PAC3E TWO Men Who Prefer Hartt Shoes It is significant that leaders in business and professional life select Hartt Shoes for fit, style and wear. Your inspection is invited. 2 m&ft I $H e EDITORIAL Difficult Financing 5MP Shoe FOR GENTLEMEN I Family Shoe Store With half the assessed value -of the city taken off tlie taxable roll, it is evident that financing the city of Prince Rupert must be difficult. The city owns over a million and a quarter dollars worth of the land which, if held by individuals, would be paying about fifty thousand dollars a year taxes. Two large pieces of property are also held by the Dominion and provincial governments. Business and other improved property held by the city is bring in some revenue and helps to improve the financial condition of the city. It is satisfactory to know that the financial condition of the city is improving and that any improvements being made are made out of current revenue and not from bor rowing. However the city is governed during the next' few years, borrowing will be probably impossible. All improvements must be paid for from currenti revenue, s Present Situation . It is rather unfortunate that the provincial government could not have arranged for the passing of the legislation asked by the people of Prince Rupert in regard to city management. The present situation is very unsat isfactory. The local commissioner is in charge but everything he does must be referred to the non-resident commissioner who does not and, cannot understand local conditions. The city is so far removed from the capital that it is impossible to keep in close touch. The city is now solvent and, if we are not to have a city manager as promised, it would be better to return to the old mayor and council form of government, subject to the restrictions imposed and the new set-up made neces-hary by the change in bond interest payments and sinking fund payments. Wfi should very much dislike returning to the old form of administration but the present system is even worse than the old. If there is to be a commissioner, he should be a resident commissioner with all the powers of a commissioner so that citizens may feel they can go' to him with some hope of getting action on any local matter: Registration Of Japanese - - - Owing to the present feeling of distrust, it is a good fdea to have all Japanese residents in the country specially registered, more for their protection than for any other reason. There have been strained relations between the Japanese and the British for some time and, while there, has been an easing up of late, the Japanese government still declares itself to be an ally of our enemies. That in ftself is enough to make us suspicious. BASKETBALL IS RESUMED Army Play Gets Under Way A rain WHU Irish BeaUn Air Force Regular weekly army basketball fixtures were resumed last night at &e armory when the RoyalCa jiadiaa Air Force boys vere defeated by a smooth working Irish team by a score of i5 to 14. There are a new Jot of boys In the Air Force which probably accounts for "lie extreme mooring on the part of the Irishmen. However, the new recruits of the alri show good signs of being able to produce a winning team. Other teams playing In the lnter-uhie badtbaiHeague Include Signals, who -were able to win most of their games last .year. D. D. S. and T. O. reports entering a good team. The Irish are entering the the two teams. The league games will be played every Thursday at the Armory. Individual scoring for last evening was as follows: Air Force Jackson 4, Bruton 2, Vineberg 5, Morgan 1, Eottem 2, iDundas, White. Couller, Kennedy, i Hooper. I Irish Rothwell, Sutherland 11, jKobballas 4, Smith 6, Zarazoon 2, Franklin, Rush 10, Brown 2. Retfree was Melbourne Bussey. Timekeeper and scorer was Mr. Evans. STILL "SEEING" LONDON LONDON, Jan. 10: (CP) Despite German bombings, sight-seeing. Is sUll a thriving industry in London. Poles and Czechs, Hollanders and Belgians, men of Free France and Austrian