=-| THE DAILY NEWS [= ‘ 7% : Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist ZORA, BL A i = = —t = EE —=—=_— ——[—_[_£:__ —————S= === . —_—_— ; yoL, lil, NO. 118 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., Monpay, May 13, 1922. _Paice Five Cents MUNICIPAL CLAUSES ACT RENDERS BYLAW VOI = TF UITE WITHOUT AUTHORITY === DIAMOND DRILLER’S BATTLE ending MAYOR DRAWS CASH MONTHLY ©: WITH BUSH ON GRAHAM Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners. | eran | Phone 4. a ee | } Amendment to the Municipal ceies Act Which Came in Force ISNT TOD AY Development of Queen Charlotte Islands Coal and Oil Claims is February 27th, Renders Null and Void From the Start In- | _ Not Child’s Play---Difficulties and Perils of Conveying Plant demnity Bylaw Passed on April Ist---System by Which JUST A PEACH to Scene of Operations Detailed in Description of Doings Mayor is Paid Monthly is Without Precedent in Rupert | oul | of One of B. C.’s Pioneers of the Diamond Drill |Sunday’s Perfection Took the! Under the revised statutes ofythe mayor There has been no|passed, ali on April Fools’ Day, Whole Population Out on the W. L. Barton, who is in charge| propeller in the same manner as)cut out. Then, when he gut to iit, Section 53, sub-section 8]authority since the 27th of Feb-/1912. It was reconsidered and| wapbor or Far Afleld—Every-|f the drilling operations for the] te did at Quatsino and steamed/the head of the Yakoun River he ; Clauses and i Ss i ) roo é é f en oe aoe S oO. . > nol exceeding) 3ist-of the month, Payment of I samer garb of midsummer tex- ‘ ; Y ,.|plant, hauled the outfit up over}months, He is returning to the “i lthe aldermen at the rate of $409 The joke is on the Mayor, for} ,, ri nd radiance varaded -her His Quatsino experience was : ; a | : sitar “ak. dann! theater 1 a adis , pare peculiar, He wae sent to work at the log jam and down the other] field to resume drilling and will thie Amendment cate into} per annum in tie same way by)#s @ lr ; ; “}charms in superb Sunshine, hie ee rt 4 4.}side, At some places the water] find out how many coal seams +} tI} lav of Febr-l|instalments is also provided for|™en’s indemnities will not be af- Si raat re ast ce the Clear Creek, The plant was : : . ie or a aa fected by tt ill ality t:th Sree Canteen et - llanded at the wrong place, and was too shallow to get along, so/are there, their depth and quai- 9 lag ecbes ) e ege ) , i ? y| te e é 3 ( Y er .4 - 1912 by this illegal bylaw, No. 108. | ce “ 8CC ‘ 3 " , $ i g a pulation of less than|rules were suspended and it was} Pr ‘tees BS a the ‘ os silver, still as a mirror, a hun- scuntinio rowed iiccwobsa jared that the smoke stack of the Rey. Father Bunoz was among I sand can pass a by-|read the second time, considered] '°*'* ©" ne Rave ” nayor,!| dred reflections glimmering in fo ea the *.|donkey engine would not pass|the passengers sailing by the ' through this hitherto unnoticed] ;, leptt Prince. R ort 1g | piece of sheet iron, cut it into , 4 we : , for the payment of}in committee of the whete, and]. ‘ . {its deptns, Frince UpOrl YOs-) ements. to. whithsne wave. thelsace them, and these had to ae Princess Royal. amendment of the Municipal] japqay was like Toronto in June, gm ‘ ge = !Clauses Act. yet with the refreshing tang of necessary curve to make a pro-| = : es ae liest, trusting to the future to What makes the situation 80} ine great sea in her soft breezes pellor out of it. This he attached) another Vancouver or even BISHOP ‘ind the enterprise “justified by|much less creditable to Mayor] ., different from those of the|.° his drilling plant, and with| greater here in Prince Rupert. the importance of the centres} Newton. is the fact that he seems] jas. steam, up in the boiler used to} phanks to the efforts of Captain C created, to have been in such a desperate Today is even more perfect. | OPerate the plant he steamed] Kerr, who has held the fort dur- | - - hurry to finger his money for!ppe city is basking in sunshine, | 2¥® down the sound to the|jng the interim between the Robert Jennings returned yes-|acting as mayor. This passing] 4}; (he air is steeped in it. point where he was to-.work, com-| resignation of Captain Tutte’s | - ,lerday. He left the government}of the