PAOE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE SVyWAVAWWWiVASW GLAMOUR IN EVENING GOWNS JUST ARRIVED at The People's Store Our new Fall FormaLs and Dinner Frocks are grand examples of the "Who'j She" fashions you want for important evenings. Fluttering chiffons, nes shadowy marquisettes Riv.1 you a wide selection of all that's new and smart. FIGURE FLATTERING CHAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT BUDGET PRICED .Mail Orders Promptly Filled OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Trince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's Phone BLUE 907 Valentine's (Glasgow) BEAUTIFUL CALENDARS FOR 1942 A Beautiful Range of Finest Quality, from 15c to $1.50 ". This year British fancy goods are made up for export only. Send them back overseas. They will be doubly appreciated. Help win the war. Buy British for all. your Christmas giving. BE BRITISH . . . BUY BRITISH FOB VICTORY FitiYoutBwMW! Are you burning the proper kind of coal? Ask for the free services and advice of our qualified fuel experts. We are prepared to fill your coal needs now at lower prices from stock on hand. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Importers of Cement, Lumber and all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL Why not lay in a stock of coal now for the winter PHONE 116 PHONE 117 i interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people .of the whole district are doing the same. 7 Finella. Annabelle, Arctic I, An CUssifiE FOR SALE FOR SALE Chesterfield In wine velour and matching chair in green. Practically new. Cost $139.50. Sacrifice $89.50. Phor.e j Green 717. 257) FOR SALE 100 chickens at bridge. ! new road. Apply Box 169. Daily News. ;259t i WANTED The Veterans Guard of Canada has immediate need cf about thirty men to fill vacancies. For further Uniormation apply to recruiting office head-' quarters, Prince Rupert defences. Experienced pipers are also needed to form a pipe br.nd at the No. 110 basic training csntre. Anyone interested please apply to the above address. (PROFESSIONAL Engineers want ed in the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps. Applications from graduate mechanical, electrical and metallurgical engineers will be considered. Commissioned rank on first appointment. Apply In writing to D.O.M.E., Signal HilLEsquimalt, B.C. WANTED Five-room house, close in, immediately. Reliable party. Phone51, Len Matthews. (259) IRL wants housework. Sleep in. Apply Box 168, Dally News. '256) WANTED Girl to do bookkeeping and typing, position temporary. Ann'y Pioneer Laundry office. WILL Pay cash for Western Cana-da nro-erty. Box 167. Daily News BOARD AND ROOM LOSE IN for one dry dock worker. Must have good references. Apply Box 170, Daily News PERSONAL WW IS THE TIME TO GET A GOVERNMENT JOB as Clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno., etc. Six Dominion-wide exams held since the war began. Free Booklet. M. C. C. Schools, Ltd., Winnipeg, oldest in Canada. No Agents. YOU CAN RUN A HOME KINDER-garten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, care M. C. C. Schools. Winnipeg, Man. For Your . . . Hallowe'en Novelties ... go to the VARIETY STORE S30 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 120 THE DAILY NEWS V WW JL JL Ja VAAr Whiffs Two Undertakings Attracting Attention On Local Waterfront Just Now Dog Fish Centre of Waterfront Discussion Now. Two undertakings at present attracting attention on the local waterfront are an imposing new ship-building shed being built at the Matsumoto yard in Cow Bay and a further addition to the cold storage plant of the' Northern. Fishermen's Cold Storage. The new big shed for Matsumoto has been found neeessarv to take care of new contracts for larger fishing vessels J which are being worked on. It is Possily this fishing will keep the being built right over the old shed. Doaw Dusy unt" nerring nsmng The new unit of the Northern commences. Just now there are Fishermen's Cold Storage adjoins three ,rms buying livers, the J. that part of the plant Just across H- Carson Company, Atlin Fisher- the road from the main plant and les