I PAQ1 roni Expert Optical Service SIX-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE Special Chas. Dodimead Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE For Fine China, Dinncrwarc, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Moth Fume CRYSTALS 1 lb. Tin 50c Moth Proof BAGS Price 50c Ormes Ltd. TJia Pioneer Drt4.qjiats llif Keall Store l'hiine Kl Open Dallj truni R a.m. till 10 p.m. Kundays ami llolida) Irwin 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to I .m. When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable TAXI Service. PHONE 13 21 Hour Service at Regular Kate Vanity, Upholstered Bench, Full Size Bed, Chiffonier, iier.CD.blc Cable Spring, Inner Spring Mattress SIX-PIECE DINETTE SUITE-Buffet, Extension Table, 4 Upholstered chairs. Special $109.00 $69.50 Elio's Furniture Store Moose Building, Third Avenue Telephone Green 016- Store Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Buy Victory Bonds And Wear a VICTORY BOND TORCH This Space Donated by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. nrltl.ih Coiumm J It's interesting to know when reading the Daily New that the p sopie of the whole district are doiny he a.'iie! Seotty" Stewart Is At Present In Central Interior SMITHERS, June 18: Smithers has Just been favored with another visit from that itinerant ambassador of goodwill and happi- ,ncss. "Seotty" Stewart who makes periodical visits every three or four years. "Seotty" is a veteran of the Boer War and the last Great War 'and he makes the world his neigh-; jborhood and every man his friend. He is an expert sign painter and he remains in each town long enough 'to, paint a few signs before moving on to the next place. j He Is a world tourist, hale fellow well met, tin whistle musician and has friends in every city, town and hamlet from British Columbia to Nova Scotia. Since he "Was last in famithers "Seotty" detoured to Australia and New Zealand but he was in Nova Scotia at the time of the visit of the King and Queen where he played the bagpipes for Their Majesties and was photographed with them. He has now moved on to South Hazelton to visit his old friend, "Seotty" McRrae, but expects to return to Smithers immediately to finish a few contracts for sign painting before taking his departure for other realms. I "Seotty" Is a flrsi class raconteur and, can keep up a steady fire of conversation to amuse the many spectators who gather to watch his speed and skl11 when painting a sl?n nn a nlate plaxs window. He expects to rejoin the army for his third war and hopes to again attain his rank of mental Sergeant Major which he .held in the last war. He is always welcomed to Smi thers by the veterans of the town with whom he is now well SPOILS SLEEP Imirt t little Bnckley'i Whit Rub In Mth aoatrU nitrht and mornini. Thii will reduce wellen membranes, keep clogged nofltriU clear, encourage healthful sleep or doublo four money hack. 30c and oOc Steamers Leave Prince Rupert For Vancouver cat Ala eveky Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. p.m. CARDENA EVEKY FKIDAY, 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. .queen Charlotte Islands Service Leave Prince It 11 per I June 7, 17 and 2810 p.m. Tickets and Reservations from FRANK J. SKINNER, Prime Rupert Agent, Third Ave; Phone 568 THE SEAL 'QUALITY COLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeyc PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon . racked br the onlj vilmon tannine ruinpn with au all thf ear round pavroll In .. l!rjni. Itiiiiorl TBI VAJLX KIWI Wednesday, Jnna District News j1 VISITOR IS Smithers COLORFUL Burs,arles Series Of Breakings And Entering Of Business Premises SMITHERS, June 13: A few weeks ago there was an epidemic of burglaries when several of the local stores were broken Into at night and the cash rcrnoved from the tills while goods were also stolen. Friday night another one of the stores was iburglarized and $25 stolen from the till. So far no culprit has been apprehended in these robberies. PRINCE GEORGE The Central Interior Women's, Institute convention held at Pine-view last Thu'rsday afternoon All brought out a representative gath- ACTWfTY IN LIBYA Surprise Movement by British Afainst Axis Forces in