PACM two THE RIGHT PLACE To Buy 77E RIGHT SHOES Onyx, Plio-Pedic and Tango Pumps, Miss Atlanta and Vanity Maid ' For Women Hartt, Scott & McIIales, Grebb and Campacs For Men Jack & Jill, Hewestons, Sismans For Misses and Children PENMAN'S HOSIERY Family shoe store ltD, The riome of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE MTKRT - BRITISU COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue II. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES Subscription Rates In City Per year. $5.00; Half Year, $2.50; One Month. 60c; One Week. 12c. Out of Town Subscribers by Mall, $3.00 a Year ADVERTISING KATES Local Readers, per line, per Insertion . .25 Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion .02 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau oi Liiculailons MEMBEB OF TUB CANADIAN fttESS The O&n&dlAn Prcaa la exclusively entitled to use lor repu.tillca.Mon of al new (UepatcbeB credited to It or to ttt Assoc La tod Press In this paper uul also the local srai publtabed therein. All rit&ta at republication of aroeclal deeo&U&a therein are also reserved DAILY EDITION Tuesday, July 22, 1941. Misrepresentation There is an election campaign on just now awl at such times we have to beware of misrepresentations such as the following, which has nothing to do with this election but is an indication of what is sometimes done : "Critical articles have appeared across the country based on a letter from R. A. lipid. K.C. in thr Tovnnr'n Globe an-i Mail -under the heading 'Fedsiud Government "l 1 f I . tl r t r i i 1- i 4 j. . , a v a a .duvk a Brewery lor ouu,uuu to 'ueautity uttawa. implications are that there was something irregular, that the price paid was excessive, that there was ho need to buy it it in wartime. Vice-president K. S. Barnes of Canadian Breweries Ltd., writes us that the implications are 'absolutely false.' The company, he writes, was earning 'a very good return on $1,000,000.' Against its wishes, expropriation proceedings were instituted in August, 1938, that is before the .war, and went to the Exchequer Court which gave the company just over half what it asked. The company's statement is backed now by the Ottawa Journal which editorially says: 'Mr. Reid certainly is apart from the facts when he says the purchase was 'part of a plan to beautify the city of Ottawa.' That is not correct. The government felt it should hold title to all land between Wellington Street and the river, because a strip of property which already included the Supreme Court Building hardly could be left free in any part to private development and exploitation." Indications But Not Proof - - - m Dr. Robert Jackson wag one of the men who popularized health foods. He thought he was going to live to be one hundred but the reaper could not wait that long. When the clock struck 83 recently the life was cut off. It was a good enougn record for any man. Whether or not it was the result ot eating health foods we are not sure The story is told of another health food man'who died at little more than half that age. That does not prove any more than does the age of Dr. Jackson. Eating and drinking are very important but they are not everything There are other rules of health that obeyed. Even thin" mg has its effect. Canada At War 25 Years Ago July 23, 1916: Srltlsh cruisers routed six Germanrdestroyers off Schouen Bank. neaTTnouth of the Scheldt. Russians captirfed Kelkld-Chiftlik, Turkey. British advance on the Somme led by Australians and Territorials; moved to within two miles of Martlnpuieh heights. DEEPEST HOLE The deepest oil "well ever bored Is at Wasco, California. It Is" 15,004 feet deep. Cannot Regulate Barbers' Charges Junior Chamber of Commerce Hears From Wartime Prices and Trade Board The Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce has , been advised that the Wartime. Prices and Trade Board has noj DOwer to tllke action In wnnpiilnn1 with bartering charges. The pow- j era oi uie ooara, n is explained, do not extend beyond the regulation of prices of fuel, food and clothlns. The Junior Chamber had complain ed recently at an Increase in bartering prices in Prince Rupert. ' Letter Box BEAUTIFUL THISTLE Editor, Dally News: "Citizen"' from Terrace evidently was able to restrain himself when he called the new daylight saving time "silly" as we would .not be able to confine ouselvesto the one word we will merely argue with him. If the C.N.R. had changed their time it would not havejnade the situation worse. As matters stand It merely gives one more time to spend their wages. If some one would give a good reason for the change we would appreciate JL .:- I note a beautiful thistle by the Legion. In a few days millions of seeds will be floating through the air and no doubt add much to the beauty of the city. The weed In spector should Investigate pronto. A few minutes now would save days later. CITIZEN. NORMAL CROP The Canadian potato crop was normal in 1940, the first time in three years. A , 9, " I,. - -. v v . SHELL WAS TOO CLOSE Canadian Patrol Boat 'Throws ( j Scare Into American Vac lit' ' At Entrance Of Harbor I A Canadian' patrol boat dropped ;a shell too close for comfort across" (the bow of the Seattle yacht Begoda, Skipper "Dart Fisher of Fish ier Flouring Mills.' tois aon Bennett. n. c. Jamison; teauie newspaperman, fiid Clyde Stromberg, related the Ketchikan Chronicle. "We were booming into Prlrtce Rupert with Clyde in the bow cockpit watching- out for driftwood when a shell exploded rlghr In front of us, said Jamison. ' Canadian patrols are supposed to fire five degrees off the bow to halt