SHOES Do you share with many the habit of cataloging people by the appearance of their footwear? We can think of no better' way to spruce up for early fall than to. buy a pair of Hartt's Shoes. Exclusive at Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE ETJPERT - BUITISn COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H P. PULLEN Managing-Editor ADVERTISING KATKS Local Readers, per line, per insertion Classified Advertisements, per word, per insertion Not A Good Guess ctjjpeur to nave proveu .25 C2 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates in City Per year, $5.00: Half Year, $2.50; One Month, 50c; One Week; 12c: Out "of Town Subscribers by Mall. $3.00 a Year Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau oi Circulations MEMBER Or THS CAJAIA PRESS The Ounullftn Pras b cxclurtTelt entitled to use tot republication oi in nem j emitted to It or to th Associated Press 1b tills paper and alao the . locX nrri published therein. All dxnta ct rputUc,tlon of spec la desoaJcfces therein ve alao reserved ' DAILY EDITION Wetlnesday, August 20, 1941. Carnival Going Well - The carnival seems to be going well. It is the annual event when Prince Rupert people -forget themselves a little and turn their attention to lighter things than war and business. Incidentally the civic centre building lund benefits very considerably and the money is immediately placed in war securities. May we suggest that local people extend themselves' a little on this occasion and have m mind not only the tun to be obtained from the games but the object in view. In other words let us help the Civic Centre fund. Seven weeks ago the Germans announced that thej Russian air force was wiped out, Berlin was being bombed , by Russian craft and Russian airplanes continued to work in co-operation with the defending Russian forces, says the Financial News. I It was a tribute to the Russian air fleet that it could still harass Germany so effectually after being "wiped out." I Actually, the British military authorities, not so con- It is now in order to ask two neonle to exnlain the mystery of such remarkable vitality in a supposedly impotent or almost non-existent force. One is Herr Goeb-bels, ineffable propaganda chief of Nazi Germany and the other is his dupe or willing abettor, Lindbergh. It will be recalled that Lindbergh was shown the Russian air force and' then was Goering's guest in Germany. He announced that the Russian air force was hopelessly inadequate to cope with that of Germany. Well, what does Lindbergh think now of the totally hopeless Russian air force? What does he think of the six-motored bombers that carry seven tons of high explosives on a single trip to Berlin? What has he to say 01 the conclusion that he emitrprl sn pnnfi'rl onflir fVinf If -it. nr. When Ton Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI ni i-kir Service 24 Hour Service at Regular Rates roioo FOR JSALfc D PAGE TWO . IP 111 I U M II M ill WW M I T rWMHU. John Carpenter (SPORTS NOW ' Step Info Style With Is Now With Caps UNDER WAY WARTT Smithers Baseball Hurler in Important Vancouver Team SMITHERS. Aug. 20. John Carpenter, the Smithers baseball pitcher who was formerly pitching for St. Joseph; Missouri and Bisbee, Arizona, but who was obHged to give up baseball temporarily owing to an injury to his back, is now pitching for Vaneouver, having Joined the Capllahos after getting two months' leave from his work as police constable at Nelson, B.C. PIANO CONCENTRATION' MANCHESTER. August 20: T Seven nucleus piano manufacturing firms in England have been appointed to undertake production for all the principal makers, thus releasing 210.000 feet of factory space for government war purposes. LARGEST SELLING ECONOMY BLADE IN THE BRITISH EMPIRE- ItCm MADE IH CHAOA LUssiflEO 1 a ... m FOR SALE 10 mattresses size, special $750, 6 unpainted chest FOR SALE Used Vt ton safe. J. & for $80.00 ' buy these articles apply Donald Grey, Hagwilget, New Hazelton. (195) FOR SALE Household furniture. 