Vast Soviet Forces, in Separate Army, Standing Beyond Moscow Nails Claim Capture of Smolensk ISTANBUL. July 19: (CP' Another Soviet army of four million men is waiting behind Moscow to be flung against the German forces at an opportune moment, an Axis dl-olomat who was stationed in the Russian capital until the outbreak! of war said today. He said tne lorce is separate from Russia's far eastern army Last night Germany claimed that Somolensk, last important, city on! the way to Moscow, 230 miles distant, had been captured and thati panzer units were driving on to-1 ward the Soviet capital. Russia failed to admit the loss of , Smolensk but Moscow said that fierce fighting was In progress around there , Sweden is Heard for Mil Followed by Lesser Blasts DtWiHAf r T..t. 1 ft iHtll A Discontent In Italy to reports here there Is a grow- ing feeling In Italy that Adolf Hitler may be defeated this year. As a against Benito Mussolini Is mounting. Crown Prince Urn- berto is said to have favored a separate peace with Great Britain. She 4 CAMPAIGN STARTING 'V for Victory" Movement, Instituted by British Propaganda Under Way on Continent LONDON, July 19. Supported by British propaganda a great "V for .T;,,UU munitions l JUI' train V exploded i7h is hoped to have a public meet-Swedish today in a head-on collision with Huge Sabotage Fires Are Set Troublt Being Caused For Nail Aggressors In Enemy-Occupied Holland LONDON, July 19: Reports have "ached here of huge sabotage fires having occurred In Nazi-occupied ouand. Mrs. William Crulckshank left on yesterday's train for a vacation Lake Kathlyn, actual conditions as nearly as pos-, Kr.AI M liln slble. Fuller details will be given Men From This Country Aboard E-Boats Which had Adventurous . . . - ,,M J, S when arrangements are completed. Those in attendance were J. J. NAZI SHIPS DESTROYED Royal Air Force Continues Relent-' BERNE, July 19. According ' less Founding-Norwegians J lyiieer uriusn Air miat LONDON, July 19: (CP) result, feeling 'Alr bomJr "p."abl3rMd!!: iruyea jour Miipa lAjuiiimg i,uvy 'tons off the Netherlands today, It t was authoritatively reported. An announcement said that a group of Blenheims attacked a German con- ,voy escorted by anti-aircraft ships. . I Unfavorable continental weatrrw .kept the Royal Air Force grounded '.during the night but bombers of, the coast command today earned Victory" campaign Is being started. It . . . . , U. U.,1 J . aftnl. " ICLRCU LH11CU ''"H" The Soviet army was reported to.-""" . . " Beln Lifted on Pontoons Allow- i. ji i i - i i i .. i oi mt coiumcm wno are Dcinz uiz-1 ue Gigging urntiira in wie eiiuju wj stop the Germans on their way to ed 10 organize and mobilize In dem- i Mcscow onstrations and other ways against! The Nazis were still hammering M persecutors. The radio 1st away 150 miles southwest of Len- P131"? prominent part in the. inggrad and 120 miles from Kiev, wnicn is aireaay saia to Important victories were claimed:1 making definite headway, by the Nazis in Bessarabia where tour towns were yesterday reported to have been captured. Rrd Recapture Cities Moscow reported today that Rus- ilan detachments, .waging .guerillav Demonstration Is Being. PJanned warfare behind the Oerman lines i had recaptured two cities identified WUl Probably Be Held In Conftec-cnly as -SIP and "Z." Uon 1th Attorney General's Al) through the n)?ht. a Soviet yjj communique said, the Red Army fought stubbornly In Polotsk-Nevel, Smolensk and Bobruisk areas. TRAIN IS BLOWN UP A meeting of the Prince Rupert Civil Protection Committee (A. R. ' P.) was held yesterday afternoon to consider preliminary arrangements In connection with the visit to the city of Attorney-General Gordon Wlsmer, Commissioner T. W. S. Parsons and Major S. F. M Moodle of the provincial police. r..i i . ....! i- The party will arrive In Prince i.iuv3iun oi iMunuiuiis vainer " Rupert . next Friday on their way ing Epic Salvage Feat . . Early this afternoon as the Daily News went to press, the United States Army transport Kvi-. Armour Salvage Co. from Sisters Island near Milbank Sound where she sank a few months ago after stranding, was in the process of being taken put of the water and lifted on tor the pontoons t the " ' locaTdry 3ock. During the morning the Kvi-chak, with her salvage outfit, was removed to the dry dock from Digby Island where she had been beached at