foreign " vessels, it Is understood, but thati-Bhot was "less than half a .degree." ' . j The Begoda. was going at her regular cjulsjng speed of 2? knots and he believes, the patrol boat must have ,m(s.1ud?ed her sneed v, )' .' V it 'V. b The Begoda failed to ieclhe pat-; 'rol boat until the .shot ws fired and didn't know It was neeessary to stop. Fisher entered the speedy craft .n the Seattle to Nanaimo international . cruise race, then proceeded' . pn 't rinc , Riiperi and tieicniKan, tying up at inumas ba&ln Last year, he won the event This year the boat was too heavily stocked with provisions to wis, her skipper arid crew believe. Ia addition to his newspaper work Jamison .broadcasts waterfront news and features and sphu seafaring, yarns seven times a week. The "Begoda' is. a sleek 46-foot vessels, painted' .gray with" a blue rt'vk. She has two 300-horSepower ) Scrlpps gas engines, which give her to top speed of 35 miles an hour. m i FENNY FOOLISH BIGGLESWADE, Eng.. July 23: (CP) A firm was fined about $223 After evidence was given it was selling soap for one penny mure than other shops. TMC MOVMM W IM r OH CCUMM Commercial Results At St. Joseph's j The following have successfully completed the examinations of the commercial course of St. Joseph's Academy: Honors Itu Kanaya, Martha Dahlle and Evelyn Martinsun (eqal). Margaret Adams, Jean Krause. Pass Marie Amadlo, Moreen Otb- -son, Fern LeClalr, The medal for typewriting was won by Marie Amadlo. ICE-FKEE POUT The harbor at Petsamo, Finland, 200 miles north of the Arctic Circle, is always free of ice because of the Gulf Stream. SLEEPING SEEDS Weed seeds, buried deeply, will remain dormant many years and garralnate readily if brought close to the surface by cultivation. TO THE ELECTORS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA: "as-far "as itemrorteraml'tVo will - v - permit. It is not possible to discuss in this stateinentval'tbe innunvrablc matters of public concern, but let me say this by way of generalization. Apart from con-siderations of wareffprt, .tlie, cliief problems of our -ProTirrce"are',"tne social" ' v",,,, welfare of our people, the advancement-.-of the agricultural industry, and the v The Legislative Assembly has leen dissolved and n general election will be held In October. It has been necessary to allow u longer time than usual between dissolution and election day on account of changes in the "Elections Act" providing for compilation of new Voters' Lists in the larger ridings and also by reason of.cbange in the boundaries of several constituencies which necessitates alterations in the Voters' Lists. The time for registration of voters is sufficiently long to permit everyone eligible to get on the lists, including those who may be away for the summer holidays. The chief reason for calling the election which is allied development of our basic tiiis year rather than postponement for another year is that following Parliamentary enactments at the last session of the Dominion Parliament, your Government agreed to co-operate to the full for the period of the war in the proposals enacted, au( we also indicated our earnest desire to co-operate fully thereafter upon a basis to he arranged. To co-ordinate provincial taxation with Dominion proposals it will he necessary to juss legislation at the next session -of the Provincial Legislature to bring into effect appropriate measures. The matter is of such importance that I feel the Government should have an expression of the wishes of? the electors. While all else is subsidiary to war effort, we must nevertheless carry on our jocitl affairs to best advantage. We may, therefore, -say that broadly speaking three tasks confront us: First, To do all possible to assist in war effort; Secviul, To keep the home front functioning us adequately as' war effort will permit; Tltird, To bear in mind pot-war problems and act in relation thereto Good Whisky '1:1' resources. liritish 'Columbia now ranks 'third-in Canada industrially and we are hound to go forward by leaps and bounds but we can aid and accelerate development govcrnmcntally, and this must be our constant objective. Ilrilihh Columbia has a glorious destiny. Captain George Vancouver, in his earliest voyage of discovery, said in .May, 1792: "To describe the beauties of this region will, on some future occasion, be a very grateful task to the pen of a skillful panegyrist. The serenity Of the climate, the innumerable pleasing , landscapes,, and the abundant fertility that .unassisted nli'l puts forth,' require only to be enriched by the industry of man with villages, mansions, collages, and other buildings, to render it the most lovely country that can be imagined; whilst the labour of the inhabitants would be amply rewarded, in the bounties which nature seems ready to bestow on cultivation." What appeared so propitious then is doubly in evidence today. It is the obligation of all of us to do our duty to this great heritage. I beg to remain, 1 r ! 1 I .i -VICTORIA, B.C., h'l inkling up of industrial activity with july 22, 1941 Your obedient servant. 1 tlx -N'rime Mintnter, 1 ji . - it s s rnUKTMIK rc.mmA. bltndto iitu advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Bourd or by the Government of British Columbia TWIN COMPLEX GLASGOW, July 23: (CP Royal Air Force doctors are trying to arrange for Jack and Lloar-1 Horton twin brothers, to be reunited because one of them Is suffering from what is described as "frustrated twin complex." Both ar R.A.F. ground crew men. WAR SUBSTITUTE Australia, lacking cod liver oil from Norway, is using kingfish oil Instead.