14 5? ' PAGE SIX Expert Optical Service Chas. Dodimead Optometrist in Chart Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE For Fine China, Dinncrware, Classes, Baggage and Novelties Max Heilbroner JEWELEIt DIAMOND MERCHANT j1; ;, iiiiniiii Used Furniiure Bargains Northern Electric Radio At S18 . 50 Reatty Vacuum Cleaner With all the Q90 00 attachments 9rfVVU Large Ice Box 5Q Kitchen Cabinet gQ At At . . Chiffonier gj gQ Round Tables QQ RalUset gi250 noP.icyc.c- gjOO Elio's Furni ure Store Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. MOOSE IttllMtlMS THIRD AVENUE Your OPPORTUNITY READ THE LATEST FICTION All you can read for 7"c per month. Change your book daily if you wish. (2 books at a time $1.25 per month.) Newly Added IJooks The Ship and the Shore Baum Road Leading Somewhere Panott . Into My Parlor ... Dallas The Jackal Whiiclaw . The Big Wheel Benney Murder in Mink Dean ' City of Angels , Hughes Whceis In the Timber ..,..... Wise , 'Bvight Journey 1.!............. Derlsth Military Intelligence No. 8 M-unn The Warrior .., Ryan King's Masque John The Silent Drum Swar.ton II. M. Pullham, Esq Martiuajid ' This Above All ' Knight The Don Flows Down to the Sea Sholqkov Enjland's Hour Brtttaln Faraway Island' Jordan The Crowthers of Bankdom Armstrong " Many Mo.'c to Choose From and a New Book Added for Every Day RENTAL LIBRARY SECTION WJitii you Want a Kelialile, Comfortable, Dependably PHONE 13 24 Hour Service at Regular Kates BUILD A HOME Like This . I I ' Get Prices of Materials, From r, Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Importers of Cement, Lumber and all Kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL .... y "0t lay ,n a 5tock of coal now Ior the whiter . mE 1,6 riJONE 117 Wl V. KAMLOOPS NEWS ftJU.R'S "HOME TOWN" Funeral. s?rfice for the late Aid. George .Duncan Brown, pioneer Kamloops businessman, doyen of the city council and prominent In Pythian circles, whose death had occurred on Tuesday night of last week, took place on Friday afternoon. Rev. James Dunn, pastor of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, officiated with committal rites by Frank Turner, 'deputy grand chancellor of the Knights of Pythias Lodge. Honorary pallbearers were A. Oalloway.R. H. Carson M.L.A., Sheriff J It. Colley, S. J. Smith. F. W', Scott and Ernest New Active pallbearers were B. R. Campbell, City Clerk A. W. Jackson, Fred Cox, AH .T P Rrnmlpv .Tnhn Hnrliiam and William Brennan. I The mercury In Kamloops soared an official all time hlzh record of 107 In the shade on Wednesday jof last week. Mrs. L. A. Palmer, the official weather observer, could I not recall a hotter afternoon in all her long residence In Kamloops. Since then .it has been cooling off. iThe forest fire hazard has been very acute in the Kamloops district. James Jl. Evans sr. has been appointed; chief Air Raid Protection warden "in Kamloops with W E jHoadlpy and Frank L. Lee as deputy chiefs. Clasj.es of Instruction for air raid orotectibn workers are now being held In Kamloons. Warden I Instructor .A. D. Hllllker and In-ispector.C. O. Barber, provincial police, gave lectures last week. The TransCanada Highway is be- 5. inr reconstructed for a distance of a mile and a half In Cherrv Creek Canvoii near Kamloops. While the wor k I s In progres.o. motor traffic on the hiihwav Is. using a detour. Hlehwoys.in KamlooDs nublic works district are now In excellent condi tion. j R. N. Clarke, well known rancher tand cattle reiser of Vernon and ..fM-nTT "htef of oollre there, died in 'the Okanagah city last week. ; K9rm'l(v7 T?rJ' Cross headquarter, of r-hlchfs. J. E.Fltz water is 'M chk"7". hqyn ijeeh moved from ,.he M?l?hcri tjulldinT on Third Av-n nw nrpmlses across the 'n a building of th; Beckman estate. 1 Thf front of the Capito! Thatre iln Kamloops Is being modernized 'nd newseatlnz l being Installed. I John' i'lodisnA'. Ron and W. 3. Mof-fatt have the contract. M?ny. bathing beaches in the KBmloonarpa and southward Into the Okanaaah have become rt tiijih ";ht Is known as "swim-diner's itch." Sponsored1 bv the Kamlcop.3 Sentinel newspaper. Pro-Rcc swlmmin" -and diving elates for children are tin bro?r?ss all this wek at Itlver-J -id Pepch with Ed Kelter as chief ; instructor. I P. A. Andlwm. clerk of the Alber- Ita Leaislature. and Mrs. Andlson Iwer? visitors in Kamloops from Edmonton last week. They were the ,. 