IS Loot AneujiAi Steamship Sailings (Daylight Savin Times) rnrourfr jjcmday -S.S. Prince DnnPft R .-h,v ss. Catala 1 H " urau.' .. a Q THnps mnise -S.S. Prince Friday Adelaide e o raraena 10 fLturday-S.S. Prince" S.S. Princess Auce ramT,ncouver- flundayoB. wvaia Monday-P-8. Princess 4 p.rh. :30 p.m. .... p.m. 2 p.m. 30 p.m. S p.m. ... pjn. I charlotte .- a.m, Rpednesday-S.8. Prince 11 am- Oeorge rrMay -S.S. Princess Adelaide a.m 3.S. Princess Ltfulse; SS Prince George ., 11 a.m. S5. Cardena p.m. I Stewart and Premier Udav S.S. Catala 8 pro. Friday -SJ5. Prince I George 1 p.m. sttwart and Premier luesday- -8.S. Catala a.m. Satnrdaw- -S.S. Prince loeorge 12 noon jj Alice Attn, Isinday- -S 3. Catala 8 p.m. Irroi" fcJs Kim rt.nv and Port Simpson ITJiesday s.s. caiaia a.m. fS Ocean Falls l&nday S.S. Prince Rupert 4 p.m. Halibut Sales American Antler, 25,000, Storage, 13c 11.1c. llobver, 25,000, Pacific, 12c 10.5c. Canadian Lois N., 3d,000, Booth, 12.2c 10.4c. W . . - - - - " fWdfy-s. princess Adelaide ..... j Saturday S.S. Prince Oeorge 5 Frbn. Ocean Falls-Wednesday S.S. Prince George Friday SB. Princess Adelaide S.S. Prince Oeorge ....... 11 85 Cardena For Queen Charlotte Islands-August 9, 19 and 30 S.S. Camosurl 10 From Queen Charlotte Islands- August 8, 19 and 29 S.S. Camosun For Alaska Monday S.S. Princess Charlotte Wednesday S.S Prince George , 3 Friday S.S. Princess Louise From Alaska Monday S S. Prince Rupert 10 Wednesday S.S. Princess Louise Saturday Princess Alice .. . Advertise in the Daily News. When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable flTAXI IService PHONE 13 j 24 Hour Service at Regular Rates For the show, for the bridge table, or for (hat quiet evening at home, see our display of CANDY Chocolates Boxed , . Assorted Fresh Candy cellophane bags . 25c t0 $2.00 -In 10c Macintosh's Famous Toffee Flavors: Hum and Butter, Licorice 0p and assorted. Vj lb 0 Rowntree's Assorted Fruit Pastilles U lb 25c Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druggists The Kcxall store Pbonei 81 It II Open Dally from ajn. till 10 p.m. Bandars and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 1 to I .m. and and and p.m. pm; a.m. a.m. a.m. pm. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. pjn. pm. lonnacona Insulating Boards WALLBOARDS hav m, j, 1. , ..... !,... I ..aim iuige sbuc& uj cuai 10 ouii evciy icijuuviuv.... Ji our coal is carefully screened and prepared. Also a complete k1' J lumber for every type of building. Our shingles are from ill t .ten charloUe Islands, they are not kiln dried and have I 01 lhe natural 0II3 so necessary to long life and durability. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. m'UNE csi rilONE 652 Thd Daily News Is n mAmW nf tho nnnnrlinn Dailv FASiH Association, of the Canadian Press and of the 1 1)4 UV nilAn.. . VAVSJikJ A. hf 10 bills VW T ..w- w-- Mr. and 'Mrs. Kenneth Attree are sailing this afternoon oh trie Prince George for Vancouver where Mr. Attfee will Join the Rdyal Canadian Air Force. Mrs. Blades, wife of Major II. E. S. Blades of the Rtfckv Mountain Rangers, and two sorts. Robert and (Harry, sailed this morning on the r vsaiucua lor Vancouver. Miss Patricia Hartley, dauehter of Chief Steward Jack H&rtlev. of the steamer Prince George, will sail mis afternoon on her return to Vancouver after a week's visit here. Next week tenders will be invited for the erection of a new frame engine house at the railway vards. The old building Is to be torn down and the new one built in its place. City Commissioner D. J. Math- eson was in session as a citv coun cil this morning to put through fur ther bylaws providing for the trans- ler of titles to DroDerties under the Better Housing Act and for the sale of a number of tax sale properties which were listed yesterday. Constable William Graham of city detachment of the provincial police returned to the city on the Prince George yesterday from a trip to Vancouver oh escort duty. Constable William Gardiner ar rived oh the same boat to assume duty with the city force here. fjissnil fOR SALh FOR SALE Crane gate and globe valves, Just like new, household doors and windows, 1 bathtub, 2 cash registers, beds, springs and mattresses, studio couches, chesterfields,, unp'ain ted chests and drawers at reasonable prices. Phone Blk 324. B.C. Furniture, 3rd Ave. FOR SALE 78 acres of good bottom land. Adjacent Remo Station on Canadian National Railway. Apply R. E. Allen, 604 3rd Street. Nelson, B.C. FOR SALEOr exchange for Vancouver house, 5-room house, 3 berdooms. Close to' Dry Dock. Apply Harrow Simonsen, Standard Oil. (180) FOR SALE G-room modern house. 