PAQITWO v RUNNEitS an CAMPACS i - To suit every need and style from Infants' to Men's and Ladies' in Composition or crepe soles. Cam-pacs are in a class by themselves. L v. : i Agents for Penman's Hosiery Jack & Jill Shoes Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes PATTULLO IS AGAItf 4 ' CHOICE OF LIBERALS (Continued from Page One) servant of the whole province but his ridlrig had benefitted and "not nomination, referred to nis long acquaintance with the Premier. This was no time to make a chanjre. If a change was ever to be made it should have been long ago. A man of ripe experience who had given "long and capable service, Mr. Pat sufered. Iri his own capacity as , tuno had served prince Rupert well, member for Skeena, he was appre- agreed with Mr. Brown that one clatire of the co-operation and con? he premier's main assets was sideratiorf he had always recelvedjin t-h h d tn COurage of his con- from the Premier, ":' Mr., Ke'nney 'felt that the time had now arrived when more speedy progress on northern, highway construction irdghtbe expected. The Nomination T. W. Brown moved Mr. Pattullo's nomination. After referring to Mr. vlctiohs. He had been a good representative for Prince Rupert and, in justice, no idea of any other nominee could be entertained. Officers Kiecteil The meeting elected officer.", for I the Prince Rupert Provincial Dis- andlct Liberal Association as follows: Pattullo's success Iri organizing leading a 'party which' was badly j. Honorary rcesiaems, to. non. ALABASTINE'S Soft Pastel Tints Make Rooms Look Larger and Brighter 14 beautiful colours to . choose fiom. Inexpensive a 5-lb. package coveis approximately 250 sq. feet, one coat, yet costs only 75c. Easy to mix and apply. Mixes with luke-watm water. Dries quickly, without odour, so rooms can be occupied the same day. Gef a FREE colour-chart today, at any Hardware or Paint Store Buckerfield's POULTRY & DAIRY FEEDS Are Now Obtainable at Reasonable Prices From SUNRISE COMPANY LTD. Prince Rupert B.C., Phone 2C and 27 A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. v-- A GOOD PLACE TO BUY Have You Seen the New FLEXSTEEL LIVING ROOM FURNITURE A slngle'c6mpac't unit. No eolls to pop up, no webbing to sag, no 'strings to' break. Itvis sanitary. "No space for dirt or vermin to collect and the' open bottom makes cleaning easy. Sold exclusively In this city by us. ' n ..! ..:! PHONE 775 .1. .Braddock Ticks Conn . NEW YOKK, June 18: Bob i,u .Vnrlr't "PnlH flTOlinds to good men. But time has changed him. He- isn't the hungry, ambitious fighter he was. it? t . ta. n fn of A nH Ye punches don't carry FOR SAL the zip they " did a year or two ago. Mediocre fighters have taken his Sunday punches without going down. He has softened up. He gets cut occasionally now. He gets hit with punches! he would have dodged he will he too smart. Anyway, it will be a great fight." broken up when he had taken ltiWuuam uyon MacKtue tvmB u.iu The Naskeena left for Naas jiVer overi Mr. Brtiwn' said that he and ,Hon. T. D. Pattullo. points this morning at 0:30. On the Premier had' of ten ' disagreed. Honorary Vice-President, t,0ard"were E. W. H. Husband and Mr.'Fattullo'S principal asset, Mr.; Hanson M.P. Rev j nillett of the Victory Loan Brown felt, was-that he was a man President, G. C. Mitchell. (campaign They will return late -who would' firmly say "yes" : or) Vice-President, Noel W. Taylor, 1 Tnursday night, ' "no."' " There was' no temporizing or . Massett. , irliddle ground with him. One al- - Secretary, Arthur Brooksbank. 1 ways" knew where he stood in nil I Executive C. C. Mills, Robert matters. I Gordon, J. J. Judge and T. W. S.' E.' Parker, in seconding the Brown. - - .... .. . . CLASSIFIES FOR SALE 28-foot trolling boat, model A Ford engine. Price $3C0. Apply Box 107, Daily News. TH1 DAILY HIWI DIVIDED LAST EVE Pastor Says Louis Will Kayo Conn Grotto And Steel Workers Their dames Truck Tenders Open Tuesday Win In the city league Softball games Pastdr, Who "met them both, says played last night the league lead-that Joe' Louis may knock out ing Grotto had' no trouble In de adly Conn'ln,the first Yound of their title bout tonight and .it certainly will not take the