YOU'LL LIKE 'EM Carrow) r SHIRTS SANFORIZED . SHRUNK len Conscripted Mien Gas Fails ramfort that a well-cut shift giveiwthe firaartnea, thaVa tailor tl into the shirts we sell, . . . 4 . nn mil a A an A M r 1a Vt & rwr r h J 1.1. i 4 1. I Wp'fl llKP yuu uui laur nmuu uj nnuw aim ruiajwi m i.i.ii punts ana woven Dro3aeiois, vwvos ana uisirenes. S2-00 TO $3-00 Watts & Nickerson Successors to Bryant Co. Ltd. Open till 9 p.m. Saturdays IXJNDON July lu: '.t-i-J ot- T In I ,A.4 t gift ot a set of egg It was "ceed when the chickens were atched tney snouia De swh inc nurses' country home to provide eggs for the winter. The eggs were put in a gas incubator in the pathological laboratory. Then bombs cut off the gas supply. The eggs were in danger of going cold. A resourceful hospital official ap peared with a ben in the sidecar of his motorcycle and the newcomer proceeded to hatch out the eggs. GIVE MORE THOUGHT TO YOUR BREAKFAST WHEAto GERM m IS RETAINED IN Jhe need tor an adequate tupply ot Vitamin Bl in the diet it generally eecoi-nired, Wheat germ it known to be a uteful tource of Vitamin Bl. Cuba are made from wholewheat inwhieh the wheat, term it re tained. A product ot The Cwua fbrtddtd Whitt Compmnr Limitd Cubs THE NEW WHOLE WHEAT CEREAL Here's an energy breakfast that has nourishment to last the forenoon through CUBS. Cuba arc whole yrhcat the bran, the minerals, the precious vitamins. And Cubs make a delicious breakfast. Youngsters love their nutlike flavor. They're crisp, crunchy, toasted a golden brown. Get a package of Cubs from your grocer today. SPOON-SIZE. . . READY-TO -EAT CEREAL Donnacona Insulating Boards WALLBOARDS ton v , . , ..... i -i ranulrement. "u imve on nana jarge iwcu oi cui to ' All our coal 'is carefully screened and prepared. Also a complete lt- ... . . " . . . rt .klnnloa nrn from ""c ui jumDer for every type or nuiiaing. uur emiB. - -the Queen Charlotte Islands, they are not kiln dried and have aH ot the natural oils so necessary to long life and durability. SAND CEMENT GRAVEL LIMB Philpott Evitt &Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 PHONE 652 Theatre. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Miss Barbeau left on the train last night to visit her sister Mrs. Sargent of Hazelton. Nels Waslng was fined $73 in tha City Police Court yesterday foe reckless driving. "ft" mi MORE PER CASE THAN BEER! NOTE: 25c DOZEN PAID FOR, BURTON type ALE EMPTIES PHONE for FREE HOME DELIVER 651 This advertittment is not published or dispUyed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia xt i Col. J. W. Nlcholls left on the train last night to join Mrs. Nlcholls and family at their summer cottage at Lake Kathlyn near Smithers. R. "M. -R. Band in their final concert assisted by 102nd R. C. A. Sunday night July 13, 8:15 pm Annual Camp Educational Council Next Month The annual camp of the Religious Education Council will be held at' Sanean River Camp, near Massett. on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Boys leave Prince Rupert Saturday, August 9 and girls leave Prince Rupert on Tuesday, August 19. Both camps will be for about ten days' duration (between steamers), and the fee will be $12.00, wmcii includes boat fare but not meals or berth on steamer. All applications to attend the camps must be ac companied by a two dollar deposit, which will be forfeited if the boy or girl does not attend after making application to do so. It will be Im possible to consider any application received after July 15. The balance of $10.00 must be paid before Aug ust 1. The camps will be under the dir ection of a Camp Director. The very strictest precautions will be taken with regard to swimming and other exercises. ' Each boy or girl will require one blanket, "rubbers and gumboots, two sweatees, pair of mnnlng shoes andj one extra pair of shoes, an extra. pair of shorts or slacks, bathing suit i handkerchiefs, comb, etc., toothbrush and paste, soap, face cloth and two towels, books, bible, notebook and pencil, dress for Chapel service (girls). Extras flashlight, camera, small musical Instrument, badminton or tennis racket. MAKE SMALLER CHECKS LONDON, July 10: (CP) The Ministry of Supply has announced that bank checks are to be made smaller in an effort to avoid paper