415 7th Ave. East. 4 bedrooms. House ten years old. Price $1300 cash. (181) FOR SALE Or trade for another car. '37 sedan delivery, good condition. Box 131, Daily News. (181) WANTED WANTED Woman to do house work. Apply 610 6th Avenue West, Suite 4. tf WANTED Companion for sick lady out of town. For further particu-lars phone Black 697. (185) WANTED House or apartment at once. H. Y. Shllliday, Royal Hotel. PERSONAL (181) TRUCK driver wanted. Apply Chris Mill Bakery. . tf FURNISHED House wanted. Phone Red 482. (180) NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A GOVERNMENT JOB as .clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno., etc. Five Dominion-wide exams held since the war began. Free Booklet. M.C.C. Schools Ltd Winnipeg. Oldest In Canada. No Agents. YOU CAN RUN A HOME KINDER. garten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute, care M, C. C. Schools, Winnipeg, Man, Send In Your Due to changed conditions arising from the handling of late war news, the Dally News finds it necessary to set a 10 a.m. deadline for local news contributions. To insure pub- llcatlon it will be necessary for contributors to have their copy in by that time or earlier if possible, preferably the night before. Otherwise It may not be published. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for old gold, Bulger's Mrs. N. M. Catt arrived in the city on the Cardena this morning to Join the staff of Orme's Drug store. H. J. Jewell sailed this morning oh the Cardena for Bella Bella, being oh leave from his military dut ies. iwtss Ruth Walton-returned home on the Prince George yesterday af ter a visit to Vancouver and Van couver Island. ; D. L. Coulter, assistant manager of the Premier mine, was a passenger aboard the Prince George yesterday returning north after a trip to Vancouver. Scottish Unit Invitation Dance at the Armories Tonight SATURDAY, AUGUST 2. 9 TO 12 The Y.M.C.A. welcomes the Scottish unit to town. Invitations for ladies only are being issued through the services of Mrs. D. Miller and her Service Corps A case in city police court under the Minimum Wage Act against Thomas McMeekln has been dis missed, having been settled out of court. Inspector G. A. Hood, head of the motor branch of the provincial police, arrived in the city yesterday on, the Prince George, from. Victoria to carry out a tramc survey nere. He will return south on the same vessel this afternoon. City Commissioner and Mrs. D. J. Matheson are sailing this afternoon on the Prince George, for .Vancouver where Mr. Matheson will receive further treatment. City Engineer F. M. Good will be acting commissioner during Mr, Mathe-stin's absence. Thomas Mayo of the Bennett & White Construction Co. is here in connection with the bidding by his On the Princess Adelaide yester day making the round trip to Al aska was a small party Including ( M. D. Hench of the circulation department of; the Oakland "Tribune, with three of their route boys, John Lamm, 17 years ql age, and Bob Chevlch and Rla Ligon, each sixteen years of age. They were the star route boys in the district and the trip was their reward. R. L. Maltland K.C., M.L.A. for Vancouver-Point Grey and Leader of the Conservative Opposition in the prbvincial Legislative Assembly, arrived in the city on the Cardena this morning from Vancouver in the course of a northern tour and will be here until Monday evening when he will leave by train for in terior points. Mr. Maltland, wh6 Is accompanied by his wife, will address a dinner meeting of the Women's Canadian Club tonight. J. Bouzek TAILOR