PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NTWB Wednesday, Ann 1541 Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Minister Visits Central Interior Hon. C. S. Leary. Public Works Head, , Now in Omineca Country SMITHERS, Aug. 20: Hon. C. S. Leary. Minister of Public Works, accompanied by Arthur Dixon, chief engineer for the province, and J. C. Brady, engineer from Prince Rupert, arrived In Smlthers on Saturday morning's train. 8, A. Cunliffe. district engineer at Smlthers, met the party in Ter- CIIAS. DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT issssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssl .sssssB pi easy tm A General dee-trie Hotpolnt Range is easy to buy on comfortable terms. DISPLAY BY GYRO CHILDREN Fine Physical Education And Recreational Work Being Car-ried Out On Playground Is Depicted To Advantage The special feature of the sec- race on Friday and came back tofef ? S , f?" and ,y Smlthers with them. tl I! ?U Precl!f I Mark Connelly, MX A. for Omin- Il t j . . . . .... display arranged by Supervisor eca. accompanied by the district en-Ce ted by Margaret tg neer from Prince George Mr. Smith Nora' J " C J and May Skinner, directors of the , , , urday morning also and they de-G Playgrounds at Clwonl, parted with Mr. Leary and Mr. Dix-Vstview. Acropolis and Seal Cove rtn f no coma vnnrnl n rr frv CYrf Rr . , " , ";" t i respectively. It was a very Interest- highways in this district and from here south. WHEAT IN FLOUR ing and entertalninz affair, de plctlng .to advantage the excellent recreation and physical education work being conducted by the caD- able supervising staff for the Gvro !Club. On an average it takes 4 & bush- lhe first' number was a folk els-of wheat to make a 195-pound ,dance y tne Sirk from McCly- barrel of flour. 4, Perfect Meals o t? are oo With a mm ELECTRIC ttotnoinfr RANGE Thr'i no guesswork to Elsctric Cooking" says Bsddy lilowatt "no running in and out' no constant chicking up; no worry, wait or suffocating kitchen heat Just set your oren. nap the twitch and leare it to me. It's the same with frying, broiling, baking. I giro tht right degree of eren heat lor erery Job and lor Just ai long a it's needed. I hold all flavour! too; all nourishment Talues. The result U better, tastier, more satislying meals cmd reduced household bills. You see. all I aik lor wages to do the cooking lor ue whole iamily is about i $3 a month 1" T"l ,1 1 -Til! tnnl.iJI.. . ,Wide, Betty Wide, Edna Gardner iJean Husoy, Leila Husy. Ednt Ronalds,- Herdls Holkestad, Joanne tanguage, Helen Meneghello. Joai. Travis, Irene Kildal and Lom Howe. There were six couples, the girls being dressed in AliJe Blur Gowns trimmed with pink, and the boys in full dress tails, i The -next item to be presented was a Dutch tap by th- older girb of the four playgrounds, featuring Lorraine Youngman singing "My Little Wooden Shoes." The costumes 'were appropriate to tht number and the dance was as cleverly executed aj arranged. Those taking' part were Anns Stevens, Marlssa Windle, Bejsie Lee, Nina Youngman, Lorraine Youngman, Rose Marie Hartwig, Lois Thompson, Ethel Hemmons and M3r-jorie Shrubsall. ; Next, was a skipping dance by iLorna Howe, Lenora Gardner, Leila ; Husoy, Betty Wong, Deshka Pen-off, Jean Husoy, Marie Welter and Anne S.evens. This number wai timed to music and showed precision and practxe on the part oi the youngsters. This was followed by a boys' I tumbling act, including forward 'and backward rolls, dives and box Vaulting. Those taking part were frank Clapp, Andy Owens, Ale. Gomez, Douglas Marshall, Don Hartwig, Frank James, Frank Kingston, Leonard Younirman Buddy Morris, Georgie Haughan. Robert Bartlett and Bill Davidson. It was a pleasure to see the boys tof the Oyro Playgrounds taking fpart in the display, this being due 'to the good