Formerly The Prince Rupert vo saye 1 10 myeett NEXT MAILS sae 1 : For South or to buy Spokane.......... Weduesday, p.m. the News |e the pap Princess May....... Thursday a.m. says | From South L Prince George. .Wednesday, 10 a.m, . ee PRINCE RuPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MAy 14, Ne eal 111, NO. 114 "1912. PRICE Five CENT? —_——_—_—_—_—- y ing her name and her place in mn it looks as if you were going to BUSH FIR "i Lady Clavering’s home and heart, FOOTBALL CHALLENGE. io the same thing with this BANK NOTWITHSTANDING Zira has won the love and con- -——- year’s committee.” ; ’ fidence of all and holds the power 4 challenge for the Over- “Very well then,” retorted the R ARE to cause the real Ruth Wilding seas’ football -gup will be inayor strongly, “T beg that you CITY DAY LOAD T0 G0 AHEAD to be dismissed as an imposter, thrown open to all football Alderman Montgomery, will affil- The struggle between the good clubs in the district for the iate yourself with the — finance} —_—_ —_—_— FIRE CHIEF INSTRUCTED To SECURE NECESSARY HELP IF and evil of her nature that gives above cup by the English committee al onee, in order that! CONSIDERABLE DISCUSSION OVER ADVISABILITY OF CARRY- FIRE LOOKS ANY MORE FORMIDAGBLE—PART OF PLANK ito the character of Zira (Hester footballers in this city, Any- you may lend the weight of your! ING ON THE WORK OF EXTENSION OF POWER LINE SO ROADWAY HAS BEEN DESTROYED. | Trent its absorbing dramatic body willing to fill the va- visdom in financial matters to| AS TO DERIVE REVENUE AND FURTHER DEVELOPMENT. —_—— }strngth and beauty. 12 cancies in the Bnglish team assist us.” | seme one \W vas musing,” said{water out there he could not} — please communicate at once tii is | After reports had been read| depot site are desirous of having the fire burned.’’| spend the time necessary to put Jolly Water Jaunt to J. Day Bell, P) O. box 454. Two Poor Fellows \from Superintendent Matthews] power supplied them soon so as City Couneil mused | it entirely out. Remember that on Wednesday} oo Joe Kane paid the penalty off fast night pointing out that he to start up work, out at the end of Instructions were given to the/evening at 7.30, the Presbyter=)_ _|$5 and costs today for having : : et : The Mayor wished to delay ie, which has been | fire chief to take all necessary} ian Ramble Club has on the pro-| been drunk and disorderly yes- Fin A a Oh ae ngetes putting the motion to keep the five days and last| steps to put the fire out, even if| gramme a.delightful water jaunt MONTGOMERY lterday. Mike Suvich is detained| fr the electric light extension| (44 Going: He deemed tame ght g to serious propor-|extra men had to be engaged/to the quarantine station at Dig- by the police under suspieion of| and power circuits, and needs|yisable first to consult Mr. Alderman Bullock - Webster|by Island, boats leaving the G.T. mental weakness. jonly the labor to get these com-| Clancy of the Bank of Montreal Md : Morrissey asked | though that if the fire was not} P. wharf staging. There will be} ———_—- | pleted, the City Council in the|to see whether a suggestion by ‘ : uncil proposed to do} actually menacing homes out! boats for all, and everyone is in- Hot weather enjoyment! ice! face of the bank's attitude car-| Alderman Clayton could not be : \iderman Clayton said| there il might be allowed to burn|vited-to share in a_ real zood | jcream at Keeley’s. tf | ried a motion to go on with this} pul into effect, and an advance of " ey vit to see it at the| Within limits as it was clearing|time. This is a capital chance! patti work, $2,000 secured from the hydro ' the fire chief, Since] lots very nicely for some one.