LADIES and GENTS nest Materials, Workmanship 2nd Ave. two doors from Broadcasting Station Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 nested Rooms not Water Steam Baths Dining Room In Connection Mrs, C. E. Black, Proprietress Rev. B. Shearman of kitkatlal sailed this morning on the Cardena for a trip to Alert Bay. , Mrs. E. P. Jenner and daughters are sailing oh the Prince George) this afternoon on a vacation tflpj to Vancouver. A Lutheran Sunday School Picnic Dlgby Island Sunday. Boats leave Cow Bay eleven. All Invited. If rainy weather services at church. (180) James Irvine returned on'thls af ternoon's train from his naval duties on the Atlantic for a visit at his J home here. Mrs. Irvine went to Terrace to meet him and accom pany him to the city. Miss Margaret Jamieson R.N., lady superintendent of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, left on yesterday morning's train for a vacation trip to Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. William Vey of Victoria, friends of Fire Chief and Mrs. H. T. Lock, are here today aboard the Prince George returning south. after making the round trip to Stewart. Today's train from the East is late and will not arrive until 9 o'clock, daylight, saving time, tonight from the East. The steamer Prince George, for the south, is awaiting the train's arrival. Richard Dowrey of Vancouver, district governor of Rotary, arrived in the city yesterday on the Prince ! George and paid an official visit to the local club last evening. He will sail on the Princess Charlotte firm Oh the new hOUSeS tO be erected 'MnnHnv mnmlnf tn visit the Al- here by Wartime Housing Ltd. for laska ciubs at sucn points as Ketchl- industrial workers. He arrived on the Prince George yesterday morning from Vancouver and will return south by the same vessel this afternoon. kan, Juneau, Fairbanks and An chorage. Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Cambral Tea. Aug. 9. Canadian Legion Hall 102nd. Auxiliary Dance Armouries August 15. Civic Centre Carnival Aug 18-22. Catholic Bazaar, October 1 and 2. Make Onr Store Tour Shopping Headquarters Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 517 Tom Lee & Son "nOUSE OF FINE FOODS" VEGETABLES In Season Kept Garden-Fresh and Crisp Under Vapor Sprays at Reasonable Prices. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Phones 18. & 19 P.O. Box 575 PQ2 BASEBALL ACROPdLlS HILL, SUNDAY l:3(M)fy Dock vs. Searchlights 3:0(MC6mmddbres vs. Scottish Welcome! Canadian Scottish Make McRae Bros. YOUR Store Headquarters in Prince Rupert for Quality Merchandise Value and Service BOOKS STATIONERY TOYS KODAKS ALBUMS and FILMS CARDS WRITING PAPERS HOUSEHOLD NEEDS OFFICE SUPPLIES C.C.M. BICYCLES UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS R.C.A. VICTOR RADIO SINGER SEWING MACHINES EASY WASHERS KELVINATOR REFRIGERATORS RENTAL LIBRARY August Furniture Sale 21 Footstools Sale price, $1.95 Elio's Furniture Store Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. MOOSE BUILDING THIRD AVENUE SYSTEM JBr Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To ;Vancquye via Ocean Falls and Way Ports CSADELAiDE'' EVery Friday 1 p.m. P.S ' TO VANCOUVER, DIRECT. Aug. 2nd, 6th, 9th, 13th, 16th, 23rd, 27th, 30th '.S.T. To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway August 4th, 8th, 11th, 22nd, 25th, September 1st. Direct Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets arid Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. Canadian National Railways Stoamers leave Prince Runcrt for Vancouver Monday at 3:00 p.m. P.S.T., calling at Ocean Falls and Powcll Rlver Saturday at 4:00 p.m. P.S.T., calling at Ocean Jans Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 p.m. P.S.T. Also fast Through Train Friday at 11:00 a.m. P.S.T. Alr-Condltioned Sleeping and Dining Cars For full information, reservations, etc., call or write City ticket Office,, 528 Third Ave. Phone 2C0, Prince Rupert Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines I ' $ i If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in the city. ..... . . .. I .