vr.,,y May 21, mi. - - - ews .r Men Who Vsiluc a Well-Drcsscd Appearance Mr. Art Turner Special Representative . II. LE1SHMAN Co. Ltd. .Motrin in Will Re With Us mMrQnAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Witl, a complete showing of the new ;,., .uii's fabrics. W nope you will come in and see the lUusr in patterns and style trends. Watts Nickerson Headquarters for Lcishman Clothes riLK lo Mil W B 1-- M. M.M. 1 M. ' ll,rrv Johnson Of Smlthers n...,vr,i Kv Casualty In ..: ittnrkThird To ie For Country Marius Hansen Is Laid At Rest death ucaui had naa oefcurred occurred at at the vne end cr.a ox of at the orean itoaccamnanv the hymns which were "Nearer My Ood to Thee," "Abide with Me" and Cemetery with Ed. Wahl. T. H. Sorensen. Ivor Isvick, Hans Han-on. E. Hellman and Hans Holm a while on duty According to Thumbs Up. Prince Capt. Neil M:Lean. arrived in port at 9:30 this morning from Van- such comforts r.-i on the steamer Rupert area paper, ... , i iu i rrrnvpT Pnwrl1 Rivpr and OlMn Johnson's brother, things for the navy. BUY WITH YOUR EYES OPEN l por AlIKi, U GYPROC Fireproof WALLBOARD (Mode from Gypsum Rock) 1 Combines All These AavaniuH. 1. Smooth, Seamless Walls with Gyproe "lv Ovpnic WallboarJ has four hcvcllcJ cJgcs, 'lowing joints to he fillcJ In flush, so that the urf.icc of wall or cellinR is beautifully smooth nd cvcl rcajy for any type of decoration. Noli-: IIm.Ii, afumfru hoIj oJ crilinji ronnrt If. ""luined ordinary liulll.oar Jj, in that yimr thiM'ce nf decorative treiumrnt u limlirJ. 2 A Lifetime's Satisfaction from Gyproc pvproc is not affccteil by atmospheric changes " ill not cracW, bhrinl, or warp so you necJ ntr worry about costly repairs. Walls and ilinB, of Gyproc will retain their beauty for lifetime of your home. Niilri ()r,,,lry luallbnartU ilo nnt $uaranter this Ivtmunrnc-r, 3 Safeguard Against Flro with Gyproc ?Yrroc WallboarJ WILL NOT BURN nor carry rt- Walls anJ ceilings of Gyproc form a pro-, live slilelj for the wooJen framework of your ouc Demand the Jouble safety of Gyproc Il)r Your home. Nuifi Muiiy tytel uwlKMHiril art mil rrnxi. EE SAMPLli and Illustrated IJooHet will be J'1"1 n reuneat to Gyproc, 50 Maitland St., 'otonio. TO IDENTIFY GENUINE GYPROC 1. 1 iH.k for the rume (iYI'ROC on lh hack of every 2. Look for ilieOreen Stripe on bolhildc etlitct. GyptM U vwywKw In C'n'i' GBlo lBOat TO mm TO Bui WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES '"f-it rxMi LOCAL NEWS NOTES i- l . ... ..7TT, c . Used Vscd Furniture bought lor cash Aubrey ' Fisher, government agent j uncral Of Well Know., Salmon, commission. .nnHVMsc- Elio's, Moose , Rf has been aptwinted a Fisherman Held Yesterday Af ternoon From ft. C. Undertakers Numerous friends crathered ves 'rrrinv nffrnrmn nt ihn tt . j .... .. . ...-t.. rar. inouics oi esteem ana re spec i vo the memory of the late Marius P. Hanson of Dodire Cove, whose or 'sold on Building, Third Avenue Mr and Mrs. It. L. Mcintosh ar rived in. town on last night's train front their summer home in Tcr- Tile x. V. rdVMii). ., i - . 'Mrs. Morehouse arc leaving there on the Prince Rupert this morning tttr Catai . tonight ni.rh for for Vm Van the week. Rev. J. H. Myrwang. pas- on tor or St. Paul's Lutheran Church iT'"1 officiated and Peter Lien presided ... 4. lYiflnQirnr irir Mrs. Alex McRac, who has been in. Vancouver and Powell River for the Dast three weeKS, returnco What a Friend We Have in Jesus." home, on. the Prince Rupert this Interment followed in Fairviewimprnm CATARRH The late Mr. Hanson was a well C D O I L S SLEEP VnnTirn cnlrmnn fidiftrmon Tin -nro e I ..... i i wkit Bah In Mck 59 years of age and a native of, Denmark. He had lived here for wt'i'l? " seventeen years. I. ; Those sending flowers were: Ed Wahl and Family, Mr. and Mrs Haaken Lund and Rainier. Edward a fheman and first mate losing Bolton. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Soren-. their lives. sen ana Family. Mr. and Mrs. S. Two iwo ouier other brothers orouiers oi of Mrs. Mrs. John- jonn- Schjesvold, ""', Mr. .and Mrs. Martin mim vipnn Hazue of PeiDing. China, yhl" be. the speaker at the weeklv. luncheon tomorrow of the 'prince Rupert .vt.v.K Rotary Club. Miss son, James and Ihomas FrancU BerS- John Hansen, Mr. and Mrs.'jiague Is! identified with the staff uuniop. were Kiiiea in rxance in " ...v... the last war. Men On Navy Rnats Out Of 0 J ihn, -n. formerly r . and now of Sml- Hprp In NppH reived word that HCIC 111 11CCU and Mrs. Alfred Benson, Arne Pet jtersen. Hans Holm. Mr. and Mrs. A. Enocksen, Mr. and Mr,'. Albert Larsen, Mrs. Wick. Mr. and Mrs or a University in Peiplng and is spending a. furlough in Canada. Charles ;R. Watson, accountant TvOorto-Talrii minp nt. Tillsp- Sorheim and Raymond, Dr. and auah, and Mrs;. Watson were pas- Mrs. H. Olsen. Isenzerf aboard the Princess Louisa yesterday afternoon going through With auite a larce list of Dassen- Lh a trln to Vancouver and else- . . .... v ".;: . gcrs ana cons aeraDie ircignt cargo, ncre in the soutn, j. n. it. sicamer rnncc nupcru General William Stcffcns of Toronto, commander-in -chief of the Norwegian forces , in ... Canada, hav U haa oeen on a eiccinc irons, nip-iensiii - - " ix a cmlslng off en stockings and short-wave radios falls and will sail at 3 oclock this ing concluded a five-day visit to - ... ... aftcmnnn fnr ITntrbllran nnd KtW- Tirln. TTiiTwirf callrvt ,hv tho Prin- , 5 nland for six are necaca to mane me more cum- - .w. - ....w ....i-v.w j ..... id was ordered fortable for the men serving on art whence she will return here .cess Louise yesterday afternoon for tomorrow evening southbound . (Vancouver. oe tied up for re- -crvettes cocrating out of Prince : cr-w w? transfer- Rupert. It has been uggested that I : " o -ald ne May. Two progressive organizations might In- If you want sofiirtniiia.-ftdver.jn i Mountain London the vessel t crest themselves in providing sucn use mr u. jiunarcas oi pcopie Benmyyi-j nui.i4 nii-j nuiu v 1 1 v " Ranger Band To leave Next Week ! Tii- r?r-V; Mountain Rangers military band, which has h-en I making . su-h a hit here Mnce (the rcrrimcnt arrived some four months ago, will be leaving here ncyt Monday evening for Knm-lobps. accordln-r to rrent nlane. Tlif band will leave lh? train at Announcements 7 All .iiiltloUnvtiU Hi lliis rol-uitw. iU br. charged for lull .tui, ,.ti a. ' ry .W. A.' 'Canadian l.egtun Hpniiii Sale, May 21. coroner, the British Columbia i Gazette announces. I Lieut. A. F. Graves has returned to his duties with the Rocky Mountain Rangers here after spending a 1 furlough at his home In Kamloop3. j , t-i,-. i Mamn mid p. ii. Linzev returned to the city from a Dnei trip w uvcu connection with his duties as census ; commissioner for Skeena riding. Notice is given that gun practices I will be carried out from Frederick Battery between the hours of 8;30j a.m. ana a.uu p.m. luuiouay, mj twentv-second 1941. tiiu Emest Love arrived In the city on the Catala last night from Stewart. He is Joining the staff or ithe local dry dock for the next few months. J. A. Clarke of Nelson Ft hcrlcs Ltd. arrived in the city on .the Prince Rupert this morning fromi Vancouver, being here on company business. ' I'ics'bylcriHil Tea, Mrs. Janics MacKay. May 22. Lutheran Circle Tea. May 23. Mctropole. The Private Secretary" Capitol Theatre', May 28. Catholic "tea, Mrs. Blaln's. May 29. Battle of Jutland Tea May 31, Canadian Legion. Bundles to Hill JCO IJancc, June 0. ricsbytcrian Missionary tea, Mis Duncajv, Mcllac's, June 4. Strawberry Tea. St. Peter's Branch. Mrs. Thomas, June Anglican Tea, Mrs. Evltt's, June 5. ' parent Teachers' Tea. June 0. Quec'n .Mary tea, -Legion Hall; June 14 for soldiers' graves. 102nd Auxiliary Tea, Canadtan Leg-Jon, .June-19. 