refugees and men from (he Dominions are treading old familiar paths. Hazelton Wedding Is Pretty Affair Rites of Miss Mareaxet Webster and Bert Bartlett at Interior j At .St. Ptw's Church on iicw year's ve. Miss Margaret Webster, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Webster rf Haxelton, was married Ao Albert Goodwin Dartlott. of Prince Rupert. Th-e ceremony was performed by Rev. Frank Ilurllti'?. The bridal prorstasiea entered the crowded church to music of Men-ckksclui's Wedding Mirdi; the jbrWs ttn J' arm cf iiec father, who gave her away. A youthful figure. Ibe- bride wt radiant in while net swid satin, with filmy embroidered veil, worn hlffh over a psarl chaplet. Her lovely bouquet was of pink rosebuds and fern. She was attended by Mrs. Harry Webjler, n3tron-cf-hrtor, and Mis Muriel Jeffers, tnaWof-lionor. becomingly attired In floor-length gowns of pastel shades. William Webster, tha bride's brother, was groomsman. Harry Webster and Bernard Ilia-dle, both on leave from the Bat TOT DAILT NEWS tery .at -Prince Rupert, actfd as usher. . Tbe-senrkve 'was fully tboraL During signing pf ' tle register. ( Mrs. A. Falconer sang "O Promise j Me." followed by a wedding hymn, sung by ttw robed holr, , Mrs White and pmK chryEanthe-. mums and mlar txw.ns decora-; OFFICERS ELECTED" flartte Ik Koble Grand Jtfbfkah Udr of I ied the church. On Wednesday night Centennial Mr and Mrs. A. II. Webrterheld tobekah Lode elected officers f8r an eventos reception, at ihelr the following year as follows: home later when over CO guests Noble Graiid-Mrs. A. Barbe. offered their good wishes tt the; Vk-CJrand-Mrs. F. Morrfcnn. popular bride and erooan. The re-' a Noble Grand Mrs. D. V.. ceptiou rooms were festal with Smith. tlainty buffet supper table, -and Wstrtei Deputy Mrs. W. fi. white and silver hangings. The Hammond. brids cut the weddlnx cake, a Rfcbt Supporter of Noble Grand work Eif art. Pieces were distributed to the guests, and packe ts sent to all members of the ciiolr McKInley and Mrs. Bartlett left for Prk.ce 3f ViCe 0rand Rupert wiiere they wul reside A "f" reception beta- held at the home . f1.i,amT , .V.. - ,T - Chaplain-Mrs. J. E. u Bsddl-. Mrs. A. G. Bartlett, on their ar rival there Tuesday iiight. Tattersall. uu paj , n&iit. iiiuuuijjf jiayQieiiui iif;inrung in anuary. This plan wag put into .effect to enable you to adjust yourself to the sharply increased Income Tax burden for 1940 and is available to you only on the following conditions: One-third of the total tax must be paid in four monthly instalments payable in January, February, March and April. The remaining two-thirds of the tax must be paid in fuur equal monthly instalments in May, June, July and August. For example, if your lax is $G0.00 it may le paid as follows, witLuut any interest charge. ! rk. 2 $5 Oa w For a single person iH $10 Oa mr fttar Mr. 11 $3 On ar July 11 $10 On r for April SO $5 On r for Aug. n $io Actually you may pay one-twelfth of your total Uj n each of the first four jnontiis of 1941, and one -sixth of the total in each of the next four months. However, U Jt recommended that you pay your tax ia eight equal monthly instalments of $7JW each instalment lor a total tax of .$60.00. Quality Guaranteed SALADA TEA Mrs. W. S. Hammond. 1 Financial Secretory Mrs i. It ft Supporter of Noble Grand 'llealy. Mrs. E. F. Saunders. Treasurer- Mrs. T. Prlwt. R5?ht Furwirfi- cf Vtas Grand FRANCOIS LAKE The Tweedsmuir Park Rod and' Warden Mrs. S. V. Cox. Oua Club is in receipt 01 a ram-, I Conductor Mrs. W. A. MacLpan. ; munlcaUon from the Fish and Wild 1 ! Tntiio niiniYtinii-Mrt m Mfri. i Life Semos of the United B'.atuB house. ; Department of the Interior In re-; C.P.R. steamer Prln;;ss Adelaide. Outside Quardlfln Mi?s) D. sard to a duck killed on Biblne r Hew instalment plan OF PAYING INCOME TAX WITH00T INTEREST Yirst payment due on or before (January 31- J THIS YEAR, for the first time, it is possible for you to pay rour income tax in eight monthly umtalmiaU without intmA. In former years, you had to' pay at least one-third of your income tax by April 30th. After that date 6 interext was charged on the Unpaid balance (& after August 31st). This year, two-thirds of your tax may remain unpaid after Anrl 30th wititout Hockey Scorej National I.cajue v-i......... a a . i uanger z, loronto 3 unr Canadiens 1. Chicai; 3 Pacific Iaiue Stwttle 1, Portland 2 Unten ft earner r-j-, Caci. William Hushes, arrived la Sharps. 