| for an outing in ideal conditions. In Spirit of sasehaeh Mayor Makes | Ooinanna ‘Soutiieand. ijderhiaiel ih Nag f electric fund, He did not, how- 7 : Alderman Bullock-Webster and hen the fire had spread and had Alderman Douglas, however, be- Seen een ore Him a Member of the Finance) phe Cetrianna arrived from Aiderman Douglas were opposed| &Ye™ seem hopeful on that score. art of the new plank] Wailed the burned acta roadway. Printing Trades Strike | Committee Because He Criti- |). Naas and Queen Charlotte] |, this motion on the Pes aie that} Alderman Montgomery with oadwas Hleventh avenue, mn eee San Francisco, May 13 cised City’s Affairs. | Islands today and will-sail for]{he bank has positively ordered| Some display of truculence sug- nating ‘e discussion ~ the| Picnic on dey 24th. Pressmen and stereotypers are — | Vancouver, calling at © Ocean| that no further work be done and| gested that any citizens inter- ‘tof the smoke was sensible On May 24th the Baptist}oul today on the Hearst papers Alderman Moritgomery has; Falls tonight. that in short “ex nihilo nihil fit.’|ested in the supply of power a: Hie 4 chamber though| Brotherhood will hold a launch here and in Los’ Angeles Al-| been promoted to -fnembership of ——— Aldermen Morrissey and Mont-| would be pleased to advance the if least a couple of | excursion and picnic at Metla- | though ae sympath) with the) the Finance Committee. His ap- For a quick lune h. Te Cafe. gomery both felt very strongly $2,000, | to be repaid out of res \ report was read katla They have already en-| Strikers ‘in chicago, the Interna- pointment was made by the ma- ha that it would be a shame to stop|ceipts in a few months. chief stating that|¢aged three launches, sufficient | Uonal Typographical Union at ast night under strained cir- Stendaiabher Resigns. the work when the material is In spite of opposition from ad h ) pay frequent visits accommodate 150 persons, and) Uhloago yesterday voted two to) cumstances. Ald. Montgomery Miss Jessie A. Unwin has re-| all on hand, when only $2,000 is|Alderman Bullock-Webster and h in the auto. but| expect a large attendance. e against going on strike in) after seoring the finance com-/ signed her position as stenog-| required to put it on a paying; Alderman Douglas, the Mayor ts distance from the smypathy mittee roundly and declaring) rapher in the city clerk’s depart-| basis, and still more when the! put the motion, which was car- : and the lack of Warm, clean rooms at Savoy. , that they did not know the first)ment at the city hall and the} contractors for the dry dock pia Same Here. thing about the city’s finances,| resignation has been accepted by cies Vancouver, May 14--Yesterday! went on to charge the mayor dir-| motion carried by the city coun- ; TT was the hottest day this early) ectly. You yourself,” he said,|cil last night. CITY HALL SALARY MA ERS jin the vear for ten years. In have already made the boast $$$ $$$ $$$ | ancouver thousands’ went to| that vou were a member of last Everyone delighted at Keel- HAVE T0 COME UP ONCE NORE: summer camps, and up the Capi-| year’s finance committee’ with-|ey’s with the most delicious ice | OF CITY HALL EXPENDITURE lano. out knowing a thing about it and} cream, tf MORRISSEY, AGAINST MAYOR AND FINANCE COMMITTEE OVER QUES- TION OF SALARIES—MAY HOLD A SPECIAL MEETING. MONTGOMERY AND ND MAITLAND ON WARPATH PARALLEL CASES IN CALGARY — | SUGGESTS THAT COUNCIL IS L IS AYTHORIZED TO SPEND ONLY $15,000 WITHOUT BYLAW—CITY SOLICITOR SAYS IT IS RIGHT BUT IF WERE NOT ALDERMEN MUST SELL. Fre i finance a the] Matters were kept up in this] Alderman Morrissey asked the/out, no council can spend more Gon Board last night The} manner, the Mayor suggesting cily solicitor last night whether| than $15,000 of the public money the reduction of the| eventually that the whole salary] Bets present council is within its}on any single object without i City Clerk Woods and} business be left for