Lademnity bylaw so that] phere is no finer weather to be pinsec his ee contrac : any predecessor in office and the} Letter from Church Leaders Peery eereuisaral party up river, the moneys are payable in instal- found in the whole. world than came on to ancouver with H1s| captain's arrival, Salvation Army| Alf. W. Smithers, Chairman of ned .by Twenty-One Bishops) ote ie ae ments monthly is a new thing for] yoy are experiencing today in| plant, : ; tiinnion affairs are ship shape and good Board of Directiors of G.T.P. Read in the Anglican Church) RUPERT'S INDUSTRY Prince Rupert. Mayor Stork and] ppinee Rupert. | rhe ee Isiand Go erles,/ work is in full swing. is on His Way West to Select | “er i . Rep Yesterday — Mission Enter- i his council passed their indem- as. ne eet ed. Lid., were at that se figu: ngs | ——— — a Successor to late C. M. Hays. prise Vividly Described. Canada May Soon Withdraw/iily bylaw almost at the end of PRINCE RUPERT on sending a drilling plant to} CEMENT PLANT TO START Ai os from Fisheries Treaty their term of office. So did Mayor their ground ee ree Penete ttaeg frre (Special to Daily News.) In the Anglican Chureh of St.| Manson and his ue MARINE NOTES. ean ae cea ethane mee oe ” a Expended London, May 12—Alfred W. ‘he a- as le o Mayo »wton t OL: BS Bi ‘ ; a on Construction. 5 ; erday at the morn Ottawa, May 10 The intima It was left to Mayor Newton to one a hits aa ne raha | Smithers, chairman of the Board i he RLR Bist tion given at Collingwood by the]sign his honored name to an il- Sree LNEre: Were NO PORGS, BO RRYeRn te: ——- Af Disebtorec Gk the. Geant cpeune ce es eran Hon. J.D. Hazen that Canada}legal indemnity bylaw rushed The Camosun sailed on Satur-| waters and a dense forest growth | The Portland Cement Con-! pa jij, left t jay, saili fr Du Ve ead an interesting j bins ; he ter-|through with unseemly haste] day evening with the following) through whieh to transport a} : ailway le oday, sailing from | h lead oe Waitt tecate dc an at tl th first class passengers: plant. They heard of Mr, Bar-|%'ruction Gompany, a company Liverpool for New York, His in- chure eaders oF jas “Or s -labou ‘ 0 Ss ef er lat s ass passengers: ant, ir’. ar- i | iy + esa i-amtgae hlar daa ithe: of tt g tl ci il had illesp! hi Hodgson, 8. B, ton’s exploits at Quatsino, and} Subsidiary — to the Associated} tentio nis to select a successor hie issions oO ‘Tel oO e give effect to in ajfeither o other councils Me eine aay : ne? i - oT ta4 a : ‘iii i fata Pte » . ae x tae Be » tae , oe e. ¥ : Dana, Mis. A. 1 Parsons, I. W. S they said: ‘That’s the man for} Portland Cement Companies, Ltd.,| '° Charles M. Hays, who was the | y . ‘Ol ratively short time The} begun to think of paying them-] wiiiams, M. 1 Rustand, 0. ¢ > m ; gland in British|compart p} Bergman, A Wood, ¢. 8 us.” So they struck a bargain} of England, he arted| Victim of the Titanic disaster, { h rhe tetter 0 -ned{regulations were drawn up three} selves for their services out of] yuiel ' McDiarmid, W. A . ‘ : e argé of London, England, has started) os ; : oi : ‘ r was signed euli “ feLeod armid, with ‘him He got his plant ; as president of the company be- ne bishops the} years ago by a joint commission the city funds. It seems like a ‘ tu f Prin the construction of cement works fore he returns to England Sir . j ; tect ¢ rohic oO e { { rewti ‘or f ouve > rinecess| aboare 1 Steamer for ‘ince ‘itie ai : aa § 4 nd. ir bishop of the new}and were such as to protect andj! c of fate that Mayor Newton For Vancouver the Princes in British Columbia, the site be- Donald Mann, vice-president of Rupert, says the Mining Record, | ‘ , ‘rie ' sla ave signe s name be- We ook so as g at 6 Pe Saanic , . ary ; ‘ ; * Columbis“tiitae the] Guithvate: the: fisheries.[p ihe 2 id | o ; ee ' I 3 ik ki . iat yy oh ehh f ie Hs nae a buill a scow there, rigged up his J ped a Mt rege * a oe 7. 7. the Canadian Northern Railway The ‘e side t " s ’ r Gale.| o'clock ’ ollo g ‘s “lass J , . t ge i BD Er. ‘ : . ; xj the list ternational waters. The Gan-] si th r oolish looking Velock mae wing HI ’ drilling plant and a home made Revie ation ia to the . ag accompanied Mr. Smithers. Sir \n interesting faet was noted|adian parliament promptly rati-|April First, passengers: e Rene Sie pare rhe eer ans one Thomas Tait, a well known Can- » ’ Sinia 5 , ae A Schoenback, =—— SR i 8s. $1; ; . 