'United Church Tea Mr3. O. C. Voung June 19. .Boy' Scout Tea, Mrs. J.' Clark. June' 21. i . . . -v ' H. D. Hevwood. well known Port-' land Canal mining man, is a pas3- pneer aboard the Prince Rupert to day going through from Vancouver to Stewart. Capt. E. L. Yeo of Military District No. 11 headauarters arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Victoria, being he re on official duties. According to word received from Vancouver, Frank Morris, who has been there for the past few months receiving treatment, continues to make good progress. j Mr. and Mrs. E. Pettenuzo, who have been on a trip to Vancouver and Victoria, returned to the city from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning. D. Zarclll returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Vancouver; He .was accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. :E. II. Lovctt, and children who will pay a visit here. j Hugh McDonald, road suporin- endont for Atlin district with headquarters at Stewart, arrived in he city on the Catala last night p.--, m,- rr-h, being here on official business. Prince ' 'George and proceed to genpf o. L. Hall, chief of KAintoons- from there bv way of cU po,,CCi alK, Mrs IIaU wll0 thr.C?r!'Srio. At Prince Gcorgo the v.n frcnd'.n? a vacntlon In band l tk- wt, in a r-ihn- south rcturncd to the city d-m-rM-n ornin-r. ihc drive Vancouver on the Prince there, for. the sale of virtory bon-s. nupcrt th,8 mcrnlns. v , - r i v . A suoi" ,:. t. ..nlv '.m Joscnh Naylor ir. arrived in the ilnHar: Tr ii in ihr Dally N-v city on the Prince Rupert this rlassificd column tf) moming from his studies at the ' . University of British Columbia to spend th-; summer vacation with his parents. I .T. F. Mi'llen. manngcr of Uch-rrnrl'i p-nk p' .Juneau, nnd Mrs. Mullen and daughter were passengers aboard the Princes? Louise yesterday afternoon going, through . on a trip to Seattle and elsewhere ;n the south. D. G. Borland, manager of the Oi-'to- Theatre, sail,' tomorrow nigh: cn the Prlnre Rupert for Vancouver to attend a conference ,of Famcus Players Canadian Cor-'roratlon executives with the new general manager from Toronto. i Constable Alan Peter Lang Cart-wri"h ff Terrace has been appointed a commissioner under th evidence Art. The appointment of CMis'sbl? Balfour E. Munkley, for-n"rlv -f Terrace and now of Port Fsslngton, as a commissioner for the taking of affadavlts has been rescinded. SMOKKS FOli GOTHAM I Dutch East Indies tobacco growers now arc shipping most of their crop to New York. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 514 FKASER STREET Prince Rupert 8 Scotch Whisky 't'. Old Parr Scotch Whisky is - ' hailed by thousands who like 40 OZ.-S5.60 their Scotch robust yet smooth. 26V0Z.-53.75 For that real Scotch flavour choose Old Parr. It comes to you, in the famous, old-fashioned, i' untippable flagon. MacDONAlD GREEN LEES LIMITED, LEITH, SCOTIAND This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Oiler Bcsncr returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver. E. T. Kcnney. M.L.A. for Sktcna, having been called to Victoria owing to the death of his father. D. V. Kcnney, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from the south and will proceed to Terrace on this evening's train. C. H. Worby, superintendent of sleeping and dining cars for Canadian National Railways with headquarters in Winnipeg, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver in the course of a western inspection tour and will proceed East by this evening's train. Timely Recipes UAKi:i) KIIUKAKIl 4 cups rhubarb, cut in 1 or 2 inch pieces 1 cup sugar Prepare rhubarb. Mix with sugar and let stand one hour. Bake in a covered baking dish in moderate oven, or cook In top part of double boiler, until rhubarb is tender. CUSHING. Okla., May 21:- (CPI One woman's cxpericrhc with a .Hat tire she .topped i5 cars before she found one with a Jack lhat could be used. vnait engei This is a fight to the finish. No room for half . measures. No room for delay. This is urgent ... vital . . . pressing. This is WAR. More men, well equipped, well clothed, well fed, mean more dollars. Canada looks fo you fo supply thost dollars : . . and lo kotp on supplying them fill this war is won. Start saving NOW. Buy war savings certifi- , catcs regularly. Build up your savings account. ' Be ready to enlist your dollars in this fight for human freedom and decency. Be glad you can help so simply and so effectively. Save for Victory. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA WAR SAVINGS PLEDGE FORMS AVAILABLE AT ALL BRANCHES V 4-