225 5th Ave. West. Phone 539. (196) ages, years. lars phone Hotel Prince Rupert. (197) GIRL wants work. Preferred LOST '' Wrist. Idt'iun icaii'in Disk i with chain Namr rf owner on ' reverse side. Finder rewarded on ! return to this office. I PERSONAL NOW .13 THE- TIME -TO GET A GOVERNMENT JOB as clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, 8teno, etc. Five Dominion-wide exams held since the war began. Free Booklet. M.C.C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest In Canada. No v,Agents. Air. Force And Signallers Winners Last Xight In Starting Of Carnival Week Softball Opening the sports events in connection w;th this year's Civic Centre Carnival the Royal Canadian Air Force Softball team de feated H. M. C. S. AfinentferrsM iast evwihifc by a very oneHttdi score of 15 to 1 while ffi tH sefl ond game of the evening the Signallers defeated the Army Service Corps 10 to 2. The flyers were far supertax' in every department and shuW cferry : along well as the tournament be comes hotter. Battel: Air Poree-Kemp an(d Bwwtae. Aimrtterres Bert smtf IlMt Signal Ackerman ftrM bArtyle. Army Corps Smith and Hiox. Umpires were Sunondaen ami' M. Montesano. Tonight Signals will play Navy and Port Shniison meets Alt Frce. Baseball Scores National League Pittsburg 0-2. Brooklyn 96. American League New York 3-8. Detroit 12-3. Philadelphia 0-0, Chicago 4-1. Boston 2-10. St. Louis 3. Washington 8, Cleveland 6. Baseball Standings Bnekiyn St LoUls Cincinnati Pittsburg New York National League 75 71 .64 .59 .50 Chicago 49 j Boston 45 Philadelphia ...31 i American League New York 81 I Chicago 64 'Boston 61 ) Cleveland .59 : Detroit 54 Philadelphia 51 (Washington 49 St. Louis 48 of drawers, dining room chairs und bedroom chairs, beds, springs D p 101 nil C and springfield mattresses, studio -ClIgIUU5 couches, chesterfields in the lat- rj , est patterns, household doors, ilUUCcltlOn sinks, wash basins at low prices. Phone Blk. 324. B.C. Furniture In School 40' 41 47 53 56 65 67 81 40 55 56 56 64 65 65 66 .652, .634 .577. .527 .500 .430 .402 .277, j .669' 538 .521 i .5131 .458 .440 .430 .421 A special meeting of the Prince Now selling for $150.00. 1 ice Pert Ministerial Association was box worth $100.00, now selling "u lurawj muiiiiiig m uie Presbyterian Church with the worth $1000.00, now selling both fff ReT;.E- E-Bndt. in the Anyone wanting to - "c """" Z. au- we mgii ccnooi was dealt with. This being an important Issue it was decided to gather more information and call a meeting to discuss same in ths nea. future. , A letter was read with reference ! to the forthcoming visit of Dr. G. WANTED . f: Amyot and Dr. Williams of the "-"T T Medical Health Department. It is WANTED 2 3-room furnished or understood the doctors will visit apartment or small house. Per- thls c,tv 0n ... nMrt: .M. fident about the Russian army, were convinced at the! manent res- Apply Box 136 Df"? holding, a public gathering in the rvufof f iiiii.L.r f !..j News. UI) Moose Moose Wall Hall. Thn The Irvnl local clerirv jutoci, ux war uiau tne uussian air iorce was virtually ; . ... . ... n mntfh fnr fiovmimr'e fomol T iiff,nrt A vl Jf 1,1 WANTED' Youne man between '"""ore, Will give this effort all 1-1 i untie nf of 1R-1Q 16-19 vmm Vni- For particu nirtl.ii. fosaiuie Housework or Hotel Work, Phone Presbyterian Churches respectively Green 894. (195) useless to talk of the Russian air force opposing that of 'wi'mw 001115 or house Phone man v i - I . ' -vw co-operation-, i A welcome was extended to the new members of the Association, Rev. J. A. Donnell and Rev. A. F. MacSween of the First United and WANTED at once, light housekeep-1 Rach ten tnousitria people with Jng room or suite. Apply Box 139 a "want ad." in the Daily News. Daily News. (tf) WANTED Man, young man prefer-red-General purpose. McRae Bros. tf. WANTED Young man for day! work. Apply Chris Mill. (tf) On the invincibilitv of Germanv LinrlWrrV. W,I t,; WANTED