coaching of Supervisor Shantz. The concluding item on the program was mat tumbling by Made-jlcin? Youngman, Janet Budinich Rose Marie Hartwig, Lorraine 'Youngman, Nina Youngman, Bessie Lee, Sally Welter, Lois Thompson ( Mar jorie Shrubsall, Solveig Mork wV..u w.aiit, swia vuuituvicn ana Marie Welter. During the course of the program the directors wpr tnm. (duced by Supervisor Shantz. in cnarge or the folk dancers was May Skinner and Smith;' Tap dancers, May Skinner: Skippers. Nora Thomas! b-ih' and boys' tumbling, Nora Thomas and Cecil Shantz; costumes, Joy foster. Accompanist for the danc? Vas May Skinner. NEW PACT IS COMING .Mutual Assistance Measure Between 'China and Russia is Anticipated LONDON, Aug. 20. A mutual as sistance pact between Soviet Rus sia and Nationalist China is seen as a result of the forthcoming ex pected conference between Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek and Premier Joseph Stalin in Moscow. Canadian cows nroduced 16 283 - 077,500 pounds of milk in 1940, more man ioo,ooo,000 pounds above 1939 FREE! FREE! New issue Premium Books now in. Cal in and let us explain this plan to you. Dishes, silverware, flatware and many useful Hems FREE with our cash coupons. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollar Have More NEW HUT OPENING V. M. C. A. Will Be Established In New Quarters .Monday Next Monday the Young Men's Christian Association, expanding its activities in Prince Rupert, will open the new hut in the former Moose Hall. The new hut will cater to the wives and girj friends of the forces by supplying reading and writing rooms and a beauti ful lounge. Cliff Leslie, who is in charge in this area, formerly belonged to the Ninth Armored Rezi- ment and, since his discharge from the Army, has been active in "V work at Victoria Other personne will include a Y. W. C A. hostess Al Shipp, Air Force -,Y" secretary formerly of the provincial welfare branch, and Oordqn MrKeller from he Y. M. C. A. in Klnsston, Ont. LESS NEWS PRINT NOW Restriction for Sunday Papers Ranges From 20 to 63 Per Cent Smaller Weeklies Are Exempt OTTAWA, Aug. 20: O In an Australian government move aimed savinz foreign exchanee in war- ime, use of newsprint by Australian newpaners now is restricted to 55 ner cent of the Quantity used in 1938-33. R. P. Power, assistant Can-; idlan trade commissioner, has reported to the department here. The paper rationing, which came fnto effect. July 1. is on a slidlne -cale based on the number of broadsheet pages printed by a newspaper during 1938-39. The percentage restriction on dally napers varies from complete exemption for papers which printed up to 24 oroadsheet pages a week during 1938-39 to 60 per cent of 1938-39 :onsumption for papers which printed over 132 pages. A 20 per cent restriction from 1938-39 consumption is lmrxsed on! Sunday papers which printed less tnan 24 pages, ranging ud to 65 per cent for those with more than 48 pages. Weekly papers which print-' ed up to four pages In 1938-39 are ixempt but papers with over 40 pages are restricted to 50 per cent of the newsprint used in 1933-39. Tonnage of paper a newspaper may consume is increased or decreased according to whether its net circulation per issue increases or decreases. "If it Is decided that the percentage.. will be further in creased to 60 per cent as from Oc tober 1, an amended sliding scale will be prepared," said Mr. Bower in his report. Canada Affected Since Australia imports most of Its newsprint much of it from Canada a saving of foreign ex change by reduced consumption in the Commonwealth. However, newspapers using Australian-produced newsprint do not obtain any more paper irt the aggregate than do those which obtain their requirements from overseas. "The rationing scheme applies not to imports but to paper consumed by the vari ous