Canadian Fish and Cold a "piece of hill had to be dug out Storage Co. in order to make way for it. With the present price of dogfish livers at 15 cents a pound the fishing is found to be profitable and many of the local halibut boats which planned to tie up for the"winter have turned to Local fishermen have become somewhat excited over what they are doing in the south. It seems that the schooner Viking of Seattle". Captain Adolph Stemland, went out and caught five tons of fishing dog-fish. Over twenty &0UP tin Shark which was sold boats are either out fishing or ,or 6000- She nad a crew of outfitting to go fishing within a men and was out for only five few days. The fishing is not vet days, and took her catch to San established as a profitable indus- Francisco where it was sold. Evi-try but some boats that have been dently there was a real demand ,out have found it profitable, suf- for llvers that week- flciently so to induce othprs to ' try it. The boats that arc out or Part the waterfront in going out are Joe Baker. Teeny me neighborhood of the shipyard ;Mllly. Lois N., Morris H., Gony is becoming somewhat chanced recently. The yard has been push- kar A, Neptune. Borgund. Ingred ed over as Par ot a process of en- H, Balsac. I.H.. Viking. Ed. Lip-sett, Northern Breeze, Robert B.. Mae West. Clipper II Dovre B. WANTED larging ine dry dock yard space while the Imperial Oil siding has been diverted to the other side of the main railway track, part of the waterfront of the J. H. Carson Company and all the rest of the Imperial Oil property has been diverted for naval use and so far two buildings have been erected. The whole appearance of the place Annual Event by Gyro Club Last Evening. Last evening a laree croud of about 500 people was In attendance at the Gyro Hoe-Down wnicn was held in the Exhihition building between the hours of 10 and 2. Bill Stone acted as master of ceremonies and music was furnished by Jean De Carlo and her Hill Billies. The hall, with its banv.rd scenes, live fowl, pigs and hay. gave a rustic .effect which was very appropriate for the occasion, and added to the originality of t he Hance. Later the live stock was given away as door prizes. The committees in charge were: Refreshments Bill Watts. L. Lambly, Arnold Flaten an1 Dr. Brocklesby. Door Bill Meadows, Frank Dibb and Frank Skinner. Hall decorations Joe Scott and Bob Sutherland. Advertising Joe Scott, Bill Stone and Alex Hunter. Check room Mrs. Bill Stone. til C has been changed and will be! changed more soon. ! Steamer Camoiun is expected to arrive from the Islands early in the week. Steamer Cardcna arrived here during the night and left early this morning for the Skeena River where she had to discharge 50,000 feet of lumber and after that will take on a full cargo of canned salmon. Steamer Princess Nora h I c re placing the Princess Louise for the winter months and is expected, to arrive here Monday morning, continuing on the Skaswav urvw i during the winter months. i CROWD AT H0E-D0WN Exhibition Hall Well Filled For IX THE SITKEME t'Ol'KT OK BRITISH1 rOl.lMIHA In ITotmtr I In the Mailer of Ihe "AdnilnMrallon ' Art" and ; In the Matter f the Eotate lit John ' William Wll. Dwe.iMMl Intestate I Take Notice Vvil by Order of His' Honor. W e. Plaher. tnpA or, th 25th day of October. A. D. 1941. I waa p-Pointed AdmlnUtratoT of ithe estate of John William Wells, deceased and all parties having claim against tle mid estate are hereby required rto furnish jame, properly verified, to me on or before the 27th day otf November. A. D. 1941, mid all parties indebted to the "tart are required to pay the am-i:vf ottoelr tacleWdriess to me forthwith DaJted at Prince Rupert BX3., this 2Vth day of October. A. D. 1941. NORMAN A. WATT, Official AdmlnUrator Prtnc Rupert, B.C. i DRAMA AND ADVENTURE Clark Gable and Rosalind Russell in "They .Met in Bombay" Coming Monday. i Combining the versatile Alentv of Clark Gable and Rosalind Russell as po-stars, the romantic melodrama "They Met in Bombay' comes as the feature offering to the screen of the Capitol Theatre on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Keyed