Furnished suite. Phone entire argument of essential cnllnhnrnf i Lti, t, Red 378, (i95) iJnitotl States and this dynamic new power of tho world-! snaking Gemans. He argued that American (k-mocracy WT nnfl (Jnritwn rlnfAt,. rv, 1... , WIST : "'-n'un.MH miuliki ne jomeu to make som1 ort i s ot an alliance whose inevitability was mainly dictated bv' Germany's presumed power to prevent the United States I wujftimig ciau uul acquiesce. SPECIAL Low Rail Fares FOR LABOR DAY (gtUtt All Stellem la Cmla) ROUND TRIP for SINGLE FARE AND ONE QUARTER (Minimum Fwt 15c) GOOD GOING : AUGUST 29 UNTIL 8 P.M. SEPTEMBER 1 RETURNING Leave destination not later than midnight. SEPTEMBER 2. Cood in all claatea of accommodation. Information from nearest A lent W4US4 1 IT'S TO Ladies, loo, can rival the menfolk as 5050 gasoline savers by shopping on foot and carrying small parcels; by walking to and from the movies: by faking public conveyances when visiting friends who live beyond walking distance. Every saving counts; our Fighting Forces must have first call on Canada's gasoline supply. IWMEMIlFll: The slmccr you drive, tlie more you save! Laundry Picnic Is Much Enjoyed Thirty-Five Persons Enjoyed Happy Outing On Lucy Island Sunday The annual picnic of the staff of Pioneer Laundry took place on Sunday at Lucy Island and proved to be a very happy and enioyable outing.' There were about thlrty-nve persons present and the affair took piace on the sandy shores of Lucy Island. Transporta tion was by the power boat Phlp-pen, Capt. Jim Morrison. A sports program was featured by a softball game In which the ladies took the measure of the men by a score of 34 Co 20. There were also other games and races. Full justice was done to a boun teous supply of refreshments. J. R. Morln was in charge of general arrangements for the pic nic. ON JOI1 41 YEARS The Dominion Labor Department was established in 1900. BUILD A HOME Like This V, 7 TOWN'S AWAKENING j LITTLE SNORING, Eng., August 23: 9 The whole population turned out when a mobile theatre i visited this Norfolk village to; boost a war weapons week. There j are no theatres in town. i ItOYAL EMPIRE CHAIRMAN LONDON, August 20: Oi Sir William Clark has been elected chairman of the council of the Royal Empire Society, succeeding Maj.-Gen. Sir Frederick Skyes who retired after occupying the post three years. BASEBALL Tonight Acropolis 7 p.m. SEARCHLIGHTS vs. DRY DOCKS Canadian National Railways Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Monday at 3:00 V-m. P.S.T., calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River Saturday at 4:00 p.m. P.S.T., calling at Ocean Falls Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. r.S.T. Also Fast Through Train Friday at 11:00 a.m. I'.S.T. Air-Condltloned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full Information, reservations, etc.. call or write City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave. Thone 260, Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines Get Prices of Materials From Albert & McCaf fery, Ltd. Importers of Cement, Lumber and ail Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL I ...nvJ n0t ,ay In a stock of coaI now for the wnter 1I,0NE 1,6 t phone m ofif OOTAN do"?,"!' .W, ?tiJ "... Make Our Store Tour Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction tiuaranteri-PUONE 517 Tom Lee & Son -HOUSE OF FINE FOODS' , SAVOI HOTEL' Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. BoiW PHASER STREET Prince Rupert J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bjtt Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY TIIONE657 mm mm Steamers Leave Prince RW For Vancouver CAT A LA EVERY TUESDAY 1:30 D.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. P CARD EN A EVERY FBWf' 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday Queen Charlotte Isla" Leaving Aug. 19 and 3, September 9 at 10 p n. Tickets and Reservation! from FRANK J. SKINNER, F'ln" Rupert Agent, Third At. Phone 5C8 1 1 4