?AOE TOUR Twenty -Five Years Ago 1 THf DAILY NEWS Wednesday, August a.m. Expert OPTICAL SERVICE August 6, 1916 Maynard Mustard of the Post Office staff has Joined the Foresters' Battalion. He leaves soon for Ottawa. Mrs. Mustard will leave the city also and reside in the south. John Llndquist, builder and contractor, was drowned in the Bulkley River last week. Accompanied by H. L. Meyers, he left New Hazelton. At 12-Mile their raft missed the landing and was carried down CIIAS. OOIHMEAD Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving Visit Our Basement Store For Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT stream. Mr. Lindquist. caught an overhanging tree, then tried to swim to his companions aid, but sank. Meyers, much exhausted, managed to reach shore. Mr. Lindquist, who built many of the blocks in New Hazelton, was highly esteemed by all. Mrs. W. M. W. Murray, wife of the chief clerk in the Grand Trunk Pacific B. and B. Department, and family, returned from Scotland last evening after an absence of several months. They sailed from Liverpool on the Metagama. Owing to the submarine menace, passengers had to wear lifebelts during certain parts of the voyage but the voyage was made in safety. foA HEALTH, BEAUTY, CLEANLINESS abundant hot water! ' Water, water, everywhere but all of it stone cold." "Which is whoro I step into the picture," says Reddy Kilowatt, "to supply HOT water at the turn of a tap. All you have to do is install an Electric Water Heater and the days of cold-water shaving lukewarm baths and water painfully heated by the bucket for laun-'dry and other household tasks, are over. Yes, I get as big a kick but of supplying hot water as you and your family will get out of having it always ready. And remember, you can count on comfortable budget terms to make ownership easy." 33 r I Miss Mussallem ( 'Shower Honoree 1 Mrs. J. C. Gilker and Mrs. F. G. Daniels are Hostessts at Delightful Affair Mrs. J.C. Gilker and Mrs. F.G. lels were' joint hostesses at a miscellaneous shower Saturday after noon at the home of Mrs. J. w. mc-Kinley, Fourth Avenue East, for Miss Cleo Mussallem whose marriage takes place on Friday morning in the St. Anp-ew's Cathedral. About thirty guests were present for the occasion. The rooms were decorated with pink and white streamers and white wedding bells. The table was centred with pink and wh'ite sweet peas in a silver holder. There were seven candlelights. Pouring were Mrs. M. Mussallem and Mrs. F. W. Hart. . Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. i SMITHERS ''Hch cn, iiiiMirfi,,, ,wipir with want adr in the Dally News. i t . .' -. ...... ... i i A long fire alarm sounded on the steam siren- at the round house Tuesday afternoon turned out the whole town, when it was known that the alarm was coming from the hospital. Luckily it proved to be a false alarm, the switch apparently having been pulled by an Indian boy patient who had time on his hands with- nothing to do. Norma Penney and Jessie Lewel-hhi of Terrace, who have been holi-1 daying kf Lake Kathlyn, left on Tuesday afternoon for home, hav-ingi enjoyed a pleasant week at the: Smlthers resort. I M-i'v, - Travellers, arriving home fromi Vancouver' by motor car on Monday evening were Miss' Delia Carpenter and her sister, Mrs. Art Han- ' ford, Mrs. Todd, Mrs. L. H. Kenney ind Joe Watson. Inability to ob- ,tain gasoline at times along the route delayed the time of arrival. Mr. McAfee of the construction staff of Carter-Hall Aldinger Contracting ComDany has arrived in Smlthers from Prince George in -onnectlon iwith the starting of vork on the Smlthers airport. Dr. J. T. Mandy, resident mining htrlneer, accomoanied bv his as sistant, arrived in Smlthers a few lays ago and Is now busily engaged In visiting the mining operations of the district.; Already he has cov ered a lot bfj'ground and has visited the Red Rose Mine and the Hunter Hasin property as well as some of the properties on Hudson Rav Mountain; ;, . BEHIND THE GUNS. BEHIND w, MACHINES DOUBIEMINT helps us all stand the Whatever your job, It requires energy. Alert workers everywhere enjoy the "lift" that Wrigley's Doublemint gives by reliev ing fatigue and nervous tension. And the refreshing pep-, permint flavor cools your mouth and throat, freshens your taste, sweetens your breath . . . helps keep you fit. . CHEW DOUBLEMINT WHILE YOU WORK. Millions do! Only Si. BUY SOME TODAY ! C,N.R. steamer Prince George, Capt. H. E. Nedden, arrived In port at 11:45 this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and, after discharging a large cargo of freight, here, will sail this afternoon in continuation of her voyage to Skagway and other Alaska points. The vessel