NERUN RAIDED AGAIN BERLIN A German communique today announced that British bombers last night attacked Berlin for the second time within six days, it being the eightieth raid, of the war on the German capital. There was slight damage and some casualties, it was stated. In London Royal Air Force headquarters denied any knowledge of a British air raid on Berlin and suggested it might have been Russian planes attacking in reprisal for the German raids on Moscow. AXIS CONVOY SUFFERS CAIRO Two merchant ships were sunk and two others damaged in air attacks on an Axis convoy in the Mediterranean, it was announced today. LONDON Great damage was caused and widespread fires were left burning in Royal Air Force night bombing attacks on the German Industrial centres of Essen, Dortmund and Hamm, the Air Ministry said today on the first anniversary of the start of the Battle of Britain. Other planes during the night blasted at Boulogne, enemy occupied airdromes in Denmark and France and shipping off the Netherlands coast. Tons of the R.A.F.'s super bombs blasted the Essen armament factories. Favorable weather and excellent visibility favored the attacks. BERLIN IS BOMBED BY RED PLANES Russians Turn Their Attention to Capital of Reich LONDON Aug. 8: 0; A reliable with Soviet contact said to- Kurce fight rriPAnnin hr.i Klill I DAMAGED I British I.iiifr Is Victim nf Knrmv Action it is Announced I LONDON. August 8: O) The Cun- MQ White Star liner Georgic has Ken damaged by enemy action, the Information Ministry disclosed to-fcy but there were no troops on the JJier at the time, and all the crew-hi except one are safe. The orgip is a mntorshln of 27.750 I Weather Forecast riAri&.nl ... I . I 1 . MINERAL IN VANCOUVER The remains of Charles Taylor, S" Picker enclnppr nf rlnv4r,i Pinery. whose deatn ycs. 1' morning ln the Prince Ru-f l e.'?cral Hospital, were for-ul aSF aftemoon on the Prln-" Adelaide to Vancouver where R nU; nrSltle and where lnter' lent will be made. "OUSES CAN TAKE IT RyNsn?'U8U5t CTA veter-USe of d, Whlch came to Past ed stahlp on the soutli unchW . ?.,w Piaciaiy hecratPr ai ine oottom of ESKIMOS ON TRIAL Tragedy By JAMES McCOOK Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON, Aug. 8: W Reuters f fPatC Bdr,Ut: Syria sald 'Major Sutherland Object, to Con- today that General Henri Dentz. ,former High Commissioner and! Commander-in-Chief of the Levant States, had been Interned by the Allies. Thirty-five other Vichv scription as System For Canada at This Time lofficers are also reported Interned. "1C r""ce KUP"1 ,Th r ,o Viary uiud luncnegn a man wear- ln the King's uniform upheld In ......... lease nviut somP British anH Pr anu rice ricuvn '.i.ti . j . an .officers who were flown to an un- """"s ' Wm pi .rravpai Hpcfino.. .. . voluntary enlistment as the proper the end of the war. DUKE AT B. C. policy for Canada at this time In stead of conscription, which ,1s be-ine so widelv advnratpri Thaf man TV. - I , .. .. .1 -i i- i . i m i-i-t ww, . ... nan nppn snnnin T.nnr it txq c nnccmio Weather Forecast prince Rupert District and Queen Tomorrow sT ides Charlotte Islands Cloudy and m' th local fog banks during the (Pacific Standard Time) morning becoming clear In the af fe High 2:20 ajn. 21.7 ft. ternoon. 15:01 p.m. 20.8 ft. Low 8:50 ajn. 2.0 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPE1 21:05 pm. 4.6 ft. Vol XAA., IMO. aaa., u. ipj. va V PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 8. 1941. PRICE: FIVE CENTS PVVVVi ..r - - vvwvvWV VA 71 War News Defending Of This Coast GERMANS ARE SURPRISED BERLIN The severity of the fighting In Russia and the ttnacity of the Red Army is as unexpected in Berlin as it was' in the world at large. A German official asserts that the Russians are "godless men who fight unfairly." Hitler's own newspaper asserts the "dogged tenacity" of the Russians "surpasses that of all previous opponents." In Moscow the Russians claim that, since the Russo-German war began, one and a half million Nazis have been killed, wounded or taken prisoner with Russian casualties amounting to 600,000 dead, wounded and missing, the blilzkreig against Russia is declared to be a failure. GEORGIC DAMAGED LONDON The Admiralty announces that the former Cun-ird-White Star liner Georgic has been damaged by enemy action. GENERAL SYSTEM OF INTERNED VOLUNTARY r"nm,oS,' zzz ENLISTMENT1 Necessary Steps Are Being Taken To Protect Pacific, Defence Minister Asserts 4 Waterway Approved WASHINGTON, D.O. Aug. 8: f O) Tlie House of Representa- tives rivers and harbors com- wa Major