into international complications in the i Orient and with a seething background of Intrigue and violence, Ithe story presents Gable and Miss Russell as a pair of intrepid adventurers. Gable is a one-time .British army officer who assumes I with eaual nonchalance the part I of a clever modern crook operating in smart social circles. Miss Russell is a feminine raffles who matches her cleverness with Gable's. The pair meet in Bombay where each is attempting to mak off with a fortune in diamonds. They are forced into a compromising position in which they must fl:e together from hotly pursuing police. They take refuge in a tramp freighter only to find themselves trapped. From that point on they are constantly in hot water. In Hong Kong their fortunes become involved in a delicate matter of international affairs. How thy extricate themselves and how Gable redeems himself through his heroic assumption of the uniform to which he was once entitled builds the climax toa surprise dramatic climax. Others in the cast Include Jessie Ralph, Edward Cianelll, Luis Albernl Roslna Galli and Reginald Owen. A "spot" costs you only half s dollar Try it in the Dally News 1 classified column. (tf) Early Copy Requested 4 Those who wish the publi cation of reports of meetinas or other events are reminded that copy should be in the office early, wherever possible the evening before publication. Copy for advertising changes should also be in the office the afternoon prior to publication. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings j Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL AND MINING MACHINERY All Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled JOHN M. S. LOUBSER B.A. (Cantab.), D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Block :- Phone G10 -OCHjaoooiOOOOOOCKlOOHOODOOO Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 DRESSMAKER Mrs. Nakatani, Ladles arl Children's Alterations Phone Bile. 529, 522 Fulton St. Satisfaction Guaranteed Cleaning and Pressing J. H. BULGER Optometrist Opposite Post Office Starts MONDAY For 3 DAYS Continuous Dally from 1 p.m. A NEW HIT FROM GABLE NEWS! And this new hit is a honey 1 Racy romance rides the China Seas as Clark and Rosalind pursue adventure and each other in this rearing melodrama of today's Far Eastl at 1:22 - 3:26 5:30 - 7:34 7 J in mm PETER LORRE iessie ralpi n.nii 3u E REGINALD OWEN . MATTHEW BDULTOK UYT ) March of Time Presents . . . "Thumbs I p Testy" The Passing Parade Presents "Of Pups and INiriles uompieie snows S "The Sea Wolf" DIE FOR LISTENING-IN LONDON. Nov. 1: O Five Dutchmen have been senUnrvl tr GRANDPA FIRE -WATCH LONDON, Nov : men enrolled -1 MIVH V ili I'lilU aeain lor listenin to brnarfra F I C ? 3D en from the BBC. says a Hague mes-1 called up wa Br ( sage, quoted by Reuter a grandfathn u COAL! COAL! Onehi'n&s a enouah for MtsferTAr'ft, Ana. we are surgAeaeis SUMMER COAL PRICES It is only natural .a . should want to rr.3 r his money as Ion? a cs-but when a r ' coal buying cs should part witu -j:.: o ' cash at this t:::; & fvJ autumn coal pi;. HEAT WAVES ROLL FROM FOOTHILLS CtiAi Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 FOR COMPLETE SATISFACTION 652 A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" 15 BEDS Complete with All-Felt Mattress, Cable S,-- ard Walnut Finish Steel Tubing Bed S98 0 Stead. Price complete. AO0V Phone 775 327 Third Ave. THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS will come to your home every day through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International Daily Stwt paper It record! for rou the orld i clean, constructive dolnii. The Monitor .does, not eiploit crime oi fruition: neither doei Ignore thi m. but deals correctively with them. Features for buir ma and all Uit UmUr, Including the Weekly Mtgailnt Bectlon. The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norwer Street, Boston, Massachusetts Please enter mr subscription to The Christian Science Monitor tor a period of .,",la-M months 00 3 months 11.00 t month II 0J Wednesday Issue, Including Msgtzlne Section: 1 rear II 60, 6 Issuoi 39s Name Stmpl, Ctp, Kidmen