HKRLIN, Nov. 1: The German government in an extraordinary statement issued from Hitler's headquarters today, charged the United States dc-st roycrs Greer and Kearney with aggression against (ierman naval units and admitted officially for the first time that Germany's U-boats fired at the Kearney. The statement did not intimate any change in relations with the United States and contained neither threats nor hints as to future policy. LOTS SOLD ! CABINET Number or Properties Taken Over Mostly Tor Building Purposes b:.... ""x:-,u,:i Mti: Pre. Maximum 1... BY CITY! CHANGES : of cji.y lots have bsn ; ihc monuh and the Mimg their sale was C U.s 6 and 7, block ' : : Taul Dempscy, $155.00. " bDck 33. section 5. Otto A. Pfi..j - $80.00. i ' . :k 43, section 5, Wil- O Fa, jn, $122.50. k 26, section 1, Stoy- ; f . 2 ;D.0O. 1 ': 27. section 1, Wll- 552.50. -111:: urometer ..30.220 barometer ..27.345 emperature ....53 cmperature ....33 :n;perature 43.65 11.85 Inches nine 14.8 hours 'tnd and velocity, 50 miles per ne 16th. MIA ON QUI VIVE mE Indla- Nov. 1: 0)-As a e- """Kiury measure, the gov- ( n a a advised people to name and address of :' km so relatives can be caias"100 m event of death alr Wort WIND, Enc. Nov. 1: D apv-::e to help persons in-'ds Is on ambulance 1 be drawn by a bicycle 0 "ken into areas mot-- cannot enter. Lord Halifax And Lord Beaver brook Involved In Coming Shake-up in British Council ye.eiaay and will be Lord Beaverbrook and Lord Hail ed whtn Ccmmkjioner fax, ambassador to Washington ,.o a a, city -council and member of ihe war cabinet One of the lots sold are imminent. Edgar Louis Gran-t over to the military Viiie, L:be:al National Member of t,u ihe sum of $1.00. parliament said at a luncheon ad-he list of properties dress today. He said the changes jwculd be "surprises" and would , , k 43, section 5, An- involve not only the minister of o. $12230. 'supply but also Lord Halifax and . Oi iOi, 21 and all Of fhi fnrpten office. t :k 16, section 6, David ( ana fiances A. lutcmc, . k 15, section 7 K 13. section 7, Henry Jess! j k 12, section 7, John British Raided Mussolini Says Bolshevism Dying ROME. Nov. 1: Premier Mussolini told his blackshlrt followers who thronged before his balcony in sniu of all coalitions we will und 12, block 19, sec- every obstacle." In response -zander S. Mitchell, ,,0 lne Cheers which greeted hlsi -ad. IN.B.C.) Battery, declaraUon, h said, "We are fac-l c .m Artillery, (NPAM), the 0f the twentieth r. B. C, $1.00. r of tne fascist era with an o:ot:k 2, section 7 (re- lron.ilke faith. The heart of bol- al) claim to lot 44 and shevisni) against which we began 42 In toe same block OUf flrst batUe 20 years ago, Is Hereof), Karl Markl, dying Weather Report Weather Forecast coast, . t m. weather wum Made by Hitler. OTTAWA, Nov. 1 mineral synopsis me f . . i i Pawl TORONTO, Nov. 1: "The Nazi attack on Russia proved the cost-j liest psychological blunder of the; war. It failed because Churchill' and Roosevelt wouldn't be fooled," states Pierre van Paassen, well known author and foreign' correspondent, in an article in the current ' Liberty magazine. Van Taassen. who spent his first several years as a newspaperman here in Canada, siatej in the article that Hitler's one goal in every important military and political offensive that he has launched since September. 1910, has been to force England to her knees without having to risk an invasion. Hitler has one supreme "peace imnnv Nrw i- pahtn.t. offensive" attempt left to make. changes involving Supply Minister believes van Paassen, and his ar tide lists seven attempts made in the past thirteen months: 1. Tokyo-Berlin Axis, announced September 27, 1940, designed as a threat against the British Empire in Asia. 2. The Russia - Germany n w friendship pact. January 10, 1941. 3. Taking over of Bulgaria on March 1, 1941, as a warning to Turkey against military co-operation with Britain. 