T. w. Sutherland of Rev- -m'm St. Lawrence sea- ! way and $160 000 000 Florida elstoke. how stationed at Prince Rupert as area mwWal nffirpr T iIUP ca"al Ior '"elusion in an -r VirTADI A The d0ctor challenged the sug- J omnious rivers ana narDorsbm soon to be Emitted to Con- V1L I UKIA 8"on that there , was a lack of ! U.J...LI. i a i eress. Brother Of King Visiting I Capital City Today leadership auciaiup in mis country, aeclar- A ing It "was not inspired leadership (that was lacking but the ability and uesire 10 ionow ine leaders. j i.c apcaa-cr gave n as ms opin-. nomAnfnn VICTORIA, August 8:-The Duke Ion that there was devekmin in I V 1 1 I I I IJ I L V of Kent, brother of King George Canada a crusading spirit that was vx, ni uie course oi nis wur oi me natural outcome of such a training stations, schools and units splendid effort in so great a cause jof the Royal Canadian Air Force and all that was needed now was a in Canada, U in Victoria today. He followshlp to correspond with the is Inspecting headquarters of the leadership. Pacific Air Command of which Air Discussing the question of con-Commodore Earl Godfrey is In scription, Dr. Sutherland said it charge. Visits are also being paid was siffnifirant h.'-Wx... -n refueling, the Duke left Vancouver r "l," " X'L ZZZT Z cnant Governor, Premier T. D. Pat BYMZIS Berlin Claims That Commander of Army Between Kiev and Odessa has Been Captured hard, barren land came Mlna, Ab- were on hand to extend wlcmn namiy nave Deen re "'V";. An Force attacked Berlin last Laok andu uarac;k' Motng into Victoria, the Duke Eskimos who have been in Royal spent Canadian Mounted police custody House the night at Government eotintrv rflvlriprt i Th, OTTAWA, Aug. 8: Out of a tullo and other prominent persons .Drou.?n aD0Ul a " W:! . ce ivwrcn ana wno w u ie n i lomorrow morning return wiu t;"; ; ":: lten Odessa and Kiev Is claimed mis weeK-ena lor muraer at tneir De maae Dy motor to Patricia Bay ".. I n.i.i... t, j i. i j r. it,. nu. .1. i, at the same time develoD a hannv iviivijr uciiiLi'i loiai.u iiviiiciaiiu. iui 111c iugui. ud.iv i-u vaiicuuver. r Thev were chareed after frae- Tomorrow afternoon therp will w alld prosperous country based on mentary reports of violence on the tours of Vancouver including ship- moderation, mutual respect and Hudson Bay Island filtered through building plants and other estab- tolerance. To quote from the by radio from the north and sent an Hshments and the Duke will pro- MaJr's words: R.C.M.Pi airplane on a f ,000-mlle ceed to Jasper Park, arriving there ' Are we not a unique nation? flight from Ottawa last March. Sunday and remaining until Wed- we not a lesson 10 Europe. The police party learned of long nesday when departure will be wn"e they have fought for cen-debates over Interpretation of re- made for Edmonton. ,turies largely because of racial dlf-, n,hi rtPvPionrH in I erences? In this laboratory of civ- the Eskimo encampments during the long, dark winter days. The discussion raged with Increasing heat until violence occurred, and when the fury passed nine persons men, women and children ( were dead. Some died of bullet police was carrying the three Eskimos charged with murder. The police told the natives they would return and see others suspected of being Implicated ln the killings. Further Investigation Not until late July was It possible for the R.C.M.P. plane to leave Ottawa again for the north. It had to wait until there was assurance floating Ice would have disappeared from the bays of Belcher Islands where the machine would land. Under command of Inspector D. J. Martin, the police party has questioned further suspects and witnesses who could not be reached ln March. They were left behind at that time after giving absolute assurance they would be on hand when the officers returned. Travel over trio Ic6 from Belch Island to Great Whale River, the nearest mainland post, is possible for only about six weeks of the year, and the Eskimo boats are too (Continued on Page Four) K IINIInn , U - n.MA4nHM 1, 1 1 H A I TRT ITT we have snown race language lljnLJLilDv 1 and .religion need not separate people. When peace again comes I A jrIJn t0 Europe,-tney may need our ex" JLIil vJO perlment and build a common- .wealth of Europe on the basis of KILLED ON ROADS same LONDON, August 8: tf More than three children are killed every day on the roads, Lord McGowan said at the annual meeting of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents In London. MADE IN CANADA Practically all the different kinds of paper used In Canada can be produced in Canadian mills. MANY SrECIES More than 160 different species of tree grow to commercial size in Canada. French and English co-operation wounds, others were beaten to slightly Less was Landed in Prince n p-annHa Thp hu nf PVpnoh ""' " -. s oynopsis ine weatneri been cloudy with local fog Ban to crumble the skl-equlpped Hltha . .. 