed the Prince Rupert branch of the Sapper's Having received a telegram from fipottlo stntlncr that. Mrs. Mvrwanff FOR SALE-Sealed Tenders will bejhad undergone a serlous operation received by the undersigned up L hospital there, Rev. J. H. Myr- to noon of Saturday, August 23rd, wang left Tuesday night for the south. Only that morning Mr. Myr wang had received a letter from his wife stating sre was in excellent health. Herb: Mdrganof the staff of the "lPrince Rupert Daily News, who left of the Estate oil Administrator f0f Vancouver to joln Roger F. Perry, deceased. FOR KKNV BEDROOM for rent. Phone Green 733. 88 BOARD AND ROOM ,Royal Canadian Air Force, has been accepted and left Vancouver yester day for training school at Penhold Alberta, according to a message re celved by his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Morgan. Called south on account of the serious illness of their son, James, Mr. and Mrs. S E. Parker, accom panled by their daughter, Miss Florence Parker, left on today's fast WANTED Applications will be re-1 train for Kamloops. Just before for an experienced januor leaving, they received a message Tn T?,iTir!rrt school ud to noonisavlntr that the condition of their ior rmifc 1 ' Aueust 11. Apply City Clerk. Json was grave. He is suffering from ,(187)1 meningitis. WANTED Magazines for distrlbu- 1 -iLAMA Tfit Hon. R. L. Maltland K.C., M.LA. British Columbia Conservative lead er, and Mrs. Maltland and daugh ters, who have been on a trip throug the interior as far as Prince George, returned to the city on last night's train and will leave tonight on the Cardena for their home In Vancouver. Tonight Mi. Maltland will address a meeting of the Prince Rupert Conservative Association In connection with provincial election matters. BIRTH NOTICE Born to Lieut, and Mrs. C. Wln-terbottom, R.C.N.V.R. at the Prince Rupert General Hospital on Aug ust 5th, a daughter. UNITED IN MARRIAGE Miss Alberta Frances Dobble Be comes Bride of Gunner Hanna of 102nd Battery Last Friday morning St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral here was the scene of a quiet wedding when Miss Alberta Frances, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Dobble of Copper City, was united In marriage to Gunner J. H. Hanna of the 102nd Battery. Rev. (Captain) R. C. II. I Durnford, area chaplain, officiated.' The bride, who wore a blue tall- j ored suit with white accessories and ! a corsage of rosebuds and carna-Uons, was attended by her sister, Miss Edna Dobble R.N., who wore a brown suit with matching accessor ies and corsage. The groomsman was C. O. Dunna- way of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals. Following the ceremony, there was a reception at the Nurses' Home, Gunner and Mrs. Hanna are spending a two weeks' honeymoon at Lakelse Lake. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert J. G. Watts, Mrs. J. Medden, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Maltland and daughters, Betty and Nonle, Van couver; Capt. H. Chase, J. F. Late, T. R. Smith, Aliford Bay: Mr. and Mrs. Drake, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hough, Toledo, Ohio; Mrs. J. M. Smith, Port Esslngton; W. H. Punchbeck, Winnipeg, Man.; Mr. and Mrs. E. Schon, New Westmins ter; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Eborall, Calgary. Alta.; Dr. and Mrs. N.. Dragoo, Avenol, Cal.; R. H. Naugh-an, Terrace; Miss Selma Woodcock, South Hazelton; Donald Phillips. Wayburn. Central H, H. Hutchinson, J. W. Long. Vancouver; J. Golrten, C. N. R.; C. T. Bird, Calgary. Alta. Prince Rupert. Royal J. Lowing, Manitoba; Wong Yuk, PaM- fit llifiMrrKWilK Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word Cambral Tea. Aug. 9. Canadian Legion Hall 102nd. Auxiliary Dance Armouries August 15. Civic Centre Carnival Aug 18-22 i Catholic Bazaar, October 1 and 2 sraKSEliKZTil r AGE THREE This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia The Latest Radios and Victrolas Little Nipper Q1Q Q Model A20 All CJCC ftE Standard radio Vl5 wave table set POO,VO Master Nipper Q9S QC Model A23 All flff Standard radio VD.tJD wave table set W" Duo AC-DC or batteries. All wave 59 50 portable - Model A24 De lux all wave table 79 00 set Model A31 All wave $154.00 console Model VR44 All wave radlo-Vlctrola v 99 50 combination Model VR52 All wave radio-Vktrola automatic 298 00 de lux console Portable Victrolas 19.95 " 29.50 at YOUR BEST BUY FOR BETTER RADIO Trade In AHowance-Easy Terms and Quality Service that Guarantees You Satisfaction in Every Particular August Furniture Sale ol Mats Size 27x54. 65C Sale price, each Elio's Furniture Store RAILWAY I UNES THIRD AVENUE Store Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific A VaniiouVerVla'dcean Falls and Way Ports , .'-M'P 1 p-m- P-S-T" TO VANCOUVER DIRECT Aug. 2nd, 6th, 9th, 13th. 16th, 23rd, 27th, 30th To Ketchikan, Wrangell. Juneau and Skagway August 4th, 8th, ilth, 22nd, 25th, September 1st Direct Connection, at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. Canadian National Railways Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Monday at 3:00 pjn. P.S.T.. calling at Ocean Falls and Towell River Saturday at 4:00 p.m. P.S.T., calling at Ocean Falls Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. P.S.T. Also Fast Through Train Friday at 11:00 a.m. P.S.T. Alr-Conditloned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full Information, reservations, etc., call or write City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave. Phone 260, Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines If you lose anything, advertise for it.