wastage. YES.' We Repair Water Pipes, Boofi, Woodwork, Stoves Connected, Etc. Oil Burners Cleaned $1.50 Chimneys Swept 12.58 nANDY MAN nOME SERVICE Phone BLACK 7S5 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Hank Bid. VJJ PSffigRJWI ' Hundreds ot p-oy-ir try a "spoV In the Daily News classified col umn and gt good results, (tf) The regular weekly Wednesday luncheon of the Prince Rupert Qyro Club was in .the.lorrn of an executive meeting. Adjutant Brunsdon of.the Calva-t .i, . w ' tk,n Army and Mrs. Brunsdon Mt l .TTZ:: on the train hut night for Glscom & Doara oi mrectors. Second Lieutenant F. Turner, T. Sergeant O. Howard, and Private B. V. Walsh of the American bomb er which, landed here left on the Prince Qeorge yesterday for Juneau The prince Rupert Rod Si Gun Club held their semi-monthly shoot at the C.N.R. indoor range last night. No more shoots will be held until September. 1 Mrs. Robert Halllday and Miss Janet Richardson of Montreal are at present visiting in Prince Rup ert, the guests of J. M. Walker and 'family. Mrs. Halllday is a sister of ithe late Mrs. J. M. Walker and Uonn Currie of the firm of iMltchell & Currie, Prince Rupert 'Ottawa Hostess lauds Courage Ui London rolk By Gladys Arnold Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA. July 10: (CP) Sheila MacDonald, youngest daughter of the late Prime Minister Ramsay Admission by program 50c. Pro-iMacUonal1' was "o"1 m "Jnaon ceeds to be divided between R. M. ."within the sound of Bow Bells' R. Band Fund and 102nd. R. C. A. Iana "W Pae in can overseas fund. Programs on sale at Ormes Drug Store and Capltcl Ing herself a "(cockney." ,'They are among the pluckiest of Britain's heroic people in facing the dangerous days of this war," she told the Canadian Press. It Is harH to credit the 30 years 'she claims for she has an out-of doors, streamlined look which, with her hair hanging loosely on her shoulders, makes her look many years younger. . "Being the youngest of five f, rrmmmmimmm' -v-v--- children hasn't helped because 's west or always anircuii io conv;nce uiuer Good Whisky- MNMU VALKER ,g20,smic"s,"v"" no This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Announcements All advertisements In this col-urnnwill .be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Rebekah Canteen Fund Tea Mrs. J. E. Boddle, July 10th. Searchlight Auxiliary Tea, IT, Mrs. W. L. Armstrong's. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 July Midsummer Dance, Oddfel lows' Hall July 18, benefit Odd fellows' War Contingent rund. De Carlo's Orchestra. Cambral Tea. Legion Hall Aug. 9. Canadian Catholic Bazaar, October 1 and 2. VEGETABLES In Season Kept Garden-Fresh and Crisp Under Vapor Sprays at Keii onable Prices. MUSSALLEM'S . ECONOMY STORE Phones IS & 19 P.O. Box 875 We voted QUAKER CORN FLAKES our Favourite "Breakfast toys Mrs. F. C LAWRENCE, Toronto, Ont. Y0URE R10HT MOTHER -THESE MALTED CORN FLAKES TASTE THE ST EVER, LETS HAVE THE HOTTER, Him if YOUR FAMILY IS SURE TO ENJOY QUAKER CORN FLAKES TOO ! Take this sensational opportunity to try Quaker Corn Flakes. Taste the delicious difference malt makes. We are so sure, your whole family will like them that we say: Buy Quaker Corn Flakes now. Then, put them to every taste test... compare them for crisp-ness, freshness, flavour with any corn flakes you're ever eaten. Then, if you doa't agree they're the most delicious corn flakes you've ever eaten, just return the partly-used package and you will get double your money back. Join the millions of happy families who enjoy Quaker Corn Flakes as a daily treat. Remember they're malted. Buy several packages from your grocer today. 'mffiii. jj r Wl Mjurt iff, M really grown up, she saw in an are tne worm or. (the oid;Dut:n Interview at Earnscliffe where she masters and modern water colors. Is hostess for her brother. Rt. Hon. 