another spe- | legal rights in expending $27,000 | passing - bylaw which has first Mr. \ back to their former|cial evening. This Alderman jor more, in building: a city hall / been submitted toxene people: : isea had. beeh grant-| Montgomery was ready to agree without having submitted a by-| “If that has been done,” said | juced by idan adit | provided the electrical matter Pree llaw to the people. Under the Mu-| the city solicitor, “then you are vl whit thoush this bi eee up at once, ees 8 . ° ° an Ce le C C R di | nic ipal Clauses Act, he pointed|all liable for the amount of the | Criticism of Commission in Calgary Causes Comment Regar ing) — |ditverence. and if you have” shy the a er rmen ° ’ di d Ci ° Cl U C ll d F jlots in the city they must be sold thi in his absene i ’ THE BILL City $ Cre it, an a IVIC ean p is alle or RIFI fF SCORES }and the proceeds devoted to the ~ s abs e | sa |} payment of the amount. » les hemselves poor busi- vert is not the only;charges and insinuations should Che same criticism has been | Ebayer oF ps vipa The less h Prince Rupert 1 y| é you say about it the better. reduce expenses by city in which the municipal sit-| be made, raised to every reform ever made. | This Mr. Peters said with a epeies FoacA i of AT THE EMPRESS :: ation is not such as to reflect London is a considerable dis The criticism of the dorning) [eek which greatly disturbed extensions caleu- ait ofthe community, or 46 tanee from Calgary, said Mr.! Albertan and other newspapers | |} Alderman Bulloek-Webster, who ike an $48,000 pli int] : Burns, “but the English people) which saw the grievance, and that} more err | said he wasn’t ready to have any \ lly, DES Deane Said to Be a Drama of Absorbing >'!'*! ‘he solid business men Of). are buying the debentures of|of members of parliament who| Prowess of Earl Grey’s Riflemen his lots ednfiscated like that. Merman Montgomery thought)» omatic Strength and Beauty| the city. The following articles,|{he city have agents here watch-| truly represented their constitu-| at the Butts Across Harbor) ij. demanded a serious opinion scathingly described —The Story of a Red Cross) though written for the city of}ing the situation and taking notes; ents’ in parliament, had good re- Continually Reaches Higher| from Mr. Peters, h | business as “crazy. Nurse Calgary, might very well apply in| of everything that is going on.”} sults. The C, P. R, is seeing to} Limits. Mr. Peters explained that in : | 7 ; pt i very poor opinion of principle to Prinee Rupert today Editorial comment on this’ it that there will be no serious} eveneris | bia opinion all was right. ‘The UTE ORS a TR PP The play “Zira’ tells the story, and the policy they advocate is a) matte: which appears in the Gal-|ear shortage again, if it can help| Knthusiasm ever — slackens!jast teuncil had voted $15,000, rmgn “Montgomer) of a woman of the underworld] sound one worthy the attention! gary Morning Albertan is strik-) it, It is possible that the C, P. R.| amongst the young men of Earl| which was legal. The present phatic on the poor d Raa nan . ,{/of every substantial citizen of] ingly applicable to Prince Rupert,| would) have taken such action) Grey's Rifles for the attainment|council could yote $15,000 for ire shutting down electrical, who has repented and becomes i) 1. Rupert. ind those business men of this} without such criticism, but we f pielanny ale tha, eile reg\ the city hall and $5,000 for the which was, making @/ Red Gross nurse and wins dis- “if the municipal situation | city who consider the municipal) joubt it. Which would have been| on @liheveney ah Mie pime FADES furnishings, which would be all ihle with the effect) tinetion for bravery and devotion is not thoroughly cleared up, natter of Prince Rupert today; better for the country, to protest) @€ross