the first of the week to be further buoyed up for docking purposes following an epic submarine tow of ISO miles up the coast to this harbor. TO BATTLE HITLERISM north to Stewart and will return Outspoken Statement Is Made In the following day, remaining in I London By Harry L. Hopkins town unUl the Monday afternoon." i LONDON. July 19: (CP) The ing at the week-end anrf and the h possi- nos.sU united States is going to build rlamnnttrallnn 1c aln! . Will... f n 1 nnACT an pvnroco ralr, ot VrvlKA stat fn "-J " Cliuug.. ow.a i.w a ;rthro," 1 7; ." being considered. detonation wnauon was was heard neara for ior miles and ana a for hours. khe United Kiiiedom and Into every. The importance oi trus civil rro-1 theatre of -war where the democ- Committee WOrk is being rados are flghtlns Hitler," Harry series 0f shell bursts continued more fuHy rccognlzed eTe taHopklnSf sup;rvlsor oI the United CANADIANS little doubt but tnat mere wm oe states "lease-lend" program said Increased activity along these lines. yesterday. The government realizes the needj for preparedness and the only way v-iMfr) 4 CQT to be prepared Is to practise under l VI K A NN T Little, who presided. Inspector E. . m t.i. o v Dv.r Some Jlembers ...mK.r of f uammon. u. 1. uuuV o. . . Fmm m. Smlth GIBRALTAR, July 19.- Canad-Corporal ians are among the members of Tews of a number of E-boats which have arrived at Gibraltar after an adventurous passage from England. Each boat carries two officers and ten crew members. wiisnn AmnH Flaten and1 s"-" Abandoned Baby; ( Judge Suspends I Sentence Term CALGARY, July 19. Mrs. Lillian Jones, aged Z3, irom vautuy was given twelve montns' suspena-ed sentence imprisonment here on a charge of child abandonment. The Judge found that she had endeavoured to do as well as she could with her children until circumstances appeared to be desperate. Mrs. F. N. Good and two sons left on yesterday mornine'st rain for a visit, to Smlthers. Miss Jean Mclntyre Is sailing for Skldegate on the Camosun tonignc, LEAVING; MOSCOW. July 19.- staff of the United States embassy to Russia has moved from Moscow to Kazan, 450 miles to the east but Ambassador Lawrence A. Stelnhardt and the principal members of the staff sltll remain ln the Russian capital. International Joint Board To Hold Sittings TRAIL, July" 19:' The International ' Joint Commission will sit here September 3 and in Spokane September 0, to consider problems affecting Canada and United States -iRY Weather Forecast Tomorrow sT ides Prince Rupert District and Queen mto Charlotte Islands Light southwest (Pacific Standard Time) winds, with dense fog patches and 'High -.11:10 a m. 16.1ft. mild except fair and warm over 22:59 pm. 19.0 ft. southern Queen Charlotte Islands. Low 5:00 a.m. 6.1 ft. 16:41 92 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWBPAPEI pjn. Vol XXX:, NO. 168. togJptCtto Ot PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1941. PRICE: FIVE CENTS - - BS ArVr I :tfon Is Due In B.C. This Fall On Eastern Front MILLIONS OF REDS TO FIGHT,: I 4 I 1 A. Fuehrer ' Has Fit , I -OTTAWA, July 19: The Domln-' Ion government fe agreeable to tompensate for toss -of, revenue caU3ect Tjy"'the appeal to gasoline consumers to cut down the use pf motor fuel any provincial governments which have withdrawn from the Income tax field. A government spokesman said last night that the Dominion would make good any loss in provincial revenue caused by the campaign to reduce private gasoline consumption caused by the campaign which is designed to reduce private gasoline consumption by one-half providing the province had accepted the federal budget proposal to withdraw from the Income tax field. Rangers Leaving In Near Future Understood They WlU March Part of Way to New Destination-Recruits Go Along The Rocky Mountain Rangers will be leaving Prince Rupert soon and It Is understood they will marcn part of the way to their new destination. The Second Battalion, Can adian Scottish, is to come here, it is understood. The Raneers have obtained a United SUtnumber of recruits both here and at Biewari put uicje me auu occi ivoranii Viat. ran h filled. There cow for Kazan are vacancles for one or tw0 the ln tne slnal COrpS Par o in me oigiia.Ls, icviuiva muot u& between the ages of 19 and 25 with three years ln High School. They would have to apply next week to be medically examined and equipped. W, T. Moodie. general superln- Itendent, Canadian National Railways, Vancouver, arrived ln the city yesterday from the south In the course of a general inspection tour. He will return to Vancouver by rail over the local line. Miss Lillian Halliwell oi the Borden" Street School !teachlng: staff sailed this, morning on the. Cardena for a trip to Vancouver. This afternoon's train due from arising out of the construction of (the cast at 4:30 is reported to be. the Grand Coulee dam which will .one hour and . forty minutes late cause the flooding of a great dealiWhlch will bring It in at 6:10 pm. l: " of country. jD.