4. Hitler's five months' delay in taking. aco.a .against Jugcj Slaviaf whereby he let Italy be defeated and Libya to show B'-li- w i ri In in u Greece recce a Italian titles his itaiy. illingness to sacrifice . - f tt i w-.. in.1 Iknmn said tndav he was President Roosevelt Expects amount of damage, not disclosed. V.t- 4V,n irnvnmmnnt Viarl PreStOll nn lenlslation nrotrram to sumbit San to Parliament when it convenes Monday and did not see how the session could last more than a 13 the weather report 'on the north coast has been ( It lg understood both the Prime c-.imth of October issued cloudy and jnuci ana juvukim Mmigter and the leader of the Oi-by island metcorolog have occurred on the me coast It opposition will tell members of rthMr visit to England. 28th has been fair and mild. j , ; 9th I VVest Coast of Vancouver Island, 4th -Light southerly winds, mostly; A. Ugara left last night on the 2Rth'falr and mild except for local Cardena for Bella Bella to con- icloudlness at first. f"1" "4 Full and Free Discussion of All Questions With Premier King Royal Canadian if any, was SPEEDY SALVAGE Schooner Eider Raised and Delivered on Dry dock Within One Week. Yesterday with."' decks awash and the foredeck flooded the schooner Eider, the property of the United States. Fish and Wild-Life Service was . an interesting sight as she was toned up the harbor to the dry dock. When southbound from Alaska the ran on to Green Top Island Friday morning of last week. On Friday afternoon salvage operations were commenced by the Armour Salvage Company and today she was delivered to the dry dock for the owners. Two tugs and two derricks were employed 1n the opeia-tions. She was lying on her side in a helpless condition when the salvage crew arrived and the task seemed almost hopeless. She was formerly the halibut schooner Idaho. TODAY'S (Courtesy 8. D. 5. The unnecessary and costly Mines- STOCKS Johnston Co.) Vancouver "' ; ROME, Nov. I: 0)-New British lr invasion oi urce m way, Grandview ., 1534 .. lo, block 8, sec- air raidS on Naples and Sicilian .v Be:ker, $100.00. ports of Llcata and Palermo uere ..0 24, bla k 1, scctton disci0scd by the Italian high Hauley, $132.50. mand ay. The extent of the j 4, block 15, section damage was not reported, icion, Solbcrg Jackion, to convince England of the feas- ability Isles. on May 10, ia4i, carrying peace proposals. 7. The invasion of Russia on June 22, 1941, as an appeal to British appeasement groups over the head of the government and as an attempt to stop American Bralorne 10.50 of invasion of the British Cariboo Quartz"'...."'.".'..". 2.25 Pend Oreille 6. The flight of Hess to England pioneer aid on the grounds that Germany H'ome was dissipating me inreai io tue world of Communism. Brief Session Of Parliament Begins Monday. Premier Privateer Reno - Sheep Creek Oils Calmont ....... C. & E. j. 1.53 2.10 ' .66 .47 .11 .15 1.15 2.15 .01 Toronto Beattie , - 101 Central Patricia , , 1-45 Consolidated Smelters 38.25 Hardrock C9 Kerr Addison - 4.45 Little Long Lac 1.56 B McLeod Cockshutt 2.03 Madsen Red Lake 58 McKenzie Red Lake 1.02 -i..- Moneta i- M Pickle Crow 2.5j East Dome 3.20 Antonio - 2.21 Sherrltt Gordon .-. .37 Customs and Excise Revenue Lend Administrator, Article Reports On Rus sian Conference Does Not Need Men But Guns And Gasoline Hitler will ntver take Moscow, in spMc of the terrific power of the Nazi drive, and the battle line will icmain wr . of the Sovicf ;apltal, ji the opin.jn of Premier Joseph V. Stalin. The Soviet leader's flat prediction, made personally to United States Lease-Lend Administrator Ha:ry Hopkins, Is revealed for the first time by Hopkins in a s.gned a ,Jcb in 1he American Magazine. Hopkins, who flew to Moscow to confer with Stalin as President Roosevelt's personal representative, quotes, the Russian Premier as follows: - "We Russians shall win this war. The battle front will remain west of Moscow. Russia 331a will wm not not fall. Russia Is huge, exorablc. Russia Is Weather Forecast Tomorrow sT ides Pr ncc Rupert and "Queen Char-,,lt Moderate to occo- n Islands High 0:10 ajn. 19.4 It. S0UU1 wuku, uaswy ciouuy imuU 12:17 pm. 21.2 pm. and with occasional iuui ui uie Low 6:14 ajn. 6.4 ft. 'fiprnoon. 18:45 p.m. 4.0 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER xNQ.256. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1.J941. " mWmcanB W Ef 101 H PB 1 mm mWw Long Air Formation Seen flu E mm German GovernnuV United States A g .0 n By Destroyers Greer and Kearney ATTACK ON RUSSIA IS BLUNDER Dover Is Shelled by STALIN TELLS Rrjtajn SneeA Un Bk Big German German Guns Guns u u u unDinvc" ad if INC " OpeedS Hcu Up The German forts, the guns of which have been pointing at Do-iver and vicinity, and which un loosed V their big shells this after- Famous Writer S uresis Why , u? L I, , T Various War Moves Were 'Klri.Mh!?: i uiiuuiruii ujr uiu -.iuuau, uuu lilt' 11 11 AS 1 11. i 11 U A I OF DEFENCES stacks on uermany Lease Signed And Occupied France SSUUS Arny , Station Car 31 MINERS Russia. She will not again be en slaved." Qfolln rnlii4..t Vila r.idU. Ten Ships Hit and Number of Kcv Cities Bombed by the Royal Air Force as Watchers on Shore View Scene. , LONDON, Nov. 1: (CP)-Spccding up the bat-tie of the west the Royal Air Force hurled a mile-long formation against the French invasion coast today after an over-night bombing w h i c h hit ten ships at sea and key cities in Germany and occupied-France. Watchers on the southeast coast saw the dav shift going into action through squalls with the armada blotting out a mile of the sky. Ten vessels in-eluded a tanker, a large supply vessel and an escort ship were hit last night off the coast of Norway and the Friesian Islands. Upsets Early Today with Xtis sentence, "Once we I nynpr rlitn A VP V'U1"V'4 III 11 nt. tiusted this man," and Hopkins reports thxt as the Russian die- tator ref3rred to ILfcicr hU man- Before daylight this morning an ner was more eloquent than his army station car driven by a sol-wotds. dler and travelling fast tried to "It was only when he mentioned turn the corner near the high ruaier, HopKins writes, "tnat ne school toward Fourth avexme. . I not raise his voice; rather it went hospital shortly after the accident, as cold as his eyes and the mel- An investigation is taking place. low narsnness oi it Decame grat- . lng. Of Hitler he spoke slowly, not measuring his. words nor consld- PiMpno Rica in erlne 'his Dhrasins:. but as if he ILCo lloC 111 wanted the interpreter he had assigned to me ito convey to me every syllable in its implication And riirwt. mpanlncr Many Countries cph Stalin would have liked noth- countries were: 'Great Britain. 43 1 A from Mcscow's niener Affam mince u. ' - Summtnj snmmw ing better at that moment than anQ Per i-apaaa, vxo ana to have had Hitler sitting where eSht; New Zealand, 15 and seven; I sat. His hands seemed to feel u- S. A., nine and two. lor something- Geimany would " have needed a new chancellor." City Impregnable Hopkins' description of Moscow's air raid defences would seem to! bear out Stalin's view that the! r;ity is Impregnable. Explaining' that everyone is forced to go to sheltere during a raid, or face arrest, he writes: j ...r T,r.r,-0 Sir Raphael West Cilento. dlrec Customs ana excise revenue uu i,nnkirL(, emnhasized that it . ni r-i. i. tfnH .Vin tne port oi rrinre 'u w. was materlal and not men month or uciooer "us year "atnOn doesn't want our led $83,012.19 as compared with or our Army Private Medical Practice Decline Navy," he states. "Russia, by recent. Commonwealth regula- $22,250.93 in the same month last wjmts t(J fight her war herseir. ,year, bringing tne voiai lor Her manpower reserves are huge, to date to $475,907.11 in comparl- But g;alln id me frankly son with $188,073.63 in the first .hat Russla needs, that her men ten months of 1940. lmd women may give all their , strength to the cause which is BOX-OFFICE DEMI'SEY ;ours as well as hers. ! NEW YORK, Nov. 1: B In the "Stalin asked for tanks, for TTVnP PARK NY., NOV. 1: Right Hon. William history of boxing, only five con- planes, for big guns, anti-aircraft ,, V V;.,a.' .;mi mimstei mini5tp' ot nf Lana fVimfH a, ia , ai nr- tests have attracted million-dollar guns, anU-tank guns, for ammu- Lyon Mackenzie King, pume gates (excluslve of ndl0 mo-;niuon, and for the superb high- rivinir todav from Ottawa tor a series OI COlUeiences u lcture rights) and Jack octane gasoline that America pro- 0teildintr over tWO days With rresideilt KOOSevelt, It Dempsey was a participant in an duces and is shipping to