1 1. ... lnr.lla Jnn. plane tiro o ffrTHA forced if to lpnVP leave, IfpiChes in thp Prlnrn Tt.iinnrt. Hl. Ittirf .... r. rnusuy i air on inc west coast. Coast of Vancouver Island ym to moderate west win-Lf on north Vancouver Island UFln8 the morning otherwise fair laf'Q warm, death and some, including four children, were driven naked Into the snow and there perished. When the ice of Hudson Day be- Rupert this July Than Last jand English accord is mutual res- pect, mutual recognition of the Halibut landings in the Port of ri&hts and Privileges of the other and the of Prince Rupert for the month of Pr1oU?ction rlghts, July totalled 2,582,500 pounds, 1,- w uw oi ia- and "lon- 767,000 pounds being American and guae ,. . 815.500 pounds, Canadian, as com-!,.f W,"ld, ,be asked. pared with a total of 2,898,000 "7" "vvv"" au pounds, consisting of pounds American and pounds Canadian, for the month last year. True the people of Quebec might be but the present policy was to give the voluntary system a fair trial before adopting any other. The spirit of "Go and get them," was the totalitarian spirit and it might prove necessary to use it before the end but, in the meantime, he urged that the voluntary system be given a good trial. Then, If It was shown that It had failed,, he was sure Quebec would not object to a change. Quebec had met her quota well and he was sure theycwould do their part ln maintaining that freedom we all. so greatly desired and which he felt sure would be won. Visitors present at the luncheon Included Dr. Harold McQllI, director of Indian affairs; Robert Qrelg, the new CNH. passenger agent, Dr. W. S. Kergln of Premier and William Joy of California. by the Germans to have been brok en. Salmon Arrivals Hlckey, 118,000 pounds cohoe, At-Un and Carlisle cannery, 7,000 pounds springs, Storage. Azorite, 24,000 pounds cohoe, Storage. Haft, 3,800 pounds cohoe, ACTIONS AND NOT WORDS WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 8:D Harold Ickes, defence petroleum administrator, announced yesterday that four United States tankers are being turned over to Russia to transport aviation gasoline. At the same time he said that shortage of aviation gasoline ln the United States was likely unless the capacity for producing high octane fuel was increased Immediately. ( .Mobilization of Sixth Division is Being Proceeded With, i Col. Ralston Announces 830 Women Being Enlisted I mlttee today approved the . authority has been granted to proceed with the mobiliza- Ito the naval barracks at Esquimau, parties had made pronouncements- BERLIN. Au&ust 8: -The Ger-mllltary units and there is to be on the subiect and not on hari 'man High Command claimed today a March Past at Work Point Bar- favored It 'Thes mm Wnnw th tnat German armies, midway be racks- situation thn h it tween Kiev and Odessa in the lower His Royal Highness and party te thnirMM.Mj Ukraine had. captured , the com arrived at S :l5" "yesterday ' after- u i Imander of the Sixth Soviet Armv. Thr.. rtihr tti.nj vii... noon at Vancouver from Calzarv - .... . . .u.. ... ... 'annihilated his assault fore and wv..w .v. . .. - - i.uuuujr. n, js uieir opinion maiir : " v .. . . race Judge as itcsnit oi winier "k to enforce conscription would be to l " ' mwumuu uuw iiw v.. vwivii u major rtpsfrnv naflnnal r,lt Oners. J. W. Cornctt. Half an hour, after Thp' slfliaHnri . Although It was reported elsewhere that Kiev had been encircled by German forces, a High Com i v. t . . i mil' auuiiiwaiu Main Liir iiialk ctrn wcic in me country two aominantK - - 7 lnstead of eastward j and aimed , with was races different religions and speaking different languages. It 'at shear lng ?" tthe Port of Odessa. An iuiuui law iitiiway nuts uc- OTTAWA, August 8: (CP) All necessary defence precautions are being taken on the Pacific Coast in view of the situation in the Orient, Defence Minister Ralston said at a press conference at which he also announced that Bulletins DECLINES "PROTECTION" BANGKOK In the midst of the government of Thailand to day issued a statement declining all offers of "protection'' with thanks and, declaring that if attacked, the people of Thai will not run into the jungle like they once did but will resist