0f Mr. and Mr3 n A1,en Mail. ! - i MLss Alda Smith left Kamloops last week to take a position on the . nursins staff of the Prince Rupert I uencrai Hospital. Soontaneous combustion caused ?;a fire on Thursday afternoon of last week In the store of McAllister and .Howard on Victoria Street. Slight aamase was. done. Keith McAllis ter, formerly of Ocean Falli nnrt I.Poll Howard fortnerlv nf iMMftfvvMTtMM4 .Rupert, are the proprietors of this ,siore; .! . . , I W. p. Forsvthe. Dominion fisheries overseer here, has been trans- Terred to Prince Gorae. He trans-, .ers with W. M. Ferrier who comes I here from Prince George. Dr. P. 8. Tennant has been nro-; moled frorn,the rank of captain to J malor In the Roval, Canadian MedU jpL Corps....... ..... f; J. E., Fitzwater and M. G. Hall' rere In Victoria last week attend-' pin- th Dominion and provincial' ,( conventions of the Benevolent and .Protective Ordcr of Elks. , . ' Hit . .nRraeh tn B'wanLad.'! "Mi,Hfrf, pecjn fh in. Che Dally-Nws.- THS DAILY NXW8 Wednesday, ju?y n Dr. II. L.KEENLEYSIDE, M.A., Ph.D., F.B.II.S. Counsellor, Department of the Sec retary of State for External Aiairs. PLANS FOR SHOW MADE Executive Meeting Held Last Night Judge Coming Sunday Night on Catala The final meeting of the executive of the Prince Rupert Hortl-. cultural Society prior to the Flower Show on Monday next was held last night, Fire Chief H. T. Lock presiding. The secretary. C. O. Ham, read a telegram from the provincial department of agriculture at Victor-la stating that In answer to the. request of the local society they were sending O. E. W. Clarke, district horticulturist at Abbotsford, to judge the flower show. He is due to arrive on the Catala Sunday night and will proceed to Terrace Monday night It was decided to close the .show Monday from 12 to 1 while mcm-T bers of the association meet the judge at a complimentary luncheon to him at the. Commodore Cafe. Experience had shown that very few people attended the showing during the lunch hour. The .how will be held In the Recreation Hall hack of the Post Office next to .the Library. Charles Balagno offered the use of the Knights of Columbus tables for staging the exhibits. The tables will be ejected Saturday night and Mie hall will be open Sunday night for the nlacing of exhibits. Judging will commence at 9 a.m. Monday mcrnlnj, It wa? decided to co-operate as far as possible with the Carnival Committee in staging a flower show at that time but it was found that r-vit of the members would be out t town Holidaying at that time so they are unable to undertake the whole work. DRAUGHT 21 FEET. The maximum draught of vessels plying between .the Great Lakes Is limited to about 21 feet. I'M' " Man in the Moon Now that there Is au election campaign going on we shall be carrying on Just the same as usual and refuse to be excited or worried. Whale worries us is that Herbie Morgan is away and there is no-ibody yet to take his place on the Dally News staff. Keep your temper, gentle sir, Writes the manufacturer, Though your goods are overdue Fr a month or maybe two, We can't help it, please don't swear, Labor's scarce and metal's rare; Can't get steel, can't get dies; These are facts, we tell no lies. Dick's in the army, so is Bill; All our work Is now uphill. So your order, we're afraid, May be still a bit delayed. Still you'll get It, don't be vexed, Maybe this month, maybe next. Keep on hoping, don't say die. We'll fill your order bye and bye. Inscription on a 500-year-old tombstone in the church of Klrby cemetery. Essex, England: When pictures look alive With movements free -When ships like fishes Swim beneath the sea. When men outstripping birds Shall scan the sky Then half the world Deep drenched in blood shall lie. On i monument In France which marks the last