-S.-T.-- JAPAN HAS FREE HAND Way In WbJiLh New Militaristic " Administration Will Move Is : BERNE, July 19. Chancellor ! Adolf Hitler, it Is reported here, v suiierea an epuepuc co.iapse t , A Royal. 4, j.irln rr,nferenre Mrtlrl aid was rushed to the .Fuehrer YOUNG MEN ARE KILLED TOKYO. July 19: (CP1 In the new Japanese cabinet which was formed yesterday by prince Fuml-naro Konoye. Konoye himself Is minded Baron KiLhiro Hlranumal as vice-premier and a membership '. weighted In a military and naval transcontinental train of the Can-'the details of which, however, con- adlan Pacific Railway. They haditlnue .to be a closely guarded evidently not heard the train ap- (secret. proaching. Compensation For Provinces Revenue Caused By Curtailment In Gasoline Use HEAT CAUSES Policemen In Vancouver In Shirt Sleeves VANCOUVER, July 19, Mayor J. W. Comett yesterday issued an un- pecedented order yesterday as a result of the extremely warm weather permitting police officers for the .first time to shed their tunics in favor of blue shirts and belts. Motormen and conductors on street cars immediately follow ed suit. A light summer uniform for the police department is being planned. FRENCH TO EVACUATE Have Evidently Given Up Hope, of Holding Out in Somallland VICHY, July 19: (CP) The Vichy government has begun parleys with Oreat Britain over the evacuation of women and children from DJlbutl and elsewhere in Frencn somaii-land, it was learned today, indicating that hope has been virtually abandoned, that that outpost can hold out against the British and Free French blockade. In yesterday's published list of successful candidates In First Aid examinations the name of "Miss" Laura Ellis should have read I'Mrs." Laura Ellis. Mrs. ians is the wife of Lieut. P. A. T. Ellis. Mrs. Frank Skinner and daugh ter left on yesterday morning's train for a visit to Smlthers. Legislature Will Be Dissolved In Course Of Coming Few Days Zl S.r .uTe SSuS. Sta,eracnl U1 NIM at Port Albernt by Minister of Labor in Nominating Convention PORT ALBERNI. July 19: (CP) Hon. Georere S. sence by three admirals and four Pearson, minister of labor, in an address to the Liberal nominatinK convention which again chose him as candr Yosuke Mauuoka wh i d d fhp npiitraiitv nJt JljL n date for Alberni-Nanaimo. said here last nightthat "with out aVattack on a German supply Q"Pe Tragedy at Level Cross- after, aligning Japan with the in a few days the legislature will be dissolved and the 'shin In a Norwegian port and the in Near Portage la Prairie Last Axis, is dropped as foreign minis- election will be this fall although I know HO more about it , air ministry said that the attacking planes were cheered by Norwegian cottagers and fishermen standing jln their boats. KVICHAK" AT DOCK Night Iter and i3 succeeded by a promln- . j. ent naval expert, Vice-Admlral FORTAOE LA PRAIRIE. July 19. Teijiro Toyoda whose foreign pol- Four young men, returning from; icy is little known, swimming, were' killed Just "west of ) Uia new cabinet, which has been Portage, la Prairie Jast night when approved by Emperor Hlrohito, their automobile was struck at a evidently has more freedom of ac- VANCOUVER STILL HOT level crossing by the Dominion, .tion in regard to foreign policy, Electrical Storm With Showers in an election this fall. Early Morning VANCOUVER. Julv 19, A series Kumataro Honda, ambaJssador to of iichtnine flashes and neals of the Japanese-sponsored Chinese v,..r,x ariw mnmine ar- government at Nanking, and Vice- companied rain showers for Van-Minister Chulchl Chasl submitted couver but another warm day was ineir resignations toaay to tne nTfAr.teA. Durine the electrical I j Salmon Arrivals ' Azurite. 