paqi roin Expert Optical Service i I p i sm rv ! 1 rVTr thas- uommeaa ' ' .1.1.1 I rhitri :rhc vp' lyivuiciiui IU iamv l,J , Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STOKE For Fine China, Dinnerwarc, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Awakened By Pack Of Wolves airs. Fulton And Helen Balagno "Hlave Interesting Morning Interlude At Lakelsc Lake Mrs. W. O. Fulton, who was alone one night recently with Helen Ba.'-agno at the Fulton summer camp on the shore of Lakelse Lake, was awakened about four o'clock In the morning by the weird howling of wolves. Looking out the window they saw a coyote in the berry, patch and several others were running along the, beach making a great noise. Evidently there; was a considerable pack of coyotes and they were told next day that something had been killed alon the beach. Their dog was in the house at the time so they brought him home for fear he might be lured away by the wolves' and killed by them. r: 1 a ; Sr. f "O.K. O.K. you've passed you're in the army, Jenson PLEASE BUILD A HOME Like This P!ln Rupert sl gjyw.. Get Prices of Materials From Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Importers of Cement, Lumber and all Kinds of ISUILMNG MATERIAL Why not lay in a stock of coal now for the winter PHONE 116 PHONE 117 J J.. .... ,.... ICE Just Completed! New Ice Storage Method Ensuring only low temperature ice throughout the fishing season Fishermen are Invited to Inspect Our Reconstructed Ice Storage Low Temperature Dry Ice Now on Sale by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage C, lid Kritih Colinihi Lf Mate John A. Hamilton, Lieut. Col. VY.Baply. Petty' Officer Writer Carl V. 'Smlfh and Writer Russell R. Cameron. x fDPULIKIWI aaiuraay, Waterfront Whiffs Another Mine-Sweeper is Launched Here With H.M.C.S. Courtenay Taking to Water Halibut Landings Heavier auguiaitru, duuicu tu muve uuwii the slip. Mrs. J. R. Elfert, wife of Lieut.. Commander Elfert, smashed the traditional bottle of champagne against the receding bow. All went smoothly, the hour being 10 a.m. Rt. Rev.. Q. A. nix D.D., Bishop of Caledonia, blessed the ship and her cause. After the launching little Louise McDonald presented Mrs. with a beautiful bouquet. Later an official reception was held In thedraftlng office of the administration building with T. J. Boulter, superintendent of the yard, In rharge.1 A toast to the sponsor was proposed by Mr. Boulter and Mrs. Elfert. In turn,, proposed a toast to the jshlp. Commander A. H. Reed, naval officer In charge at Prince Sockeye Falling Off H.M.C.S.- Courtenay, named for the picturesque little northern Vancouver Island city, was successfully launched this mqrning from the ways of the Prince Rupert dry dock" and shipbuilding plant. As the trim mine sweeper hull, fourth -and last to be built at the local yard where a program of much larger ship construction is beintr in- steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. R. C. McGeachy, which got In at 9 o'clock, sailing at 2 o'clock In the afternoon on her return to Van-vouver. One hour later the Princess Louise, Capt. S. K. Gray, arrived, sailing at 1 p.m. in contlnu: atlon of her voyage to Alaska with 202 passengers, mostly round trippers, on board. The Louise dropped two passengers here and picked up one at this port. At noon the Prince George, Capt. H. E. Nedden, arrived with a large list of passengers Including tourists as well as local people. The George sailed later In the afternoon for Stewart whence she returned here today southbound to sail at 3 p.m. The Union steam- RUpert, responding. The mayor of tr raena, uapi. jonn uoaen, ar-fWtenav had been invited to be rlved in Port at 1:30 this morning nresent and participate but it was and sailed at 3 a.m. on her return Impossible for, him to come here so Major Archibald Constable of the Canadian Scottish represented Adam