detailed report of the drowning litv last Saturday night at plkelse Lake which cost the life of ger Richard alentln, clght- r-old son of Mr. and Mrs. M. lentin of this city, was received provincial police headquarters i&e today from Constable Peter GiWrigtH of Terrace. Uas a approximately 10 o'clock lurfiay night that the tragedy oc curred The lad was seen to dive from a raft His head appeared & tie started to Bwlm. Then he :ame missing and immediately a rch was started. About thirty' ite iaier the body was sighted j searchers using flashlights from pat It was about dusk at the Die Paui Knnke dove in from the Karen boat and hauled out the 'HMV ICrlnlra iUnt Ya writer Ijas about t2 to 15 feet deep at the Winr where the ne body rxwy was was found iouna. I Premier T D. PaUnllo. who is a fsltor m the city, announces bur- Lwase by the provincial government Pi the Tony christian property ln wedge comer of Third Avenue pa McBride Street adjoining the Drov nrial . . .. .. 6unmeni DUiiaings. R,. J sides Mr. christian's buildings, P Property includes the ware- rUSe OCCUpled bvThrvmn r Northern Brokerage which Is t W building to lnUP iuuner down Thd Av-McMeekln. The ware- inc a, "'be the pro layer in m, ."os will, be rnm n V' P with the enuens. LONDON, Aug. 20. Nazi forces, continuing their offensive, are smashing heavily on two wings of the Red Armytowards Leningrad on .the north and- through the-Uk-raine towards Odessa. Reports reaching here last night were to the effect that the Soviet army was 'being driven to the outer defences of Leningrad. In the Ukraine there was heavy resistance by the Russians In savage rearguard fighting. gov- PR. ROBERT Fine Hostel For Sailors In Victoria Is Now In Use VICTORIA, August 20. In con nection with official ceremonies 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. today, on board were 218 passengers, two of whom disembarked here. through waters which Japan con-,, T'tv " irir ..nHPr hnr ,nntmi ii.h arms!ln he city for several days, before and ammunition destined for Russian port of Vladivostok. the Tokyo also reports that the Japanese government has started of Battle Still Flowing Against ing 0ver vessels of the merchant Soviet as Nazis Maintain marine for use of the Navy. Offensive ' I More Canadians Are Safe Across . AT A BRITISH PORT. Aug- ust 20: O Canada's overseas army, now totalling many thousands, has been relnforc- ed by a shipload of ancillary troops. New detachments were greeted today by Navy Minister Angus Macdonald. HOUSE OPEN ' ' BLASTED AT KIEL . . .. .... ...j ..,m... vi ii. nnvai Je pomt was some fifty yards off- MA here , " F In AUack Last Night ore close to a drop off. The water tne opening or mnce uoDen s extremely cold. u ,, mNDON. Auzust 20: 0,-Royai! . .. . . igqi nro acniiiH iiiiiri nil urn iv w a -' respiration was resori-t - - ln of bad jwwmai Alr Force bamber5, spite by Hon. E. W Hamber to and continued until the ar- - gj gnpke, nayai Lieutenant Oovernor oi uniisn . ) of Constable Cartwrleht and . . n-l..U M ln-nA MAln mriflpl nr U.LdC ai iwli uu.i.ia " l"r"" m, Stanlnv Mill. n IM. (Imp iajiuiiiuio, o ia.6c "-' ."v. ,u Mgor mortu 71, 7n ss. Prince Robert, which gives the aiong wim ou.eruu uu i.. IThe doctor ave drowning asXhe ,5camen CORNER IS PURCHASED! To Be Located at Third Avenue And Mcllrlde Street 's hostel its name, made available 'by Canadian - " ' ' " The model of the Prince Robert, well known throughout Canada, shows the vessel as she appeared during the years when operated ln Canadian National passenger service and when she carried Their Majesties from Victoria to Vancou ver during the royal visit in May Takcn ovcr by tne Bovern- .i1939- rovlncial rovin,i,w (.overnmen . . riant , Assay ment &t gtart of war the Prlnce Robert, then ln command of Commander C. T. Beard, R. C. N., made history when she captured the German ship Weser, a rich prize. was west Germany, Two night. ! 