sie tinae edeccne se SE Ree eas Te Sieteatetnaettovees ae | ABE 8 os Sere ee pen Ore nee 3 . sia aay a BS _s THE DAILY NEWS. THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TO FIGHT THE TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—DaiLr, Ste per month; or $5.00 per year, inadvance. WEEKLY; $2.00 per year. All Other Countries— Daily, $3. per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. —50 cents per inch. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 3%. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New Yorx—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City SEaTTLE— Puget Sound News Co. Lonpon, EncLaND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Square. SUBSCRIBERS wil! greatly oblige by non-delivery or inattention on the Trafalgar promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of part of the news curriers. DatLy EDITION. The Boston News B 3 a j al. dem behalf of the share holders, the itting ther melo the G. P. R. The Montreal Witness, menting on the re- quest, says: “The GC. P..R. directors find it necessary to disguise the enormous profits and distribute them in a way that wii not be too obvious to the people of the west, who feel the burde most directly. In 1909 they cut a melon, as the saying ts, Dy allotting to the stock holders thirty million dollars’ wo o new stock at $125 a share. This year they made a new issue of about eighteen million dollars’ worth at $150 a share, and/ today with stock at $250 they are asked to allot another sixty million dollars’ worth at $150. As every previous allotmrént}, has had from the day of issue a value not far from that of the old stock, this new issue will be tantamount to a present to the steck holders of about a hundred dollars share Un an issue of sixty million dollars this would amount to the Canadian g a prese if sixty millon} Ww mary s the ch presents is 1€ years n the : prac- new is the n the the ivlLlOW imtiumate relation between the hese periodical melon cuttings; Contract rates shoremen's Workers of World. Tacoma, Wash., interview today, T. V. O°Con- r. president of the Internat- PRINCE RUPERT FEED 00. nal Longshoremen’s Associa-/ the eaadidiasonds. ‘ . vent < hl Be stock of all kinds of ' > : . Garden Seeds, Timothy. Port Huron, Mich hat a man ee 1st choose between the LW Ww i Clever and Grain and the Internationa Lo ne | Seeds. shoremen’s Union and I expect) Mail Orders Promptly Attended to sin lar act n Ww c take rere.! MeL ee The LW.W has respect for] an, God, country the devi : Agents International Stock Food:- rhe conditions are such 4s to} —ALL KINDS OF FEED warrant the employer ! et neers maneeenert timate organizat ge gether to fight agains en pe a flag. he said. »» EDITOR SLEEPS RED FLAG The Tacoma International Long-_ Association Pre- sident Down on the Industrial May it! 7 IN PRISON But is Allowed ed Out All Day to To Do His Work. Pas May it—That the pub eal f the Washtucna En-/ rprise may not. be suspended] G. Roe, the editor, has been serve it a thirty-day sentence we] by h Supe rh ‘ te . y at nigh i wt was <¢ ’ i a < , re 2 , s fa + er ; ty? as G reg H Roe fi 2 eked up : : ght. The ry disag he case the der F 1¢ will be -tried nee } Ty fore roul a ge 2 t Keele s f NEW SMALL ARM ATTENTION KEELEY’S PHARMACY 6th St. and 3rd Ave. must call and see Keeley! Delicious, Refreshing TCE CREAM ‘Silversides Bros. The up-to-date House tors of Prince Rupert Sign Writing.. Paper-Hanging Our Specialties WE ORIGINATE. OTHERS IMI- TATE 2nd Street Phone 156 Green New Knox > Z Zz rr ve Owned and operated by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on the American and European plan. Excelientiy furnished. with steam heat, electric light, and all modern conveniences, being abso- lutely first-class in every respect. The appointments and service are equal to any hote] on the coast. Rates: $1 te $3.50 per da. G. A. Sweet, Manager. Hotel BESNER & BESNER, PROPRIETORS The New Knox Hotel ip run om the European pa First-class service. An lanpruvemes ts. - FIRST AVENUE. PRINCE RUPER? .Grand Hotel.. Workingman’s Home Free Labor Bureau in Connection Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th St. GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor: —THE-— Westholme Lumber Co. —LIMITED— COAL $6.50 Per Tea, Delivered Lumber and Mouldings All Kinds of Building Supplies Phone 186 Some eikeees .2 in the Gritieh} | Georgetown | Sawmuill Co. Lid. Rifle jisguised supplementary divi- Lond May i2—it is under- will continue the practice until) stood that the design of the new} 2 Free Press rifle { the British forees will) Lumber |contain many features to dis-}| BRITAIN’S WEALTHY. itinguish it from the present) {short weapon. It is stated that} Mouldings Mr. I j se showed i he principle*of the short rifle} SRecen: Sar. Laoye—eeree Shwe ss ied in the pattern now in e what extraordinary oncentra- | »<. 7 ” modifies ne : ; oe , be” Biodified, "608 that} A large stock of dry finish- there is in the hands oi few people / there will be a n to a longer} ing lumber om hand. Bost es’ s e Chancellor of the Ex-! barre Some 2% inches, it is} lumber a specialty. Delivery ; b w be restored of the} made at short notice. , tae ae - stn} | th il tor f ; hequer ron . ¢ > is tering. The total eit : taken off when the Lee- : m > ay cnenet ty anette a found. Each medal is Because great areas TIMBER. 1.14 engraved with the name [ he MES GF NaVMABLE WATERS, EX-|. 1. , : ; LENT WATER POWERS, ate tribe a we was awarded tary te Fort George @ special staff ef clerks Because thery arm = 35 : ecses _ ndeavoriug trare them fee aere ture aos qt c or re tt - ” (gine These, howeve a it the only Because of all the railroad bal arte : . . oe ; poth@img or that have got tUbeir marter & = ua inc iaime as build through Port George there a mementoes f the Zu- rr oo ee eee ee ampaign of 1878-9, and also the Panam anki, whi $s that a Seve nedais presented by the imat grain shall have r San aed George Before reaching either Prince | jritish South African Company pees or Voncouve the Matebele war, still seek- Beraus strate gr ng owners. GATEWAY 2 o . PEACE RIVER QOUNTRY, whiet ywers BR RR gy Bm ong es be For row boats and launches Within a few years Fort George wit be| *¢lephone 320 green. Davis boat where Vane r and Winarpee are & house. ~~) ? lime 2 ect The ma : Mision is the man whe eS have everything to wt : a “ new. because this summer Best meal in town at Savoy. activity 21 Fort George : advance rapidly ' ‘N FREE FOR THE F ] SOME GOOD BUYS IN PRINCE RUPERT ‘°! 2°. SIR 27, Ser. 3, ETFO: Fide cash, | pal. 6-12-18 Two bots Dleock 11, section 1, 815,54 Lot 17, Bik. 5. Sec. 6, $23,100; % caad,j be! . n “> CORN phew ction Se. 16 months. Oe LORNER, wee 8. Lot 36, BIk. 22, Sec. 6, $950; $500 cash, bal, 6-42 Lot and two-room house, DiOck 32, sectiM) Lot 2s. BIk 22. Sec 6, with §750 house 5, 61,000.00 half cash, bal arranged Lot end houwse biock 23 section 6) h0%8 75 and 76, Bik. 3, Sec. 7, $4,306; $1,575.90; very good terms 1-3 cash, bal 6-12 amd house. block 25. section ¢ | L0ts 9 and 10, BIK. 29, Ser. 3, 9900; & Ler 2 $4,100.06 owl terms i, cash, bal 6-12. See rs very ores, Lot 21, BIK. 46, Sec. 7, $730; 9346 cash, Lat bieck 39, section $ES5.00 bal. arren o lock 4}, seedtom TF, #1,11 Lots 52 and 53, Blk. 38, Sec. 8, $800; ~ cash easy terms Ome bot, bleck 7. section 7, $750.04 Lots 50 and $1, Bik. 38, Sec. &, 9750; & ‘ a : bal. 6-12 Two tots, block sec tow $1,206 . 2 . this ts a smap an ; t + os, : Sec. 8, 8500; % cash, (me Jot, Block 1 $360.00; best Duy Mito 58 and 54 Bik. 38, Sec. 8 $750; & secon 7 ash, bal 6-i2 : : Double cormer, Dlck 16, section §, #750.) 10! 3. BIR. 10, Sec. 8, 6408; & cash Two jets, block 15. section 8 $500.95 bal. 6.42 nothing cheaper on the market j;Lots 35 and 36, Bik. 38, Sec 8 8350 ime bot, block BG. section. & $560.00 | each, $200 cash, bal 6-12 TW lee, Block 35, section §, $750.00 FOR RENT oe | ¢-room house, am tolles, chase in, ge ?