PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS JULIA ARTHUR and TANGO PUMPS New Fall Designs Just Arrived! "GIANELLE" PUMPS IN HIGH HEEL, LATEST CRUSHED KID, SOFT DULL CALF AND SUEDES Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULL EN, MANAGING-EDITOh MEMIIEK OF TIIK CANADIAN 1'KF.SH The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to use lor publication of all news deftpotcties credited to lt or to the Associated Press In this paper and also the local news published therein. All Dalits of rqpubllOHiUon of special despatches therein are also reserved SUBSCRIPTION RATES m Subscription Rates in City Per Year, $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; One Week, 12c. Out-of-Town Subscribers by Mall, $3.00 a Year. ADVERTISING RATES Local Readers, per line, per insertion Classified Advertisements, per word, per insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION me. iot only did he thus breathe defiance to all and sundry in these sweeping terms; he particularized with1 the following statement to 20 public officials in Osaka yesterday with whom he pleaded for internal solidarity:, "World environment is changing so quickly we can-, not tell what lies in store for Japan, but . . . we must go . on and develop in ever-expanding progression. Natural--ly difficulties will arise. But 'if Japan's 100,000,000 merge and go forward, nothing can stop us. If this state of preparedness is completed, diplomacy becomes an easy matter; wars can be fought with ease . . . Unity! Unitv'.i That is what makes people one and wnole, solving allr problems." i It will be recalled, says the Victoria Times, that United States Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox declared a few days ago that a collision in the Pacific was! inevitable if Japan persisted in her course of expansion.! He let the statement stand for the Tokyo government to' make what it would of it; he did not elaborate. It is I nevertheless presumed that he spoke with the full au-i thonty and knowledge of President Roosevelt. General ' Tojo s rejoiner likewise must have followed consultation ' with Emperor Hirohito; it, too, may mean much or little. It was composed of brave words and high-sounding i phrases. It is patent, however, that a polemical exchange of! this character cannot continue indefinitely without further threats whose meaning will be unmistakable. Either ! iidn m nKs sne can nnish the "incident" in China and luhe on ine united btates, Soviet Russia, the British Em pire and the Netherlands East Indies, or she is merely indulging in verbal shadow-boxing to keep up domestic1 morale and fray the nerves of her potential adversaries.! , "c cm oe iougnt with ease," however, will be noted nLreTojo'sS"ifT',ChianS Kai"Sheknot forgetting Pre- FLOOR COVERING SALE! Friday and Saturday Only DOMINION INLAID LINOLEUM -two yards wide. fi4 C p Regularly at $1.56. Special, square yard jJL.Ot) DOMINION PRINTED LINOLEUM Two yards wide O? Regularly at $1.00. Special, square yard 0)C Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE Store Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 pjn. WASHED 40 FEET THEN GRABBED Victoria Time Sailor Aboard In Atlantic VICTORIA, Nov. 1: "Midnight. September 23. I wont forge that !of the Bismarck and In ing us." bracelet in the scuffle, i ed a day's work In 20 years. the RooeeveH-Churchill meeting. "We've picked up two lots of survivors from sunken rtilps." he continued. "One boatload had 12 men, white and Chinese, and one nt-anv at Ihpm. too. They had been drifting a week and wece in terrible condition." They also picked up three men Had Interesting fcund huddled on an overturned Canadian Ship wrebgnt boBt had teen rid- Caught In H!itz . On leave in England. Petty Of- m a long wnue. Gibbon was caujht in a t. NEW COATS THIS FALL woman. She was in the bet spirits observer Finds Tilings Iteally Ex filing In The Coat Shops This Year By HELEN FORRIST HALL Associated Press Fashion Writer kt.v YORK Nov. 1: What HIaH uUh machine mm bulle'tS n t ,w.ikii tu There's something very exciting what the coat shots are At that hour Chief Officer , Petty nn Oroenock. Scotland, last , T. n Where Wild Life Is Exactly That i Central West Border Country " I Offers Ileal Adventure This Season. I MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 1 : (f -The Canadian border country of Minnesota is having its final flin- be-fore winter's icy fingers close over and , "the K boys , were sura ga see woman wno - , - for yeare has , longed i me ite-iuauea .... ... . country ... ' ami . drive for a really good coat minus . In one week-end, ,.fc, ' news . ' adornment can get It? reports chronicled that: Richard Janes, 25, hunting grouse on the American side of Gibbons of Victoria was was attacked by a large Tommy May and an6lher m Belfast last ugh at a time when fionseborder buck deer. Janes """T V- T 3 APru- are haywire In general, a woman Canadian Aavy destroyer on con- It tne residential sections be Jble t0 buy m gocd taste. voy duty in the Atlantic. fhat ettned to get the worst of nerSt lt have really A heavy sea was rolling and as the j.. he smarted, discovered that a woman's type slippery deck, a wave "bigger "Tn rr0orvfvlr tt'A hplfipri ttfl tflkp nrA ,?. n f a I m r-fnt nut in Vipr nnt stooped to pick up a bird he had Just shot. He whirled in time to see the buck charge out but too late to defend himself. Janes grabbed the beast's thP ini.iroH tn hfntoi aftPr diff- ,,.n Tv,,r nr,n W " and screamed for help. His than a house crashed against the , thrm of shattcred much , or 1 brother. Frank, trying to end the ship. It washed over her sleek bow e' " at thc de"' bomM , MW such a horrible the becoming style ?f,ath and a wall of water four feet her,""1" hundreds of Vut EP,ray1 "I saw it coming and braced wounded by shot In the head and In the e were also do- to advantage. myself." Gibbons related. "I guess ( en5 and dozens of fires. Even with Drama In Coats it was too much for me. It washed me loose from two handHs I was ' . ; '" " , " ; " ', , in the same general vicinity. down tile deck remember was being low. "It A WCJU. 041VSWll ... ...... , , A Close Shave was a close shave. Leonard Dickenson was walking The next tning I " . J " i .1 ..,.., -j..T. through dense woods at night with pornert ho. , VJ1UUUI1S was 111X11 ugil Ul Ul 1113 HIS UTH1S? -r r-v v, - n.-.-1pV a-hPD o Ivnv lpnnprl .l - i i Thtv rrtnv rtpnonn nn si rimiPMP ....... u .,. 'whTerelSS. S erestuch capeleis" gues, men of the Roya.nadian Navy. ?r Uered,, Med tunic, or pep- .S?; Thp hnvs coir! .thpv rahh.ort mp "T mm n.'ll h oc't'na plrvVln-. lums. OluriS muj ueu a mue, nave ' 'just in time before I went over- sifts from the I. O. D. E. soon," he board. I had travelled about 40 .cald. "We get quite a few clgar- ieei aiong me aecK cnes. too. Tnsy certainly treat us Gibbons, a quiet-spoken chap, well." grinned as he told of his expert- ence as he sat In the living room ROAST SWAN. WELL DONE of his home at 931 Green Street, LONDON. Nov 1: Q wnere ne is spenaing a monuvs leave with his wife and two child- somersault and the cat dislodging front fiiiinMR or hP vPrv trim, Velvet trims .frogs, petit point or whlch tampered away. His heavy other embroidery or bratd may aid their Important look. Newest of all are the coaU which depend entirely upon the clothing spared his body from the cat's long claws. Another pop-eyed person was 19-year-old Richard Koehler. Chl- fold of thMr own beautiful fabrte cago Boy Scoutmaster and labor-. Britons and fme detail, for Individuality. atory technician. Koehler, on an . shortly may be eating roast cyg- petite women will love tlwtn. So incredible 12-week, 500-mlle solo I npt rfpllpflpu of hvtrnnp invc Tt ... . . .1 finrtp trlrk in IVp 'HHprnpcc: ar-:lQ rpn Hnhhv 10 viirt nnrl Tlnnna . v "( w-jU jarger women wno ure 01 I1V- five s""- ..v mg up 10 lavisnness. inese areas- ..-B "It's all in the game," he said, land his wife added: "Yes, but you spent a week in sick bay over it spent a week in sick bay getting over it. He didnt tell you he In- public swans in the parks should makpr mnHpis whh havp triprf edy of the first magnitude. His be killed Tor eating. ror so iong to eQge from the. cus- cant slid silently along a .larrow .. tom taJlor tQ tne ready.rnade de- connecting river when a huac tlm- MATCII TERROR FILMS partment seem to be here at last. ber vM raced "P to a deer and irtvnoM Nnv i- fD Th. -on r,...i Cowl and vi, Yoke Kiuea it Dy seizing its uiniut. ly molded the usual afford--one 'PREST0NE','-ze for Motorists curtailed