1 1 L Ltl .1 Na- m aaauion, iignier cruu mi at fuse oi death There were no ",ouc. .7 . Z. mi airHrnmPS in Pnemv-occunied arb or lnjury anywhere on the "!J" 0 ZZZ T 'O"- 1 . , , ,,a. and well appointed 'building. UUIUUt'lS VVCIC iUOl. ut- BANSHEES F0RCITY Local A. K. 1. Committee Is Further Improving Equipment At Trince Rupert Further perfecting the local Air tioM Pmtep.tlnn pauiDment and Commander Beard, now president I , iead tne way in 0r- of the local 'branch, Navy League Eanlzallon $ civn protection meas- oi canaaa, wnrcn una 'MUl"Ures ln Western Canada, tne a. k. the new sailor's home, accepica 'the model for his organization from Charles F. Earle, district . r. II- XTrt passenger ageni, oanaujau na tional Railways, Victoria. Southbound after the third of three specially arranged Alaska cruises which included calls at Sitka and certain other points not regularly visited by the vessels op- pratlntr nn rpmilar Schedules, C.P.R. hoK!Vurncnt.assay Plant and I steamer Princess Charlotte, Capt. uuuse bv T M V ... . i rmm - uungs, "uss, me me as-iwiuiam as- Palmer, was i P. committee In Prince Rupert has decided to install conventional air raid sirens or banshees here. Sev eral will be established at suitable points so the whole city will have .... , 111.. ...JIU1. an effective ana rcauuy auuiuic system of alarms. There will be central control. Estimates of cost of the sirens are now being receiv ed preparatory to placing the SPEEDING BEES The averaee speed of worker bees engaged ln making honey is about 15 miles an hour. returning to Vancouver. Bulletins SABOTAGE IN PARIS PARIS Sabotage, including arson and train wrecking, contin- ues.-o In" the Nazt-contrulled Industries slowdown strikes are NEW LEG FOR BADER LONDON A squadron of Royal Air Force planes has dropped a new metal leg for Winp Commander Douglas Bader who is a prisoner in Germany. PRESIDENT CANDID WASHINGTON President Roosevelt was candid In a press conference. He told newspapermen that Americans must realize there was a war to win. The only way out for escape was by seeing Hitler defeated. It was a war that would have t0 be won by fighting, not by strategy. He suggested that the war might last until 1913 and that American aid to Great Britain would have to continue as long as. it lasted. SOVIET GOLD ARRIVING WASHINGTON Soviet gold is flowing into the United States to pay for war purchases. Already $3,500,000 worth has arrived. FURTHER CONFERENCES MONTREAL Viscount Halifax, British ambassador to United States, foresees further periodical conferences between Prime Minister Churchill and President Roosevelt for the exchange of views. 1LSLEY COMING OTTAWA Minister of Finance Ilsley leaves about August 30 for a trip west in connection with the promotion of sales of war savings certificates. GOVERNOR GENERAL IN WEST WINNIPEG The Governor General and Princess Alice were hero yesterday and left for INFANTILE PARALYSIS WINNIPEG The Infantile paralysis situation is becoming serious. There are 511 cases. A member of the legislature is dead. There are also eight cases of sleeping sickness. Salmon Arrivals Kanawaka, 80,000 Inverness, 10.9c. pounds coho, Weather Forecast Tomorrow sT ides Rupert and Queen Charlotte mm Ml prince Islands-Light to moderate mm (Pacific Standard Time) southeast winds, becoming locally High 0:01 am. 20.2 ft. and mild with intermittent 12:44 p.m. 19.0 ft. cloudy Low 6:36 am. 35 ft. this afternoon. rain 18:40 p.m. 6.6 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 194L PRICE: FIVE CENTS attic For Leningrad Is Now On a Premier King Of Canada In Britain After Flight Across Ocean In Bomber LONDON, August 20: (CP) Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King arrived at a British nirnort after flyinc across the Atlantic Ocean from Canada in a giant Liberator bomber, it was announc ed today. The Canadian Premier could not state his plans i until he had an opportunity to discuss the program i . . 