1,000 spring, sold to Booth Fisheries; 7,800 coho. sold to Nelson Brothers. Prices mild cure. 15c, small red 12c, white 6c, coho 10.2c. CLEVELAND HOLDS ON CLEVELAND, July 18: (CP) Cleveland Indians have been nearly eliminated from the American League pennant race but still havel a chance. Thursday they' 1 1 l. n .i.iifllnl n- n w a frt than you gentlemen." Dissolution of the legislature would precede the holding of a general election. Mr. Pearson's hint came as no surprise as it has been known In authoritative quarters for some time that there would probably be RAIDING IS EFFECTIVE new foreign minister, Admiral Toy storm eiectric lights flickered and Foreign Diplomats at Ankara Tell oda, as an aftermath of the or- minute off alto- for a 0r so were of Enormous Damage Wrought ganlzatlon of the new cabinet by ,,,, v(rH9v ? 9w was tp. it. n.rm.nv I chak, successfully salvaged by the Dominion Will Make Good Loss Of jPrlnce Konoye. corded as the heat wave continued. 1 This was at 5:30 pm. ANKARA. Turkev. Julv 19. For- Llllooet, with 112 above, was the ti diDi0mats arrlvlnz from Ger- warmest place In the province. tell 0j enormous havoc which i n Korpsr. Hranr.n renons mat a i i. t-- i svm i IULS "'""Sill upvu uiiiuiwuti ui-NINI 4 nnT T n IlM A I K dangerous fire situation still ex- dustrial and military centres by ITv 11 111 Li llrVi-llU--itr, makimg it rieessary to con- almost ceaseless "bombing 'cam-" tinue the closure order on logging paign wnich has been conducted JToIl of : Life Taken by Excessively operations and other special res- jof late by 0reat Britain'3 Royal Air warm weamer in racmc incuons aue 10 me emergency. Force Northwest Hundreds of fires are burning in the ; Dus'seidorf is now little more than Fraser Valley with a few on Van-, charred rumS( lt ls stated Docks PORTLAND, Oregon, July 19- couver Island. A large fire on Sey- and otner facllltles at Hamburg and Nine, deatn nave been attributed mour ureeK on me nonn snore, oermpn have been rendei-ed virtu- to the continued heat wave in the which was started by lightning, is aily 555, Hanover has suffered Pacific Northwest. Walla Walla still burning but Vancouver's water enormous damage and the Kiel na- reports the record high tempera- suppiy is siaiea w oe in no aanger. vaj centre nas been severely hit. tures. SEVEN AXIS SHIPS SUNK Further Losses Inflicted By British Submarines On Enemy In Mediterranean LONDON, July 19: (CP) Seven sailing vessels, filled wth German itroops, gasoline and ammunition, . . v,nt,..c have been sunk ln the vt i.nkees Defeat New lork &n submarines, the And Still Have Chance in !AdinlraU announced today. American League i RUPERT IS IMPROVED uroppea uuuuici tiuum 50111 j the New York Yanks but came back Many Chanjes for Better Here to win yesterday. The Yankees are observed By Doug Stork On now leading over the Indians by First visit m xeie Years. six full games. Joe DeMaggios nit- ting streak ended at 56 games on Douglas Stork, now of New York, Thursday. paying his first visit to Prince Detroit Tigers were defeated by Rupert m twelve years, observes Washington Senators and dropped many changes ln his old home back into sixth place ahead of the)town they are all to the good. Chicago White Sox who won over ne has been stmck with many lm-Boston Red Sox. The St. Louis pr0Yements and one of the things Browns lost to the Philadelphia 'on wnlch he commented was the Athletics and are again tied with lKrcat new second growth all over Washington Senators in the cellar. once stump-coveTed townslte. Yesterday's Big League scores: while here during the coming National League St. Louis 6, Brooklyn 1. Pittsburg 5-3. Boston 1-4. American Boston 3, Chicago 4. Philadelphia 6, St. Louis 5. Washington 8, Detroit 1. New York 1, Cleveland 2. The league standings: .week Doug Is hoping to get ln a j fishing trip to one of the old angung naunus. Mr. Stork U now Identified with the wholesale patent medicine business and has been doing well. He reports that his father, .-Fred .Stork, pioneer local business man, 'first mayor of Prince Rupert and lformer Member of Parliament. en- Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Winslow and Joys good health at Brampton. On-daughter, Ann, left on last night's tarlo, where he now resides. His train for New Hazelton. They took mother, Doug says, however, has their car with them and will motor not been so well during the past south. couple of years or so.