the harbor. Every Sun- right Alderman Morrissey said . : | fs 1p £ au , Fr » , j > t , . nie ~ & the development Of) 1, duty, but she cannot find a and that shortly, it will have adesirable in newspaper print! and have a railway take ener-| ay sees a crowd of the boys, rifle}y, was relieved to hear that. WORK As Mee ees ‘1 the world among women! @ tendency to injure the | ¥il! find in the following article getic action or to keep silence and| 0? shoulder, embarking in @)phere the matter dropped. | wer, praet ' rs ” as credit of the city on the Lon- food for further thought, |have the grievance continue and| smart gasoline launch for the Ske a pee ee a be \ anriiaa we a _ of finer and socially conventions nt wie ARN v7 , a¢ "eg “a_| -ross » harbor. They re- ; M oy. We ay oF oti h Wilding, who) on market.” rHE Crys CREDIT. bbe come more and mort are a ™ oe a8 - bor oy Y F°-| Popular Launch Narbethong in ie had been allowed) lives A girl, Ruth ding, wi wih valak Abe onackniin There are in Calgary and in| “If Alderman Watson's charges| 4 1 — a a -einie a - Commission Again. he” coune , w our } 8, on , : ; | tice wi »xcellent scores sir : ‘a ieee >, 4 E ma il board on passing through the line arrived at in an interview yester-|other parts of the world many|are founded on truth, the sooner| ony oa ee ing . ee 1eir Pleasure seekers will be glad ght last without hav-| nei, Hester Trent, the « Red} |, ‘twee . city treasurer ef} timid souls who fear that certain e get ¢ “mt dif ths na 2 vex sees I™M-lto hear that Captain H. K. Free- d thats tha ‘eateries day between the city trea that we get at them and sift) proved marksmanship. : y a f Cross nurse, and confides to her| Gaigary and Alderman R. A.{robust action, just and necessary, | ipa) to the bott tok hotian’ it RAN apts haad 29: OR pe man's well known gasoline launch discuss.ed He had) . 2 ; nat ren 0 le yOtLLOM 1¢ ve er } Orowine are the s¢ ores made bin . icei i A WnG d that the atter was} that she is going to England to| Brocklebank, chairman of the} will injure something else, For will be for the city Nothing} 0" Sunday Machin’ conatan Neate OL noe pereeier ne he has never| finance committee of Calgary, in) instance, some people are an- wee aiet eee oe 5 ; ticularly popular feature of the a Ee ea tive H “ ised| regard to the charges of incom-| noyed at John Gravity Watson, would be worse for the ‘credit of| Yds, Yds. Yds. Tota; boat is that it is fitted up with 0 greeme 0 l see This rele » has promise ee : arges 4 Aas eo . 3 eae BE oy cs j MOne Wie MOU geen, TH! a ae ap 3 While| petency in the construction of} who is (threatening to punch holes} the city eventually than the ex-| Ore? BER a 77 4 o its own telephone, Black 53, and as ¢ . ‘ , } : ‘ or , e, , . : ‘ y =e . os < = 2 . . >A ste j d, M LTO a SNM omenser Ve 88} ae itt H ter a shell| pavements and other publie works | in the admin stration of the com-|plosion that would follow in aj Corp. Jack ........ 30 29 96 85 |is thereby connected up with the Md, \ ery ¢ Alder is tu g ester as i é ; orvt. James Watts... 27 29 2 sity ow rop-~it, i . ; i % ry and Alderman) she is talking . 1 ; oe aR Bite missioners because they say that] few years if the administration is| i pac iam Watt 3 20 24 +4 city whenever it is at its moor- i i . ¢ 1a thaa e » i appare | y: oar : Be Sar : ms ings ¢ . 3 ( nak He: RGA Cabeeea OLPtks edie 9 eT steals The city treasurer added that/ all this warm conversation will| improper aa duncorrected, If the} Crt ep a ie if * 4 ings at the end of the G, T. P. Press { inten ee hie a »sier rent steals HL) ae i | ; | : orp. é 9 2% 5 A f rs ey axes a tH Buen a London aad the only way to elear the matter}injure the credit of the city, | charges made by Mr, Watson ares. trv W. Smith 70 7 8 35 Wharf. ie finance commit- ‘1’ papers, goes to Lo ‘ ao are ; Ta 7 ; it. found: ‘ > | si rt making ~ rity mar ry . ee by Lady Clavering as| now is by an investigation which} When the Albertan was showing | without foundation that will be - ace enim We atic. wlio a iad Fhe gar oan hould be thorough in its seope.