Mackie. former supervisor that city. Bishop Rlx also spoke. f "sherles In District No. 2 with The -official guest list was as fol- headquarters In Prince Rupert and lows: Col. and Mrs; S. D. Johnston, fr the Past even years located In Inspector and Mrs. Ernest Gammon, Vancouver, has retired after thlrty-Pavrnaster Lieutenant Commander sevn years, service with the de-andMrs.J.H.McLeod.Mr.andMrs. Payment He will live in retire-James ment ln Wes- Clark', Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Vancouver. Pulleh. Judze. and Mrs W. E. Fisher, City Commissioner and Mrs. D. J. Northland Transportation Co.'s Mathe?on..MrrRd Mrs,- F. N. Good, torsh Northland, Capt. Norman A. Watt. Miss Florence "c"' amveo. in port at Watt. .Mr,' and Mrs. G. A. Hunter, 2-3 yesterday afternoon from Al-,titRev. andMrs. G. A.Rlx.Mr.and apsa "d'. fter discharging fish ;,- n-AcKv irr onrt 'f01" Ketchikan for transshlDment JVlLa flllUUl uiyuiwuaui., ... ' r?nr.L - ' . - . . EaS nvpr Pgnort qn Vrn .1 1 v. 1 1 Mrs. Peter Lakle. Mr. and Mrs. w. -; , aUUUdi nau- R."McAfee. Bruce Stevens. Dr. and s'ff led. at 6 pan. In contlnua-Mrs. tIon ot her L, W. Kergln, Flieht Lieut. J. voyage to Seattle. T, Watt. Mrs. J, R. Elfert. Mr. and " Mrs. R, L. Mltland. Mr. and Mrs.' "c raw 01 iisnmg, u OVof Hanson. Mr. and, Mrs. T. J. ' Is estimatedby some that Area .0. Boulter, Lieut. 'Commander and quota fr halibut may be reached Mri C.R.F. Pier'. Paymaster Lieu- .bvt Au8u 3f or, possibly, a little j-Jt-i-V.i J j nr.- r. . llater. No No Official official Intlmatlnn intimation has has Ray.. Lieut, and Mrs. George Gold gmll-h, Commissioned Writer Trevor W. Kensington, Lieut. Commander yet been given by the International Fisheries Commission as to the closing date. pviWf H;nh,i T.iont anrt m . Indian Department's cruiser Nas- t: F MkJuarrie. Lieut, and Mrs. J. Keena. "turned to port at noon to ir na' mmmanrtPr a. H. Reed. I havlng been away since yes- w eut .'and Mr, Mrs. r. C. w(ntPrwtom Wlnterbottom, 1 terclay with Indian Agent James Gillett on a, trip to Skeena River cannery points on official duties. . Sockeye run, as might be exnect- The crand total of halibut land- ed ls beginning to fall off in the ings at the port of Prince Rupert for the 1941 season up to and In-cju'djrig yestenday was 10,838,000 pounds asjcompared with 11,795,619 pounds at a corresponding date last ( year. Canadian landings have reached a total of 4, 303,100 pounds! lr.' comparison withe 4.973,019 1 nounds ln 1940 while the American I total Is 6.534.900 pounds as against, last year's 6,822,600 pounds. The nast'week was one of the heaviest of the season In. weight of landings' wtha total of 811,000 pounds ofi which 276.000 pounds was from Canadian vessels and 535,000 pounds I frpm American. Prices continued yrry .steady at a satisfactory level. I The top bid of the week for Can- idlan fish was 12.9c and 11.9c paid fhe Parma for 35,000 pounds andi the l'owt12cand 10.5c which the Arctic I recelve3"for lX500" pounds. The high price of the week for Am-, encan ush was iz.4c and 10.9c which he Arcade received,, , for 14,500 rounds ,and the low 12c and 10.5c which a number of boats received. Firs,t of he usual Friday string of coastal, liners to in prince Rupert was the C.P.R. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD ' Shipbuilders and Engineers ,Ton and Brass Castings -Electric arid Acetylene ,r Welding Specialist on Sawmill , and Mining Machinery All Tpt of Engines iKmnirt-rt in.l ',rhaulco Skeena and Naas Rivers, the latest reported average being twenty-five DR. KILDARE HERE AGAIN ,Another Of Popular Series Of Pictures Showing At tapitol fish Tonight 1 Daring operations and a malpractice suit form the pivot of the dramatic story in 'The People vs. Dr. Kildare," the latest of the series of medical-detective romances with Lew Ayres, Lionel Barrymore and Laraine Day in leading roles, which