champion more than seven rounds to do so. NEW YORK. June 17: (CP - featlng Stone's by a "score oi io to 8 In a very one-sided game while steel workers won over Dry Dock 11 to 8 In a close affair, r' Batteries were: Kellet Wnd Mor gan for Grotto and Wendle and James J Braddock, former worm oiujiu wiahf: hnring- thamnlon. ' The Steel Workers-Dry 11VU J ' - t - aw lien ww ... - , night. He says: "I think Louis at his nun inning ? me oiw. i, v.o nnwfv f aMtpr I came uacn in kci ivc Dock i ITlirpfi Uiils for ew Vphlplp Public Works Department mattresses, chesterfields, at low itupert Motors, $1788, prices. Phone Furniture Co. Black' 324. B. C. FOR SALE Seven-roomed house, OOO TfV, Aim V. nn . cfupr- npnr schools..and dry dock. $2,000 cash or terms. Phone Green 922. tt WANTED Housekeeper immediately; Box 108, Daily News. (145) WANTED Bright efficient girl. Apply Heilbroner's. (145) WANTED Small furnished suite by quiet couple (Air Force) Phone Black 732; (142) WANTED A girl for general housework. Must he able to cook. No children. Apply Box 109 Dally News. ' (147) THE Shirley Dorcas Society would appreciate cast-off clothes and shoes for re-dlstrihution to Rupert's needy. Kindly leave at Mc-Rae Bros, or write to Shirley Dorcas Society, Shirley, B. C. BOARD AN I) KUPM WANTED Housekeeper; Phone Black 85, evenings! (tf) WANTED TO RENT One or two housekeeping rooms. Phone Green 618. PERSONAL NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A GOVERNMENT JOB as clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno., etc. Five Domlnlon-wlde exams "held since the war began. ' Free Booklet. ' M.C.C.- Schools Ltd Winnipeg. Oldest In-Canada. No Agents. ' - Up up thinks Joe Lottls is jn for trouble match was an exciting game, when he risks his heavyweight to the. fourth lriningt vasll inp neat Lu nciii luui- xuito. Workers more to rL..- a hnvor nnrt make It 7 to 6. In the sixth the nave evri seen, a bwu --- -- -- . iv. a murderous puncher. But he is Steel Men won four more to cinch ; hi nenk. He has never met a the" game while the' losers' Only boxer as good as Conn. And he has managed to get two more. never faced a challenger who uauenes tor own Caharl, Arlington. Bury and La moves about or throws punches as fast as Conn. Soto and for pry Dock. Lea, Smith and Debrosy. "it has been nearly four years sJe SlsUiamploJshlp I ? from me. June 22, 1937., He has . - turned back' the challenges or i many contenders, some of them ' Scorer was Domini: Montesano. The league standing to date: W Grotto 3' 1 Steel Workers 3 1 1 1 Stones. 0 4 Bob Pastor Won Easily Baseball Scores National League Brooklyn 7, Chicago 6. Philadelphia 3, St. Louis U. Boston 3, Cincinnati 5. New York 6, Pittsburgh 3, Cleveland 3, Philadelphia 2. American League Pet .750 .750 .500 .'000 "Conn will not be hit anywhere WASHINGTON, D. C. June 18: near-as- oiten as inose uiggei, Bob Pastor won a one-siaea aeci-slower fighters Joe has beaten. Sj0n 0Ver Buddy Scott of Washing-Some say Conn, when he Is hit, ton jn a ten-round heavywelgh; will lose.hls temper and try to slug boxing bout here Monday night, with Joe. I don't think so. I think Chicago 8, New York 7. Detroit 6-8, Boston 14-5. St. Louis-Washington, postponed. National Motor Service, $2111.50, A Man who won't Lena is Hit- FOR SALE English pram, two arm ler's Friend! chairs, fire screen, babys tin bath, garbage can. Phone'Red 114. ' (142 Hitler knows one language only the language of "FORCE. And force will end .his triad ' ambition to' enslave the world. Your dollars MW KU i AL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kates 75c upp 50 Rooms " Hot & Cold Water Prince 'Rupert', B.Ci. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19C J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldj. We need your co-operation to gfve you better service. Please put out our milk bottles dally as we need them for tomorrow. Dominion Dairy v .'r ' . v ... t-s : f fr-t ; r, PHONE 10 SPOKE FOR SUPPORT OF LOAN HERE Premier Pattullo and XV. II, JUcAfee - r Heard' Last Night 1 Premier Pattullo spoke In support of the Victory Loan 1941 campaign .it an air raid protection demon stration in Prince Rupert last night. He made a plea to young men to ioir rpcnnn sihlll t v and en- aoauiiic v..w. ."" " v . . i list and exhorted those -who could not serve actively to do thelr 'uU most in purchasing -victory Bonds, for Tenders were opened yesterday 'afternoon at the city council mtet- '. , r- i ing for a new truck, for the public ; FOR SALE 10 cameras, lot of works department. The tenders tools, i "wing "pump; wash basins, were as follows: 1' laundry tub. beds, springs and) S. B. Parker Ltd.. $1740. tvio ipnst. thns who" 'could ' not serve actively in the war could do was to purchase Victory Bonds to the utmost of their capacity, der clared Mr. Pattullo. No stonefthould be left unturned to Insure that the ways and means of fighting under most favorable conditions were provided. He exhorted all Prince nu- pert people to do' all they possibly could to support the loan ' As honorary chairman of the Vic tory Loan compalgn committee' for British: Cotimbla, Mr. Pattullo ac krtowledged with appreciation the efforts of the local committee, head ed by J. J. Little, Norton Youngs, the Indefatigable chairman of the publicity' committee, and all those j who were assisting In any way" Commenting on the air raid protection demonstration, Premier Pattullo referred to the fine res ponse of the citizens In areas which had been designated as vulnerable in volunteering their services. Thou sands had rallied in various parts of the province' and were" fontilrig an organization which It was well to have even although it was to be hoped that they would never have to practically apply their activities W R. McAfee W. R. McAfee urged the necessity of unity, regardless to creed or politics, In supporting the Victory Loan. He alluded to the effect of the success of otherwise of the Victory Loan. r '. "This Is, a tide tn our affairs," said Mr. McAfee, "which taken how with determination, will lead to ultimate victory, to freedom' and justice for all the peoples of this earth, SPECIAL Round'Trin VACATION TO TE PRAIjpS Tickets on Sale JULY 1, 5, 0 Here's your f liance to get that Ionged-lor vacation, to visit friends and relatives on 'llie prairies or as far east as i'ot Arthur. Special low fare's are good. in coaches, tourist and standard sleeping cars! RETURN LIMIT 30 DAYS Stopovers 'are' allowed 'lahy-wliere en route;' "incliidinif world - famous Jasper, 'the playground of the Rockies. For Information, Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICII 528 in) Ave. 1 i'riiicc Itupert CANADIAN NATIONAL V-41-41 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 541 ERASER STREET Prince Rupert "Help Finish the Job" BUY VICTORY nONDS ,1 .. , i Remember the campaign closes Saturday the 21st. Deal at VARIETY STORE mere' Your Dimes Are Little .Dollars" 330 West 3rd Ave. Phone ited 120 P.O; Ilox 757 Wednesday. Juiu If we fdll Injhls task, our children , i - n J will llve:to curse the day they were tJLdWll iDOWlS ' Mr. McAfee decared the lndlffer- IdtanUlIlffS ence and' complacency of some J Prince Rupert people to the Victory j Loan to be "appalling." Results were far1, from satisfactory yeU So far thereliad beenWthlrig over 1200 ln'dlvlduaJ subscription- TWo . - thou'drid sholdbc'reacffrd. in, i,. o. A. McNlcholl, general passen- eer aeent for the 'Canadian Na Wlnslow IacPhee .-Preece Vickers .... McMxjekln tional, Railways with headquarters; uenj6n' at Vancouver, Is here today aboard ten .'.ki&.i ...... the" Prince Rupert going norm-on, s ' the round IVId to Alaska, As usual, I a "SDOt" CO.YLS V.I11 nnlL . . .--A-.. , , .. . ' . ' 'Will ne is receiving- a iiew wciLm. aouar. iTy u in the luily Nei I from his many friends In the city, classified column. ,yl Scotch Whisky 40 oz.-S6.10 2612 oz.-S4.10 Old Parr Scotch Whiskv i hailed by thousands who like their Scotch robust yet smooth For that real Scotch fb"uf choose Old Parr. It comt s i y. in the famous, old-fashioned, untippahle flagon. . , r (MOW TO in MacDONALD GREENLEES LIMITED, LEITH, SCOTN0 This advertisement Is not publtsnea or displayed by t- Control Board- or by the Government of British Coiu.-r.i3 SEW . Wll cxst .hi- 1,1 - SINGER SEWING MACHINE r'-'V From ... . " a - s., j - ' If you lose anything, advertise for it. f;.rr PflL Iidftalf hi