-room cabin, furnished. water, $15 Th. COLLART Omee Law-Buter Bh ; . Seticny, mm rear of eerbaae” oO, $25 Metural Resources Security Co, Lid. LAW-BUTLER C Sox Soh 225 Sh Street Prone S51) Phone GO ae | Daily MOST UN-NATURAL Heaviest of Eabies Attacked by Mother May {0—The British North America 76 YEARS IN BUSINESS Capital and Reserve Over $7,500,000 heaviest baby ever born in Amer- Bank by Mail and Save Trouble -aw he here vyesier- a circus He is a baby If it is inconvenient for you hant. 2 feet tall, 3 feet long to get to town every time weighing 180 pounds His you wish to deposit or with- ge s say that nothing} draw money, call or write re Wes .OFOr SET: AES. HOLS the Manager of our nearest aptivity on this continent. sis . Alice, the mother, tried to kill Branch her baby She tried with such fury that a panic started among You simply mail us your the other animals, and Alspaw,| | depositsor write forwhatever the trainer, in saving the calf.j cash you need. was hurled twenty feet : Uniess Alice relents her baby| —Interest paid half-yearly on ll have t dem and be brought up He is ijjoha. unhurt, pink healthy. Wanted—Smart in store. Address News office. girl to clerk “Business,” THE STANDARD is the National Weekly Newspaper of the ig: gs of Canada it is national in all aims, It uses the most expensive engrav- Ite articles are carefully selected and} ite «editorial policy is th oroaghly | independent. 4 subscripticom to The ¢osts $200 per year to any address in Canada or Grest Britain. TRY IT FOR 1912! Montreal Standard Publishing Ca, Limited, Publishers yn the! "l Savings Accounts. 'Priace Rupert Branch, ; c-o} Ss jings, procuring the photographs from } jall over the world Standsrd ike F. S. LONG, Manager. Savoy Hotel Cue. Praser and ich Chwice Wines and Cigurs | SaPaErS PALACE OF COMFORT Necsalen » Baths The Most Modern Barber Shop of Prince Rupert SECOND AVE. WASHINGTON BLK 1 MIGHT STATE 5} here «2 few enape for Sale 30, bik. 5, sec. 1, Beach place $2000: half cash; terms Lots 17-18, bik. 39, sec . 9th Ave s15¢ 1-3 cash; terms Tots 12-13, bik. 10, sec. 5, 6th Ave., $3000; % cash: terms H. DOUGLAS P.O. Box 606 Real Estate Phone Biue 259 - First Avenue CARTAGE and LINDSA STORAGE G. T. P. Transfer Agents Orders promptiy flied. Prices reasonable. OFFICE—H. B. Rechester. Centre st. Phone & Little’s NEWS ‘Agency Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspaper: CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS 2nd Ave. Below Kaien Isiand Ciub oD Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening members of the order in the city are requested to visit the lodge. A. DOUGLAS, N. G. ’. G. BARRIE, Sec. S.S. Inlander for— HAZELTON, TELKWA, ALDER- MERE points. For app'y All and all interi inf rates and rmation Rochester & Monroe - Second Avenue .-We Offer For Sale.. Agents Lots 6. # and 16, Block 6, Section i. Price $3,900 each One-half cash, € ‘2 and 18 ae Lots 16 and Block 17, Section 3. Price $2.10 Gas-balf cash, balance 6, 12 _ €06 18 months ie 4, Block 25, Section $, with 5-room house \rorth €90¢6, renin a ths 1 t -4 month Price $1,775 cash, balance $25 per = Lots 13 and 16, Block 5, Section 6 Price $420 One-half cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months Lots # and 16, Block %, Section € Price $3,509 $1,200 cash, balance 6, 12 anc t8 months Lot 18, Bix® 2. Section 7 Price $908 $450 cash, balance 6, 12 and 18 months i 33 and 34, Block 16, Section 7. Price 1208 One-half cash, balanc ¢ Ey alence and jlet 4, Block 23. Section 7 Price $754 400 cash balance 4 and § months Lot 1%, Block 23, Section Price $450 Equity «et Lots { apd 2. Block 31. Section 7. Price 1,273. $575 cash balance 6 and 12 months . Continental Trust Co., Ltd. Second Avenue insurance Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent Decora- ++ @-+-4-¢ ¢ SECOND - AVENUE o-oo — o -+-¢-+-0-0-¢ rf | __ W. L. BARKER ARCHITECT Tiree different sizes of wood hoists. Phone 83 —— SOP eee, HOW MANy PEOPLE po YOU KNow POPP CCG ee. Second Ave. Alberts Block BH. Gordon Munro W. Nicholson Lailey MUNRO & LAILEY Arefitects, Stork Building, Second Avenue. Who have lost mone pater a age Se Rupert real estate é STUART & STEWART How many (people sine ACOOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS . } B stock Law-Butler Building Phcne No. 25 History repeats ; Prince Rupert P.O. Box 351 that a few suare ft : ae Earth in Prince Strougesi ancl rag prom table savings Vv. BENNETT, B.A. of B.C, Ontario, Sas- katchewan and A‘ ALFRED CARSS, Cc. of British Columbia and Manitobs Bara. CARSS & BENNETT Remember this pert with all how in it BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Etc. me Office— Albert Block, Second Avenue. z ar WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., D.D.S. ——— DENTIST. Crowa and Bridge Work a Specialty. -ESs AD dental operations skilfully treated. Gas an’ Ey } , ae senate administered for the painless ex- ad v of teeth Consultation free. Offices | ; L teens Bleck. Prince Rupert. i-12 a 7 ri nestles icnScttiaciagtlistlleiheidiis piclsiadll \ Alex M Manson ea, W.2 Williamss.4..L.L.0 Z / WILLIAMS & MANSON Wen pac Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Box 235 Prince Rupert, B.¢ George Leek P20. BOX 2 PRINCE RUPER? List Your Property with me 618 3rd Av Prince Rupert JOHN E. DAVEY 6 : Rupert TEACHER OF SINGING reereooosoes PUPIL OF WM. FOIKON, ESQ. ALAM... IDK... ENS JOHN DYBHAVN Real Estate — Loans and Insurance 319 3rd Avenue Phone 334 PHONE 3B P.O. BOX BM PONY EXPRESS SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS DELIVERY SERVICE Baggage, Storage and Forwarding Agents. For Rigs or Motor Car day or night _ Pom Seventh Ave. and Fulton ee ee ach OQL “ POOL c English and American Billiards | ! Twelve Tables SECOND Ave Soe ; No PACs ae ae : ye L $, Block 39, Sect 7, 968 $310 | as bal. arranged | Four ijots, Block 3, Sect roer 6 Hotel Central 5 Frtsarz; 2) _ $3,326 F 6-15 ' European and American plan. steam jt Biock 1 Se A Pheated, madern conveniences. Rats i % cash, 6-12 & Lots 1 and 2, Block 42, § roe? Sth Ave, $2,000 + : 12-18 thon ths Lots 1 and 2, Block 3 s ue 7th Ave $1,275 ' 4 taop ths ilLets © end 10, Bleck 2° o 68 Sherbrooke Ave e: ‘ asb HAYNER BROS. Rn or 200 An UNDERTAKERS avn EMBALMERS a — “tg oe Panera! Directors Sed Ave. near 6th St Phose Na & PHONE 317 “Valhalla” ” of E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer CHARGES REASONABLE S.H. & EF. SCAN DEN ANIAN THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. ; OPEN DAY AND XIGHT Meets every 2nd and 4 scday ats p.m. in the hal) at rd Ave aren NO NOTICE HAND LAUNDRY |. fs AND U SE . ATE! Hand cleaning and pressing r aed - Best care of silk dresses. Orders}, NOTICE a v Zz ; son. ts i aint ute i Queen Chario shing an) e at Knott's Bakery will have Limited, of 207 Carter t Bidg prompt attention. Vancouver, B.C., will a for & cence to take anc us¢ Capt. Joseph Janders per second of water = = Creek, which flows a3 direction through unsur r lands and empti jes into Two Mour tain B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE | Bay near Tassoo Har water oe Se Fi will be diverted at Tha rd Falls and will | be used for industria! pur = AMOUS land described as show ketch al F 1 — SAFETY Water Recorder's office. ! ‘ ry se and situated on the Ess: | Mountain Bay This notice was pos = on the 10th day of Apr i application wil] be fie : ce of the Water Recorder at Objections may be fie | Water Recorder or with ° ler of Water Rights, Pariam« li Victoria, B.C a "Groen Charlotte Fishinz mapa | Limited, Applicant By Samue | Pub, April 16 aN CANADIA arr Ary te ground Oh S. S. PRINCESS ROYAL —for— VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE Every Sunday, 6 P. m. AM Agent 4. @ MYNAB, General Agent esx i Pree eee ° ei For Kitsumkalum or Lakelse 0 o-6 #0) ? FRED. STORK } Pag it Lands ~ General Hardware— Builders’ Hardware Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves Graniteware Tin ware 4 write or ca * Terrace Land Co. > ° TERRACE, B. © a, IMPERIAL MACHINE WORKS ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS H.R. L ve, Pr p Prince E Rupert Up-to-Date E i # £quipment. Work and Prices Righi _ gine Work and Genera epairing nays Cove Agents for imperial Gasoline Motors P.O Box 967 . For Sale. Cheap NOW... That we have more front on 2Qa¢g Uasoline boal ee arenes, we are able to ney our “=sS2 stock of beautiful oak furni- engine, ais sta ture and some of = Waelters, curtains, Grapery, Bee fit. including ane show windows at the “Big Furahere Lincleums, Stoves and WRITE Lamps on the Gih street side; Crockery and kitchen needs on the bleeds 2nd avenue. Entrance front. LAND COMPANY Terrace, 6.0 F. W. HART we = CORNER 6TH ST. AND 26ND AVE ' ' ' ' ‘