is the feature picture tonight at the Capitol 'lheatre here. The cast also includes a newcomer to the series in the person of Bonlta Granville who, as an injured tec skating star, gives young Dr. Kildare a tough test of his prowess. Dr. Kildare Is forced to perform an operation on Miss Granville following an automobile crash and. on convalescing, she develops a paralyzed leg, apparently ending her career as a skater. Her at torney sues, charging malpractice. Aided by his preceptor, the young doctor turns detecUve and falls on the clue to the real trouble, an obscure hereditary spinal derangement. An eloquent plea to the Jury by Lionel Barrymore is a dramatic part of the climax. There is tense drama in the picture but also comedy Interludes. Rupert Fulton left yesterday afternoon on the Princess Adelaide to Join the air force. He was accepted earlier and, as he was leaving on the boat, got a recall. Since then he has been finally accented as an armorer. Mrs. Fulton came in from Lakelse Lake to see herson off. 1 per boat. The plnk,run is com-up up with with averages averages of of 75 75 In In the the lng glllnet boats. Purse seiners1 ard also doing fairly well on pinks ln some parts of the Naas River bre. ,Ex-pectatlon Is that gillnettlng season for sockeye on tneSkeenaiand Naas Rivers will close about August 15. Rivers Inlet sockeye fishing closed for the season at 6 o'clock last evening. There is fair fishing for pinks and chums ln the Butedale area. The local halibut Boat Finella was fined $200 in provincial police court yesterday for fishing halibut in Area No. 2 after the' closing of the season. Last week the Blue Boy and Mother II were each fined $100 and fish confiscated. A similar charge against the Sea Maid was dismissed. August 11 has been set -ue aaie ior hearing of illegal fishing charges against the Midway and Domino II. Hundreas ol pwpi lr, a -spor in the Daily News classified col-'imn and get good results (tfi This Quebec Regiment made a week-end march to Windsor and camped pear Eton College as part of their training plan. Here they are back ln camp with some of their trophies from the Eton boys-top hats and cricket caps are traditionally Eton, but these French Canucks seem to take the new head gear quite readllv Fro-, J- . to rirht they are: Private Lucien Pare, Montreal p vt.te Atthur S&bdurln and Private P. Moreau of Montreal.' I LAST TIMES TONIGHT Lionel Barrymore, Lew Ayres in "THE PEOPLE VERSUS DR. KILDAR.E" Continuous Show Complete Shows Start at 3:00, 5:oo and 9:00 Feature at 3:40, 5:40. 7:40 and 9 40 BEGINNING MONDAY FOR 3 DAYS ..IrVV 1H r - ' HI r flS" J Matinees Daily 2 p.m. Evenings 7:00 and 9:15 YES.' We Repair Water Pipe. Roofs. Woodwork. Stoves Connected, Etc. OH Burners Cleaned .... ll.Sff Chiinnejk Swept HANDY MAN HOMK SERVICE Plionr III.ACK 7S4 Steamers Leave Prlhce Rupert For Vancouver C ATA LA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 p.m. Hue Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CAR I) EN A EVERY FRIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. Queen Charlotte Islands Leaving Juy g, 19. 23 at 10 p.m. Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 Msrch nf Time Presents "CIUSIS IN THE ATLANTIC CARTOON! "LITTLE MOLE" CUP THE thi I NOTICE To overcome ' bookkeeping, c"m r Auuit 1 all goo:' tr -the Dominion Dam r :: . sold or cash and ar i t charged with the milk to PHONE 10 Sf,AL ' QUALITY 1 COLD SKAL Fancy lied Sockeye IMNK SKAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the onlj ssln"" camilrT riimpany with n iH the vear rmind payroll l Prince Rupert A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd A ROOD PLACE TO BUY LAMPS 'J The lhSCV,n a,W assortmet of Bedroom and Table Lamps, ableff ihV u f colors ?e"Ulne Aceetate- washable and nou infiam; tllest and shap. conn ."w.ii v- Trl-lL!loS flnlichnrl I., - - -A 327 Third Avenue Phone 1