p- PL-" ft bum wm Wednesday, July 23, 1941. FAMOUS LOCAL NEWS" NOTES Notice Richard Long returned to the - Kenneth McCrlmmon sailed on HATS -- by Stetson city on the Catala last evening the Catala last evening lor. i a, trip from a business trip to Stewart. to Vancouver. ) a(f-.( P MUST CONTROL TETS indon July 23: CP)A fine - pounds has been authorized "KENSINGTON "BROCK" "PLAYBOY" "STUATOLIInEII "MEDALIST" "PREMIER" Priced from . $4.00 to j$g.50 Save by Buying Your Hat Now . . . Hither Trices Will Fie In Effect Soon . . . Watts & Nickerson vi? itil Ave. Open Until 9 p.m. Saturdays Pliuiie 315 RIOT FOR JAM COWES, Isle of Wight, July 23: Sheddon's Grocery .00 5lh Ave. East liner Soups-- 25C Pineapple Juice- - QO QCJtf in n. un. Ench l,(bliv Tomato Julrc OCT m,v- 3 for Nallrvs Potato Chips Koval fily Red Plum n Each wprfniit Julce-w ? tins 2 for alli Spinach Earh Xalmli Hired Reel ' tins, 2 for Sliri-il '' .12 I'ineapple-ins. 2 for Km Small size. - oKts oi. 10c 45c 19c 23c 25c 19c l'lioiic 581 lobby's Spaehettl and Cheese 16-oz. tin, 27C Nalley's Sandwich Spread 8-oz. Jars. -f Op Each SwifW'I'ork Katisagc. -16-02. tins. Each Lily White Syrup 2-lb. tin. Each Lifebuoy Soap-Per bar 25c 18c favorite Foods Sandwich Spreads 3 tins AparaRus Tasticuts 10-oz. tin. 2 for 23c 6c Clarke's l'orkiand llcun 18-oz, tins. OQ 2 for ,. GEHRARD MAGNUM Bath Soap 35 CENTS CAKE - 3 hr$W Ormes lid. Tit Pioneer Driiq&tetJi Vh Reiall Store rhoofi II V Open Dally Irom .ni. till IB f-m. Kuurtayn and llotldayt from 12 to Z p.m. n t U I .. D. Smurthwaltc and Miss E. Mrs. W In Prince ""VV"' Rupert while Max " AsemlS' (CP) Demanding meat for dinner yesterday. where persons allow dogs j and more Jam, convicts at Park-over lots and gardens. The hurst Prison rioted recently and fcv-mtended to protect small eral warders were injured. About m which precious food Is 20 prisoners are "on report-' for own disobeying orders. TENDERS INVITED FOR SALE Separate scaled tenders for the purchase of cabin and boat hull owned by the late Jacob Andersen and situate iun mainland west of small Island across harbor from Dry Dock, will be received by the undersigned up sarlly accepted. Terms Cash. NORMAN A. WATT. Esq. Official Administrator. FOR SALh FOR SALE 1 National Cash Register, lot of household windows. In perfect condition. 50 doors wUh all the fittings. 1 Crab winch double geared. 6 wash basins at I very low prices. Phone Ulk. 324. B.C. Furniture Co. FOR SALE--Houschold 440 W. Sixth, phone Blue 920, ment. POP VI WANTED (.173) WANTED -Bright young man Or woman, preferably with kuoi-! rdsc of typewriting, who would be interested in learning newspaper business. Apoly Daily News. :tf WANTED Store help one man, one woman preferably young. McRac Bros. tf. EXPERIENCED woman or gjrl. Housework. Sleep out. Phone 640. (176) PLEASE! I want to rent a house! If ytu have one, or hear of one, please phone Norton Youngs at 747. ; Of). WANTED Housekeeper for man with three children. Apply Box 7.6. Pally News. (175) PORTER wanted. Central Hotel. (171) WANTED Bright young boy. Chris Mill Bakery. tfT lYOUNO girl desires housework: I rhonc Blue 737. YW , WANTED Girl for housework, Ap- ply Style Shop. (175) PERSONAL NOW IS THE TIME TO GET1 A GOVERNMENT JOB as clerk, Tincfmtin niist.nm.i Rlerk. Rtcnb.. neid Since uie war LK.