publishers, whether obtained locally or not," Mr. Bower report ed. Other Derlodlcals will continue to operate on a 30 Der cent restriction of paper supplies. Paper to be used for catalogues, circulars and similar printed matter is being rationed by a reduction of 35 per cent on quan tities used in the base year ended June 30, 1939. Ad Restriction After October l it will be to Dfint matter advertising the sale and distribution of goods unless an authority to use paper for the purpose has been obtained from the collector of customs. "The rationing of paper for such use serves a double purpose," Mr. Bower said. "It saves paper and thus conserves foreign exchange, and It also handicaps the sale of advertised merchandise' when the greatest national saving is desirable in the interests of war finance," Restrictions also will be Imposed on use of paper for printing of cal endars, sales docket books, counter' sales books and couriers and throw-downs for motion picture advertising. Use of cardboard as a mounting board In the packing of apparel now is prohibited. AFRICA'S MIDDLE AGES PRETORIA, August 20: O While digging a .trench for telephone wires, workmen unearthed "a Middle Sone .Age factory site rhixit three feel -below the 2 DAYS BEGINNING TOMORROW Complete Shows Start at 1:00 - 3:04 - 5:08 - 7: 12 - 9:16 Work On Airport At Smithers Is Getting Started Smlthers Aue. 2u. Work is now under way at the Smithers airport ind officials and machinery are arriving every day in connection with the undertaking. A survey party of Six men is the principal work going on so far but a few other men are on the Job and it Is expected that a large number will be put to work snortly. c.ati.c.'.i.. Mill fflJtTr Continuous Fron, 1 P-m. Daily JtnrtAcw Fo, Folk, Who H.rtn't , 1 1 nmJ Ml 1 SAM WOOD "Goodbrt. Mr. Ckipl" At 1:32 Robert CDMMINGS Charles COBURN EDMUND GWENN SPRING BYINGTON 3 36 - 5 40 7:44 9:48 EXTRA ADDED "YOU THE PEOPLE"' LAST TIMES TONIGHT Continuous From 1 p.m. "Tiitf crv rv f l.t. c !,. 4 07i yJl 1:00, 3:09, 5:18, 7:27, 9:36 MONTE CRISTO" on Sunday's train to be added to that already on the ground: The nearest end of the field will be about two miles from the town and will run northward to opposite Lake Kathlyn. Filled to capacity with tourist passengers, mostly Alaska round trippers. C.N.R. steamer Prince George, Capt. H. E. Nedden, arrived in port at 12:30 noon today from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and sails this afternoon, following the discharging of local cargo, for Skagway and other northern points whence she is due back in Prince Rupert next Monday Considerable machinery arrived southbound. Trade In Your Old Furniture Help to Pay the New During August Furniture Sale! . SALE VALUES AT ELIOS 4-pc. Bedroom Suite $79.00 2-pc. Bed-Davenport Suite $81.50 6-pc. Dinette, Walnut Finish $79.00 Elio's Furniture Store THIRD AVENUE Store Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 pjn. Rupert Brand SMOKED BLACK COD Smoked Daily J Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prlnc Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia LATEST WORLD NEWS Continuous From 1 p.m. Feature at 1:2". 3:36, 5:45, 7:51, 10:0 Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Roomi Hot Water Steam Bathi Dlnlnjr Room In Connection Mm. C. E. Black, Proprltirw NEW R0KAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kates 75c upp 50 Rooms. Hot & Cold Wafer Prince Rupert BC Phone 281 P.O. r.01 US YES! We Repair Water Pipes, Roofi, Woodwork, Stores Connected, Etc. Hi Humeri Cleaned 1 1-5' Chimneys Swept W HANDY MAN nOME SERVICE Phone ItLACK 735 THE SEAL 0' QUALITY P'isWrl f MtlHI I HOLD SEAL Fancy Ked Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Ppk1 Salmon Packed b the only wlmoo cannier romninr with an " il. the JTT .n In year round payrou Prince Rupert 1 Em