3 : * | Bishop Du Vernet, namely;fied them, The United States ={ Dleyton, & 3 Schnee. ar me Hf et eel a it 8 adian railroad man, who filled it h Vl name now appears| senate, however, has failed to do Livings ton, My and Bunoz, “Rev, Father plant wi Rae an area ¢ : el several important positions on \ { » i } Ss. f eed acres, ¢ XCAVE york is : so n he list, though it is}se and has insisted on amend- raiviinion, ‘Robert Cremrananats a pares a a BHO R ar! 1 te the Ganadian Pacifie and Grand paratively a short time sinee}ments objectionable to Canada, heats, Mes GAG Mre.t reer? q. proceeidng on the a + - Pp al! Trunk lines, is regarded in some too ce as Bishop of CGale- There is a bare possibility Gettsons, T. G Brain, E, no be ees sritish manus | quarters here as likely to be- sok ‘ » tre { » pre Mullen, P facture, and wi lave a capacity s , 1 i o arduous is the nature|that the treaty may pass the pre- iv ' jcome President of the Grand f , : . on ‘O Pik f 2,000 barrels a day, or about . he w 0) British Golumbia]sent Congress but it is arte oe The: Princess May, en route to o Oe EY ot he nt Trunk. al inany of the pioneers of the able If it does not Canada wi albcceiecsliiiiail S ‘ ne sé as : Skagway, called at this port Cc : Huns e re verte ave to ‘ ebtieyeld aptain and Mrs. Tutte New Of-| Vancouver Portland Cement " ha emoved by death or|eertainly have to withdraw. New Te? mee - With vesterday at about noon. with oe in Charge of the Salva-| Company's works on Tod Inlet Warm, clean rooms at Savoy. fess, and thus the movement 00 rospec ‘ig ‘ i Ww pas : rene 7 . mail and freight and a few pas- ti ; ‘ ae ert Sa al Nak Sala { names a on Army Corps Here, Figure! From 200 to 250 men will be em- oar wilh ERE ae ene are ee ea eens . ye ROnESrA. in Yesterday's Service. ployed Homes will be erected RUSH IS ON TO CANADA pared with the experience in iommission Again. During the auction sale at the , re : gait der estal iA salar » gh a : ——- for the employees near the works, Th ‘hlished bishopries, Pleasure seekers will be aie Majestic Theatre on Saturday, Promptly on sehedule — this In the Salvation Army Gitade!| Thi steniis intended to meet the U. 8. Railroads Have to Enlarge ® lelte e nar ‘ ‘s { ree. 5 } » Si atic Ar lile , 5S i Ss baetlor: a ad by Bishop Dulto hear that Captain H, K. Free-|ihe name of the townsite at the morning the Prince Rupert sailed mn the ul Ey (LH lamand. tor “Haitian Goludkia Emigrant Trains. ‘yesterday, while urging| man’s well known gasoline launch first divisional point on the] sg. Vancouver, Victoria and Se- PRPITAY AEVEEROUR AO ae aa Alt l is Sash tol OT ‘ . awe ar- . rey ’ A ‘iate ale » service was he i verta and Saskatchewan, th ihe members of the chureh|is in Cae hae reer a Grand Trunk Pacific was chan-| aitie, \mong the passengers on yi eee an 7. s alas efi ‘The sibel atedin Duluth, Minn., May 14.—Emi- © Heeds of the mission enter-|ticularly popular feature 0 10) eed from Amundsen to Nicholl } FOL MaDe , wena Py vl yy ; ; ; % i g 8 I »| were: ; ’ Mics gration to Canada has become so Ise, showed hy Beg rm ‘ 8 ‘ s fitted up with : . has been re f have arrived from Vancouver to Cbservatory Inlet. : coe l how the ehureh|boat is that itt fit le a am ey and the new town has been re- Black, H. ( Halen, AE. . ‘ais Natal Lr 6k are da een a y heavy that the Duluth, Missabe & as 7 traditional aim tolits own telephone, Black 93, ANG) Ciltaped as Nicholl. Weston, Mr. and Lynch. Mpa, 3. Me rf * r sues Aieee Ta sinh rhe 75 tons of ore shipped by Northern road has placed two mM in of progress, or fail,|is thereby connected up with the Since the auction a large NUM-|] pyayer, A. Dunwardie, D. in this city, vs 1h ng i : Captain John Irving from the extra sleeping cars on trains ME that to aed ie ‘ ‘Wawar Bf s a > : ‘Lean, W MeLean, J, G, service was illiam Manson, slai ice . ‘ c me i march side by side|cily whenever it is at it ; mae r of lots have been sold at pri- aor } prake. fA. , ah a pl cp er AIM gpa Rounds claim on Alice Arm LO] abi. :from. Duhith to aesemining 1 the pioneers This. as the|ings at the end of the ©, Dds vate sale by the Continental} Manson, M