England. ' .,n,1 hnro t.ndav. The nresident When tellin? of them. IStalln asked for huge quantities was auiiuum.". - . i,n11'o11, num.f nvofvHii'i.rf of barbwlre, too. of a protracted war. Nationalization of the has already been introduced newsmen abOUl n, w u. ,.... . Armstrong, whose nam. "You're wonderlns. nerhaDs.whv duces the best. ToYnort Tt WOUld 110t surprise me II ail piiai-es OI llie S I- inciuded In the list of those Russia with her Great oil fields. by high octane U'ltioil concerning the tWO nations WOUKl Come up 111 tne going south to attend the recruit- should" want gasoline of us. That's cmiie of conversations." . Ing .conference, did Mljgeaye. 'easily explained. High octane gai tlon which renders every dollar under 60 liable for military service ln Australia and which usher- ARE DEAD At Biazcau Collieries 19 Bodies Have Been Removed From Mine Others Thought Dead. Then his body grew tense. He did set. the driver bein-r taken to the ed by an explosion yesterday In the Brazeau colllerls, according to the first official detailed report. John Shanks, general manager of the mine, said, "There are rune-teen men kilted and removed from the mine, and it is believed that there are twelve more to come." Earlier Shanks and the other officials had said that there was no hope that any of the men would "For HiUer he had more than CANBRRA' Australia, Nov. 1:- be found allve the anger he would necessarily ,e Ac,tlnS Commonwealth, statis- have for a man who had double- cviuvhcc ucime wie rai- crossed It "amentary War-time Profits Corn-hatred hjm; was a personal that I have seldom heard mittee sald that- ln the Ilrst tw0 expressed by anyone in author- 'ears of tne last war- Prices lrl ,ly. Ihe cold, implacable hatred Australia had risen by 14 percent, he has for the German was clear- So far in thls war they had risen Jv evident. Stalin's huse hands DV omy nine Per cent half clenhrd. I think that Jos- Corresponding figures Wilson Dobie Dies, Vancouver for other Parents Reside at Copper City and Sister Is on Hospital Staff. Wilson Dobie, aged 26, passed away in Vancouver yesterday morning after a short illness. He leaves a father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Dobie. who reside at Copper City; three sisters. Miss Edna Dobie, R.N., of the Prince Rupert General Hospital nursing staff. Mrs. J. Hannah and Rober- DAT! in Alicfvnlin ta, and two brothers, Edwin and CC11 111 rlUoliailtt rho.tps. Charles. As As the the dpceased deceased had had a a wide circle of friends around BRISBANE, Australia, Nov. 1: Prince Rupert, news of his pass tor-general of health and medical puny. Even lfthey'd let you, you wouldn't watch a raid on Moscow vju-uf .v. gradual decline o private than'the from the roof-not more medical practices with i the en ire once. The downpour of shrapnel ack-acks' WOUld uanonauaauun ui wie iiicuitui I profession in Australia. Group , i i . . . 1. nn th niri Stalin pv.1 practice unaer siaie cuutroi, ne- ing will be heard with regret. Australia Has Much Magnesite pects to get from the UrUtedsald. w0uld b,e the lnevluble result Source of Magnesium and Epsom Salts in Leigh Creek Coal-Field District. ADELAIDE, Australia, Nov. 1: A deposit of magnesite, which extended for 14 miles in a northerly rilrpctlon near CODlev. was Drob- ed in the change over from pri- ably the jargest deposlt of this vate practice to state medical ser- mlnerai m the world, the premier vice, he said, although the doctors (Mr piayf0rdt said in describing had not yet realized this. his vlslt to tne far nortn to m. ; spect the Leigh Creek coalfield. TRAM TURNS OVER Tne magneslte is high grade, BLACKBURN, Eng., Nov. l: (f and is to be found there In driver was killed and 13 most unlimited auantlties." said people injured when a double-deck premier. "it could casUy form tram overturned here. ;the basis of a laree arid imnor- ' tant Industry, being used for mak- is American. America alone pro- ing magnesium, a metal lighter Planes powered and stronger than aluminum, for have enormous which there is an ever-increasing advantage in speed over those demand. Epsom salts are also using low octane." made from magnesite."