-Ktwi. rice Booklet. Winnipeg Agents. MrS. Harry Worsfold sailed on Smurthwalte arrived in the city the Catala last evening lor a trip from Premier on the Catala last; to Vancouver, evening. Provincial Constables J. W. Todd . Sergeant Major W.M. Brown returned to the totty on the Catala and S. A. McKlm, who have been on , last -evening ' from a a trip to Portland In connection Ao Stewart ' with air raid protection work, re-J: turned to the city from the south Or, on the Prince George this morning. ' week's visit and Mrs. - J. J. Olbson, who arrived In the: city at the end of !the week from Tulscquah, sailed P. Armour arrived In. the ;last- evening on the Catala for rtfv nn thn Prinro nenrec this morn- Vancouver, Ing from Vancouver to be here for the next two or three weeks with Capt. Armour who will be remaining - This coming Friday there Is to be a. sale by auction of the new Alder subdivision on Lake Wlrincpesau- -"7. v.,' nvta. fiftopn minutes drive sen, local manager oi mc Armour - . - Salvage Co., takes a vacation.' f cm OiatUnooga Jte Property is. covered with beautiful shade w t .nprai simrrin- trees and is said to be Ideal ubur- banresldcntlal property. The own- .Ht f r,noHi,n Matinnai rtaii- Is the former commissioner of ways for British Columbia, after having been here for several days-th Ry of Prince Rupert. on official duties, left by this morn-; inn's fleVi rnln fnr JaKnPr ParlOn- u.-i. . ,t tta wo.,;flrst .visit Lieut. Jack McRac, paying his home since Ills recent ZZrlA Canada as naval ght across rep accompanied k by James Tamo.c riarif Clark, hiv dly- . 4 . lsional superintendent here: Mr. !"w , "for delivery to Prime Minister -tory k.n in .,h w tf Victory Loan campaign, arrived from Victoria on the Prince George this morning to spend leave visiting with his Darents. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McRac', Fourth ' Avenue East. IfJeut.'McRae will return to Victoria "next Monday afternoon. eran Ladies' Aid Tea and Sale Successful Event -4 1 A tea held by the'Luthcran Ladies' until noon of Saturday, August .9. J Aid at the Metropole Hall List Bat- 1941. Cabin 10'x 10'. noat hull urday w a successful and en joy-WxlO'xSV,'. on wayi I able, affair. The weather was fav-. Highest or any tender not qcces-. orable and the hall was tastefully decorated with seasonal nowers. There were many.calUr& during the afternoon .and they, .were received byMrs.-C -Johnson, president of the, Ladies' Aid .Mrs. Ft Luth and Mrs. JIvarson looke'd after the sale of homecook-lng. . . Scrvitcurs were MrsJ. Fcjie Ad Mrs. P. Lien. Mrs. C. Jensen, Mrs. M. Holkestad and Mrs. J, Murvold were in charge of the kitchen. . The cashier was Miss A. Peterson lyfoo also looked after the5' raffles furniture, I w,ucn, rcsuupa as ionows: I triir 01 cmproiacrca pniow, caseo, w;ori by Mrs"., p. Selvl; with No. 3. Pair of bath towelsj won by Mrs. IL Eflckioh with No. 114. , . Box of chocolates, donated by De ! FOUND -Wrlstwatch. Owner can Ijonc's Grocery, won by Yvonne Kil-; have same by calling at pally dai with' No, 4. News and paying ior aaverute- in A gmcsslns contest. Mcs. A. Ahtonsen was the lucky winner of a nicely decorated cake donated by Mrs. Husoy. .1 JMRST SKYSCRAITIl The first skyscraper, the" Sln?p; Building in New York, was 41 storeys high, NOTICE A; nubile Civilian Protection