North Africa Withdrawal Today CAIRO. June 18: (CP) British troops in a' surprise movement "made ah initial penetration as far as Fort Capuzzo" Just acros3 the Egyptian 'border in Libya and "then beat back determined Axis counter attacks by reinforcements hurried there from the Tobruk area." the Middle East command announced. The Middle East Command an nounced today that British advance forces later withdrew yesterday to forward positions on the Libyan front to avoid an encircling movement by German reinforcements because "we had accomplished our object" of forcing the Oer-mans to disclose their strength. The capture of several hundred (Verman prisoners and the destruction of a large number of Axis tanks was Andrew Gavin Passes Well Known Local Old Age Pensioner Dies At Prlnfe. Rupert General Hospital i Andrew Gavin, well known local , old age pensioner, passed, away ! yesterday afternoon at' the Prince Rupert General Hospital. The" funeral will take place tomorrow, momlne with rites of the Roman' Catholic Church. 5Ti Yr f J 1 inn SjI fkii td'trtiif MM li KM publiihtd of ditptiytd by tlx Llquof Control Bot'd of by ) GartrfUMrt of Brit'lli Columbia BURNS LAKE FIELD DAY School Children Of Lakes District Entertained ering of delegates from district in- j stitutes. Lunch was served. R. G.j Newton, superintendent of thel BURNS LAKE, June 18: On Frl- Dominlon experimental station at day last the school children of the Pineview, was the guest speaker Lakes District were made decidedly and many discussions ay delegates at home by the people of Burns dealt with matters pertaining to Lake at a field day. Cars were women's activities. provided by the settlers and trans- portation companies to bring the Following representation made to wee tots ln from even tne most the government on behalf of res!- outlying schools. Two special fer-dents of Reid Lake district a re- ries were required to handle the serve has been placed on a small increased traffic across Francois acreage at the southwest corner and fine weather favored the of Reid Lake to be used for re- kiddles in spite of the ominous creation and community purposes. dav and date- Ground committees Residents of the district propose handled the long program of ath-to erect a community hall on the letic events with skill and dispatch site this year. and the youngsters were literally on their toes from start to finish. A sixty-nine pound sturgeon was ' The awards were widely and caught at. the mouth of the Nech- lalrly distributed, Laurence Gerow ako River by George Gerhardt last 01 Burns Lake School leading with week. a total score of 52 percent, Arnold Peebles of Francois Lake 32.8 per- Construction of the Mlworth cent, Kathy Middleton of Tlntagci ferry has been delayed because of 30 percent, Marlon Anderson o the lateness In delivery of the lumber required. J. Gray Turgeon, M. P. for Cariboo, has suggested to the Depart- Danskln 25 percent, Gurde Elde of Decker Lake 17 percent, Stanley Blackwell of Wistaria 15 percent Edwlnd Sholl of Colleymount 14 percent, Isabel Patterson of Nor ment of Mlnp ales 11 -percent. Peeev Stanver of Ct T t y If M Ottawa that conscientious objec- lcnesmKUt o percent and r m u II tors to military sprvinn h to Gertrude Watt of Tatalrose 4 Der- laborers to complete the north cent- Ootsa Lake, Sheraton and provincial highway between Prince Grassv Plains also showed ln the George and Jasper. awards, June Durbin carrying the honors for Grassy Plains. Prince George Is planning on a The Challenge Cup was won by udinin? Deauiy contest as one of Burns Lake School with a heavy me nisnijgnts ior the Dominion scnool attendance to draw from. Day celebration. Entrants will be The Ruddy Motors Cud for thP Judged on x basis of contests. The rp'ay race was won by Burns Lake committee has prepared a program School. or sports, including boxinz and The high Jumo medal was won wrestling bouts, horseshoe pitch- by Evelyn Nicholls of Burns Lake mg, tug-o-war, bicycle races and while Albert Stone of Uncha Val other sports. ley won, the boy.s high Jump easily CHIROPRACrOR, staiiie, VV. Colton, D.CJh.O. Wallace IJIock, Phone G10 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Central Hotel Central Hotel Annex 150 Heated Rooms Hot