1 Lake by A. M. Ruddy last fall which John uoaen. U cxpecte.) ia Jrt at 2:15 this afternoon: from; Musician Mrs. F. Glass. jbore a band numDerea so-vuzoioj. aooui, ojo cvenmj tror. the south and will sail at 10 p.m. Degree Captain Mrs. J. S. Ir-iThe mallard dnake toj banded by south ahd Is schedul e cn her return to Vancouver and vine. ;j. u. Huiir NomnDer 20. lajaana ju pja. w ner rcnai ;, (J y. waypolnts. Recording Secretary Mrs. H. V. released -at CJiImwsck. ooaver ana warpaint- WHO PAYS INCOME TAX? If you are a single pemon without dependents, and your income in 1940 wan inure than $7M).0t) ynj pay general-income-tax. I f you are a married person without dejiondrnts. and your income in 1940 was more than $1,500 W you pay Kenerai-income-tax. If you are a married person with children, you are allowed $400.00 exemption for each dependent cmld or grandchild, in addition to tlie $1,MX) exemption. NOTE: In dlrtkm toth ffnrril-tDcsine-Ux yea pa National Orhnca T.i oo your toui incoroa vithout any eirmplion if ywt ara ainiila aad your ioconia ,orm over tux) or if you ara marrwd ana your income goes ovrr IIJUO.' FILL IN YOUR INCOME TAX FORMS NOW The necessary forms for making your income tax returns are available at any post ollice, ut from trie Inspector income Tax for your district. Complete information and rates of taxation are supplied with the forms. Make out your income tax returns now before January 31st. .Hnd out how much your total tax .arn bw much you must pay each .l month. Hvr doing this, you will avoid interest charges and penalties. PAYMENT FORMS Instalment Income Tax Remittance Fnrm are available at any post office, or any braruii of any bank, or the office d the I nspector for your District, and their use will ensure accurate and proper Ilo-caUon of your payment. However, you can send in your instalment by ordinary letter with your name and address plainly slated Oiereon, clearly indicnt-mg tlie division Mween I'rovincial and Ouniinion Tax payments. RATES OF GENERAL-! .. N CO M E-T AX WHICH INDIVIDUALS MUST PAY v iam ft - IAHT rflllflUl IniYlrnA m Mia oit.A..nt b,f f j r s auiuuiii JCIL JfllLirr Villi nPCllIPT PTiimn s.ri Inm your total income. ' "'"'" If your net Taxable Income ia I,. . $250 or less the Ux is 6 thereon. Ifbetween$2M-nd$1000theUxis$ lSplus 8 on the excess over $ 2M " KXWand 3000 195 c 122 " - 3000 and 4000 255 " 20 't - " " " 4000 and 6000 " w, " 24 - 40 6000 and iVm 79.1 " 27 - " W)00 RATES OF NATIONAL DEFENCE TAX 2 on the' total income if the income exceeds $600 and does not exceed $1200. 3 on the total income if the income exceeds $1,200. For nihj.r Inoonaa refar to tka IncomaWar'fai Act. In addition to thra ratea, uara U a aurux on all invntuient in-eoma in aioraa of luuu. Alao uWa la National Dafanra 1 " ooa frovlacaa, Ito- U'UU Wuw 'Ui. For a married person Uxttof wte! Sf & inTe ,wd 91000 with a a tax credit of $8X for each dependent child or grandchild. "editii' $&" n ne-'ha" d th. T SPd.ur War EffortPAY PROMPTLY never before. Your whole-hearted co-operation will help to speed our war' effort. The united efforts of all Canadians will help to hasten the successful conclusion of the war and end our huge war expenditures. I'ay your income tax cheerfully Pay instalment promptly. Thus aid youruelf and aid Canada. MS!l!?Orl.' ! .f'l'. Port Omc or in envelopes. ot P"tage stamps DOMINION OF CANADA INCOME TAX DIVISION HON. COLIN GIBSON, MinliUr af Nmliontl ftavaav DEPARTMENT Of MAI IONAL REVENUE C fRASER ELLIOTT. Commlulontr e( Intomt le