A.n.P.) rnec'tlns will be held in the Capitol Theatre Sunday evcnlni, July 27th at f:!5. Speakers" will be the Honorable the .Attorney-General O. !. Wlsroep. Commsioner T. W. S. Parsons, and Insiiector S'. F.. Ml .Moodlc. Tlie R.M.R. band "will' be In attfndahcc. You are cordially lavltfd to attend. No, admission. r. Aiiiiuuncemenls' AU advertisements in Una column will be chursed (of full Mi'xMb Ht 25c a word . Pop's 'Show and Dance, Odd fel lows' Hall, Wed. July .23. Cambraf Tea. Aug. 0. Canadian Legion' Hall etc. Five Domlnlon-wlde etams August IS. 102nd., Auxiliary; Dance Armouries M.C.C. Schools Ltd.,, Civic Centre Carnival Aug 18-22, Oldest In Canada. No' Catnolic Bazaar, October 1 and 2. Due to Increased Costs of Operation, We Are Forced to Increase Our Rates, Effective July 25 New Rates will be as follows: One or Two Passengers . . . 50c. Each Passenger . . . 25c East of Eleventh and Conrad, Ridley Home, Sixth and Ambrose Minimum 75c Charter, per hour $3 Highway, to end and return $5 To Bridge Children of School Age Free 112 77 Timely Recipes CIIERUY-ATPLE CONSERVE 3 cups sweet black pitted cherries 3 cups sour red pitted cherries 3 cups chopped apple G cups sugar V2 cup water 1 Mix cherries, apple and water. JCook 15 minutes. Add sugar. Stir well. Cook 20 minutes. Pour Into hot sterilized jars. Seal at once. MORE COLONIAL TALK LONDON, July 23: (CP) Before the war the Colonial Office sent out 18,000 telegrams a year but now the rate Is 1,300 a week or 67,600 a year. 13 80 mm u Taxis 32 34 99 123 Grandson of Local Lady Does Good Work In States John Robert Service, grandoon, of Mrs. Peter Black of the Central Hotel, who is now a tool designer nnrlpr thi ITnlt.pri States alrnlane GVtSS I SHOULD TAKE A TEENY, weeny 67 275 son regularly and Is naturally very proud of him. He has visited In Prince Rupert a number of Umes. A MILLION SHELLS At St. Mlhiel in the First Great War the Allies fired 1,000,000 shells from one front In four hours. board at Ban Diego and holds the1 10 PER CJT1J,'J.. ppnslble for a big job at the air! training centre. The question arose ; as to whether the centre should be pulled down and rebuilt or should , It be renovated. Young Service's plan for renovation was accepted by the board and the design carried out. It Is a large centre providing for 25.000 men. Mrs. Black hears from her grand- SUITS The well known House of Hobbcrlln, even in the war con- dltloris, gives every customer the best deal. Order your suit or coat from July 21 to 31 and I get 10 off. We serve Ladles and Gents. See Ling the Tailor. ! PEEK t r r ' cO ( T SNT 1 1 immm1 Jmm more leisure time! A1S ELECTRIC RANGE f Doesn't Have To Be Watched "Just set the oven and leave it to me." says Reddy Kilowatt "but. il through long habit with old-style stoves you really HAYE to peek, why come along. It won't do any more harm than with old-fashioned stoves and it won't hold me up. I'll just keep on cooking; you'll have the fun oi seeing how things are going . . . and we'll both be happy." So don't let the thought that you can't peek, slop you from getting that long-wanted Electric Range. Peeking is O.K. You have Reddy's word for it. But it really isn't necessary. Electric Ranges are available for every ibe family on comfortable budget terms. And operating cost averages less than 10 cents a day;.