'in Canada she hopes to acquaint Malcolm MacDonald, British High herself with Canadian art. rommissloner to Canada. ! "I was thrilled by the exhibition The other four children of the of Canadian pictures shown in positions late Ramsay MacDonald are Alls- London a year or two ago," shei . talr, a London architect, Malcolm, said. I was struck by the virility Ishbel. now Mrs. N. Ridgley and and qualities of originality." Joan, a doctor whose married, After the outbreak of war Miss name Is Mrs. A. MacKinnon. MacDonald worked for some m a-vsvt Vie In ft V "crl t 1 tnnnl. I 'One would gatner irom our "f"" wiw names mac we nugru ae oci, - . ,' , , she laughed. "The others were born y evacuawa cnuoren returning T.tmnrMth. our In north- home to London after the vacated school- From there fhe went to Oxford where she studied econ omics. Dolltlcs. hllosophy and in ternational affairs. She travelled -i. . i i on the continent wnere ucr terest led her to some investigation of social welfare and political problems. "But there Is no doubt that I was greatly Influenced by my father and his interest in social ques tions," said Miss MacDonald. "Our house was one In which we an discussed and debated and had our our own opinions." Was Social V.'arker Having finished school. Miss Mac Donald became deeply Interested In prison reform and the fate of boys and girls who were brought Into the Juvenile courts upon charges of delinquency. As a "pro bation officer" she found the worK of advising these boys and girls a fascinating" occupation. T visited their sphools and homes and I am convinced mat boys and girls who get into scrapes are in me vast majority oi cases the victims of poverty, bad envir onment and unhappy homes," shei said. "Their response to a little friendliness and confidence Is Miss' MacDonald plays tennis and golf and "was a fiend for field hockey" at college. Most of all she enjoys walking and cycling. While she plays the piano she prefers pictures to any other ex- savoy HOT EL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 5 ERASER STREET Prince Rupert stimuli iuu mxii uskm ior oiner tc TuforrvmaW flrmlv beheves ' vs iea ner uj open a spnooi that environment rather than her-tjn Cambden Town and soon she edlty Plays the most important "ee mwr teacners ana more part in formation of a child's an 75 children. character and Is herseu an ex- ample of her theories and the w "e connnent ana me politico-social background which y 'c tuuun iea lher to dote herself to the or-was v,r her hnmp nome. , . J As a chUd she went to the North i- u oamptean ww London Collegiate, a large scnooi . " ' "irCT " ror gins wmcn is yuui m it t VI M same sense as a uanaaian -puonc xtazi-overrun European coun tries were welcomed. VntU she left for Canada in May. 1941, she was occupied in obtain- Just Completed! brothers and sisters that you've pression of art and her favorites lng hostels and homes for refugees, organizing classes tq teach them -: ptaa ran English, bo6k-keeping, first aid and many other subjects in placing people In industry and clerical KISS YOUR v TIRED FEELING GOODBYE! PcpleM Many Suffer Low Blood. Count And Don't Know 1 1. ' TU hiBiot tUor about kw Upc4 const it that you can weigh about a much a you vr did eveo look healthy and itrvaf . ret -yog can feel aa it you had lead ifk jrour kgi, dopey, tired and peakaa. Low blood count meane you bavan t lot cnouch red blood oorpuaclea. It it thair vital Job to carry We-gWioe oxygen from your hust I thruuehout your body. Aad Juat aa it taaee oxygen to explode gaaoline in your car and mate toe power to turn in naeia, aa you must have plenty of oxygen t ex. plode tb energy in your body and give you going power. Get Dr. William Fink Pill today. They art warld-noted tor the help they give in increasing the number and atrength of red eorpuaclee. Tben with your blood count UP. you'll feel like bounding up the atalrt aa if you were floating on air. Aak yaur druggiat rior Dr. WUUama Pink Pill today, r Camp Furniture FOLDING COT Heavy 10-oz. khaki duck gC gQ cover. - - FOLDING TABLE Top 37x20, varnish S8.00 " finish ; FOLDING DECK CHAIR With full length arms, is made of birch, a strong canvas seat, attractive striped '1.9 pattern ...i '. '.1.... TRAPPER COMBINATION NELSON PACK SACK S7 tjM.tJV 0 Elio,s Furniture Store Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. MOOSE BUILDING THIRD AVENUE ICE New Ice Storage Method Ensuring only low temperature ice throughout the fishing season Fishermen are Invited to Inspect Our ,v. Reconstructed Ice Storage Low Temperature Dry Ice Now on Sale by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia is 4 . rj 3 iiv.- w ( t fcWf t J . J . :; j- l'j