Water steam Baths Dining Room In Connection M"- C- K- Hack, Proprietress YES.' We Repair Water Pipes, Roofs, Woodwork, Stoves Connected, Etc. Oil Burners Cleaned $1.50 Chimneys Swept J2.50 HANDY MAN HOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 735 PIONEER OF CITY IS DEAD John S. Nelson, Building Contrac tor And Prominent Mason, Passes Away Today John Soren Nelson, pioneer build ing contractor and for more than thirty years one of this city's most highly esteemed residents, passed away this morning ln the Prince Rupert General Hospital. He had been in falling health for the past few weeks but it was only a few days ago that he had been removed to hospital. .His death will be deeply regretted by many friends who will join ln extending sincere sympathy to the bereaved. The late Mr. Nelson was born in Aarhus, Denmark, sixty-one years ago. He came to Canada at the age of six and later was sent back to the Old Country for schooling. Then he returned and practically his entire life was spent in this country, the early part of it ln Ontario. Mr. Nelson came here from Vancouver ln 1907 and here he had made his home continuously since. A widow resides ln London, Ontario. There is one son, John A. Nelson, Prince Rupert, and three daughters " Mrs. William (Jean) Reid, Lucknow. Ontario, Mrs. Wil liam (Alice) Watts, Prince Rupert, and Mrs. K. V. (Many) Malthouse, Prince Rupert. There are also six grandchildren. There Is a brother In Fort William and other relatives in Denmark. A prominent Mason. Mr. Nelson was a past master of Tycc Lodge and was also a member of Kalen Chapter. Royal Arch Masons; Kln- collth Preceptory. Knights Temp lar, and Glzeh Temple of the Shrine. MORE CITY LOTS SOLD In session as a city council yesterday. City Commissioner D. J. Matheson gave preliminary reading to a bylaw providing for the sale of tax sale properties as follows: Lot 11, block 36, section I, George S. Madison. $500. Lot 16, block 36, section 1. Vernon Price, $590. Lot 14, block 22, section 8, Mur-ioch W. MacKenzle. $50. Lot 8, block 7. section 5, southerly five feet, Even Evenson, M2. Lot 55, block 27, section 1, Wm. P. Moore. $50 Lot 16, block 22, section 8. Vm. MacKenzie, $45. Dollars will win the war. Dollars will end It sooner. Invest In Victory Bonds. THEY CATCH FLATS The halibut Is the largest of the flat fish. Build IvIM TIM I f 2 Show. VUML . 1C Feature at 7 32 an EAN.. DURBIN In "NICE GIRL" With FKANCIIOT T(E WALTER r.ltEN,N Added "Heroes 0f the A(l,.Mlc.. Hollywood Visits tI)e Nl( Marsaret LoCkoi,i (n "NUht Train tn Alum AGREEMENT aw K. i r Japan and Netherland. i... i. are Unable lo Come to Terns Trade Talkn BATAVIA, Nether ar.rt f dies, June 18: CP s Japan and the Nciicr .4l Indies announced that their trade talk t: bring satlsfactorv r Agency Aneta said out not change normai rj tween the two r-,;r.' . m w wi w w v r w A M ... i w ' w w ii f r ill x V M-M II II fl .1.1.111 W. E. Oow. CNR r Hazclton, is taksr.; t -:-work for a short -c well. He and Mr Oc- ln Prince Rupert . rry 1 1 i i iii nan in i a?p r i o- i n 1 1" w iiiijni.o gnn rn r Kenny performance oi eluding a couple of w: c were very clever TV .. very entertalmr M the dance at music wa fin :,.fl .:: pany's orchestra Henry Wrichi n ?.ct : who cut another tnltan vr la?t New Years t. i:-gave himself up in llr.: " he was taken to Smithf trial. He will be c!:;r'3 attempt to do bodily hir-i Mr. Mahon of Var prominent lavman in ''-'- Church, was a gue - ::: United Church. He t-planation of the camp... savings stamps. J. Bouzek TAILOR LADIES and flENTS Best Materials, Workmanship! 2nd Aye. two door fmm Broadcasting SUtion Clean-Up Paint-Up Make Repairs, We can supply all the materials for a new home or for additions to the old one. Call In and talk It over Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. I'llONE 116 rII()NK IP Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Alr-Condltloned Rlepnlnir and fining Cars Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver on Saturday, 4:00 p.m. and Monday at 3:00 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell Ulver -For Full Information and Reservation, etc pi... ir , le C,TY TICKET OFFICE, 528 3rd Avenue i none 260 - prince Rupert. Agents for Trans-Canada Air Una