resting place of an army mule, the epitaph reads: In Memory of Mantle who In her time kicked 2 colonels 4 majors 10 captains 23 lieutenants 42 sergeants 432 other ranks and 1 Mills Bomb iripntb' thp Premier Is nulte human. The Brldee Rlvpr paper tells of thines'seen around rimton The Hon. Mr. Pattullo dlnine at Cariboo Lodge and enjoying a large '"lev T-bone Cariboo beef steak '1th lashings of strawberries and ")orrel's famous cream, accompan-'ert by the Hon. George Murray, M.P.P.: J. B. Bryson and the Prem- 'er's secretary. A great many neonle sucrce -r that. here should have been no election I 'ailed Just now, yet these people ould have been among the first' to criticize if the Legislature had. lecided to prolong its own existence vithout an election. Steamshio Sailing For Vanrnovri Tuesdav Patala i.vi w .., I.tfW J F Th.irrfavss. Prince R"Pm li.so p.m.' Friday Ss. Prln. ' Adelaide ' io p.m. Ogd When an old-time roll-your-owner sees "Ogden's" on a package, he feels that it's been branded specially fqohim.'For Ogden's is not just another "tobacco but avdjstinctive blend, of choicer, riper '.tobaccos with allavour which has kept it a steady "favourite for a quarter of a century. Buy a package today anrf then Ogden's will always be your brand. Only tht belt cigarttte papers good enough for Qgdtn't OG ; Whifflets 1 From The Waterfront A ' J Unloading of cargo from the sunken United States Aimy transport Kvichak, which was recently salvaged at Sisters Island near Mil-bank Sound where she had sunk land towed Into Prince Rupert, has Ibeen completed and the vessel has I been lifted completely out of the water on the pontoons of the local dry dock. United States Army and government officials arrived on last night's train from Washington In connection with the examination and Instituting of repair work of the Kvichak. With Doue Stork of New York as hit guest, Skipper Oeorite Bryant returned to port last niaht with the power cruiser Harla from an angling trln to KMada which was cut -hr throush Don" having ron-l tractcd a severe cold. A visit was also naid to the Frizzel Hot Springs, ', Mr. Stork will be lcavlnz on Frl- j iday morning's train on hl return East. The provincial nolle host P.M.L. 8 returned to nort last night after an unsuccessful search In waters around Stephens Island for a Sun-jnyjide glllnet boat with two Ja-Jnanese fishermen on borri which )ha. been mlssln for over a week umcr searcners nave air miied m the Quest and It Is now presumed that, tho vmt and the two men aboard perished. en s With a Inrfrp Hst of round trln J Alaska tourists which pomnlpfplv occupied all hr 'arconfiTiodatlon. 'H. R. Nedden. arrived In port at ' 10:45 this mornlne from Vancouver. PowpU River nnH Oean Falls and sailed at 2 o'clock thl.s afternoon for f3km'!jv 0th(:r northern points. The vessel Is due back here next Monday southbound. Tnr a Daliv iwm Wnnt-Ad H vHTibT71TvTmITH Kr j iI'M'HIMil'li by ) Lku Cwilrl Ui m Vy tlx my brand! 8u) DEN'S FSNE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO CAP1 A FAMOUS PLATERS IH, LAST TIMES TO.Nir.ln 2 Shows Nightly 7 C ;j Feature at 7 21 v r j. 1da lupino HUMPHKKY BOOARi In "High Sierra ADDLD Walt Disney's Pluto "CANINE CAIinv-"Mexican Jumping; Be IvU.m.Ml 1I1LK I(obt. Youns, Randolph $, in "WESTERN INioy "Step Out in si if DELUXE TAILOI Opposite Commo i P.O. Box 725 r , Alterations, Kfpairfnj Cltanlng and rrpssinj A Speciality Makr Our Store Vuui Shopping Headquartert SalUfactlon (tuarantftd- IMIOISK 54? Tom Lee & Scl HOUSE HV FINK KO0W Steamers Leave Pni I ;i For Vancnu CATAl.A KVKItY TIESD! 1:30 p.m. Due Vancouver Thurs. pi CAItDKNA KVKKY fRIDi 10:30 p.m Due Vancouver, .MondaTifl Queen Charlotte Win Leaving July 8, 19. 29 at 10 p.m. Ticket and Ktscrvatiow from B PRANK J. SKINMR, Prl Itupert Acnit, Thitd A Phone 568 NEW ROYAL H0TF.L J. Zarelll Proprietor "A IIOMK AWAY FRO HOMK" Hate 7Sc upp 50 Rooms Hot & o:3 Prince Ituper' 8.C Phone 281 P.O. fioi THE SEAL QUALd GOLD SKAL Fancy Red Sockeye Finest Pink Salmon eitckd b the onljr rannlcj rotupany wllll,.f tht year round tw" Prince Itupert n