1 TT! i ri tf!. H S with i ananian xugn commissioner vmceni iwassey : who met him. j It is understood that Mr. King intends to stay about three weeks. In addition to conferences with ; Prime Minister Winston Churchill and the British war cabinet, he is expected to make extended visits j with the Canadian armed forces in the United King-t dom and visit naval centres with Hon. Angus Mac-j donald. Canadian minister of naval affairs, who is still tn Great Britain. I OFFICIAL ACCOUNT llWvincUl Tollce Receive runner Details of Drowning of Local Boy at Lakelse Lake - REDS STILL FALL BACK I Air Explosive SITUATION ! TENSE IN ' FAR EAST i Another British Warning; to Japan New Crisis With United States ' ' Looms ! furJ LONDON. Aug. 20: CP -Any ther move by Japan in the Far East would be regarded by Great Britain as "extremely serious." authoritative quarters said today although it is understood London has given Thailand no specific assurances that its independence would be maintained by British arms. In Canberra Prime Minister Robert G. Menzies todny charged Japan with creating Far F.astern tension and said she had "the means of relief in her own hands." At Tokyo I was predicted that a new crisis between Japan and United States might develop within twenty days when American vessels are expected to start moving Manager Is Here ,G. A, MacMillan, general man- HEAD OF AIRLINES RESIGNED O. T. Larsen, General Superintendent Takes Place of D. B. Collyer MONTREAL. Aug. 20. The reslg-. nation of D. B. Colyer vice-president TransCanada Air Lines and the appointment of O. T. Larsen general uperintendent, to succeed him was announced today by H. J. Symington K.C., press president and T.C.A. Mr Coyler is. resigning after four years spent in organizing and .developing Canada's national air service "In Mr. Colyer we lose an aviation executive of outstanding ability The work he has accomplished for aviation as a whole as well as; for T.C.A. will keep this country to the'fore front in aeronautics for many years to come." The organization, to a man, is sorry to ager of the Prince Rupert dry dock, see leave," said Mr. Symington. arrived on the steamer Prince Britain Gives LONDON, August 20: Oi fr (rtn f Rrltafn hnt tHvon Trnn. A Nazi Thrust Across Black Sea at Batum Oil Port Envisioned Fiercest of Fighting Today in War Between Soviet and Reich is Centred in North Although Heavy Conflict Continues in Ukraine COUNTER-ATTACK LAUNCHED BERLIN, August 20: (CP) German dispatches from the lower Dnieper River front to- , night said that large formations of Russian tanks were counter-attacking Nazi lines in attempt to cover the withdrawal of sizeable Russian units eastward across the river. MOSCOW, August 20: (CP) The battle for Leningrad developed today into a showdown around Novgorod, ancient walled town, about 100 miles south of Leningrad. A Red Army communique reported heavy f ighting on every front including the threat of new Nazi penetration midway between Kiev and Smolensk but it was in the Iran One Week . SERVICE north that the fiercest of the day's. struggles was under way. The possibility of a Nazi thrust across the Black Sea at the Soviet nm 4 frrPT oil port of Batum was envisioned to- I Z K I H I 1 day as the Germans in Berlin pre- dlcted lh fal1 oI dessa about i week In whlrh to was Only ; answer the Anglolussian re- Canne1 SaImon Tw MMt TZZl quest for the expulsion of strapped and Sampled At Sertd , 1 pt"re f ?lesSa. three thousand German "tour- Since RupTi ' ' Tu Ct West isw nnrt tprhnioians- m P the Dnieper