to equip our fighting forces! ' I 1HE ingredients which go into the making of "Pr estone" Ami-Freeze are vital war-time necessities. These raw materials are so valuable to our, fighting forces that production for motorists' use has been radically curtailed. The makers of "Prestone" Anti-Freeze are proud to divert much of their supply to war services. Motorists who are forced to use a substitute will gladly make this sacrifice. THESE ARE FACTS WORTH REMEMBERING IF YOUR DEALER 15 UNABLE TO SERVE YOU WITH YOUR USUAL "PRESTONE" ANTI FREEZE. "Prntont" Anti-Trttzt it madt by the makers ofEtertadyTlaihUghttand Baft cries, "Etvrtatf1 Radio Batteries, "StaWay" Insect Repellent Lotion, etc jured his shoulder and one of his cffl:e has decided to match Ger-i A cowl drape to a neckline, an ears. care. A settler crowded Into this w'. .ittii r.H.n Mv.tnr'. man terror films. More than 100 intrir.itpiv nit. vokp which pnri amazing series of frontier incl- . - J V. . . . . . O " , -j wwv rfw..w " ...... , . , . 1.1.. eXDert rhotosramiers have bpen In a vnrt nH mmliw nn ueiits Willi a siury uuuut pitnii up a wrieallnK black bass fiom a oe mis is uiuouiis louneemn year -" ..i atu anci ciuc viusmg. xiiksk. iuiiik wiiu uic .... . . ... . 'J . .. ....... . field. fiplrt Tt an rtronnprf thprp hv nn in tho nnvv nnrl tho i-ct trvn a six wrens course win De anuiea aroriDea sjioii mpri nc. and nicp -v " ' ' Ivpnre ho hns hopn in onH inlto various war zones. littip spams .hi.h An thin for Q&gle or a large ihostile waters. I the figure but are not too appar- "It's rjrettv nprve-wrackincr " hp' 80-YEAR-OLD POSTIE 'ent. are features to watch far in said. "You are never out of your' NEWCASTLE. Eng., Nov. 1. 3 the better coat. Intended to bs SATURDAY, NOV. 1, 1941. clothes and you wear a lifebelt Jack Cowton, who soon will eel- worn as Is, they may carry your diessed up or down for the occa- at all times. Incidentally, my life-'ebrate his 80th birthday. Is be- ur scarf, stole or tippet. isi0n are the long looked for Items hjtf tnm f M . . . . . . .... ... nqe -l rv- f n ...V. n airrul fn U. J n i HUClliaUUliai 1 ICSMIIC . . .tlflcation that wave hit me. I lost my lden- ;man in the world and hasn't miss Japan's Premier General Tojo has served notice onj Petty officer Gibbons' ship took tne world m general that his country intends to follow 'part in the history-making chase an unswerving.course of "ever-expanding progression", and he added that "no international pressure can disturb, 11 THE BRITISH fish, taken from had become too bird's flight. hawk after the 1 Z. a shallow lake, heavy for the co w,u bh..v "c wuni.iKi m uc uiucsi auivt ia'si- Oilier uniurrea coats, oeauinui- wnicn always used to be lust a to the figure, beg for little reerer or a box coat. While a :essori j th shops the latter ar? both all rlht at re suggesting Jet. the moment, its fun to have a Classified ads. get results. Phone crochet and fringe fixings. These choice and be able to select the 98- more basic coats, which may be coat that's meant for you. LION ROARS DEFIANCE ! It!-: SATURDAY, Kovlmb- I I il. I When You Want-. r-3 B. C Furniture Co, Tiimi) AVE 10 STUDIO SETS-3 pieces, i. and $QQ , colors tJ J? !92 J CIIESTERFir.L!) siITr, Priced $MAC0 ICO t from 1 y to ! USED CHESTER FlfLB SUITES ST... '42M '49' 50 MATTIIESSES- priced $ from .. 9t0,,'22: q imni'rii .. .... - uuuni.u Kl lis J at 2 ENGLISH china DIXXIK '20;' '21 PHONE BLACK K COOD TAXI SKKVICE (an 235 Taxi Proprletot : Grade A Raw Good for Babies and Aijlti! t DOMINION DAIRY 1 PHONE BLACK 60S , RONALD NUHGETT English Sinter and Broad-1 raster ror BBC and CBC Is open '' " few pup: '. SINGING AND RLTERTOIFJl Phone Red 921 The EAST SIDE I COAL CO. will apprrriu.!- - -" age given a cr; service and -: -: - C. IJ. CASEY. Mer, I'honc 755 or Orren 3 ro i n o b b in"' Attention Ladies i w . WINTER so wh ii 1 a EUR COAT Miss Bell, wiii r-a buvlne trip f1 t ' law;e new stot s v j Invited to looK over. Prices 1 '' ' one, and rem -credit is good COLDHL00M The Old lleUMt' . I Steamers leave prim for Vancouver CATALA EVKKV U' 1:30 p.m. Thurs. ? Due Vancouver r-nltlAYi CARDENA KVEKi 10:30 pjn- Due Vancouver queen " Leaving October W. ber i a"'1 18 Tickets and Reservation' from FRANK J. SKISNJJ Prince Run"' Ajfn ,. M II" M ..."