aggression. Within three days, one report said, the Japanese will attack Thailand. In Tokyo Japanese quarters charged that the British intended to occupy Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. "CRASH-CAUSE UNCERTAIN ROME The exact cause of the airplane crash which . caused the death of Bruno Mussolini, son of Premier .Mussolini, is not yet established. The funeral took place this morning. NEW CANCELLATION STAMP OTTAWA A new postal stamp cancellation mark is to be used in Canada introducing the "V for Victory" motto. O'NEILL IS CANDIDATE Old Timer of Smithers to be Con servative Standard Bearer in Forthcoming Provincial Contest (iion oi a sixin uanaaian Division :of active army. The armored division already : training at Camp Borden and scheduled for movement overseas during the year has been named the Fifth Canadian (Armored) Division. ! The Fourth Division previously iwas given authorization for mobilization and a onnd rmrtlnn nf th portents of impending Invasion, (Thlrd VMslon already overseas with the First and Second Divisions. J Col. Ralston also said that the National War Services 'Department has been asked to enlist eight hundred and thirty women for service iln the Canadian Women's Army Corps starting on September 1. iBOOMING i ... ..... .1 chills. Evacuees And Others From London Enliven Former Quiet Bucks Area CHESHAM BOTS, Eng.. August 8: Cfc Before the war this placid Buckinghamshire village in the wooded Chlltern Hills had a retired population of 3,000 people and one small post office. Today the population exceeds 9,000, one small village store has 400 . registered families and the Catholic Church has doubled Its 'congregation. It's almost Impossible for the ( traveller to get a room or a bed 'in Chesham" Bots now. Even if a iroom Is to be had, the cost is usually $4.50 for "'bed and breakfast." And It usually means shar- the room with someone else. Ilng In the nearby town of Amer-sham the story is the same. Ten thousand reduced-rate railway Wlggs J. O'Neill will be the Con- tlckets for worklngmen are Issued servatlve candidate ln Skeena rid- 'every montn at local tatlon. the last were none Issued before the ing. the seat held ln Legis-iThere lature by E. T. Kenney, Liberal, post office has hUed ex-Terrace, the level of pre-war ln the forthcoming pro-,f,or 10.000 delivered letters and 80.000 vinclal election. R. L. Maitland K.C., Conservative leader for the prov- PJtcards every week has gone xip Ince, announced today on his return J?ercen ' , . , . ' movie theatre hi ge from Skeena and Omlneca ridings', That s What Will Influence United Ithat Mr. O'Neill would run if his aooTls nomination was the desire of the ' States Relations With Vichy worknp , hm, tn a(.rfwnnriat.p WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 8: ) Secretary of State Cordell Hull Indicated yesterday that United States relations with the Vichy government depended more on French action defending French territory than assurances just received from Vichy. SHIPS TO RUSSIANS United States to Turn Over Four Tankers to Soviet party In the riding Mr. Maitland The b fc expressed the opinion that Mr.. to h l(m nQW s, ONelll would be unanimously en- f d ycustomers agalnst' 300 nor. dorsed by the Conservative conven- maijy tlon. Wlggs O'Neill is a well known j oI extra p,,, ls and popuar figure of many years !ccounted for ,by evacuees from standing in the interior. London, official and unofficial. Mr. Maiuana is in r nnce ituperi. Manv whn forn,priv ilved , , , , ..I . . . , i r i- 1 tuaay uiiex a visit to mice nuruiciii ridings of Prince Rupert, Skeena and Omlneca. He closes his north- tour in Prince Rupert tonight and will Sail on the steamer Cardena for Vancouver, being due there Monday morning. The Conservative leader spoke at Burns Lake and Telkwa ln Omlneca riding, devoting most of his time to discussing agriculture, highways and decentralization of industry. He vigorously assailed the Pattullo government for lack of war effort.. MUST CARRY MASKS LIVERPOOL, Eng., August 8: Vh Employees of some Liverpool firms who forget their gasmasks are sent home for them and lose time and wages. In the capital now commute back and forth daily. Others have settled ln the country for the Halibut Sales American Aleutian, 40,000, Royal, 12c and 10.5c. Superior, 32,000, Storage, 12c and 10.5c. Tllllkum, 21,000, Booth, 12.2c and 10.5c. SUCCEEDED IN MATRIC John Nlcholls of this city was successful In the recent Senior Matriculation examination. Ills name was omitted from the' official list as Issued from Victoria.