River In German ' haAFe'fmered.Thfo"the xoym6y7 M. McCaskeThTsrihT1"" ' ' authoritative sources said to- d,i day. Although these sources manage for Wells Limited, label- Insisted that Great Britain llrie. straDDinc and samDline ser if had not sent an ultimatum on vjce or the fisheries industry op-i r tne issue, mwsn ana Kussian eratlng from this port as its centre. t iroons were rerxrtea on irans t m,. v.i.r ooer.n tnr th octoh. " 111C L11IC1 A - IVi 'V "-UlU V I j frontier ready for possible dlr- Wrangell has had the largest salmon pack in the history of that Alaska fishing centre, it is reported by Norman Nelson, manager of Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd., who returned from there on the Princess Charlotte this morning. With all storage facilities filled with the canned product, even the town Fire Hall has been pdessed into use for the stacking of filled cases. The variety is principally pinks. Now, however, Wrangell Is faced with a serious water shortage and, unless there Is rain within the next four or five days, it may be neces sary to cease operations at the three canneries there. ARMY HAS BIG LEAD Lillian Jones Still Away Out on Top in Carnival Queen Contest Miss Lillian Jones, Army candi date, still has a big lead in the Carn ival Oueen contest today on the basis of the latest tabulation which Is as follows: Lillian Jones, Army, 76,000. Phil Murray, Junior Chamber, 38, 000. May Skinner, Gyro Club, 22,000. Nancy Bremner; Navy, 10,000. lishment of this service has been ect action if the Iranian gov- to a chanee ln the carco situ- TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver Grandvlew, .13. Bralorne, ll'.OO. Cariboo Quartz, 2.15. Hedley Mascot, .47 (ask). Pend Orlelle, 1.55. Pioneer, 2.35. Premier, .90. Privateer, .46. Reno, .11.. Sheep Creek, .96. Oils Calmont, .25 (ask). C. & E., 1.25. Home, 2.25. Royal Canadian, .05. Toronto Beattle, 1.10. Central Pat., 1.93. Cons. Smelters, 37.25. Hardrock, .78 (ask). Kerr Addison, 4.45. Little Long Lac, 1.85. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.85. Madsen Red Lake, .65 V2. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.06. Moneta, .34. Pickle Crow, 3.05. Treston East Dome, 3.20. San Antonio, 2.40. Sherritt Gordon, .81. LOTS OF EARS LONDON, August 20: (CP) Lab els bearing the words "Speech ori phones Is not secret" have been pasted on Instruments ln government offices by the post office I department. TOO HIGH ANYWAY Flying above 17,000 feet ln the United States is restricted to mili tary and some airline planes. FRENCHMAN IS SHELLED ernment falls to satisfy the aHon whereby in future the main 1 British Navy Is Becoming Daring a 1 1 1 i A i n a i b ii it T viiiea governmenis. v PACK IS .-i LARGEST Never Before Has So Much Salmon Been Packed at Wrangell Drought May Close Canneries ' nnrtlnn nf the ranned salmon Dack will be' moving direct east by rail1 from here Instead of by ship to Vancouver. Activities of the Wells organization will be concentrated in Prince Ruperi and canneries situated on the railroad side of the Skeena Around Port Of Djibuti VICHY, August 20: Two British warships are reported to have steamed into the blockaded French Somaliland port of Djibuti after a British dispatch boat shelled a French ship out- I side the harbor. Word to this effect reached Vichy in a radio broadcast from Djibuti. It is not said what action resulted but the situation in blockaded French Somaliland was described as becoming serious. Halibut Sales ! Foremost, American 40,000, Pacific, 12.7c and 11c. Sentinel,. 25,000, Storage, 12.5c land 11c. . Shirley "A., 25,000, Booth, 12.8c .and 11c. Wireless, 25,000, Atlin, 13.2c and 11c. Carnival Tonight PROGRAM 7:30 Carnival Featur-es. Doors open 7 o'clock. 8:00 Bathing Beauty Contest. 11:00 p.m. Dancing. ''V