|up the grain shortage in South-j| the end of it, on clerk's and Mr, Vanée's| her neice. Lady Clavering gives | Should be bik B ‘| “ as 5 ee { Zira. Hester If there is anything wrong, the;ern Alberta last winter, some} But this bogey that is raised} Wi » , a » i . , i , «© 4 a. . ¢ . ! ( M EM Later te Zire by her sweet| sooner it is brought to light the} timid souls were fearful lest the} whenever any person suggests} ontga 2a sniena ra as *{ ) : 5 3a s im ta a os +. - Pepe. a rent, 88 | HINe, the love of|better, and if there is nothing} narration of these things would)reform or investigation should| mad been there the re-| womaniiness Wills e ove i-9 , ; 1 Sa . ose sa age" | 1! not have been so} Lady Clavering and her two, wrong it is not right that such} be a knock on the country, |! se ifs evil visage, i 5 at sve - ant | ie idopted, and suggested! nephews, but the real Ruth W ild-| — . ; mob \ seemed to be some! ing was nol killed, an operation THAT INDEMNITY BYLAW sueh as to deny the mayoi his }servioas as mayor or not, He | in the salary redue-! performed by a noted surgeon | indemnity, this was very evi-! thought it very unfair that he} ———— SS a aepenel . i ; ! ' £ ¢ , . | ‘" his) Alderman Douglas! restores her, She BOR to Lon- City Solicitor Says Situation Re- deiily an erro allows d to. slip; should have been blamed for this AT THE EMPRESS THEATRE ’ Ty a | don and confronts Zira, demand- sult of Stupid Mistake. lin by “some beautiful person at} bylaw = and thanked Alderman | piotorie,” and held that the} Douglas for taking the whole re-| S Mayor Nate an ‘og night took| mayor's mney could not be de- eponsinge. | nnecessary Hot just fitted chamber red devil can air apparatus expenditure: hall ecouneil believe the itself, libelists below i blaze HOW City B ilkade how find its way to Kleventh ah by a lo that Ruperts trying prove days was Montgomery Ke wkoner, busy fire. surreptitiously invests in lasting five Greek \lderman a Municl- Ready Mi i PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO | ; | tly Mabel doesn’t think she'll put on any more doe I oe dog catchers going to live in town ie Vhieh en Minister Invests in & mental punching bag § ’ practice that verbal knockout of his. CoC nonoeeg, feonnection with the | special occasion to disclaim all} bylaw which lby a serious tlaw in the Munici- pal Clauses Act amendment is null and void as far as the Mayor's $2,000 indemnity is con- cerned, because this city has not 20,000 inhabitants, Alderman Douglas as the father of the bylaw assumed all re- sponsibility for it, and City So- licitor Peters admitted the effect of the badly construeted amend- ment elause, but declared that while the letter of the act was | nied Ree. in ec The Mayor that personally declared, ho he didn't FREE! FREE! A big beautiful 88 $1,200 given to pool players in the ment pool room, Emp Theatre building. away care snap Whether he was paid for his mmmon sense, wever, a FREE! key electric player piano, worth the ress ore Pantorium Phone 4. New York, May Thaw, who has |} $5000 yearly from who is now in Mat to be preparing a ation, in sum of fifteen thc She hopes to res /with her son, Bionser consider Cleaners. Angel-Child’s Move (Special to Daily News.) 13 een Mrs Harry receiving her husband tawean, is said suit for separ- ration of the yusand dollars. ide in Europe One Night Only - ETHEL TUCKER AND HER COMPANY WILL PRESENT “TIRA” One of the strongest Dramatic Froductions of the day, having a run of 230 nights in New York and 100 nights in London Lor ik BIS: SSSA