has a capacity list of passengers, mostly round trip tourists. l 1 ! m Sv3 ' ' i WAR EFFORT FUEL GAUGE Letter Box SHIPYARD EMPLOYEES' REFLY Editor, Dally News? We, the Shipyard Employees' Association of the Prince Rupert Dry Dock, representing the Boilermakers and Iron Shipbuilders Union, .National Union of Maclilnlsts, Fitters and Helpers, International Sheet Metal Workers, International Brotherhood of Carpenters and' Joiners. Amalgamated Building ( Workers Locals 1 and 2, International Union of Electrical Workers" and, having a total membership exceeding 500, have jointly met and discussed the scurrilous editorial printed in your edition of Monday. August 4th, 1941. in which you have assumed authority to speak for the Dry Dock employees. We feel thatt harmony and co-operation by all Is -essential in the war effort and such unqualified and idle street gossip Is unworthy material on which to 'base an editorial In a paper that enoys such a wide circulation. ' We question the authenticity of your Information and demand that a .public apology be printed on the front page of your paper together with this letter. Should this not be i forthcoming we shall endeavour to 'see rthat editorials slandering the war1 effort and the workers of this. city are prevented from publication in future. D. F. ALLISTONE, Secretary. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert G. W. Robertson, Langara Island Light; Art Laird and Bob Ward, Seattle! Mr. and Mrs. Howe, city; Mr. Beck and D. S, Bow, Vancouver; Harold W.' McGlll, Ottawa; C. E. Salter, Carlisle; Percy Loring and, James L. Deane, Milton, Mass".; Mrs. E. W. Graham and Bobby. Shirley, B.C.; P. Kowczok and fam- tly. Phelan; Vic Guard, Red Rose Mine, Hazelton; Mrs. A. Wolenski, Wolcott; Harry Honka, Exstew; E. 'Johnston, Terrace. t Central t D. Dibb; C P. Mapon,, Prince Rupert; L. Roy, Terrace; A. Paulson and E. Norbacka, Terrace; T.Woo-key, Hazelton, B.C. ROYAL J. Candow. Prince Rupert; A. Ja-cobsen and A. Rise. New Westmin Keep The Tank Full! Tfflf WAR WILL BE WON BY WE SIDE THAT HAS THE LAST BARREL OF OIL ster; Erik Tholberg, Prince Rupert. After a two-day trip to Massett with Dr. Harold O. McGlll of Ottawa, director of Indian Affairs, and Indian Agent James Glllett, the local Indian Department cruiser Naskeena returned to port at 0:30 last evening. Today Port Simpson Is being visited by Dr. McGlll who wilt be leaving at' the end of the week for Vancouver, planning a visit to Bella Bella eproute south. m rkinTi Ilk FULL WMTAM YOU DOING TOffl? THIS T AUK TUUf Tomorrow and Friday Matinees Dally z P m. Evenings 7:00 & 9:03 A Gusher of Roaring Entertainment! mm 1'JII Wilt 1 1 mil Mil ; MMitliBI (At 2:43, 7:43 and 9:48) ALSO FOX NEWS PETE SMITH NOVELTY AND MUSICAL LAST TIMES TONIGHT 2 Shows 7:00 and 9:15 Feature at 7:29 and 9:41 SPENCER TRACY, MICKEY ROONEY in "MEN OF BOYS' TOWN" H:HH.H . or port ... the Guest SR.ancAes of SSritisi (Bo turn bia For sport with rod and basket ... for a grandly invigorating vacation on sure footed trail-wise range horses . . . try the Guest Ranches of British Columbia. Get up on the benches, where the air is clear and keen and laden with the health-giving fragrance of spruce and pine, where the lakes are full of vigorous Rainbows and Cut-throats. A land of wide horizdns, and scenic beyond description. THIS YEAR SEE BRITISH COLUMBIA " The Vacationland that has Everything." THE HITISH COLUMBIA GOVERNMENT TRAVEL BUREAU, Certment Trd ind InJuitrr, Ftrllimcnl Syildlngi, VUterii. CHIROPRACTOR Mtiile VV Colloi,, ll.,.'h.l Wallace Block, Phone 510 Gifts and Novelties At The Variety Store 330 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 120 J. Bouzek TAILOR LADIES and RENTS Best Materials, Workmanship 2nd Ave. tw0 doors from Broadcasting Station Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Ileated Rooms not Water steam Baths Dining Room In Connection Mm. C. E. Black, Proprietress IS savoy HOTEL Carl Zurclli, Prop. Phone -37 P.O. It ill KUASIOK STRKKT Prince Kueil NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarclll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c upp 50 Rooms Hot & Cold W at; Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 281 p.(. Box 196 YES.' We Repair Water Pipes, Roofs, Woodwork, Scores Connected. Etc. Oil Burner ;ir3 nni IIJW I'hlnifiTi Sivrpt HANDY MAN IIOMK SKRVICK Phnn BLAtlK 735 Kifuli l.onil Idiw and l'ariUuri.vil .Milk VAUONTIN DAIRY PHONE 651 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Itojal Bank Bld(. THE SEAL QUALITY mm life 1 (iOLD ?KAL Pancy Red S(ckcye PINKSEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the onlj salmon tannic t; company with an all the year round payroll u rrlnce Rupert