and MeLean, hts i M. P. P., who extended lo ; € , the Tyee Copper Company's smel- date. the {diseaae 4h: ttaie: ee Mishop noj Ai oe cet og a : ¢ : Mrs. William stoeve, Mrs . rE. fieers the weleome of the dis- oe i said mal at itis dx dock 5 ° 7 ih, 1 : ny d out, is being done|‘wharf. Trust Company, selling agents. | yason- 1 H : Niebol, Mrs. OW pa rie kactstecil pitas ter at plat fee pn once $75 ilar actio nha sbeen taken by the VURTO ’ ’ , y mp yp ’ a . sene Miss va ns, u a) ‘rel, 3 as bs] op I , cord, r 4 hen hence’ doceses of Nor- he Trust Company will contin~| fier 3. i Bailey, “ane Rupert received inyitations to eee ee ee Canadian Northern, Officials of streny s ish Columbia — very J. A. Kirkpatrick went up Tiver)y. to dispose of the remaining Richardson, MI Oa oon ae and reaponded, ‘The ser — ————_— the Missabe road say the move- ousl " : t ‘ala 8, LF de ; t ? i +8 ‘ § - es ; i Bish - y Only last Sunday today, unsold lots at private sale, Clark, Miss Olie Butehard, A, 3. wana helakt one The Ramble Club of the Pres-|ment is the heaviest they ever ") Du erne ane . fe ¢ } j f ed ce as ¢ : i : ap 4 Vernet opened = the ; It is expected that within a i Aictein Pulte, “who. was anehs byterian Church will inspeet the} have known and a further in- Sot 'reh at ‘Terrace, and as he Remember Sons of Norway’s|yery short time a large force of The next American boal eam cae eee pete “ Vancouver for| quarantine hospital at Digby|erease is ‘‘kely to necessitate the (he has ever to be alert|banquet and dance, Friday, May} workmen will be employed at the} the south will be the City of S ee ort _\Island on Wednesday night, The]addition of yet more cars to every OCale | i I »] *hursday that branch of the army’s en , hewly Mission seetions in}47th, at 8.30 p.m,, at the ne new town in building round hou-jattle on Thursday, acing. “ania Huleas Sabai launch leaves at.7:80, irain, J “risen centres of po } rg 8-11-16 ’ ard ‘te., for the railway , ®. ” Lin plla-| Central. ses, yards, elc., for 1e railway. Pee pe a ", Purchasing sites at the ear Already purchasers of lots in|'The spokane will call here south-| with great ambitions for the ae —— — a : : ; ‘ »¢ s seeing tremendous ei a Nichol! are making preparations] bound on Wednesday. | He counts, on seeing tt * i ‘ ‘ ; o whe ; progress within the next year or Serene. _ jio build and that within.a very - . : F See c wn iad et Si) oa, te, lt Sach “hatte seucts | THE. EMPRESS. THEATRE PRINCE be a flourishing place, seems} Prades and Labor Council will be meee ne a et ye ad RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO assured, held this evening in Carpenterss® "2 sere @. Bere: aatvine Or = band soon, and to this end he ‘ LPG Ty we h iy: vy frantically turning over the pages of the Munici- Twirlers, Take Note. Hall. will be working this summer, By | ses Act hunting for that amendment, Ball practice tonight on the| == SS | the fall in all probability his am- whee bition will be realized, Dien ROnie in straw hats and parasols; tremendous Second avenue diamond at the E! FREE! Captain Tutt int ly im ' i! stickers and ‘gum boots, sug our. FREE! FRE : Japtain Tutte is intensel, - Merely Mabel Says she es Pe she'll put on he peekaboo uasal —_—— pressed with the possibilities of ETHEL TUCKER AND COMPANY IN FOUR ACT “Afternoon, what? Everyone delighted at Koel- A big beautiful 88 key Prince Rupert and the field the COMEDY DRAMA Chorus of ast nist : vin ’ ici i listriet t yhigh he was formally B94 2 f astonished aldermen securely drawing thei ley's with the most delicious ice electric player piano, worth district to whie e wi 5 6 3 per Oh, you Mayor!” | eream. tf $1,200 oe away to the weloomert yesterday. He already In the Hands of the Czar” Sig ayen ‘HB duestion: Is the Finance Minister going 1o re- 3} naremmesiciisa aan pool ‘players in the Base- believes in the future of the city, Nick - played, Henne? Mr. and Mrs. William Manson|$ ment poo! room, Empress $/ ani coming fresh from V8n-|% Change of Play Nightly 50c., 75c. and $1.00 * Played hazard. Made record. Keeley dinked left for a visit in Vaneouver and Theatre building. conver is certain that he has Meee tereoerone Victoria today, found the scene of the start of , : ce A 4 i t | x. ale ty | ae ) 4 Eee